Millions were intentionally misdiagnosed as testing positive for COVID-19 using bogus tests developed by Germany

The COVD-19 tests that the WHO and World governments used and are still using today to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections didn’t have any SARS-CoV-2 isolates or genetic material. The tests were manufactured using synthetic DNA or RNA of viruses with close genetic relatedness with SARS, MERS. and other respiratory viruses. The synthetic DNA or RNA material for the bogus COVID-19 tests was provided by Germany.

Development of COVID-19 tests used by the WHO and World governments to test for SARS-CoV-2 infections were funded by European Union DG Research through projects Prepare (GA602525), Compare (GA643476), and EVAg (GA653316); by European Union DG SANCO through EVD-LabNet, as well as by the German Ministry of Research through projects RAPID (01KI1723A) and DZIF (301-4-7-01.703).

All oligonucleotides were synthesised and provided by Tib-Molbiol (Berlin, Germany).” Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

Oligonucleotides are short single strands of synthetic DNA or RNA that serve as the starting point for many molecular biology and synthetic biology applications.

Germany was involved in the development and manufacturing of these bogus COVID-19 tests because Germany aimed to benefit financially from this global WHO medical fraud scheme called COVID-19. Millions were intentionally misdiagnosed so that Germany and the UN could obtain $billions by selling vaccines to treat a disease that millions didn’t have.

The tests the WHO used and still uses today to claim millions were infected with and/or died of COVID-19 were designed, developed and distributed worldwide without having SARS-CoV-2 virus isolates or original patient specimens.

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.

Millions were misdiagnosed because the tests were made to detect antibodies for non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections. The inserts in those bogus tests confirms that people who have a past or present common cold infections could be misdiagnosed – test positive for COVID-19. COVID-19 test inserts state:

Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E”

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives.” the CDC

Germany enemy hiding in plain sight

The UK’s illegitimate monarchy are Krauts. The UK’s monarchy has been Krauts since 1714. George V manufactured and assumed the English surname/alias Windsor during WWI, July 1917, to conceal the historical fact that he and his family were German. At the time George V claimed he manufactured and assumed the alias of Windsor because Saxe-Coburg & Gotha was a German sounding name. He intentionally deceived everyone during WWI because the name Saxe-Coburg & Gotha was his birth surname and it was and he was in fact German. Assuming an English alias in 1917 didn’t change the historical fact that throughout WWI George V was German. Assuming the alias Windsor didn’t change the fact that they are Krauts today.  The UK monarchy assumed the alias Windsor to deceive/defraud the British and Canadian people.

The British monarchy became German after Queen Anne died and George I, Elector of Hanover, became king. George I was born in Germany and was King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1 August 1714 and ruler of the Electorate of Hanover within the Holy Roman Empire from 23 January 1698 until his death in 1727.

“Most of the Holy Roman Empire’s rulers and subjects were Germans. All of the Holy Roman Emperors were Catholic.” McGill University

George I didn’t speak English, and had no desire to learn the language. The German line was established with George I, and for the next century and a half their sons and daughters married only other Germans.

George V and his successors have since 1919 unlawfully ruled under false pretence. They’ve all obtained titles, authority, claims, property and money using the alias of Windsor.

Elizabeth II married a German, Philip Mountbatten (an alias, assumed name to conceal fact that he too was German). Born Philippos Schleswig-Holstein Sonderburg-Glucksburg. Shortly before his marriage to Elizabeth, Philip relinquished his German surname and title of nobility and assumed the alias “Mountbatten.” Their children, including Charles, are for all intents and purposes, German.

Charles told the German Parliament in 2020 “It is, therefore, my heartfelt belief that the fundamental bond between us will remain strong: we will always be friends, partners and allies.” He is and will always be an ally of Germany because he is German (a Kraut). His father and mother were German. Elizabeth’s father and grandfather were Germans who assisted Germany wage 2 World Wars. For that reason I never served Elizabeth II and I will never serve Charles or pledge allegiance to him because Charles and Germany are enemies of Canada. The UK’s monarchy are imposters because all German monarchies were forever abolished in 1919. They’ve unlawfully obtained titles of nobility since 1919 using color of law and color of right.

Canadians have yet to realize that only Germans could inherit the Crown. Line of succession only allowed descendants of Sophia of Hanover (a German monarchy) to inherit the Crown. However, the German House of Hanover was abolished in 1919 too. Abolish means to do away with; put an end to; annul; make void. In law, void means of no legal effect. An action, document, or transaction which is void is of no legal effect whatsoever: an absolute nullity—the law treats it as if it had never existed or happened. That means there isn’t any King or Queen of/in Canada. Anyone claiming to be are fraudsters.

Fraud 380 (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service, (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable …

Harry is being attacked and alienated by Kraut Charles because he isn’t a Kraut. His mother Dianna was English and his biological father, Dianna’s bodyguard, is English too. William is a Kraut. His biological father is Philip. Paternity test will confirm that Philip is William’s biological father. Diana was killed to keep that a secret.

In the UK, offences constituting high treason include plotting the murder of the sovereign; committing adultery with the sovereign’s consort, with the sovereign’s eldest unmarried daughter, or with the wife of the heir to the throne.

No King or Queen of/in Canada

Germany’s 1919 Weimar Constitution officially abolished royalty and nobility, and the respective legal privileges and immunities appertaining to an individual, a family or any heirs. All German nobility as a legally defined class were forever abolished including the UK’s German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha monarchy and Germany’s House of Hanover – the monarchy that all UK monarchies derive their legitimacy from.

Article 109: All Germans are equal before the law. Men and women have the same fundamental civil rights and duties. Public legal privileges or disadvantages of birth or of rank are abolished.Titles of nobility shall be regarded merely as part of the name and may no longer be bestowed. …

Abolish means to end the observance or effect of (something, such as a law) : to completely do away with (something) : annul

If someone in authority abolishes a system or practice, they formally put an end to it.

That means there is no lawful line of succession. Lawful line of succession ended when the UK’s German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha monarchy and the German House of Hanover monarchies were forever abolished in 1919.

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Archived PRESS Core articles

Antenna made of a single insulated metal plate used to harness electrial energy over a century ago

Patent US685957 “application is based upon a discovery which I have made that when rays or radiations of the above kind are permitted to fall upon an insulated conducting-body connected to one of the terminals of a condenser while the other terminal of the same is made by independent means to receive or .to carry away electricity a current flows into the condenser so long as the insulated body (metal plate) is exposed to the rays, and under the conditions hereinafter-specified an indefinite accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser takes place. This energy after a suitable time interval, during which the rays are allowed to act, may manifest itself in a powerful discharge, which may be utilized for the operation or control of mechanical or electrical devices or rendered useful in many other ways.” Nikola Tesla in patent application for “Apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy” filed 1901-03-21 and granted 1901-11-05

Canada’s main virology lab found SARS-CoV vaccine caused hepatitis

In 2004 researchers in Canada found hepatitis in ferrets after injecting the animals with an experimental vaccine for SARS-CoV. Canada’s top virology lab urged caution in the developing and testing SARS-CoV vaccines.

Extra caution should be taken in proposed human trials of SARS vaccines due to the potential liver damage from immunization & virus infection” Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Microbiological Laboratory Winnipeg, Man

The finding was reported in the November issue of the Journal of Virology. The study involved a vaccine developed by senior author Jingxin Cao, PhD, of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Microbiological Laboratory in Winnipeg, Man. Cao had created a vaccine from recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (rMVA) and the distinctive spike protein that marks the SARS-CoV.

our data suggest that vaccination with rMVA expressing SARS-CoV S protein is associated with enhanced hepatitis.” 2004 study was supported by Health Canada and Canadian Food
Inspection Agency

COVID-19 vaccines have the potential to cause hepatitis. Hepatitis is the term used to describe inflammation of the liver.  COVID-19 vaccine candidates were developed using the modified vaccinia virus Ankara (rMVA) and the distinctive spike protein that marks the SARS-CoV virus.

“We developed two COVID-19 vaccines based on modified vaccinia virus” Journal of Virology paper 4 January 2021

Germany’s BioNTech SE

“Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences”

“use of our product candidates (PfizerBioNTech COVID-19 vaccine) could be associated with side effects or adverse events which can vary in severity from minor reactions to death & in frequency from infrequent to prevalent”

BioNTech SEC filing

News Bulletin

Twitter suspending accounts to aid and abet Germany wage COVID-19 bilogical warfare

Twitter is suspending Twitter accounts like PRESS Core’s @presscoreca, Paul W Kincaid’s energy technology designs and solutions account @paulwkincaid and POTUS 45 Trump’s @realDonaldTrump accounts to aid Canada, US, UK and Europe’s WWI WWII enemy Germany continue its piecemeal WWIII COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada, US, UK, Europe and World.

“For some time we can say that the world has been at war, piece by piece, … It is perhaps not as organic, but it is organized and it is war. … Let’s not be afraid to say this truth, The world is at war.” Pope Francis

PRESS Core warned and provided evidence that Germany is behind the WHO’s (UN’s eugenics / genocide agency) COVID-19 biological attack. Launched to save both Germany’s EU and its International World Order / UN from financial collapse.

Germany paid Bill Gates / Gavi 600 million euros during the 2020 World Economic Forum to fund the Event 201 players lead biological attack just days before Brexit – UK officially exited Germany’s EU (Germany reoccupied Europe) on Jan 31, 2020. UK exit would have triggered the collapse of the EU. Twitter, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland and Joe Biden are all committing treason because they are all betraying their country by aiding and abetting our notorious enemy, Germany levy war – biological warfare against Canada US, Europe and World.

Climate change has nothing to do with saving Earth

Climate change and climate action has nothing to do with saving Earth or lowering CO2 emissions. The European Parliament’s Green Money: Reclaiming Quantitative Easing report informed World what it’s all about. A Green QE to save bankrupt EU.

The green QE programme operated by the EIB through the creation of new money by the ECB, together with the central banks of EU states outside the Eurozone … Green QE is a practical plan to tackle both finance and the global environment together. Doing so would create a more stable, secure and prosperous EuropeEuropean Parliament

No Queen in or of Canada

“And it was thereby further enacted That all and every Person and Persons that then were or afterwards should be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or should professe the Popish Religion … should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance” Act of Settlement (1700)

According to the UK’s Act of Settlement (1700) there is no Queen in or of Canada & there are no persons having the title of Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince William or Prince Harry. Why? All were married in Westminster Abbey which professes in:

The Declaration of Assent

The Declaration of Assent is made by deacons, priests and bishops of the Church of England when they are ordained and on each occasion when they take up a new appointment (Canon C 15). Readers and Lay Workers make the declaration, without the words ‘and administration of the sacraments’, when they are admitted and when they are licensed (Canons E 5, E 6 and E 8).


The Church of England is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

How Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford are committing COVID-19 medical fraud, bioterrorism & treason – assists an enemy

The majority of COVID-19 tests don’t detect the virus itself. The vast majority of COVID-19 tests used by the Canadian, US and UK governments check for antibodies. “Your body makes antibodies after it’s infected by a virus or other infectious agents, or after you receive a vaccination.” Govt of Canada

Let me repeat what Justin Trudeau’s “minority government” has stated – “Your body makes antibodies after you receive a vaccination“. That means COVID-19 vaccines can / will produce false positives for COVID-19.

To continue Germany and the UN’s COVID-19 medical fraud and bioterrorism attack (staged to obtain $billions for the insolvent EU and UN) the US, Canadian, Ontario and UK governments are using a vaccine that is made using the virus that causes the common cold.

“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a viral vector vaccine. It is made from an inactivated adenovirus, the virus that causes the common cold, and contains a piece of DNA that instructs the body to make the COVID-19 spike protein. This in turn triggers an immune system response” = produces adenovirus (common cold) antibodies

The third wave is being caused by the vaccines. The first dose was administered to cause / produce more false positives for COVID-19 so that Justin Trudeau and Chystia Freeland can continue to commit treason – assists an enemy, Germany, levy biological warfare (an overt act of war) against Canada to severely weaken Canada’s economy and obtain $billions to bankroll Germany’s insolvent EU and International World Order / the UN.

Charles is dead.

According to UK law Charles is dead. Charles never became King and he isn’t King today. The UK’s Act of Settlement (law) states:

That all and every Person and Persons that then were or afterwards should be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or should professe the Popish Religion …should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance

The British Parliament enacted Act of Settlement 1701 law prohibits forever any Catholic from becoming the UK monarch. The UK legislation (law) made it clear that no sovereign “shall profess the Popish religion”.

To attend service at Westminster Abbey is to “hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome” and profess the Popish Religion.

Westminster Abbey’s Declaration of Assent states:

The Church of England is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshipping the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It professes the faith

Catholics are still officially termed as being “naturally dead and deemed to be dead” in terms of succession. This distinction was first legislated in the Bill of Rights 1689. … “the Act of Settlement deems somebody who has been a Catholic for a minute to be ‘dead’ in terms of the succession, and it passes over them ‘as if they were dead’. It is an absolute. If at any moment in their whole life they were in communion with Rome, they are excluded from the throne, deemed to be dead.

Charles was videotaped in communion with Rome in May of this year. Video embedded above provides material evidence. He attended mass at Westminster Abbey which has publicly affirmed in its “Declaration of Assent” and its Creed that it is “part of the Catholic Church” and “it professes the Catholic faith“. Screenshot below was taken from the Church of England’s website under “Prayers and Worship”:

That means, according to law, Charles is legally dead. Because Charles is legally dead he didn’t become King, he isn’t King today and he can never be crowned King.

Justin Trudeau is the one person who had motive to have Barry and Honey Sherman murdered

There is only one person who had motive to conspire to murder the Shermans December 13, 2017. That person was being investigated by the RCMP for the Lobbying Commissioner at the time of the targeted murders. That person took extraordinary steps on the day of the murders to attempt to quash 2 ongoing investigations involving himself.

Who had the most to gain by the “targeted” murders of Barry & Honey Sherman? Justin Trudeau did. Justin Trudeau would have lost his seat in House of Commons as a result of a Court Order dated 10 NOV 2017 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary ordering the Lobbying Commissioner to “unredact the Preserved Redactions and to deliver such redacted materials to the Applicants”. The Court Order was part of an Apotex lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner – Federal Court Number T-761-17 APOTEX INC. ET AL v. KAREN SHEPHERD ET AL. Nature of the proceeding S. 18.1 Application for Judicial Review.

At the time of the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman the RCMP were investigating Justin Trudeau’s 26 Aug 2015 election campaign fundraiser for the Lobbying Commissioner, as required by the Lobbying Act“

Advice to peace officers

(7) If, during an investigation under this section, the Commissioner believes on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence under this or any other Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, the Commissioner shall advise a peace officer having jurisdiction to investigate the alleged offence and immediately suspend the Commissioner’s investigation.

Investigation continued

(9) The Commissioner may not continue an investigation under this section until any investigation or charge regarding the same subject-matter has been finally disposed of.

The Lobbying Commissioner and Justin Trudeau were unable to quash the Apotex lawsuit court order dated 10 NOV 2017 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary before Justin Trudeau was convicted of violating federal laws on December 20, 2017. An attempt was made by Justin Trudeau to quash/end the ongoing RCMP investigation of his 26 August 2015 fundraiser and the court order by replacing the Lobbying Commissioner.

On December 13, 2017, the day Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Justin Trudeau had both the Lobbying Commissioner and the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner removed and appointed new ones, “on division”.

Both Commissioners were removed during 2 ongoing investigations by the 2 Commissioners into Justin Trudeau’s wrongdoings. Justin Trudeau was being investigated by the removed Commissioners for “accepting prohibited gift or other advantage”.

“Providing food or refreshments at a reception constitutes a gift.” Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada

Justin Trudeau’s actions on the day of the targeted murders of his 2015 election campaign fundraisers made Justin Trudeau a prime suspect. Justin Trudeau being convicted of violating ethics laws days later on December 20, 2017 made Justin Trudeau the one person to have motive to conspire to murder Barry and Honey Sherman to:

  • end the ongoing RCMP investigation of his August 26, 2015 fundraiser,
  • dismiss the Apotex lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner over Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser and
  • prevent a conviction for violating the Canada Elections Act – “accepting prohibited gift or other advantage”

A conviction for violating the Canada Elections Act Section 502(2) (h.01) meant Justin Trudeau would lose his seat in the House of Commons for “accepting prohibited gift or other advantage”.

At the time of the targeted murders, the RCMP were conducting a criminal investigation of Barry and Honey Sherman’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser for 2015 election candidate Justin Trudeau. The RCMP investigation was commenced using Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying (OCL) tape recorded interview with Barry Sherman on Nov 3, 2016.

“A few days before the fundraiser, an investigator from the commissioner’s office visited Apotex headquarters in Toronto, where Sherman agreed to a tape-recorded interview. During the conversation, he openly discussed the other fundraiser held at his house on August 26, 2015, which featured then-Liberal candidate Michael Levitt, now an MP, along with Trudeau. Sherman said his wife Honey organized the logistics, that the guest list was somewhere between 100 and 150 people and that he believed the proceeds were split between the Liberal Party of Canada and Levitt’s electoral district association. A ticket reportedly cost $1,500.” Macleans

Because OCL launched an RCMP investigation of the August 26, 2015 fundraiser for Justin Trudeau based on the content of the tape recorded Nov 3, 2016 interview Apotex filed a law suit seeking a transcript of the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying interview with lobbyist Barry Sherman, or a copy of the recording. The Apotex lawsuit is Federal Court Number T-761-17 APOTEX INC. ET AL v. KAREN SHEPHERD ET AL. Nature of the proceeding S. 18.1 Application for Judicial Review

The Apotex lawsuit posed a serious threat to Justin Trudeau’s political career. If Apotex was successful the lawsuit would have provided compelling evidence that Justin Trudeau had violated the Canada Elections Act – Accepting a prohibited gift or other advantage.


477.9 (1) No candidate shall accept any gift or other advantage that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence them in the performance of their duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if the candidate were to be elected, during the period that

(a) begins on the day on which they are deemed to have become a candidate; and

gift or other advantage means

(a) an amount of money if there is no obligation to repay it; and

(b) a service or property, or the use of property or money, that is provided without charge or at less than its commercial value.

Corrupt practice

(2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who

(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);

Consequences of illegal, corrupt practices

(3) Any person who is convicted of having committed an offence that is an illegal practice or a corrupt practice under this Act shall, in addition to any other punishment for that offence prescribed by this Act, in the case of an illegal practice, during the next five years or, in the case of a corrupt practice, during the next seven years, after the date of their being so convicted, not be entitled to

(a) be elected to or sit in the House of Commons;

Highlights of the Federal Court Proceeding T-761-17 provides compelling evidence that the Apotex lawsuit was the primary motive for the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman. Murdered because the Lobbying Commissioner couldn’t defeat the court order of Prothonotary Kevin Aalto “requiring the Commissioner to unredact the Preserved Redactions and to deliver such redacted materials to the Applicants“. Court order issued 1 month before the December 13, 2017 targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman. Court order dated 10-NOV-2017 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary. 16 days after Barry and Honey Sherman were targeted and killed the Lobbying Commissioner tried December 29, 2017 to keep the redacted evidence implicating Justin Trudeau from being made public. Filed a motion for “Setting aside portions of the order of Prothonotary Aalto dated November 10, 2017 … those portions of the Order Under Appeal which preserved redactions contained in the Rule 318 Record and requiring the Commissioner to unredact the Preserved Redactions and to deliver such redacted materials to the Applicants;”

Justin Trudeau paid the Office of Commissioner of Lobbying $400,000 (used Federal funding) in December 2017 to obstruct/defeat Barry Sherman/Apotex lawsuit.

“In December 2017, the Office received access to a special purpose allotment of $400,000 for third party legal fees associated to legal challenges. … An unanticipated court action against the Office resulted in unplanned legal costs of almost $300,000 in 2017–18. These additional costs have been paid through access to a special purpose allotment of $400,000 for litigation.” Lobbying Commissioner 2017–18 Departmental results report

According to the T-761-17 Federal Court documents (PDF backup of T-761-17 made available on NCIO website) a court hearing was to be held 08-FEB-2018 to address the Lobbying Commissioner refusing to comply with the decision of Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary dated 10-NOV-2017 that “redacted” documents that detail the (audio) taped interview between OCL & Barry Sherman must be uncensored & handed over to Apotex. The Prothonotary order was made as a result of the Commissioner of Lobbying redacting Justin Trudeau’s name from material evidence in the ongoing RCMP investigation. Complying with Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary order would prove OCL REDACTED Justin Trudeau name from OCL transcripts in order to conceal OCL finding that Justin Trudeau was being investigated by the RCMP for violating the Lobbying Act. The RCMP investigation began with this statement:

The Canadian Jewish News reported August 21, 2015, 5 days before Barry and Honey hosted the 2015 election campaign fundraiser for Justin Trudeau that:

“Sherman said he spent an hour with Trudeau last week, discussing various issues, including Israel.”

A reasonable person would conclude that private interests of Justin Trudeau (redacted) were discussed/advanced prior to Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 pay-for-access election campaign fundraiser.

Justin Trudeau is a prime suspect in the targeted murders of his 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman because of the Apotex lawsuit – Federal Court Number T-761-17 and because of what transpired the day Barry & Honey Sherman were murdered, December 13, 2017. Justin Trudeau had Karen Shepherd removed as Lobbying Commissione, effective December 30, 2017.

“resolution of the House of Commons dated December 13, 2017, the Senate and House of Commons have approved the appointment of Nancy Bélanger as Commissioner of Lobbying … on the recommendation of the Prime Minister … effective December 30, 2017” Order in Council PC Number: 2017-1564

The Lobbying Commissioner was removed during an ongoing Apotex lawsuit pertaining to an active RCMP investigation of Justin Trudeau and his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser. Toronto Police Services stated that Barry and Honey Sherman were in fact “targeted”. That means the murders were planned and deliberate and if the police found evidence that money was payed to have the Shermans murdered the murders was “contracted murder”.

“murder is planned and deliberate when it is committed pursuant to an arrangement under which money or anything of value passes or is intended to pass from one person to another, or is promised by one person to another, as consideration for that other’s causing or assisting in causing the death of anyone or counselling another person to do any act causing or assisting in causing that death.” Criminal Code of Canada 231 (3)

The planned and deliberate murders of Barry and Honey Sherman resulted in:

  • ending the ongoing RCMP investigation of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser,
  • the dropping/dismissal of the Apotex lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner over Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser and
  • preventing Justin Trudeau from losing his seat in the House of Commons for a conviction for violating the Canada Elections Act – “accepting prohibited gift or other advantage” from registered government lobbyist Barry Sherman/Apotex.

In a homicide criminal investigation that’s motive.

Government document provides compelling evidence that Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser violated the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act

Two days before Justin Trudeau attended Barry and Honey Sherman’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser Apotex registered to lobby the Government of Canada. The date of Apotex registering to lobby the Government of Canada was during the ongoing 2015 federal election campaign. Apotex registering to lobby the Government of Canada during an election campaign and 2 days before Apotex’s head hosted an election campaign fundraiser for election candidate Justin Trudeau informs Canadians that Apotex was seeking to influence Justin Trudeau in the performance of his duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if he were to be elected.

Read more …

Ukraine Russia war is the start of Germany’s WWIII military campaign

All those who assist Ukraine fight the war Germany instigated are committing treason because the Ukraine Russia war is the start of Germany’s WWIII military campaign.

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are committing treason because they are conspiring with Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy to wage a war against Canada. Chrystia Freeland is funneling $billions to Ukraine to assist Germany wage its WWIII war against Russia. Ukraine is using that money to pay mercenaries to wage Germany’s war against Canada’s WWII ally Russia.

The Ukraine government is instructing mercenaries from Canada to impersonate Canadian Armed Forces soldiers by wearing the Canadian flag patch on their tactical helmet and ballistic vest. Mercenaries from Canada are given letters claiming they are Canadian soldiers, which they are not. One such mercenary told me he wasn’t with the Canadian Armed Forces. The Ukraine government and their paid mercenaries are committing perfidy – a war crime. The mercenary stated that he worked for the Ukrainian government. He boasted about being paid a lot of money to fight for the Ukraine government and kill Russians in Ukraine. The mercenary is a civilian in Canada. He has in his possession prohibited military gear – ballistic helmet and vest (prohibited because both can be used by a civilian to commit armed robbery or targeted murder in Canada). Reasonable suspicion he has a prohibited weapon or weapons too.

Rule 10 of Canada’s Code of Conduct (2005) states:

Perfidy is a war crime.”

Perfidy is defined as:

“Acts inviting the confidence of adversaries and leading them to believe that they are entitled to protection or are obliged to grant protection under the Law of Armed Conflict, with intent to betray that confidence, constitute perfidy. In other words, perfidy consists of committing a hostile act under the cover of a legal protection (e.g., firing on a member of an opposing force who comes forward under the protection of a white flag).”

Geneva Conventions Act

Article 39 — Emblems of nationality

“1 It is prohibited to make use in an armed conflict of the flags or military emblems, insignia or uniforms of neutral or other States not Parties to the conflict

International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries

Affirming that the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries should be considered as offences of grave concern to all States and that any person committing any of these offences should be either prosecuted or extradited

The Ukraine Russia war was instigated by Germany to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaign as Germany’s new Waffen SS. Least we forget that Germany began to wage WWII in Eastern Europe. Germany waged WWII and committed atrocities (war crimes) against and in Poland, Ukraine and the USSR with the assistance of Ukraine.

Thousands of Ukrainians joined the Nazi Germany’s Waffen SS “Galacia” in WWII to help Germany wage WWII & occupy Europe. Ukrainians helped Germany commit atrocities in Poland, in the Soviet Union and in their our country during WWII. They volunteered to serve Nazi Germany as Waffen SS “Galacia” soldiers. Ukrainians served as guards in Germany’s death camps in Poland. Ukrainians soldiers and police who served Germany’s 14th Waffen SS mass murdered Polish, Ukrainian and Soviet civilians and Germany’s prisoners of war.

Canadians need to remember that both Ukraine & Germany were Canada’s enemies in WWII. In 1943, Germany established the Waffen SS Galacia, which was composed of thousands of Ukrainians. In April 1943, 5000 Ukrainian policemen joined/assisted Germany mass murder Ukrainians & Poles.

The Government of Canada has containers of material evidence that shows that Ukraine & Ukrainians did in fact serve Nazi Germany and Ukrainians did commit war crimes during WWII.

Government of Canada Archives contain files on Ukrainians’ war crimes. WAR CRIMES including THE UKRAINIAN 14TH WAFFEN-SS DIVISION SERIES

Containers 7, 33, 35, 36 contains material evidence that shows that Ukraine was an enemy of Canada during WWII. Container files prove Ukrainians waged WWII as Nazi Germany’s 14th Waffen – SS Volunteer Grenadier Division.

Container 35, files 13, 16, 18 contain material evidence on the atrocities committed by Ukrainians who served Nazi Germany in the Ukrainian 14th Waffen SS Division.

Container 36, file 5 contain “list of (Ukrainian) participants in the mass execution of Jews in Slavuta in 1942, now living in Canada and the U.S.”

One Ukrainian who assisted Germany commit mass murder in Poland and Ukraine is the grandfather of Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland. Freeland’s grandfather wrote propaganda articles for Nazi Germany that were written to trick Polish and Ukrainian Jews into boarding trains that were used to transport Jews to Germany’s death camps in Poland. Freeland’s grandfather was classified and investigated by the RCMP as a war criminal when he came to Canada. Canadian government “Commission of Inquiry” document “War Criminals in Canada” recorded that “war criminals were collaborators”. Collaborators like Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather were war criminals because they participated in or facilitated Germany’s war crimes during WWII. The members of the Ukrainian SS Galicia Division were war criminals.

U.S. President Joe Biden boasting about committing impeachable offense of bribery

Republicans in U.S. House of Representatives opened an impeachment inquiry into U.S. President Joe Biden. Apparently there’s no evidence of misconduct by Biden himself despite Biden bragging about using a $1 billion loan to bribe the Ukraine government. Bribery is an impeachable offence.

The United States Federal Corrupt Practices Act makes it a federal crime for companies or individuals to bribe foreign officials or political actors in order to influence some official act or improperly gain an advantage in business or politics.

In the above video Joe Biden is boasting about bribing the Ukraine government using a $1 billion loan. The loan was used to force the Ukraine government to fire Ukraine’s Prosecutor General for leading a corruption investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

The United States Constitution Article II, Section 4:

“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery,…”

UN document “Changing Climate and the Coast ” refutes the 1922 claim and subsequent UN claims that global warming poses a significant and imminent threat.

A UN document provides ample evidence that the threat of global warming is a hoax. The perceived threat is based on assumptions and speculation. There is no evidence to back the UN’s claim that global warming is responsible for acceleration in the rate of sea level rise. Climate change has accounted for sea level changes of less than one millimeter per century.

Excepts from UN document “Changing Climate and the Coast”:

  • Clark et al. (1978) have pointed out that these changes have accounted for sea level changes of less than one millimeter per century. No published study has indicated that this determinant of sea level is likely to have a significant impact in the next century. …
  • There is no evidence that either the Greenland or East Antarctic ice sheet has completely disintegrated in the last two million years. However, it is generally recognized that sea level was about seven meters higher than today during the last interglacial, which was 1-2°C warmer (Mercer, 1970; Hollin, 1972) …
  • Although the estimated global warming of the last century appears to be at least partly responsible for the last century’s rise in sea level, studies have not yet demonstrated that global warming is responsible for acceleration in the rate of sea level rise. …  global temperatures and sea level have been fairly stable in recent centuries, …
  • Concern about a substantial rise in sea level as a result of the projected global warming stemmed originally from Mercer (1968), who suggested that The Ross and Filchner-Ronne ice shelves might disintegrate, causing a deglaciation of the West Antarctic ice sheet and a resulting 6 to 7 meter rise in sea level, possibly over a period as short as 40 years.
  • Subsequent investigations have concluded that such a rapid rise is unlikely. Hughes (1983) and Bentley (1983) estimated that such a disintegration would take at least 200 or 500 years, respectively. Other researchers have estimated that this process would take considerably longer (Fastook, 1985; Lingle, 1985).

An independent investigation of the origin of COVID-19 would conclude that it was a coordinated bioterrorism attack

The origin of COVID-19 has never been fully investigated because an investigation would find that COVID-19 was a coordinated bioterrorism attack. The bioterrorism attack was perpetrated against the World’s civilian population, pursuant to and in furtherance of a State (Germany) and organizational (United Nations Organization) policy:

  1. Obtain worldwide support for vaccinations
  2. Obtain $billions by forcing World leaders to invest in vaccines

Germany’s Fourth Reich EU and the UN desperately needed $billions to avert default – bankruptcy. Italy/Vatican City reported in March 2020 that it needed a €500 to €700 billion ($572 billion to $801 billion) bailout. The insolvent UN (declared it was insolvent in October 2019) wanted an extra $350 billion annually to bankroll its Sustainable Development Goals.

UN member states couldn’t just hand over $billions to bailout Germany’s Fourth Reich EU or Germany’s WWII envisioned Neuordnung (New Order) – the UN. So Germany and the WHO conspired in 2017 to wage a bioterrorism attack against the civilian population of the World using a lab created virus that was developed for the WHO/UN to target and killed the Asian populations. Germany and the WHO recruited co-conspirators at the G20 Hamburg Summit using videos Germany produced in close cooperation with the WHO depicting a coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise. The WHO’s pandemic simulation exercise used a fake novel SARS like coronavirus called MARS.

The World was warned by US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen in 1997 that viroligsts were developing novel viruses that targeted specific ethnic groups and races.

“some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races” DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen Monday, April 28, 1997

Virologist Ron Fouchier of Erasmus University in the Netherlands is one such person. He’s been developing new pathogens that target 3 specific ethnic groups – Asian (SARS), Middle Eastern (MERS) and African (HIV) populations. Fouchier is accredited for causing the H5N1 to become more transmissible in mammals/humans. His research focuses on making the common/annual flu viruses more virulent and mutatious.

In October 2014, U.S. officials announced an unprecedented “pause” on funding for Fouchier’s research involving influenza or the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) viruses.

It is very important to note that Fouchier resumed his research on making common flu viruses more virulent and mutatious in 2019, just months before the Wuhan, China SARS II outbreak.

It’s imperative Canadians and Americans know that the SARS coronavirus was made in a lab to specifically target the Asian population. The outbreak of SARS originated in southern China in 2002-2003. It wasn’t highly contagious. It led to 8273 cases and 775 deaths in multiple countries. The victims of SARS were predominantly Asian. Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for 87% of all cases and 84% of all deaths.

So how did SARS version 2 become a global pandemic if the lab created SARS coronavirus wasn’t highly contagious and it only targeted the Asian populations? Germany and the UN desperately needed $billions so they resorted to bioterrorism to obtain $billions.

The act of bioterrorism can range from a simple hoax to the actual use of these biological weapons, also referred to as agents.

Germany and the insolvent WHO/UN recruited corrupt politicians like Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland to assist them obtain $billions by misdiagnosing patient’s illnesses, falsifying medical records and death certificates. The WHO instructed their co-conspirators to record all annual respiratory illnesses and deaths such as influenza, bronchitis and TB as being caused by the lab created biological agent SARS-CoV-2. Ontario Premier Doug Ford complied with Germany and the WHO’s bioterrorism demands by instructing Ontario hospitals to suspend the reporting of influenza infections.

Public Health Ontario’s “Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports” provides material evidence that Ontario Premier Doug Ford falsified medical records to assist Germany and the WHO/UN  prolong their COVID-19 bioterrorism attack against Canada and Canadians.

Influenza infections occur annually, worldwide. Influenza infections don’t just vanish or skip a year or two. The Ontario government’s Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports provides ample material evidence that medical records were falsified – pursuant to Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 bioterrorism demands.

Falsifying medical records is a criminal offence.


  •  (1) Every one commits forgery who makes a false document, knowing it to be false, with intent

    • (a) that it should in any way be used or acted on as genuine, to the prejudice of any one whether within Canada or not; or

    • (b) that a person should be induced, by the belief that it is genuine, to do or to refrain from doing anything, whether within Canada or not.

The Who’s own reports provides the most compelling material evidence that medical records were falsified worldwide pursuant to Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 bioterrorism demands.

WHO’s “The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease”:

“Respiratory diseases impose an immense worldwide health burden. Five of these diseases are among most common causes of severe illness and death worldwide.”

For decades, acute lower respiratory tract infections have been among the top three causes of death and disability among both children and adults. Although the burden is difficult to quantify, it is estimated that lower respiratory tract infection causes nearly 4 million deaths annually

“Altogether, more than 1 billion people suffer from either acute or chronic respiratory conditions. The stark reality is that, each year, 4 million people die prematurely from chronic respiratory disease.”

Screenshot from WHO’s 2019 report “The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease”

Government and police forensic labs can prove Germany’s mRNA vaccines are biological weapon by looking for SARS-COV-2’s viral protein ORF10

“the term “biological agent” means any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing— (A) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human” US Code 18 USC § 178(1)

Germany’s mRNA vaccines contain 2 bioengineered or synthesized components of SARS-CoV-2. Germany’s vaccines contain SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein (a modified form) and the viral protein that made SARS-COV-2 a novel coronavirus, ORF10.

It’s well known that Germany’s mRNA vaccines are made to instruct a body’s cells to make SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein:

The WHO, CDC, Health Canada and Germany would have you believe that Germany’s vaccines instructing cells to make SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein is harmless yet they all know SARS-CoV-2 needs the spike protein to invade cells to replicate and make you sick.

The WHO, CDC and other health authorities know and have repeatedly stated:

“the novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick. The spike protein binds to a protein on the surface of our cells called ACE2, triggering uptake of the virus particle and eventually membrane fusion.”

SARS-CoV-2 can’t invade cells and make us sick without spike (S) protein. Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, in every practical sense, were made to facilitate SARS-CoV-2 infections.


mRNAs are created as an exact copy (a clone) of the segment of DNA found along the genome corresponding to a protein-coding gene.

UMass Medical School

“Specifically, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine. The lipid coating of the nanoparticles binds to the cell membrane, facilitating entry of the (SARS-CoV-2) mRNA (genetic material) segment into the cell.” AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE (ASRM).

Germany’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines also contain SARS-CoV-2’s unique viral protein, ORF10. This mRNA vaccine ingredient is intentionally suppressed (to keep from appearing or being known, published) because including SARS-CoV-2’s unique viral protein ORF10 in a vaccine makes Germany’s mRNA vaccine a biological weapon. How?

“Consistent with our observations, in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection, ORF10 inhibited MAVS expression and facilitated viral replication. In brief, our results reveal a novel mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 inhibits the innate immune response; that is, ORF10 induces mitophagy-mediated MAVS degradation by binding to NIX.” …

ORF10 plays a vital role at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In our study, overexpression of ORF10 promoted the degradation of MAVS and the replication of SARS-CoV-2.”

Source : immunology study SARS-CoV-2 ORF10 suppresses the antiviral innate immune response by degrading MAVS through mitophagy

Government and police forensic labs in Canada, the USA, the UK and other COVID-19 mRNA vaccine infected states have the means to prove Germany’s mRNA vaccines are biological weapons. Look for the presence of SARS-CoV-2’s viral protein ORF10 in Germany manufactured mRNA vaccines.

SARS-CoV-2’s unique viral protein ORF10 (a biological agent – a bioengineered or synthesized component of SARS-CoV-2) can’t invade cells and make us sick without the spike (S) protein. Germany manufacturing mRNA vaccines that teach cells to make spike protein give SARS-CoV-2’s viral protein ORF10 the “key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick”.

“Biological weapons use microbiological agents (such as bacteria, viruses or fungi) or toxins to intentionally cause death or harm to humans, animals, or plants.” Government of Canada

Testing Germany’s mRNA vaccines for the presence of SARS-CoV-2’s disease causing viral protein ORF10 will prove they’re biological weapons. Viral protein ORF10 was intentionally added because “ORF10 plays a vital role at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection.” X. Li et al


Investment opportunity: Innovative renewable energy technology designed for electric vehicles and the solar panel industry

Super high voltage Step-up Power Packs ™ designed by Paul W Kincaid of Moncton NB Canada. Low-cost, super high-energy power packs designed for electric vehicle and solar panel applications. Designed to interlock flat or be stacked in parallel.

Step-up Power Packs ™ were designed to be portable. Built in handle provides the means to interlock several Step-up Power Packs ™. Each Step-Up Power Pack ™ was designed to be quickly and easily connected in parallel vertically (stacked) or horizontally (interlocked) and to be easily serviced or reconfigured to increase or decrease the energy storage capacity of each Step-up Power Pack ™.

By connecting 2 or more Step-up Power Packs ™ in parallel, the resulting circuit is able to store more energy.

Investor, sponsor or government grant needed to bankroll development and testing of prototypes and mass production thereafter. This novel renewable energy technology design is potentially worth $billions. Funding will be used to purchase recycled plastic, milling machinery, a 3D printer, mass produced electronic components and the tools to manufacture the shells and inner components.

To help expedite the development and production of prototypes of the Step-up Power Packs donations are currently being accepted.

To contribute to the development and production of prototypes use PRESS Core’s Interac E-transfer Autodeposit email address or donate funds using PayPal.

New Brunswick Canada could potentially become a major gas electric energy hub.

New Brunswick Canada has the means & opportunity to produce hydrogen gas fuel and electricity indefinitely. Southern New Brunswick Canada could potentially become a major Canadian gas electric energy hub. Clean energy project could potentially be worth $billions for the New Brunswick economy and create a lot of long term jobs.

New Brunswick Canada is sitting on an energy gold mine. The energy that can be produced is hydrogen gas fuel. Hydrogen gas fuel can be produced from the existing flooded Sussex and Norton NB PotashCorp mine shafts to produce clean hydrogen gas fuel from the potash brine water. The hydrogen gas can then be used to fuel on-site gas generators and produce electrical energy or the hydrogen gas can be distributed throughout Canada and the US as fuel for vehicles, barbecues or home heating.

The above mage is a hydrogen fuel cell designed by PRESS Core editor, Paul W Kincaid. It’s the primary hydrogen gas producing component for producing hydrogen gas for electrical energy generation from potash mine brine water.

Designs and project proposal was submitted to Irving Oil & the mayors of Sussex & Norton NB Nov 10, 2018 (link to screenshot of the email). Hydrogen fuel cells could produce hydrogen gas from the underground brine water in the flooded potash mine shafts to fuel gas generators and produce electricity.

Several hydrogen fuel cell generation stations (design above) could be built above the flooded mine shafts from Sussex to Norton NB. Because potash mine shaft flooding will continue unabated gas and electricity could be produced in New Brunswick indefinitely.

Philanthropist or investors wanted to fund developing clean energy technology designs that are potentially worth $billions


Nikola Tesla stated In 1934 that “Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need for coal, oil, gas or any other of the common fuels.”

I, Paul W Kincaid have been designing clean energy technology that utilizes the energy that is everywhere present in unlimited quantities since 2006. I know that Tesla was talking about EM energy – Electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy comes in many forms including gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, microwaves, radio waves and infrared radiation.

My designs were designed to produce clean energy or harness one or more forms of EM energy. My designs are potentially worth $billions. However, designs aren’t technology and they aren’t potentially worth $billions until prototypes are developed. Development of clean energy technology designs cost money, a lot of money.


I need funding to cover cost of renting a unit to develop one or more of my clean energy technology designs. Need funding to purchase electrical parts  and supplies and to purchase or lease manufacturing machinery including a lathe, a milling machine and shop tools – drill press, press, chop saw, workbench, vinyl cutter, screen printing screens, etc.

Please visit or domains for a preview of some of my many designs. Those who are interested in investing in developing one or more designs contact me via email address

Donations accepted using email e-transfer email address E-transfers are deposited automatically.

Novel power pack designed for the electric car and solar energy industry


Novel energy power pack designed by Paul W Kincaid. The Step-Up Power Pack was designed to be easily reconfigured to increase or customize the power pack’s voltage and/or capacitance. Stacking two or more Step-Up Power Packs in parallel increases the total current capacity and overall amp-hour capacity. It is a well known scientific fact that when batteries are hooked up (connected) in parallel the total current capacity increases by decreasing total resistance, and it also increases overall amp-hour capacity

Video by Paul W Kincaid demonstrates simple method for increasing solar panel output. Solar panel output instantly increased from 19.7 volts DC to 166 volts DC (742.64% increase)  by connecting a solar panel’s wires to a simple mini circuit board with a MOSFET transistor, some capacitors, a transformer, a diode, a potentiometer and a fuse. No mechanical parts used.

Increasing the output voltage of a single solar panel can save you money. You would need to connect 8 identical solar panels in series to obtain the 166 volts output produced by the simple and inexpensive electronic device. The simple circuit used in the video demonstration essentially does the work of 8 costly solar panels, connected in series.

US and UK governments knew in 1944 that Germany would start World War III

US President Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Churchill knew that Germany would start WWIII if it gained financial control of Europe. Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly in Quebec City, Canada in 1944 to discuss measures to prevent Germany from starting WWIII. The Quebec Conference was held September 11–16, 1944.

The US government initiated a “Program To Prevent Germany From Starting a World War III”. The program was discussed during the 1944 Quebec Conference. The first measures that were discussed to prevent Germany from starting WWIII was the demilitarization of Germany.

Section II of the top secret US briefing book revealed that to prevent Germany from starting WWIII Germany couldn’t be allowed to gain financial control of Europe.

The US government recommended that a program of large-scale reparations must be rejected for the following reasons:

2. If liberated Europe becomes economically dependent on Germany for reparations, her economic dependence cannot be broken off when reparations cease. The rest of Europe would continue to be dependent on Germany as a source of supply and as a market. These economic ties would also mean political ties. Germany would be right back where she was in the Thirties when she was able to dominate the rest of Europe economically through her industrial power and to exert her economic power to achieve political domination.

3. An economically powerful Germany ipso factoconstitutes a military threat to world security.

The US government knew that soon after Germany gained economic control of Europe Germany would resume a policy of aggression.

“A long range program should be put into effect for the purpose of controlling the strategic elements in the German economy for a prolonged period .. It is essential that the foregoing strategic elements in the German economy be controlled lest through their use, the Germans once again proceed to build up various aspects of their industrial and economic structure for future militaristic and aggressive purposes.”

(1)The Nazi regime is essentially the culmination of the unchanging German drive toward aggression.

(aGerman society has been dominated for at least three generations by powerful forces fashioning the German state and nation into a machine for military conquest and self-aggrandizement. Since 1864 Germany has launched five wars of aggression against other powers, each war involving more destruction over larger areas than the previous one.
(bAs in the case of Japan, the rapid evolution of a modern industrial system in Germany immeasurably strengthened the economic base of German militarism without weakening the Prussian feudal ideology or its hold on German society.
(cThe Nazi regime is not an excrescence on an otherwise healthy society but an organic growth out of the German body politic. Even before the Nazi regime seized power, the German nation had demonstrated an unequalled capacity to be seduced by a militarist clique offering the promise of economic security and political domination in exchange for disciplined acceptance of its leadership. What the Nazi regime has done has been to systematically debauch the passive German nation on an unprecedented scale and shape it into an organized and dehumanized military machine integrated by all the forces of modern technique and science.

(2) The dissolution of the Nazi Party will not, therefore, by itself ensure the destruction of the militaristic spirit instilled into the German people over generations and given an overwhelming impetus in the last decade. This will of necessity be an arduous process, and for a long time to come it would be gambling with the very destiny of civilization to rely on an unproven German capacity for self-regeneration in the face of its proven capacity for creating new weapons of destruction to be used in wars of aggression. Therefore, in addition to disarming and weakening Germany as a military power, the interests of world security will best be promoted by:

(aForcibly reducing Germany’s industrial capacity so that she will cease to be a major economic, military and political power.
(bStrengthening all Germany’s neighbors politically and economically relatively to Germany. The more powerful her neighbors, the more likely she is to realize the futility of the militarist philosophy from which aggression ensues.

Germany has done what Roosevelt and Churchill tried to prevent. Germany has gained financial control of Europe via the EU and Germany has started WWIII by instigating the Ukraine Russia war. Germany instigated the Ukraine Russia war to force NATO states to wage WWIII as Germany’s new Waffen SS military forces.

Other nations knew that the defeated Germany still posed a significant threat after WWII. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, signed the Brussels Treaty to create a collective defense alliance. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg anticipated that Germany would one day resume a policy of aggression. The Brussels Treaty lead to the formation of NATO. Signatories of the Brussels Treaty agreed:

“To take such steps as may be held to be necessary in the event of a renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression”.

Other treaties were drafted to prevent Germany from starting another war of aggression.

Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

September 12, 1990


The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their declarations that only peace will emanate from German soil. According to the constitution of the united Germany, acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence

What happened to PRESS Core Twitter account @presscoreca

Germany’s double agent Chrystia Freeland assisted Germany in having @presscoreca Twitter account suspended. Germany tried but failed once before to have PRESS Core Twitter account suspended claiming that @presscoreca informing Canadians that COVID-19 was planned and the biological attack was sponsored by Germany to obtain “worldwide support for vaccinations” was a violation of German law. Twitter didn’t suspend @presscoreca account for Germany because Twitter investigated and determined that @presscoreca tweets didn’t violate Germany (Canada’s WWI WWII enemy) law.

Second attempt succeeded after Germany enlisted the help of MP Chrystia Freeland.

Last tweet before “@presscoreca Twitter account was suspended for Germany” was a retweet informing Canadians that Germany’s mole (in espionage jargon, a mole is a spy/agent for a foreign government) MP Chrystia Freeland serving as a trustee for Ukraine’s proxy The Aspen Institute and Germany’s proxy the World Economic Forum was illegal. Last tweet:

“The Aspen Institute & World Economic Forum updated their websites regarding the profile of their Board of Trustees member Chrystia Freeland to include Minister of Finance. Websites updates provides irrefutable evidence that her holding office is current & is therefore illegal”

Serving, protecting and defending Canada includes protecting Canadians’ Rights and Freedoms and Canada’s sovereignty

Forcing Canadians to be vaccinated – a medical treatment, under threat of prosecution blatantly violates Canada’s supreme law. Quebec, Alberta, New Brunswick, Ontario and other provincial governments who are requiring  vaccine passports are violating Canada’s supreme law and Canadians’ constitutional right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

Threatening to prosecute any person in Canada for not having a vaccine passport at public places (grocery store, bank, restaurant, … ) amounts to the governments depriving Canadians of their constitutional rights to refuse medical treatment.

Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do not become law.

Section 7 of the Constitution of Canada includes the right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

1. Everyone

All individuals physically present in Canada will benefit from the protection of section 7 (Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 177 at page 202; Charkaoui (2007), supra, at paragraphs 17-18).”

2. Life, liberty and security of the person
(ii) Right to liberty

Section 7 protects a sphere of personal autonomy involving “inherently private choices” that go to the “core of what it means to enjoy individual dignity and independence” (Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844 at paragraph 66; Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 at paragraph 49). Where state compulsions or prohibitions affect such choices, s. 7 may be engaged (A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, at paragraphs 100-102; Blencoe, supra at paragraphs 49-54; Siemens v. Manitoba (Attorney General), [2003] 1 S.C.R. 6 at paragraph 45) This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136) and the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution (e.g. fines): R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18. It may also include the ability to choose where one intends to live (Godbout, supra), as well as a protected sphere of parental decision-making for parents to ensure their children’s well-being, e.g., a right to make decisions concerning a child’s education and health (B.(R.), supra, at paragraph 80).” Canada’s Department of Justice

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine reveals systemically vaccinated patients, while asymptomatic, may still become infected and transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others

“studies of adenovirus and mRNA candidate vaccines demonstrated persistent virus in nasal swabs despite preventing COVID-19. This suggests that systemically vaccinated patients, while asymptomatic, may still be become infected and transmit live virus from the upper airway.”

“SARS-CoV-2 entering the nasal airway may be able to infect and propagate there, shedding infectious virus asymptomatically for an unknown period of time.”

“the NHP model of the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine demonstrated detectable viral RNA in the nasal swabs of several participants after SARS-CoV-2 challenge that exceeded that of the bronchoalveolar lavage samples”

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, hosted Event 201 pandemic simulation exercise

Active ingredient in readily available nasal spray Betadine extremely effective at inactivating SARS-CoV-2

Numerous studies have confirmed that povidone-iodine inactivates many common respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-1. … Topical nasal sprays with povidone-iodine (PVP-I), better known as Betadine™ (Active Ingredient: 0.45% Povidone Iodine ), may be an effective method to immediately reduce the viral load of the upper aerodigestive tract and thus decrease the risk of inadvertent virus transmission.

“PVP-I functions as an antiseptic through several mechanisms and is considered to have the broadest spectrum of action compared to other common antiseptics such as chlorhexidine. The two most potent antiseptic metabolites of PVP-I are molecular I2 and hypoiodous acid, which deliver free iodine. These free iodine molecules oxidize amino acids, nucleic acids and cell membranes. Through oxidation of cell surface receptors, PVP-I prevents the attachment of viruses to cellular receptors “

“In 2015, Eggers et al. reported that a 1% PVP-I gargle for 15 s reduced Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV) titer by greater than 99.99% [13]. In 2018, Eggers again demonstrated that both Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 1 (SARS-CoV-1) and MERS-CoV could be rapidly inactivated by PVP-I in concentrations as low as .23% applied for 15 s.. Other authors have reported similar viricidal effects on influenza, rotavirus, Ebola, HIV, adenovirus, polyomavirus, and hepatitis A. Of note, PVP-I also has bactericidal effects against common oral pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumonia and Streptococcus pneumonia”

“PVP-I has been used for more than 60 years as a topical antiseptic agent. Of note, PVP-I is viricidal against a wide range of viruses, including coronaviruses. Numerous reports confirm that low doses of PVP-I applied for short periods of time are extremely effective at reducing viral load. The safety profile of topical application of PVP-I to oral mucosa has been demonstrated.”

Read more …

“complete inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by concentrations of PVP-I nasal antiseptic as low as 0.5% after 15 seconds” 2020 research conducted at the Institute for Antiviral Research at Utah State University

Supreme Court of Canada ruled Canadians have the right to refuse medical treatment even if this leads to death

[198] There is a strong consensus among common law countries regarding the right to refuse medical treatment, even if this leads to death.

[199] In Canada, this was recognized by the Ontario Court of Appeal in the Malette case:

Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney being Board of Trustees for Germany’s World Economic Forum poses a significant threat to Canada’s national security

Former Governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England Mark Carney and current Finance Minster Chrystia Freeland have been recruited by Germany and its World Economic Forum as WEF Board of Trustees. Carney and Freeland’s Board of Trustees membership in the WEF pose a significant threat to Canada’s economic prosperity and national interests. Both were recruited to advance Germany’s own strategic interests.

Acts of espionage and foreign interference put Canada at a disadvantage, enabling foreign countries like Germany and organizations like Germany’s World Economic Forum to further their own strategic interests, at Canada’s expense.

Both Carney and Freeland had/have access to ‘top secret’ information, including privileged and sensitive financial information which Germany and its state actors in the World Economic Forum are interested in obtaining to further Germany’s strategic interests.

The CSIS Act describes Germany and WEF’s Foreign-Influenced Activities, commonly known as Foreign Interference, as “activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive, or involve a threat to any person.” Foreign Interference involves foreign countries (Germany) or entities (WEF and UN) attempting to covertly influence change in Canada, to better suit their own strategic interests.

2 damning NSICOP National Security and Intelligence reports warned Canadians that minority government PM Justin Trudeau and Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland are under the influence of foreign states and state actors. Immediately after receiving the 2 damning NSICOP reports Justin Trudeau called snap elections to intentionally delay the tabling of NSICOP findings in Parliament.

The second damning NSICOP report that was submitted to Justin Trudeau on August 11, 2021 still hasn’t been tabled in Parliament despite Justin Trudeau being required to table it months ago.

Pursuant to the NSICOP Act, … a declassified version of this report must be tabled in Parliament within 30 sitting days” NSICOP

First damning NSICOP report warned that foreign states and state actors (names of states and their state actors that poses the greatest threat to Canada’s national security and sovereignty redacted by Justin Trudeau) are actively conducting espionage and foreign interference operations against Canada. NSICOP Annual Report 2020 – Espionage and Foreign Interference


42. In 2018, the Committee identified espionage and foreign interference as growing threats that will likely require a more significant response in the years ahead. Espionage and foreign interference threaten Canada’s sovereignty, prosperity and national interests. These threats target communities, governments, businesses, universities and technology. In 2019, the Committee reviewed the government’s response to foreign interference and found that foreign interference activities pose a significant risk to national security, principally by undermining Canada’s fundamental institutions and eroding the rights and freedoms of Canadians. In 2020, CSIS stated that hostile state actors pose the greatest danger to Canada’s national security. Media reports, speeches from officials and information on criminal cases all demonstrate that the threat continues to grow not just in Canada, but among its allies as well.

Description of the threat

44. Foreign interference continues to be a significant threat to the security of Canada. Foreign states use direct and indirect contact to influence democratic and electoral institutions and processes by manipulating ethnocultural communities, persons in positions of authority or influence, and the media. In a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in late 2018, CSIS Director David Vigneault identified foreign interference and espionage as the greatest threats to Canada’s national prosperity and national interests. State-sponsored espionage in Canada can be categorized as both cyber and traditional human espionage, independently and in combination. Several recent examples of espionage in Canada show that the threat remains pervasive. Between July 2018 and September 2020, the RCMP conducted *** (indicates Justin Trudeau redaction) priority investigation(s) related to espionage and foreign interference. In the same period.. CSIS conducted warranted investigation(s) related to espionage and foreign interference against *** (redaction) target(s) and organization(s).

Link to NSICOP 2020 Annual Report press release:

Germany and its World Economic Forum are the foreign state and state actors that pose the greatest danger/threat to Canada’s national security and sovereignty. Germany and its World Economic Forum are conducting espionage and foreign interference operations against Canada with the assistance of WEF Board of Trustees members former Governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England Mark Carney and MP Chrystia Freeland.

Criminal code deems Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Doug Ford, Blaine Higgs and other premiers guilty of high treason – assisting Germany wage biological warfare/war against Canada

Charges of high treason and treason are warranted and need to be laid against Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and other co-conspirators for assisting an enemy, Germany wage COVID-19 biological warfare (an act of war) against Canada.

 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,

    • (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or

    • (c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, … whether or not a state of war exists

There is ample evidence showing Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare (an overt act of war) attack. German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pledged 600 Million Euros in January 31, 2020 (day the UK formally left Germany’s EU) at the World Economic Forum, to fund the COVID-19 biological warfare attack. Stated purpose of Germany sponsoring the biological attack – “It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.

The motive behind Germany and WHO/UN’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack is and always has been about money. Before COVID-19 both Germany’s EU and its International World Order, a.k.a. the UN were insolvent. The EU and the UN desperately needed $billions and the only way they were going to obtain it was from non-EU states like Canada, China and the US.

When Chrystia Freeland joined the Germany formed and lead alliance to save the International World Order/UN (WHO) from destruction in April 2019, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Germany and their co-conspirators knew that there was only one way to save a non-governmental organization like the United Nations Organization (UNO). By misappropriating and funneling $billions to the UN.

ORF10 protein purposely implanted in Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to cause new SARS-CoV-2 infections and prolong COVID-19

Cellular and Molecular Immunology (CMI) study informs you why the herpes ORF10 protein was intentionally added to Pfizer-BioNtech & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Ensure that the vaccinated would become infected.

mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) was identified as the target via which ORF10 suppresses the IFN-I signaling pathway, and MAVS was found to be degraded through the ORF10-induced autophagy pathway. …”

“ORF10 suppresses the antiviral innate immune response … ORF10 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 replication

Consistent with our observations, in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection, ORF10 inhibited MAVS expression and facilitated viral replication

“ORF10 transcripts can be detected in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, Liu et al. found that the expression level of ORF10 in patients with severe disease was much higher than that in patients with moderate disease; in addition, the expression ratio of ORF10 to nucleocapsid (N) in patients with severe disease was significantly higher than that in patients with moderate disease. Therefore, ORF10 plays a vital role at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection.” CMI study

Mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) is a protein that is essential for antiviral innate immunity. … The activation of MAVS leads the virally infected cell to secrete cytokines. This induces an immune response which kills the host’s virally infected cells, resulting in clearance of the virus.

“The uniqueness of ORF10 and predicted intrinsic characteristics support possible involvement of ORF10 protein in giving COVID-19 its specific characteristics like spread and virulence” World Heath Organization

What does all this mean? It means Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were made to intentionally cause new SARS-CoV-2 infections and prolong COVID-19. Prolonging COVID-19 benefits Germany and the UN. Both will continue to profit from Germany and the WHO orchestrated and waged COVID-19 biological warfare (an act of war against civilian population) attack.

When Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological attack January 31, 2020, at the World Economic Forum, NGO Global Citizen stated the purpose of Germany sponsoring and the WHO leading the heinous biological attack against the World’s civilian population – to secure an additional $350 billion in global commitments annually to help the UN achieve its Global Development Goals.

Germany’s BioNtech COVID-19 mRNA vaccines laced with the herpes ORF10 protein are being manufactured and used to prolong COVID-19. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were chosen because they facilitate new SARS-CoV-2 infections. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were never developed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections. They were developed to treat COVID-19. The WHO and the CDC have both made this fact abundantly clear by publicly claiming that there is no cure for COVID-19. Treatments only temporarily relieve/mask the symptoms of diseases and infections without addressing the underlying cause. The WHO and the CDC both claim that SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19. So vaccine manufacturers should have developed vaccines that prevents SARS-CoV-2 infections. Instead, they developed and disseminated COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that suppress antiviral immune response and facilitate SARS-CoV-2 replication. For all intents and purposes COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are bioweapons.

Bioweapon = COVID-19 mRNA vaccines being produced and disseminated to cause SARS-CoV-2 infections

“Specifically, the (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine contains the mRNA of what’s known as spike protein, … The novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick.” Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH

Definition of biological weapon

a harmful biological agent (such as a pathogenic microorganism or a neurotoxin) used as a weapon to cause death or disease usually on a large scale

ICRC “biological agent” means —
(c) any component of a micro-organism or an infectious substance (but not including any toxin) that is capable of causing death, disease or other biological malfunction in a human.

18 U.S. Code § 178 – Definitions

the term “biological agent” means any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing— death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism

Spike protein and herpes virus protein ORF10 are both components of the micro-organism SARS-CoV-2 and both components were intentionally incorporated in Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Fours years later and RCMP investigation of Justin Trudeau and his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser remains the primary motive for targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman

One week after the December 13, 2017 targeted murders of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 “election campaign” fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman, Justin Trudeau was convicted of violating federal ethics laws. Add the fact that during the targeted murders there was an ongoing investigation by the RCMP for the Lobbying Commissioner of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser, hosted by registered lobbyist Barry Sherman, and you have the primary motive for the targeted homicides.

The RCMP investigation of both Justin Trudeau and Barry Sherman was launched after it was determined by the Lobbying Commissioner investigators that registered lobbyist Barry Sherman offered and Justin Trudeau accepted a “prohibited gift or other advantage”.

An administrative review by Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying (OCL) investigators

“found evidence indicating that Mr. Sherman engaged in political activities that risk creating a sense of obligation on the part of one or more public office holders.”. iPolitics

Had the RCMP investigation continued Justin Trudeau would have been fought guilty of accepting a “prohibited gift or other advantage”. Because Justin Trudeau accepted a “prohibited gift or other advantage” during an election campaign Elections Canada would have convicted Justin Trudeau of violating the Canada Elections Act and Justin Trudeau would have lost his seat in House of Commons.

Section 502 of the Canada Elections Act sets out other situations in which a conviction automatically results in the loss of the right to sit in the House of Commons. Under section 502(3), any person who is convicted of a corrupt practice listed in section 502(2) becomes ineligible to sit in the House of Commons for seven years” Parliament of Canada, Criminal Charges and Parliamentarians

Corrupt practice defined as:

502 (2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who

(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);

Canada Elections Act

Read full report …

Blueprint for Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack

“The laboratory succeeds in identifying the pathogen as a novel respiratory virus, provisionally named Mountain Associated Respiratory Syndrome (MARS) virus. Based on clinical observations, it is characterized by medium to high pathogenicity and person-to-person transmissibility. WHO convenes an Emergency Committee, which issues recommendations on control measures such as the implementation of strict hygiene practices, effective triage, isolation of infectious cases, contact tracing and public awareness campaigns, among other measures.” Germany and the WHO’s 2017 The 5C Health Emergency Simulation Exercise Package Manual

Naming the novel respiratory virus MARS is a pseudo – something that superficially appears to be one thing, but is something else – SARS.

Germany and the WHO used the name Mountain for deception purposes because they intended on initiating their planned COVID-19 biological attack in mountainous Wuhan China. At 709 m (2,326 ft) above sea level, the highest point in Wuhan is the main peak of Yunwu Mountain in northwestern Huangpi District. There are also several mountains within the city limits of Wuhan including Mount Luojia in Wuchang District as well as Mount Hong and Mount Yujia in Hongshan District.

“Nitric Oxide inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV by two distinct mechanisms. Firstly, NO or its derivatives cause a reduction in the palmitoylation of nascently expressed spike (S) protein which affects the fusion between the S protein and its cognate receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Secondly, NO or its derivatives cause a reduction in viral RNA production in the early steps of viral replication” 2009 study Dual effect of nitric oxide on SARS-CoV replication: Viral RNA production and palmitoylation of the S protein are affected, conducted by the Centre for Microbiological Preparedness, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control and Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Sweden

A 2020 study, conducted in Sweden, found direct evidence that nitric oxide inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2. The scientists found that nitric oxide inhibited a key enzyme called 3C-like protease (3CLpro) that the virus SARS-CoV-2 needs to make copies of itself.

“We are the first to confirm the potent biological activity of nitric oxide against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19,” Neal Hunter, Chief Executive Officer, KNOW Bio, LLC.

A nation cannot survive treason from within

bio terrorists and traitors Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland

Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war.

Economic warfare, or economic war, is defined as involving “an economic strategy based on the use of measures (COVID-19 lockdowns) of which the primary effect is to weaken the economy of another state“.

Since WWII Germany and its co-conspirators in Canada, the US, the UK (UK’s WWI abolished German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarchy) and Europe have been trying to form a Global / International World Order. Germany (our WWII and WWII enemy) is now using its COVID-19 biological warfare attack to attempt to achieve that goal. Germany’s World Economic Forum made Germany’s COVID-19 agenda perfectly clear – “Now is the time for a ‘great reset‘ “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” Kraut economist and founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab

Why are traitors Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland still in office? Germany has an ally within the UK and Canadian government who assisted Germany wage 2 World Wars against the UK and Canada and once again is assisting Germany wage piecemeal WWIII. WWI abolished German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarchy. Assumed the English name/alias House of Windsor July 17, 1917 to continue to unlawfully rule the UK and Canada under color of law and color of right.

Under the common law, the term colour of law refers to the mere semblance of a legal right. That is to say that one’s action taken under the colour of law adjusts, or colours, the law to the circumstance although the action may technically contravene the law. To ‘colour’ one’s actions is to characterize or bend them toward legality.

For example, for a legislature to act ‘colourably’ is to essentially act outside its legal jurisdiction but to seek to paint its actions as legal. COVID-19 legislations and imposed measures are all enacted under color of law. All legislations that receive royal ascent are enacted under color of law. Canada doesn’t have a Queen. According to UK’s Act of Settlement (law) there hasn’t been a legitimate/lawful UK monarchy since Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria unlawfully married her first cousin (crime of incest) German Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg and Gotha – a German First Reich (a.k.a Holy Roman Empire) officer. The empire was considered by the Roman Catholic Church to be the only successor of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages and the early modern period.  “Most of the Holy Roman Empire’s rulers and subjects were Germans. All of the Holy Roman Emperors were Catholic.” McGill University

That all and every Person and Persons that then were or afterwards should be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or should professe the Popish Religion … should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their AllegianceAct of Settlement

Queen Victoria‘s heirs have all unlawfully ruled under variations of the colour and colourability theme including colour of office, colour of title, and colour of right.

SARS-CoV-2 variants caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines encoded with herpes virus protein ORF10

SARS-CoV-2 Patent US-2006257852-A1 informs you why SARS-CoV-2 variants are named Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta. Patent for the lab created SARS-CoV-2 reveals herpes virus species/variants are part of the Taxonomies of SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 genome includes the herpes virus protein ORF10.

SARS-CoV-2 variant names were derived from the different/variant species of the herpes virus – Alphaherpesvirinae (HSV-1 and HSV-2), Beta- (HCMV, HHV-6A, HHV-6B, and HHV-7), gamma-herpesviruses (EBV and KSHV) and Delta herpesvirus (DHV) which have a close immunological relationship to varicella-zoster (V-Z) virus.

The omicron variant was added to continue the Germany sponsored and WHO lead COVID-19 biological attack and divert attention away from the fact that SARS-CoV-2 and Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are encoded/contaminated with the infectious herpes virus protein ORF10. The WHO said in May that it had decided to name Variants of Interest (VOI) or Variants of Concern (VOC) of SARS-CoV-2 after letters of the Greek alphabet.

Device instantly increases solar panel output by more than 700%

Video by PRESS Core editor and energy technology designer and developer Paul W Kincaid demonstrates simple method for increasing solar panel output. Output instantly increased from 19.7 volts DC to 166 volts DC (more than 700% increase) by connecting a solar panel’s wires to a simple mini circuit board with a MOSFET transistor, some capacitors, a transformer, a diode and a fuse. No mechanical parts used.

Increasing the output voltage of a single solar panel can save you money. You would need to connect 8 identical solar panels in series to obtain the 166 volts output produced by the simple and inexpensive electronic device. The simple circuit used in the video demonstration essentially does the work of 8 costly solar panels, connected in series.

Read more …

Germany declared war against the World on January 31, 2020 with Germany pledging 600 Million Euros for Global Vaccine Efforts. The stated purpose of Germany sponsoring and waging COVID-19 biological warfare against the World was made clear on January 31, 2020:

“It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.”

Since January 31, 2020 Germany has been conspiring with the WHO to wage COVID-19 biological warfare to bankroll the insolvent UN and its Sustainable Development Goals.

“This is the only way to avoid a default that could risk disrupting operations globally. The Secretary-General further asked governments to address the underlying reasons for the crisis and agree on measures to put the United Nations on a sound financial footing.” UN in 2019 news report Work and reforms of the UN ‘at risk’, Guterres warns Member States, amidst ‘record-level’ cash crisis

The insolvent UN needs an additional $350 billion annually and national leaders couldn’t just hand over $billions each year so Germany sponsored and is now waging the COVID-19 biological warfare attack with the WHO to force national leaders to invest $billions in the UN and its Sustainable Development Goals.

COVID-19 is and always has been a state (Germany) sponsored biological attack. Germany’s biological attack against Canada, the US, the UK, Europe and the World’s civilian population is now being waged and will continue to be waged using Germany manufactured biological weapons – BioNtech’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine variants.

EU provided definitive proof Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines contain the herpes virus protein ORF10

Google ORF10 protein & you’ll find something alarming about SARS-CoV-2. The ORF10 protein encoded exclusively in SARS-CoV-2 & intentionally in Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is from the herpes virus (gammaherpesvirues, Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus … ). It’s likely the reason why COVID-19 is lasting so long. If a person gets a herpes virus infection, they will have it for life. And, according to researchers, no vaccination can prevent herpes virus infections.

There is now definitive proof that Germany made and distributed Pfizer-BioNtech mRNA vaccines (marketed in the EU as Comirnaty) infected those who got vaccinated with the herpes virus. On August 11, 2021 Europe’s drug regulator EMA published new updates on the safety of Pfizer-BioNtech (Comirnaty) mRNA vaccines after it investigated a possible link between the mRNA vaccines and a skin reaction called erythema multiforme.

The EMA calling the skin reaction Erythema multiforme provides definitive proof Germany’s Pfizer-BioNtech (Comirnaty) COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contains the human herpes virus protein ORF10. Erythema multiforme is a hypersensitivity reaction usually triggered by infections, most commonly herpes simplex virus (HSV).

During the first herpes outbreak (called primary herpes), an infected person may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever and headache. People who have been vaccinated with Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna‘s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are experiencing the same flu-like symptoms as herpes because the human herpes virus protein ORF10 is encoded exclusively in SARS-CoV-2 (not in SARS-CoV or any other human coronavirus) and intentionally in Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

Not everyone is experiencing herpes symptoms after being vaccinated with Germany’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. However, at some point in the future they will. Because, if a person gets a herpes virus infection, they will have it for life , whether or not they experience herpes symptoms.

2 studies found that nitric oxide significantly inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV

2005 study published in the National Library of Medicine demonstrated that Nitric Oxide “significantly inhibited the replication cycle of SARS-CoV in a concentration-dependent manner. We also show here that NO inhibits viral protein and RNA synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NO generated by inducible nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme that produces NO, inhibits the SARS-CoV replication cycle.” Nitric oxide inhibits the replication cycle of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus

“the effect of NO or its derivatives on the replication cycle of SARS-CoV is twofold: Firstly, NO or its derivatives causes a reduction in the palmitoylation of the S protein which results in the inhibition of membrane fusion mediated by the interaction between S protein and the ACE2 receptor. Secondly, NO or its derivatives have an inhibitory effect on the production of viral RNA, which can be observed as early as 3 h post-infectionDual effect of nitric oxide on SARS-CoV replication: Viral RNA production and palmitoylation of the S protein are affected,  Published online 2009 Oct 1.

Essentially, readily available nitric oxide does what Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can’t do – effectively stops COVID-19 infections and spread.

Nazi Germany’s New Order (Neuordnung) agenda being sought under guise of Great Reset

The New Order (German: Neuordnung) was the political order which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion. The establishment of the Neuordnung had already begun long before the start of World War II, but was publicly proclaimed by Adolf Hitler in 1941: “The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order!”

Historians are still divided as to Germany’s ultimate goals, some believing that Neuordnung was to be limited to Nazi German domination of Europe, while others maintain that it was a springboard for eventual world conquest and the establishment of a world government (the United Nations) under German control.

Adolf Hitler “gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe. We shall yet have to engage in many fights, but these will undoubtedly lead to most wonderful victories. From there on the way to world domination is practically certain. Whoever dominates Europe will thereby assume the leadership of the world.“— Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda, 8 May 1943

German engineer and economist Klaus Martin Schwab is using the World Economic Forum to assist Germany obtain Nazi Germany’s WWII goal of World domination. World Economic Forum initiated “Great Reset” is the means to that end.

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Klaus Schwab

SARS-CoV-2 less severe than SARS and MERS – Johns Hopkins

If SARS-CoV-2 is less severe than SARS and MERS why force Canadians to get vaccinated with vaccines that were purposefully made to give SARS-CoV-2 the means/key (S-Protein) to enter host cells and cause an infection?

“Specifically, the (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine contains the mRNA of what’s known as spike protein, which is located on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is what it uses to invade host cells. The novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick.Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH, who specializes in infectious disease at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

UN wants $350 billion annually to bankroll its Global Development Goals. UN member states weren’t going to just hand over $billions each year to the UN so Germany and the WHO staged the COVID-19 biological attack. To force “world leaders to invest in vaccines” because “in order to achieve the UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals … investments worth an additional $350 billion annually are needed.” Global Citizen

“A biological attack is the intentional release of a pathogen (disease causing agent) or biotoxin (poisonous substance produced by a living organism) against humans, plants, or animals. An attack against people could be used to cause illness, death, fear, societal disruption, and economic damage” DHS, TopicsWeapons of Mass Destruction

Spinal cord injury following vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine

I, PRESS Core founder and editor Paul W Kincaid personally known 3 people who are now suffering from spinal cord injury following vaccination with the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. One woman lost her job because of of the induced spinal cord injury and still can’t walk without the aid of a walker. Her physician told her the injury could be permanent. An owner of a motel in NB now needs surgery due to his spinal cord injury. A Moncton area contractor has lost much needed employment and income due to his spinal cord injury.

A number of articles have reported that COVID-19 vaccines are suspected of causing severe inflammation of the spinal cord post vaccination.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can cause severe inflammation of the spinal cord. Neurologists who study illnesses like transverse myelitis say they occur most often as a result of the body’s immune response to a virus. Such episodes have also been linked to vaccines.

More worrisome is a phenomenon called “molecular mimicry.” In such cases, some small piece of the vaccine may be similar to tissue in the brain or spinal cord, resulting in an immune attack on that tissue in response to a vaccine component.” Scientific American article ” NIH ‘Very Concerned’ about Serious Side Effect in Coronavirus Vaccine Trial

systemic infections and vaccination are considered potential triggers for immune mediated inflammation of the spinal cord.

Out of 9442 Adverse event following immunization reported in Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) related to Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccines, 254 (2.69%) were neurological in nature; of these, 9 cases had transverse myelitis (inflammatory disease causing injury to the spinal cord)” Oxford Academic

Solar energy industry can easily utilize century old automobile technology to produce kWs of unmetered energy

100+ years ago Nikola Tesla informed the energy industry how to easily produce kWs of energy by discharging a capacitor suddenly, through a short circuit (a spark gap).

“The discharge of a condenser affords us a means of obtaining frequencies far higher than are obtainable mechanically.” Nikola Tesla during 1891 New York lecture

When it (a condenser / capacitor) was charged full, I discharged it suddenly, through a short circuit which gave me a very rapid rate of oscillation. Let us suppose that I had stored in the condenser 10 watts. Then, for such a wave there is a flux of energy of (4 x 104)2, and this is multiplied by the frequency of 100,000. You see, it may go into thousands or millions of horsepower.” Nikola Tesla

Another method solar energy industry can produce kWs of unmetered energy is to utilize the century old automobile technology named above and add a fast transistor switch to the circuit.

2006 CSIS Biological Weapons Threat report predicted Germany sponsoring COVID-19 biological attack

SARS-CoV-2 made for UN’s World Health Organization

Since 1972 the WHO (agency of the International World Order UN) called for/recommended virologists develop the means to prolong virus/coronavirus infections by imparing immune response to a virus:

The below screenshot was taken from the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3)

Virologists prolonged virus/coronavirus infections for the WHO by genetically engineering/modifying the SARS coronavirus in 2003. The human herpes virus protein ORF10 was encoded into the SARS coronavirus to make the novel SARS-CoV-2 – created in 2003 patent US-2006257852-A1, assigned to CHIRON CORP (US) which was acquired by Novartis (Switzerland).

The herpes virus ORF10 protein was encoded in SARS to cause it to prolong SARS coronavirus infections.

“These results indicate that ORF10like its HSV-1 homolog VP16, is a transactivating protein despite the absence of sequences similar to the VP16 carboxy-terminal domain. The transactivating function of the ORF10 tegument protein may be critical for efficient initiation of viral infection” 1993 Journal of Virology published study

In the context of gene regulation: transactivation is the increased rate of gene expression triggered either by biological processes or by artificial means, through the expression of an intermediate transactivator protein. HIV, HTLV and 2003 patented SARS-CoV-2 are three of the many viruses that encode transactivating proteins (e.g. ORF10) to enhance viral gene expression.

“Viral mRNA can efficiently hijack host ribosomes during infection for translation of proteins necessary for virus propagation. Initiation of translation is a key step, during which the coding region of mRNA, open reading frame (ORF), gets properly positioned on the ribosome.” UMass Medical School

“Nuclear export of host mRNAs is critical for proper cellular functions and survival. To mitigate this effort, viruses have evolved multiple strategies to inhibit this process. Distinct to the generally nonselective inhibition mechanisms, ORF10 from gammaherpesviruses blocks nuclear export of selective mRNAs by forming a complex with Rae1 (RNA export 1) and Nup98 (nucleoporin 98).” October 8, 2020 published research article – Molecular mechanism  underlying selective inhibition of mRNA nuclear export by herpesvirus protein ORF10

@presscoreca #COVID-19, #mRNAvaccines, #WHO, #vaccines, #SARS-CoV-2

Looming Justin Trudeau SNC-Lavalin scandal dwarfs WE Charity scandal

Federal departments are prohibited from doing business for a period of 10 years with an individual contractor that has engaged in improper conduct. A contractor may be debarred from participating in government procurements for 10 years from the date when the contractor or its affiliate has been convicted of an “integrity offence.” Integrity offences include bribery of Canadian and foreign public officials, extortion, tax evasion, bid-rigging, forgery, fraudulent manipulation of stock exchange transactions, insider trading, falsification of books, money laundering and acceptance of secret commissions.

SNC-Lavalin pleading guilty December 18, 2019 to fraud amounts to a conviction of an “integrity offence” and Justin Trudeau and his government are prohibited from awarding SNC-Lavalin and it’s affiliates any federal contracts / money for a period of 10 years.

Minority government PM Justin Trudeau blatantly violated federal laws by funneling COVID-19 aid package funds to SNC-Lavalin. This latest Justin Trudeau SNC-Lavalin scandal dwarfs both the WE Charity scandal and the PMO SNC-Lavalin obstructing justice scandal that resulted in SNC-Lavalin pleading guilty (by pleading guilty, the accused is consenting to a conviction being entered without a trial) December 18, 2019 to fraud (a criminal offence) in relation to the company’s activities in Libya.

Justin Trudeau contravened federal laws and committed frauds on the government, criminal code 121, by transferring federal government funds to Ontario Premier Doug Ford for SNC-Lavalin. Doug Ford is an accomplice in these major crimes because he knows SNC-Lavalin is the sole beneficiary of the $25 billion in federal government funds. The federal governments funds are for refurbishing Ontario’s Candu reactors. Candu is owned by SNC-Lavalin. Because SNC-Lavalin pleaded guilty to fraud Justin Trudeau is prohibited from giving federal funds to contractor SNC-Lavalin or its affiliate Candu.

“a supplier convicted of a listed offence in Canada or a similar offence abroad is ineligible for a period of ten years to enter into a contract or real property agreement with the government” Government of Canada

Read more …

2005 research by Laboratory of Biochemical Neuroendocrinology, Clinical Research Institute of Montreal

USGA data provided by NASA for September 16, 2001 provides evidence miniature thermal nuclear device called a SADM destroyed WTC buildings on 9-11

State sponsored biological attack

COVID-19 - State sponsored biological attack

Intended purpose of new vaccines – reduce World population

“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health serviceswe could lower that (World population) by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percentBill Gates


Canadians’ legal rights includes the right to refuse COVID-19 vaccine, a medical treatment, even if this leads to death – Supreme Court of Canada

Canadians’ legal rights includes the right to refuse COVID-19 vaccine, a medical treatment, even if this leads to death – Supreme Court of Canada

A.C.supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 198)

[100]  Wilson J., in Morgentaler, stated that “[liberty], properly construed, grants the individual a degree of autonomy in making decisions of fundamental personal importance” (p. 166; see also Blencoe v. British Columbia (Human Rights Commission), 2000 SCC 44, [2000] 2 S.C.R. 307, at para. 49: “. . .  ‘liberty’ is engaged where state compulsions or prohibitions affect important and fundamental life choices”; Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844, at para. 66: “[T]he right to liberty . . . protects within its ambit the right to an irreducible sphere of personal autonomy wherein individuals may make inherently private choices free from state interference”).  And in Rodriguez, Sopinka J. for the majority confirmed that the concept of security of the person encompasses “a notion of personal autonomy involving, at the very least, control over one’s bodily integrity free from state interference and freedom from state-imposed psychological and emotional stress” (pp. 587-88)

[101] Everyone has the right to decide what is to be done to one’s own body.  This includes the right to be free from medical treatment to which the individual does not consent.  This concept of individual autonomy is fundamental to the common law and is the basis for the requirement that disclosure be made to a patient.  If, during the course of a medical procedure a patient withdraws the consent to that procedure, then the doctors must halt the process.

[102]         The inability of an adolescent to determine her own medical treatment, therefore, constitutes a deprivation of liberty and security of the person, which must, to be constitutional, be in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice (Gerald Dworkin, “Consent, Representation, and Proxy Consent,” in Willard Gaylin and Ruth Macklin, eds., Who Speaks For The Child: The Problems of Proxy Consent (1982), 191, at p. 203).

[198]  There is a strong consensus among common law countries regarding the right to refuse medical treatment, even if this leads to death.  (See A. Meisel, “The Legal Consensus About Forgoing Life-Sustaining Treatment: Its Status and Its Prospects” (1992), 2 Kennedy Inst. of Ethics J. 309; B. M. Dickens, “Medically Assisted Death: Nancy B. v. Hôtel-Dieu de Québec” (1993), 38 McGill L.J. 1053, at p. 1060; Airedale NHS Trust v. Bland, [1993] 1 All E.R. 821 (H.L.), at p. 891; Re C (adult: refusal of medical treatment), [1994] 1 All E.R. 819 (Fam. Div.); Re T (adult: refusal of medical treatment), [1992] 4 All E.R. 649 (C.A.); Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment), [2002] EWHC 429 (Fam.), [2002] 2 All E.R. 449; Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990); and Auckland Area Health Board v. Attorney‑General, [1993] 1 N.Z.L.R. 235 (H.C.).)”

Screenshot from the Department of Justice Canada citing the Supreme Court of Canada case wherein it was upheld that Canadians have the legal right to refuse medical treatment. Medical treatment includes immunization.

The NB government website states: “Treatment may include: prevention (such as immunizations )”. NB government’s website also states, “your rights in New Brunswick” includes the right to “refuse treatment”.

Origin of novel SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus that causes COVID-19 traced back to 2003 patent

SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to SARS. What is different is what makes it a novel SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). What’s different is a protein that is exclusively/only found in SARS-CoV-2 genome and not in SARS-CoV or any other human coronavirus. SARS-CoV-2 genome contains the virus protein ORF10.

“In a recent study comparison of the proteins encoded by SARS-CoV-2 with the proteins of SARS-CoV revealed the presence of novel ORF8 and ORF10 proteins in SARS-CoV-2. …. ORF10 is the only protein that is not present in other human coronaviruses” Genes of SARS-CoV-2 and emerging variants



To find the origin of SARS-CoV-2 backtrace to when the ORF10 protein was first mentioned in reference to the first SARS-CoV.

Patent US-2006257852-A1 assigned to CHIRON CORP (US), which was acquired by Novartis (Switzerland) on April 20, 2006 provides compelling evidence that the novel SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab. Patent US-2006257852-A1 is for a novel SARS-CoV. Patent US-2006257852-A1 specifically names the ORF10 protein – a protein that is exclusively/only found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome and not in SARS-CoV, being used/encoded in the fusion protein of the patented novel SARS coronavirus:

The invention relates to nucleic acids and proteins from the SARS coronavirus. These nucleic acids and proteins can be used in the preparation and manufacture of vaccine formulations, diagnostic reagents, kits, etc.

Accordingly, the invention further includes a SARS virus subunit vaccine comprising a fusion protein. Preferably, the fusion protein comprises a first amino acid sequence encoded by a SARS virus polynucleotide sequence. SARS virus polynucleotide sequences which may encode said first amino acid sequence include one or more of the SARS virus polynucleotide sequences identified in this application and fragments thereof. “

The fusion protein may comprise an amino acid sequence of a SARS virus protein or a fragment thereof. Said SARS virus protein may be selected from one or more of the group consisting of the following SARS virus proteins: P28, P65, Nsp1, Nsp2 (3CL protease), Nsp3, Nsp3, Nsp4, Nsp 5, Nsp6, Nsp 7, Nsp 8, Nsp 9 (RNA polymerase), Nsp 10 (helicase), Nsp 11, Nsp 12, Nsp 13, Spike, Orf 3, Orf 4, Envelope, Matrix, Orf7, Orf8, Orf9, Orf10, Orf11, Nucleocapsid and Orf13. 

In one embodiment, the fusion protein comprises a first amino acid sequence comprising a SARS virus antigen or a fragment thereof. Said SARS virus amino acid sequence may comprise one or more of the T-epitope sequences identified above.

Patent US-2006257852-A1

Coincidentally, the Marburg plant where Germany makes BioNtech’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines was formerly owned by Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis – has the patent for the novel SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

The ORF10 protein that is exclusively/only found in SARS-CoV-2 and purposefully encoded in Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is “encoded by Karposi Sarcoma-associated herpes virus … These experiments establish KSHV orf10 as a new p53 interacting protein encoded by a human tumor virus” National Library of Medicine article Novel modulators of p53-signaling encoded by unknown genes of emerging viruses – screenshots below:

Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological attack

2006 CSIS Biological Weapons Threat report determined that the top “Likely Biological Weapons Proliferation Scenarios” would be a state sponsored biological attack.

small-scale, sporadic biological attacks by states or terrorists to undermine public confidence in local, state, and national governments“.

Germany paid 600 million euros January 31, 2020 to have Bill Gates and World Economic Forum‘s Event 201 players stage and lead Germany and WHO‘s COVID-19 biological attack “to urge world leaders to invest in vaccines” because “in order to achieve the UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals … investments worth an additional $350 billion annually are needed.”

“lower respiratory tract infection causes nearly 4 million deaths annually ” the WHO, 2017 and 2019 reports

“Respiratory diseases impose an immense worldwide health burden. Five of these diseases are among most common causes of severe illness and death worldwide.”

“For decades, acute lower respiratory tract infections have been among the top three causes of death and disability among both children and adults. Although the burden is difficult to quantify, it is estimated that lower respiratory tract infection causes nearly 4 million deaths annually

“Altogether, more than 1 billion people suffer from either acute or chronic respiratory conditions. The stark reality is that, each year, 4 million people die prematurely from chronic respiratory disease.” WHO publication “The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease”.

WHO publication proves more people died “each year” from lower respiratory tract infection than COVID-19. Total COVID-19 deaths span three years – 2019, 2020 and 2021 whereas the WHO reported that “lower respiratory tract infection causes nearly 4 million deaths annually.”

The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) reported the same thing in 2019 in report Fact Sheet – World Lung Day 2019m that “lower respiratory tract infection causes nearly 4 million deaths annually.”

Former CIA asset Susan Lindauer revealed in the above video that she was warned by her CIA handler, Richard Fuisz, August 12, 2001 to stay away from New York City a few weeks before 9-11

“do not go back to New York City. It’s too dangerous. We are expecting the use of a miniature thermal nuclear device.

“It is a special military grade weapon… it is not something you could make ever in your kitchen, or garage or your living room.”

The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM), popularly known as a “suitcase nuke” or “backpack nuke,” is a special military grade miniature thermal nuclear device that was designed to destroy buildings, bridges, power plants, dams, and other such targets, or to render vast tracts uninhabitable.

Millions died in vain if Germany and the WHO are allowed to continue their COVID-19 biological warfare attack against civilian population of Europe, UK, Canada and USA with the treasonous assistance of Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland and New World Order advocate POTUS Joe Biden

Sorry my friend, you fought and died in vain. US, Canada, UK governments are aiding & abetting Germany levy COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada, the US, the UK, Europe and the World. Rest in peace knowing there are still some who honor your sacrifice by continuing your fight against all the odious apparatuses of Nazi rule.

The New Order (German: Neuordnung) of Europe was the political order which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion.

“The Führer gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe. We shall yet have to engage in many fights, but these will undoubtedly lead to most wonderful victories. From there on the way to world domination is practically certain. Whoever dominates Europe will thereby assume the leadership of the world.” — Joseph GoebbelsReich Minister of Propaganda, 8 May 1943

COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent you or anyone else from becoming infected

Even if somebody gets vaccinated, they may have an asymptomatic infection so they still could be infectious to others” Ontario Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe

“The uniqueness of ORF10 (exclusively/only found in SARS-CoV-2 and purposefully encoded in Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna mRNA vaccines) and predicted intrinsic characteristics support possible involvement of ORF10 protein in giving COVID-19 its specific characteristics like spread and virulence” World Heath Organization

the biggest drawback of the (COVID-19) candidate vaccines concocted and manufactured by Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford is that they do not prevent individuals from being infected with SARS-COV-2. A vaccine against SARS-COV-2 is supposed to prevent SARS-COV-2 infections and not just the symptoms of the diseases that it causes. The candidate vaccines do not prevent SARS-COV-2 infections. …

In conclusion, the statements that the candidate vaccines developed by BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna and, the N.F. Gamaleya Center For Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Ministry of Health are more than 90% effective is misleading at best and dishonest at worse. That these entities and their investigators have committed Scientific Dishonest Reporting is an understatement. In addition to indulging in Dishonest Scientific Reporting, AstraZeneca/University of Oxford have also committed Data Falsification. Their actions were calculated to mislead and quite dangerous.Europen Commission investigative report


Joe Biden informed you why Twitter, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Bill Gates, Event 201 players, CDC and Joe Biden’s administration are all committing treason by aiding and abetting Germany and its International World Order / UN levy COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada, US, UK, Europe and the World.


Financial and moral support greatly appreciated

NB Premier Blaine Higgs is committing treason and is blatantly violating Canadians’ rights by forcing New Brunswick population to get vaccinated to further the interests of Canada’s WWI & WWII enemy

NB Premier Blaine Higgs was elected to serve Canadian constituents living in New Brunswick. Not to assist an enemy of Canada wage COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada and Canadians. Assisting an enemy of Canada wage any form of warfare (armed, biological, nuclear, financial, etc., ) against Canada is and always has been a crime of high treason and treason.

High treason

(1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,

(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or

(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, … whether or not a state of war exist


(2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada,

  • (c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a);

  • d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or

Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack with a payment of 600 million euros on January 31, 2020. The stated purpose of the funds was for, and I quote,

“It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.” Global Citizen

Blaine Higgs is also violating the Constitution of Canada – the supreme law of Canada. The supreme law of Canada includes Canadians’ guaranteed right to refuse any and all forms of medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution: R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18. Blaine Higgs’ NB government website states medical treatment includes: identifying and responding to an illness, and prevention (such as immunizations ). His own government’s website states, “your rights in New Brunswick” includes the right to:

  • refuse treatment,

Screenshot from NB Government’s “Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick (PLEIS-NB)” website:

Blaine Higgs is also committing medical fraud because he knows that COVID-19 antibodies tests “don’t detect the virus itself”. The vast majority of COVID-19 tests used by the Canadian, US and UK governments check for antibodies. “Your body makes antibodies after it’s infected by a virus or other infectious agents, or after you receive a vaccination.” Government of Canada

Let me repeat what Justin Trudeau’s “minority government” formally states on an official Government of Canada website – “Your body makes antibodies after you receive a vaccination“. That means COVID-19 vaccines can and are producing false positives for COVID-19. Furthermore, if serological/antibody test kits do not detect the virus that causes COVID-19 then logically and factually Canadians, Americans, British, Asian, African, and European populations are not being tested for COVID-19 and they haven’t tested positive for COVID-19.

NSICOP warned Canadians in 2019 that foreign states are actively engaging in activities that pose a significant threat to the rights and freedoms of Canadians and to the sovereignty of Canada. Justin Trudeau redacted the state of Germany from the NSICOP 2019 annual report on its investigation of foreign state interference. Justin Trudeau did that to assist Germany (Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy) continue its espionage and sabotage activities in Canada so that Germany and its collaborators (the WHO, the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, Event 201 players, Chrystia Freeland …) can meet their objectives:

1. obtain “worldwide support of vaccinations.” Global Citizen

2. obtain $billions from non-EU states to bailout the insolvent Germany EU and the UN/WHO

3. obtain an additional $350 billion annually to fund UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – goal stated January 31, 2020 at the World Economic Forum in Davos when German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 600 million euros to fund the COVID-19 biological warfare attack

Screenshot from NSICOP 2019 Annual Report. *** indicates Justin Trudeau redaction:

Data from an organisation comprised of the world’s leading international respiratory societies and data from the WHO provides evidence the WHO falsified data for COVID-19 with the intent to mislead

Falsifying medical records is a crime if it’s done with the intent to mislead. Falsifying medical records is what the WHO and it’s accomplices have done by falsifying the data/accounting of the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. They’ve fudged the COVID-19 numbers so that the insolvent UN (publicly declared it was insolvent October 2019 – “the organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors” ) can fraudulently obtain an additional $350 billion annually to fund the UN’s numerous New World Order agendas – disguised as “Sustainable Development Goals”.

The WHO’s fraud becomes blatantly obvious when you look at the data from previous years accounting of respiratory diseases. The WHO’s own data provides ample evidence the WHO falsified COVID-19 data/numbers.

The data below provides evidence the WHO and it’s accomplices falsified the COVID-19 reporting to make it appear COVID-19 was a pandemic throughout 2020 and 2021.

Compare data/accounting for COVID-19 cases and deaths to 2019 respiratory diseases data. When you are comparing the data keep in mind that the COVID-19 cases and deaths data/accounting spans 3 calendar years 2019, 2020 and 2021, not 1 year:

“An estimated 10.0 million people fell ill with TB in 2019. An estimated 1.4 million people died from TB in 2019.” WHO Factsheet

384 million people suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3 million die from it each year, making it the third leading cause of death worldwide.

1.76 million people die from lung cancer each year, making it the most deadly cancer.

4 million people die from lower respiratory tract infections and pneumonia each year.” WHO publication – The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease Screenshot below.

From the very beginning of COVID-19 one could see that the COVID-19 numbers were being intentionally falsified. Serological rapid test kits were being used to diagnose COVID-19 infection/cases despite the health authorities knowing that:

“Serological testing detects the presence of antibodies, not the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This testing is also not to be used to diagnose infection.” Government of Canada

and COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kit inserts stating:

The overwhelming majority of COVID-19 test kits used to diagnose COVID-19 cases in Canada, the US, the UK and throughout the World were serological rapid test kits which “do not detect the virus (SARS-CoV-2) itself“. That being said, WHO‘s accounting of COVID-19 is completely and utterly false. If serological rapid test kits do not detect the virus that causes COVID-19 then logically and factually millions weren’t tested for COVID-19 and millions did not test positive for COVID-19.

Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare / crimes against humanity attack so that the UN could obtain $350 billion annually to fund its Sustainable Development Goals. This was made blatantly clear January 31, 2020 when Global Citizen reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 600 million euros for global vaccine efforts.

Law on consent to medical treatment applies to COVID-19 vaccinations

In the medical context and as the law on consent to medical treatment has evolved, it has become a basic accepted principle that “every human being of adult years and of sound mind has the right to determine what shall be done with his or her own body.” Clearly physicians may do nothing to or for a patient without valid consent. This principle is applicable not only to surgical operations but also to all forms of medical treatment (COVID-19 immunizations are medical treatments) and to diagnostic procedures (COVID-19 testing) that involve intentional interference with the person.

Voluntary consent

Patients must always be free to consent to or refuse treatment, and be free of any suggestion of duress or coercion. Consent obtained under any suggestion of compulsion either by the actions or words of the physician or others may be no consent at all and therefore may be successfully repudiated. In this context physicians must keep clearly in mind there may be circumstances when the initiative to consult a physician was not the patient’s, but was rather that of a third party, a friend, an employer, or even a police officer. Under such circumstances the physician may be well aware that the patient is only very reluctantly following the course of action suggested or insisted upon by a third person. Then, physicians should be more than usually careful to assure themselves patients are in full agreement with what has been suggested, that there has been no coercion and that the will of other persons has not been imposed on the patient.

The bottom line:

“Consent obtained under any suggestion of compulsion either by the actions or words of the doctor or others may be no consent at all and therefore may be successfully repudiated.” CMPA

Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick states:

You are entitled to exercise your rights as a patient when receiving treatment or care from a health care professional. Treatment may include:

  • identifying and responding to an illness,
  • hospital care,
  • nursing home care,
  • rehabilitation,
  • prevention (such as immunizations or preventative education and tips), and …

A patient’s rights may vary between provinces in Canada. Here are some examples of your rights in New Brunswick:

  • be informed by health care professionals about the treatment,
  • be informed about the usual risks, side effects and benefits of the treatment,
  • a second opinion,
  • refuse treatment,
  • provide informed and voluntary consent to treatment,

European Commission paper reported COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford falsified data – committed fraud to obtain FDA regulatory approval

the biggest drawback of the (COVID-19) candidate vaccines concocted and manufactured by Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford is that they do not prevent individuals from being infected with SARS-COV-2. A vaccine against SARS-COV-2 is supposed to prevent SARS-COV-2 infections and not just the symptoms of the diseases that it causes. The candidate vaccines do not prevent SARS-COV-2 infections which makes them suspicious at best and dishonest at best since they were made to elicit immune response that targets the SARS-COV-2 Spike protein. If the immune response that is elicited by the candidate vaccines was truly targeting SARS-COV-2 Spike protein, prevention of SARS-COV-2 infections should have been their primary mechanism of action (SARS-COV-2 should not in principle be able to enter and infect cells). The fact that the candidate vaccines do not prevent SARS-COV-2 infections make the claims of more than 90% effectiveness dubious, misleading at best and dishonest at worse (Canada’s criminal code 3 (1) defines COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers’ claims as fraud.  The United States’ SEC defines COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers’ claims as securities fraud). As stated above, no verifiable scientific evidence is available to show that the candidate vaccines concocted and developed by Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford are more than 90% effective. The only way to know anything about the effectiveness of the candidate vaccines is to analyze the data towards the end of the clinical trials in 2022 or to completely unseal the data for all the participants now. There is also no study of the long-term effects of the candidate vaccines. Again, one cannot cut corners when it comes to proving the effectiveness of a candidate vaccine and whether it is dangerous or not. … What is quite disturbing and does not bode well for the legitimacy and openness of science is the large number of “Scientific Researchers” and so-called scientific experts and pundits have lauded the un-scientific conclusions as scientific facts either out of ignorance and incompetence or they just did not want to rock the boat. Very few Scientific Researchers have questioned the validity and usefulness of the conclusions on the effectiveness of the candidate vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.EU’s Journal of Investigative Critiques of Published Scientific Articles

Least we forget why close to 61,000 Canadians were killed during WWI, and another 172,000 were wounded

Official ranks of UK’s King George V during WWI were: Admiral of the Imperial “German” Navy, “German” Field Marshal, Colonel-in-Chief of 1st Guard Dragoon Regiment & Colonel-in-Chief of Kürassier Regiment Graf Getzler No 8 (German 15th Division – WWI battles: Great Retreat, 1st Marne, Somme, German spring offensive, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne).

The Royal Collection holds a number of items relating to the honorary ranks held by HM King George V in the German armed forces. Records show that uniforms relating to the ranks of Admiral of the Imperial German Navy, Prussian Field Marshall, Colonel in Chief of the 1st Guard Dragoon Regiment and Colonel in Chief of the Kürassier Regiment Graf Getzler (Rhine) No. 8 are held.” UK Parliament 10 March 2010

UK’s German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha King George V is pictured wearing a German officer’s uniform in May 1913 in Berlin Germany with his German cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II. George V is the one on the right in the image above. UK’s German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarchy was abolished because of WWI. On July 7, 1917 George V assumed the name House of Windsor to unlawfully continue to rule and to conceal fact the he and his family were German since Queen Victoria married her first cousin German First Reich (historically referred to as the Holy Roman Empire) officer Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. There has been no legitimate/lawful UK or Canadian monarchy since.

Effectiveness of nitric oxide against SARS-CoV-2 confirmed

“These milestone in-vitro experiments were conducted by testing multiple nitric oxide-releasing compounds against wild type SARS-CoV-2 virus at an independent laboratory with a deep history of antiviral research. Therapeutic doses (<200 µM) were applied to infected VERO E6 cells and showed a dose-dependent effect on viral replication. The result was a greater than 99.9% reduction in virus observed after 24 hours versus virus observed on untreated cells. Furthermore, there was no cytotoxic impact (cell damage or cell death) on uninfected cells.”

“We are the first to confirm the potent biological activity of nitric oxide against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19,” Neal Hunter, Chief Executive Officer, KNOW Bio, LLC.

Screenshot of 2003 lab created novel SARS-CoV-2 patent. Patent claim specifically names the protein that is exclusively/only found in the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus – the ORF10 protein. The ORF10 protein is what made SARS-COV-2 a novel SARS coronavirus. ORF10 was encoded in the SARS coronavirus to create the invented SARS-CoV-2.

KNOW Bio, LLC restated what was already known. In 2005 Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control demonstrated that nitric oxide effectively inhibits (means to hinder, restrain, or prevent an action or process) viral protein and RNA synthesis and SARS-CoV replication.

The 2005 study published in the National Library of Medicine demonstrated that Nitric Oxide “significantly inhibited the replication cycle of SARS-CoV in a concentration-dependent manner. We also show here that NO inhibits viral protein and RNA synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NO generated by inducible nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme that produces NO, inhibits the SARS-CoV replication cycle.

In 2009 Sweden government published research paper on how nitric oxide effectively prevents SARS-CoV infections:

“we found that NO inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV by two distinct mechanisms. Firstly, NO or its derivatives cause a reduction in the palmitoylation of nascently expressed spike (S) protein which affects the fusion between the S protein and its cognate receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Secondly, NO or its derivatives cause a reduction in viral RNA production in the early steps of viral replication

Screenshot of that 2009 Sweden government published research paper:

To increase nitric oxide in the minimally ill or even uninfected is to augment the body’s ability to create it. There are many pharmacologic ways to do this; however, potentially the most effective, cheapest, and lowest risk is to supplement with the precursor amino-acid L-arginine.

Dark chocolate / cocoa’s “flavanols have been shown to increase the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the endolethium (the inner cell lining of blood vessels)” Harvard – School of Public Health

Vaccine passport unconstitutional – violating Canadians’ right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution

Forcing Canadians to be vaccinated – a medical treatment under threat of prosecution (fines) violates Canada’s supreme law. Quebec and other provinces who are requiring  vaccine passports are violating Canadians’ right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

Threatening to fine a person in Canada for not having a vaccine passport at a public venue amounts to the governments depriving Canadians of their constitutional rights under “threat of criminal prosecution”.

Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do not become law.

Section 7 of the Charter is part of Canada’s supreme law – Constitution Act, 1982. Section 7. of the Charter states “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.” Section 7 of the Charter requires that laws or state actions that interfere with life, liberty and security of the person conform to the principles of fundamental justice.

The wording of section 7 says that it applies to “everyone”. This includes all people within Canada, including non-citizens.

Section 7 rights and Canada’s supreme law are being violated by the conduct of a party other than a Canadian government body – e.g. the UN / WHO. The government need only be a participant or complicit in the conduct threatening the right, where the violation must be a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the government actions.

Canada’s Department of Justice states:

“The liberty interest protected under section 7 has at least two aspects. The first aspect is directed to the protection of persons in a physical sense and is engaged when there is physical restraint such as imprisonment or the threat of imprisonment (R. v. Vaillancourt, [1987] 2 S.C.R. 636 at 652), or state compulsions or prohibitions affecting one’s ability to move freely (R. v. Heywood, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 761 at 789). The physical restraint can be quite minor to engage the liberty component.”

s. 7 of the Constitution of Canada includes the right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

1. Everyone

“All individuals physically present in Canada will benefit from the protection of section 7 (Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 177 at page 202; Charkaoui (2007), supra, at paragraphs 17-18).”

2. Life, liberty and security of the person
(ii) Right to liberty

“Section 7 protects a sphere of personal autonomy involving “inherently private choices” that go to the “core of what it means to enjoy individual dignity and independence” (Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844 at paragraph 66; Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 at paragraph 49). Where state compulsions or prohibitions affect such choices, s. 7 may be engaged (A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, at paragraphs 100-102; Blencoe, supra at paragraphs 49-54; Siemens v. Manitoba (Attorney General), [2003] 1 S.C.R. 6 at paragraph 45) This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136) and the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution (e.g. fines): R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18. It may also include the ability to choose where one intends to live (Godbout, supra), as well as a protected sphere of parental decision-making for parents to ensure their children’s well-being, e.g., a right to make decisions concerning a child’s education and health (B.(R.), supra, at paragraph 80).” Department of Justice

Nikola Tesla harnessed kilowatts of energy from an antenna, a century ago

Nikola Tesla informed us a century ago how to easily harness more energy than a single solar panel or wind turbine by discharging a capacitor suddenly, through a short circuit (a spark gap).

“Whenever you say “the break”, you mean “a spark gap”?” lawyer, 1916

“Yes; otherwise I use the term “circuit controller, preferably”. Nikola Tesla

Spark gaps play a central role in many of Nikola Tesla’s high voltage devices. In its simplest form, a spark gap is nothing more than two electrodes with some space in between through which an electric spark passes when the voltage in a circuit reaches a high enough level.

“The discharge of a condenser affords us a means of obtaining frequencies far higher than are obtainable mechanically.” Nikola Tesla during 1891 New York lecture

With these 44,000 volts I charged my condensers. Then by discharging the condensers, either through a stationary gap or through a gap with a mechanical interrupter, I obtained any frequency I desired, and perfectly undamped waves.

“With small currents through the gap it is best to employ aluminum, but not when the currents are large.” Nikola Tesla

I charged the condenser with 40,000 volts. When it was charged full, I discharged it suddenly, through a short circuit which gave me a very rapid rate of oscillation. Let us suppose that I had stored in the condenser 10 watts. Then, for such a wave there is a flux of energy of (4 x 104)2, and this is multiplied by the frequency of 100,000. You see, it may go into thousands or millions of horsepower.” Nikola Tesla

How much horsepower was obtained by using an antenna?

“Usually something like 50 horsepower, and I would get, I should say, approximately 30 horsepower in the antenna; that is, I would get 30 horsepower in the oscillating circuit.” Nikola Tesla

30 horsepower = 22.371 kilowatts

Government of Canada and BioNTech provided documented proof that COVID-19 second, third and fourth waves were caused by COVID-19 vaccines

The Government of Canada and Germany’s COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer BioNTech provided Canadians with documented proof that the Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna vaccines are the cause of the second, third and fourth waves, not the 2003 patented SARS-CoV-2.

If you have a positive serology test result, it’s likely that you previously had a COVID-19 infection and that you developed an antibody response to the virus. It may also indicate that you developed antibodies in response to vaccination.Government of Canada website

“The most frequent adverse events included administration-site conditions, infections and infestations, musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders, nasopharyngitis (commonly known as a cold.), fatigue, headache and back pain.” BioNTech SE reported in SEC FORM F-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENT

In healthcare an adverse event is defined as “An event, preventable or nonpreventable, that caused harm to a patient as a result of medical care.”

BioNTech reported in its SEC SEC FORM F-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENT that the most frequent cause of harm to a patient as a result of being vaccinated with Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines are “infections and infestations … nasopharyngitis (commonly known as a cold), fatigue, headache and back pain”.

That means Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines can cause COVID-19 infections and the common cold = make everyone being vaccinated sick.

It is very important that Canadians know and understand that infections and nasopharyngitis (common cold) will both produce antibodies. Why is that important? Government of Canada tells you why:

COVID-19 “Serological testing detects the presence of antibodies, not the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This testing is also not to be used to diagnose infection.”

Your body makes antibodies after it’s infected by a virus or other infectious agents, or after you receive a vaccination.”

The overwhelming majority of COVID-19 test kits used to diagnose new COVID-19 cases in Canada, the US and UK are serological test kits which “do not detect the virus itself“.

COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kit insert:

“False positive results for IgM and IgG antibodies may occur due to cross reactivity from pre-existing antibodies (common cold, bronchitis infections … ) or other possible causes.”

Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E”

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives.” CDC

If COVID-19 serological test kits do not detect the virus that causes COVID-19 then logically and factually Canadians are not being tested for COVID-19 and they haven’t tested positive for COVID-19. Essentially, Canadians are being tested for the presence of nasopharyngitis /common cold antibodies – for common cold infections.

#COVID-19 #vaccines #vaccinepassports #Pfizer-BioNtech #Moderna

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are being used illegally

“The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was authorized for use in Canada under the Interim Order respecting the importation, sale and advertising of drugs for use in relation to COVID-19. The interim order expired on September 16, 2021.” Government of Canada

An interim order is one of the fastest mechanisms available to the federal government for putting in place temporary regulations to help make health products available to address large-scale public health emergencies.

Note that Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine authorization is stated on the label – “For use under Emergency Use Authorization“. Image from Health Canada website

Screenshot of the Ontario government website clearly states (made the statement in red text) that the COVID-19 emergency “was revoked on June 9, 2021.” Revoke means “to say officially that an agreement, permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect”.

Falsifying medical records is a crime if it’s done with the intent to mislead

Millions have been intentionally misdiagnosed as having COVID-19 infection to assist Germany and the UN obtain $billions under cover of Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack.

The overwhelming majority of COVID-19 test kits used to diagnose new COVID-19 cases in Canada, the US, the UK, the EU, Asia, Africa and throughout the World “do not detect the virus itself. Instead, they detect the antibodies produced in response to an infection … Serological testing detects the presence of antibodies, not the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This testing is also not to be used to diagnose infection.” Government of Canada

If serological/antibody test kits do not detect the virus that causes COVID-19 then logically and factually millions of Canadians, Americans, British, Asian, African, and European populations weren’t/are not being tested for COVID-19 and they haven’t tested positive for COVID-19.

Health Canada, the CDC, the WHO (the UN) and Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, Nova Scotia Premier Scotia McNeil and foreign governments and their health authorities have all used the results from those antibody testing kits to declare a public health emergency and to justify lockdowns despite the FDA, the CDC and Health Canada, etc., all stating “Results from antibody testing should not be used to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform infection status.”

Read the featured article …

Where Germany obtained the €600 million it gave to Bill Gates Gavi to have Bill Gates and World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players stage and lead Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack

State sponsored terrorists and terrorist organizations often use any resource of money they can have access to in order to fund their terrorism/bioterrorism attack. The states that are sponsoring/financing terrorism/bioterrorism attacks can be found by tracing the funds.

To find out who gave Germany the funds to stage the COVID-19 biological warfare / bioterrorism attack start with the date when Germany announced January 31, 2020 “that Germany would continue to support the work of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, with 600 million euros (just over $665 million) over the next five years, from 2021 to 2025.”.

Remember, at the time, Germany didn’t have the necessary funds to give to Bill Gates’ Gavi to have Bill Gates and World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players stage and lead Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare/bioterroism attack. The announcement that Germany was giving Bill Gates’s Gavi €600 million was made the day the UK officially exited the Germany Fourth Reich EU. Germany had just lost a major contributor to the EU budget. Germany desperately needed $billions to avert a EU financial collapse. Germany and its Fourth Reich EU being strapped for cash / broke was made abundantly clear less than a month later when it was announced “EU summit collapses as leaders struggle to fill €75bn Brexit hole”

Starting from January 31, 2020 track backwards to where strapped for cash Germany could have obtained the €600 million to bankroll the COVID-19 attack. Look at known German sympathizers who hold top positions in governments outside the strapped for cash EU. One person stands out – World Economic Forum Board of Trustee (the Board of Trustees is the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission) Chrystia Freeland. The World Economic Forum’s current and ongoing mission is to use COVID-19 to launch the Great Reset initiative,

The Government of Canada’s “Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020” report essentially informed you where Germany obtained the money to finance its COVID-19 biological warfare/bioterrorism attack. From Justin Trudeau and German sympathizer/collaborator Chrystia Freeland.

“The Department of Finance Canada announced today that Canada’s official international reserves increased by an amount equivalent to US$1,175 million during January to US$86,472 million. This was driven by reserves management funding operations (US$566 million). … Notes. During January, Canada issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond”

The report stated in Notes that the US$566 million was cross-currency swaps. Cross currency swap refers to an agreement between two parties to trade currencies. The parties are essentially loaning each other money.

The “Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020” report also stated in Notes that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland government “issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond“. A bond is a fixed income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental). A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the lender and borrower that includes the details of the loan and its payments.

Put 2 and 2 together and you and many seasoned investigators would conclude that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland gave strapped for cash/broke Germany the just over $665 million to finance Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare/bioterrorism attack.

Canadians and Americans can’t trust a COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer that has a criminal record for health care fraud

“Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe their drugs.” US Department of Justice

Pfizer plead guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding an anti-inflammatory drug with the intent to defraud or mislead.

The RCMP need to investigate whether or not either Pfizer or BioNTech or both paid Justin Trudeau and/or Chystia Freeland a kickback to induce them to purchase Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines. Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland aren’t going to commit crimes of high treason, treason (assist an enemy of Canada), medical fraud (intentionally falsify COVID-19 test results and Canadians’ medical records and death certificates to further Germany and the UN’s Immunization Agenda 2030) or frauds on the government (misappropriating $billions) probono.

“Illegal conduct and fraud by pharmaceutical companies puts the public health at risk, corrupts medical decisions by health care providers, and costs the government billions of dollars,” Tony West, Assistant Attorney General Civil Division United States Department of Justice from 2012 to 2014

A RCMP investigation is warranted because a European Commission research publication website reported that Pfizer and BioNTech, Moderna and Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford committed fraud to obtain FDA approval for their Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.

New COVID-19 cases in New Brunswick linked to Blaine Higgs government bringing in and housing foreign students

Atlantic Education International (headed by NB government’s Pam Sheridan) normally recruits more than 600 students from ages 11 to 18 to come study for a semester or several years at anglophone schools. But with COVID-19 travel restrictions limiting entry to Canada, that number fell to about 90 last fall.

To bring in hundreds of students from China and other COVID-19 hotspots NB Premier Blaine Higgs put the province in green. Motive? Financial gain. China paid the NB government $20,000 per student. Those students where housed in motels and hotels throughout the province for 10 to 14 days before they were housed in private residences and enrolled in schools throughout NB. NB schools are being closed now because those foreign students infected their NB classmates and their adult sponsors

Study finds ORF10 protein in SARS-CoV-2 and encoded in mRNA vaccines causes COVID-19

Study “showed that orf1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a proteins coordinated to attack the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin, and some structural and non-structural viral proteins could bind porphyrin. Deoxyhemoglobin was more vulnerable to virus attacks than oxidized hemoglobin. But ORF3a was specific and would not attack blue blood protein, normal cytochrome C, and peroxidase. As for the attack, it would cause increasingly less hemoglobin that could carry oxygen and carbon dioxide, thus producing symptoms of respiratory distress and coagulation reaction, damaging many organs and tissues. The mechanism also interfered with the normal heme anabolic pathway of the human body, expecting to cause human diseases.”

“This study revealed that some proteins had a function to combine with porphyrin to form a complex, while orf1ab, ORF10, ORF3a coordinately attack the heme on the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin to dissociate the iron to form the porphyrin. This mechanism of the virus inhibited the normal metabolic pathway of heme and made people show symptoms of the disease

3.4 Viral non-structural protein attacks the heme on the beta chain of the hemoglobin

“The porphyrin in the human body is mainly iron porphyrin, namely heme. Many hemes are not free but bound to hemoglobin. Viruses have a massive demand for porphyrins. Therefore, the novel coronavirus may target hemoglobin, attack heme, and acquire porphyrin. In order to study the attack behavior of nsp16-nsp10 (orf1ab), ORF3a, and ORF10 proteins, we used ZDOCK molecular docking technology to examine these three proteins. ZDOCK molecular docking technology can analyze protein interactions and find the approximate location of these three proteins on hemoglobin.”

“For oxidized hemoglobin, nsp16-nsp10 acted on the middle bottom of the alpha and beta chain and closed to the alpha chain. ORF3a acted at the bottom of the beta chain. ORF10 acted below the alpha chain. The possible mechanism was that nsp16-nsp10 first attacked the alpha chain, and then, ORF3 and ORF10 successively attack the beta chain.”

“For deoxyhemoglobin, nsp16-nsp10 acted on the top of the 1-beta. ORF3a acted at the bottom of the 1-beta. ORF10 acted on the top of 1-beta (Figure 4.F). ORF3 and ORF10 have embedded in deoxyhemoglobin and directly docked to the heme of the beta chain. It indicates that the viral protein can attack heme on hemoglobin. The possible mechanism was that nsp16-nsp10 first attacked the 1-beta chain, and then, ORF3 and ORF10 successively attack the 1-beta chain.”

COVID-19:Attacks the 1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Human Heme Metabolism

Published study had 2,026,035 Views and 169,519 Downloads from Cambridge University Press website

Nitric oxide / L-Arginine does what COVID-19 vaccines can’t – prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication

The WHO, CDC & Health Canada have all known since 2005 that the most effective & clinically proven treatment for inhibiting (means to prevent or hold back from doing something) SARS-CoV-2 replication & infection is nitric oxide.

SARS-CoV-2 infects cells by attaching to a  receptor on the lining of the airways called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). This is the same mechanism by which SARS-CoV-1 infects cells. Nitric Oxide (NO) specifically alters a surface protein known as the spike protein, such that it cannot attach to the ACE2 receptor. This results in blocking viral entry into the cell as well as the subsequent replication of the virus. Since SARS-CoV-2 shares the same mechanism of cell entry, we can relatively confidently assume that NO would have a similar effect regarding this novel virus.

2005 study published in the National Library of Medicine demonstrated that Nitric Oxide “significantly inhibited the replication cycle of SARS-CoV in a concentration-dependent manner. We also show here that NO inhibits viral protein and RNA synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NO generated by inducible nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme that produces NO, inhibits the SARS-CoV replication cycle.

To increase nitric oxide in the minimally ill or even uninfected is to augment the body’s ability to create it. There are many pharmacologic ways to do this; however, potentially the most effective, cheapest, and lowest risk is to supplement with the precursor amino-acid L-arginine.

Dark chocolate / cocoa’s “flavanols have been shown to increase the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the endolethium (the inner cell lining of blood vessels)” Harvard – School of Public Health

The WHO, CDC, Health Canada and other public health practitioners and officials already know that the nutritional supplement L-arginine is converted in the body into a chemical called nitric oxide.

“we found that NO inhibits (prevents) the replication of SARS-CoV by two distinct mechanisms. Firstly, NO or its derivatives cause a reduction in the palmitoylation of nascently expressed spike (S) protein which affects the fusion between the S protein and its cognate receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme 2. Secondly, NO or its derivatives cause a reduction in viral RNA production in the early steps of viral replication, and this could possibly be due to an effect on one or both of the cysteine proteases encoded in Orf1a of SARS-CoV.”

Virology study Dual effect of nitric oxide on SARS-CoV replication: viral RNA production and palmitoylation of the S protein are affected

SARS-CoV-2 created in lab in 2003

The invention relates to nucleic acids and proteins from the SARS coronavirus. These nucleic acids and proteins can be used in the preparation and manufacture of vaccine formulations, diagnostic reagents, kits, etc.

Accordingly, the invention further includes a SARS virus subunit vaccine comprising a fusion protein. Preferably, the fusion protein comprises a first amino acid sequence encoded by a SARS virus polynucleotide sequence. SARS virus polynucleotide sequences which may encode said first amino acid sequence include one or more of the SARS virus polynucleotide sequences identified in this application and fragments thereof. 

The fusion protein may comprise an amino acid sequence of a SARS virus protein or a fragment thereof. Said SARS virus protein may be selected from one or more of the group consisting of the following SARS virus proteins: P28, P65, Nsp1, Nsp2 (3CL protease), Nsp3, Nsp3, Nsp4, Nsp 5, Nsp6, Nsp 7, Nsp 8, Nsp 9 (RNA polymerase), Nsp 10 (helicase), Nsp 11, Nsp 12, Nsp 13, Spike, Orf 3, Orf 4, Envelope, Matrix, Orf7, Orf8, Orf9, Orf10, Orf11, Nucleocapsid and Orf13. 

Read more …

UK goverment declared as of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 was no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases

The UK government officially declared 19 March 2020 that COVID-19 ceased to be a major threat to public safety. UK government’s decision to downgrade COVID-19 was largely based on mortality rates being low overall. Official UK government document downgrading Status of COVID-19 is embedded below:

status of COVID-19

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 was no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

“The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.”

UK government document means Justin Trudeau didn’t have just cause to shut down Canada’s borders, impose travel restrictions or to arbitrarily order Canadians to self-isolate (amounts to unlawful Arbitrary detention – “In addition to the case of deprivation of liberty by physical constraint, there is in my opinion a detention within s. 10 of the Charter when a police officer or other agent of the state assumes control over the movement of a person by a demand or direction which may have significant legal consequence and which prevents or impedes access to counsel. R. v. Therens, 1985 CanLII 29 (SCC), [1985] 1 SCR 613) because COVID-19 wasn’t considered to be a pandemic by the UK government (a.k.a. the Crown).

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are for all intents & purposes a bioweapon – produced to deliberately cause disease and death in humans

mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies…. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make what is called the spike protein.’ The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.” CDC

Specifically, the vaccine contains the mRNA of what’s known as spike protein, which is located on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is what it uses to invade host cells. The novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick.” Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH, who specializes in infectious disease at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain both the herpes virus protein ORF10 and instructions to make spike proteins to give the herpes virus protein ORF10 the key/means to enter cells and make us sick.

This isn’t the first time the WHO had vaccine makers use a totally different virus in vaccines than the virus that caused a specific viral infection. The WHO’s smallpox vaccine contained a live virus called the vaccinia virus. It didn’t contain the smallpox virus. The vaccinia virus was purposely chosen by the UN because the vaccinia virus “restricts the production of IFN by blocking the signaling pathways leading to transcription of IFN genes, stopping IFNs binding to their receptors, blocking IFN-induced signal transduction leading to expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), or inhibiting the antiviral activity of ISG products”.  The small-pox vaccine was deliberately designed and developed by the UN/WHO using the vaccinia virus to trigger/cause an immunodeficiency disease called AIDS

Charges of high treason and treason warranted for Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, NB Premier Blaine Higgs and other Canadian premiers for assisting an enemy, Germany wage COVID-19 biological warfare/war against Canada

Charges of high treason and treason are warranted and need to be laid against Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and other co-conspirators for assisting an enemy, Germany wage COVID-19 biological warfare (an act of war) against Canada.

There is ample evidence showing Germany sponsored the biological warfare attack. German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pledged 600 Million Euros in January 31, 2020 (day the UK formally left Germany’s EU) to fund the COVID-19 biological warfare attack. Stated purpose of Germany sponsoring the biological attack – “It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.

Germany and the WHO began conspiring in 2017 to stage a worldwide biological warfare attack to save the insolvent Germany and the UN.

We conducted a (pandemic) simulation exercise during our meeting in Berlin in May 2017 in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), … The international community needs to fully support the WHO in order for the organization to be able to fulfill its role, including in capacity building and in preparing for and responding to health emergencies. In this respect, we acknowledge that WHO’s financial and human resource capacities have to be strengthened, including through adequate and sustainable funding for the Health Emergencies Programme and the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE).

Berlin Declaration of the G20 Health Ministers

The UN being insolvent was made perfectly clear in October 2019 in a statement by the Secretary-General about “the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, The UN declaring it was insolvent was made just months before start of Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack.

News articles reported 21 February 2020 that Germany’s EU was insolvent too. “A summit of EU leaders seeking to fill a €75bn hole in the bloc’s budget left by Brexit dramatically collapsed after Angela Merkel led major contributors in rejecting a proposal that would have left them paying billions more.

The UK’s departure has left EU states struggling to fund plans over the next seven years to tackle the climate emergency, aid poorer regions and continue to subsidise farmers through the common agricultural policy.The Guardian

When Chrystia Freeland joined Germany formed and lead alliance to save the International World Order/UN (WHO) from destruction in April 2019, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Germany and their co-conspirators knew that there was only one way to save an organization like the United Nations Organization (UNO). By giving the UNO $billions.

However, Canada, the USA, the UK and other non-EU countries couldn’t just hand over $billions to the UNO so Germany, the WHO, the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, and Event 201 players stage/lead the COVID-19 plandemic to cover up the theft of $billions for the insolvent Germany Fourth Reich EU and its International World Order/UN.

High treason

 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,

(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or

(c) assists an enemy at war (biological warfare is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war) with Canada, whether or not a state of war exists


(2) Every one (Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs and Alberta Premier Jason Kenney) commits treason who, in Canada,

(c) conspires with any person (German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the WHO?UN) to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a);

(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act (COVID-19 biological warfare attack)

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within

Assisting an enemy of Canada wage any form of warfare (armed, biological, nuclear, financial, etc., ) against Canada is and always has been a crime of high treason and treason. Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war. NB Premier Blaine Higgs, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Justin Trudeau and NS Premier Tim Houston are all actively conspiring with and assisting Germany wage COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada and its civilian population. The attack is being waged against Canada in pursuant to or in furtherance of Germany (a foreign state and Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy) and the UN’s strategic interests and agendas.

Legal memorandum emailed to NB Premier Blaine Higgs, Justin Trudeau and RCMP

RCMP turned La Familia gang member Peter Allan Griffon involved in Justin Trudeau’s April 18-19, 2020 NS false flag

“The group is called La Familia & their reputation includes bloodshed & intimidation. La Familia, or the The Family, is described as an international support arm for the Mexican drug cartels and has strong ties to El Salvador gang Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13.” ALERT Edmonton, an integrated team consisting of Edmonton Police Service and RCMP members

La Familia gang members associated with RCMP informant Peter Allan Griffon were involved in/staged the Nova Scotia shooting and arsons. The false flag was staged because Justin Trudeau couldn’t make a deal with opposition leaders to keep the House of Commons closed. The House and all members of Parliament, their staff and House security were required to return to work the Monday after the shooting took place because the COVID-19 public health emergency had ended. The UK government officially downgraded COVID-19 as of March 19, 2020

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland has been and continues to conspire with Germany to continue the Germany sponsored COVID-19 plandemic. Justin Trudeau needed the House to remain closed to assist Germany, an enemy of Canada, continue it’s COVID-19 plandemic. If the House had opened MPs who have debated the severity and extent of COVID-19 and Justin Trudeau’s spending – funneling $billions to the UN’s IMF to fund the insolvent UN and Germany EU states.

Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 false flag (staged by convicted La Familia gang member Peter Allan Griffon and his associates) was funded with the $475,000 cash Gabriel Wortman picked up on March 30, 2020. “The withdrawal of $475,000 in cash … matches the method the RCMP uses to send money to confidential informants and agents. … the transaction is consistent with how the RCMP funnels money to its confidential informants and agents, and is not an option available to private banking customers.” Maclean’s magazine article “The Nova Scotia shooter case has hallmarks of an undercover operation” Coincidentally, RCMP informant Peter Alan Griffon, was released from prison after serving only part of a seven year sentence for drug and firearm offenses linked to La Familia just prior to the NS mass shooting and arson false flag. When Peter Allan Griffon was first arrested in 2014 the CBC posted article Dec 17, 2014 “La Familia gang members armed for ‘human hunting,’ police say“. Police “seized two .22 calibre rifles (one with a silencer), a .44 calibre Desert Eagle handgun, a sawed-off shotgun, body armour and thousands of rounds of ammunition.”

Germany’s motive for having Bill Gates & World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players stage COVID-19 – force World to bailout insolvent Germany EU and the UN Organization

The motive behind Germany and WHO/UN’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack is and always has been about money. Before COVID-19 both Germany’s EU and its International World Order, a.k.a. the UN were insolvent. The EU and the UN desperately needed $billions and the only way they were going to obtain it was from non-EU states like Canada, China and the US (the US – Barack Obama and Joe Biden gave the EU $billions during the H1N1 plandemic)

A number of news articles since April 2019 provided the World with Germany’s motive for paying Bill Gates and World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players 600 million Euros during the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland to stage and lead COVID-19 plandemic.

The official stated purpose for staging COVID-19 plandemic was provided when German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 600 Million Euros for Global Vaccine Efforts January 31, 2020 – Brexit Day , the day UK officially left Germany’s EU

“It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.” Global Citizen

However, COVID-19 plandemic was staged as a distraction while $billions is being misappropriated/stolen by Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson governments to bankroll the insolvent UN and Germany’s EU. Before the COVID-19 plandemic both the UN and Germany’s EU (Germany reoccupied Europe) desperately needed $billions to avoid bankruptcy. Before the COVID-19 plandemic the UN and Germany EU stated publicly that they were insolvent.

The first news articles that publicly confirmed that the UN was on the verge of collapse was in April 2019 when major news medias reported that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland were overtly conspiring with Germany (Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy) to form a coalition  “aimed at saving the international world order from destruction” National Post, April 15, 2019 The UN Organization publicly stated / confirmed 6 months later that it was insolvent. Then in February 2020 Germany publicly admitted that its EU was insolvent too.

UN publicly declaring it was insolvent

“The United Nations is running a deficit of $230 million, Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday, and may run out of money by the end of October. In a letter intended for the 37,000 employees at the UN secretariat and obtained by CBS News’ Pamela Falk, Guterres said unspecified “additional stop-gap measures” would have to be taken to ensure salaries and entitlements are paid.” CBS News October 2019

Germany’s Fourth Reich EU was insolvent too

A summit of EU leaders seeking to fill a €75bn hole in the bloc’s budget left by Brexit dramatically collapsed after Angela Merkel led major contributors in rejecting a proposal that would have left them paying billions more.

The UK’s departure has left EU states struggling to fund plans over the next seven years to tackle the climate emergency, aid poorer regions and continue to subsidise farmers through the common agricultural policy.The Guardian 21 February 2020

Least we forget, this isn’t the first time Germany waged biological warfare against Canada, USA, England and Europe. The German army was the first to use weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical, during the First World War/WWI.

Blatant violation of the Constitution of Canada and Canadians’ constitutional rights and freedons

More than 100 staff members at a Windsor, Ont., hospital are being placed on unpaid leave for not receiving their first COVID-19 vaccine doses by a set deadline.

Windsor Regional Hospital says the 140 staff members who did not receive their first shots by Sept. 22 have until Oct. 7 to do so.

After that date, the hospital says employees who remain unvaccinated will have their jobs terminated or privileges suspended.

Section 7 of the Constitution of Canada includes and protects Canadians’ right to refuse medical treatment (a vaccine is a medical treatment) & the right to make “reasonable medical choices”.

The rule of law is recognized in the preamble of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is found in the Constitution Act, 1982.

“Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.”

All federal and provincial laws must comply with the Constitution. If a law violates or contradicts an aspect of the Constitution, then that law can be declared invalid and will be struck down or read down by the courts upon review.

The rule of law helps to protect us from abuses of power. Without it, powerful individuals or groups (UN, WHO) could take advantage of others by intimidating them with violence or other kinds of suffering (Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack) in order to impose demands (Immunization Agenda 2030) and restrictions (employment, commerce and travel) upon them. In this way, the rule of law helps to secure our rights, liberties and equality.

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Justin Trudeau called snap election because of NSICOP report on its investigation of Finance Minister & Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland

Justin Trudeau called a snap election for Sept. 20 days after NSICOP delivered to him and “relevant ministers” (Chrystia Freeland) another damning national security and intelligence report on August 11, 2021. The damning NSICOP special report pertains to NSICOP’s investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department (January 2017- November 2019) and of the Government of Canada’s cyber defence framework. NSICOP stated in a September 17, 2020 press release that the NSICOP investigation “is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about Global Affairs Canada’s national security and intelligence activities. … its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent investigation.”

The NSICOP report delivered to Justin Trudeau on August 11, 2021 specifically named the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) which oversees the expenditures of the federal government – of Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.

“TBS is responsible for overseeing how the federal government spends taxpayers’ dollars. It does this by reviewing government programs, spending proposals and spending authorities, and by reporting to Parliament and Canadians on government spending.”

“As part of fulfilling this responsibility in 2020–21, TBS will support the Department of Finance Canada, as appropriate, to meet the government’s commitment to undertake a comprehensive review of government spending to ensure that resources are efficiently allocated to continue to invest in people and keep the economy strong and growing.” TBS

“Section 21(6) of the NSICOP Act requires that the Prime Minister table a declassified version of the report within 30 sitting days of the resumption of Parliament. Until then, its contents remain classified.” NSICOP

That means Canadians won’t know what’s in the NSICOP report on its investigation of the activities of Chrystia Freeland when she was head of Global Affairs Canada or how the Treasury Board Secretariat (responsible for overseeing how the federal government spends taxpayers’ dollars) is involved in the NSICOP’s national security and intelligence investigation of Chrystia Freeland until after the election.

Note that the NSICOP investigates matters of national security and intelligence. NSICOP investigates Parliamentarians – Members of Parliament and the activities of their departments. NSICOP specifically named the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) which oversees the expenditures of the federal government – of Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Coincidentally, on August 11, 2021, the same day NSICOP delivered its “national security and intelligence report” to Justin Trudeau the House of Commons was debating NSICOP reporting its findings to the PM instead of to the House of Commons.

Debate continues in the House of Commons over who should be able to see documents containing possible national security concernsThe Hill Times

House of Commons debated this major national security issue June 1, 2021. “In short, NSICOP is accountable to the government. Under our constitution, the government is accountable to this House. It is to this House that the government should deliver the documents.House of Commons transcript

MPs are concerned that Justin Trudeau is covering up foreign governments’ espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Activities that are defined by CSIS as threats to the security of Canada.

Justin Trudeau redacted NSICOP national security and intelligence reports. Redacted the names of foreign states that are actively conducting espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. He didn’t redact China or Russia so which foreign states are Justin Trudeau protecting – helping them to continue to conduct espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Top of the list is Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy, Germany.

Germany recruited Chrystia Freeland in April 2019 (when she was head of Global Affairs Canada) to assist Germany save the International World Order / UN from destruction. In January 2019 Germany had the World Economic Forum (serves Germany’s steategic interests) appoint Chrystia Freeland (Global Affiars Canada) as a Board of Trustee – one of the board’s foremost responsibilities is to secure adequate financial resources for the organization to fulfill/fund its mission(s).

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Kraut Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

While Chrystia Freeland was head of Global Affairs Canada she also served as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv (serves Ukraine’s political interests). Chrystia Freeland continued to serve Ukraine’s interests after she became Finance Minister. Resigned from her position as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv Board of Trustees effective May 16, 2021. In her letter of resignation she stated “Rest assured you can count on my continued support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, reforms, and democracy.” – means she intends on continuing to further/bankroll Ukraine’s interests while she serves as a MP in Canada’s Parliament.

Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 false flag


Bioterrorism can range from a simple hoax to the actual use of biological weapons. The goal for bioterrorism (terrorism) is to further their social and political goals

The WHO and Germany initiated planning and preparing for the COVID-19 plandemic during the G20 Germany 2017 summit. Germany and the WHO conducted simulation exercises in 2017 depicting a fictional viral outbreak that spreads by droplets. Germany and the WHO’s simulation exercises used fake news reports, fake Twitter posts, videos and paid actors to fake a viral outbreak. The simulation exercises were conducted to assist Germany and the WHO recruit G20 leaders for Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 plandemic.

“We conducted a simulation exercise during our meeting in Berlin in May 2017 in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), … The international community needs to fully support the WHO in order for the organization to be able to fulfill its role, including in capacity building and in preparing for and responding to health emergencies. In this respect, we acknowledge that WHO’s financial and human resource capacities have to be strengthened, including through adequate and sustainable funding for the Health Emergencies Programme and the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE).” Berlin Declaration of the G20 Health Ministers

In criminal law, Germany and the WHO’s actions are defined as a conspiracy. An agreement between two or more persons or parties to commit a crime at some time in the future. Criminal law in most countries require that at least one overt act (COVID-19) be undertaken in furtherance of that agreement, to constitute an criminal offense.

The agreement is the key element of criminal conspiracy cases, and must constitute a common plan with a mutual objective amongst the parties. The law does not require that the agreement be made in writing – it can be verbal or even unspoken.

Greater terrorist threat comes from deranged people who are willing to risk an out-of-control epidemic for the good of “the cause.”

Bill Gates, is for all intents & purposes, a drug dealer for the largest drug trafficking Organization in the World – the United Nations Organization

“We’re tempted to say that nobody in their right mind would ever use these things (bioweapons – infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses / coronaviruses and genetically engineered organisms), but not everybody is in their right mind! … In my opinion, the terrorist threat is very real, and it’s about to get worse.” Steven Block, a professor of biological sciences and applied physics at Stanford.

He argues that bioweapons offer terrorist groups and “rogue states” (Germany) an affordable way to counter the overwhelming military superiority of the United States and other nuclear powers

Although Block was concerned about the bioweapons buildup in Iraq and other nations, he believes a greater threat comes from terrorist groups (Bill Gates, World Economic Forum and Event 201 players) willing to risk an out-of-control epidemic (COVID-19) and eager to suffer casualties for the good of “the cause” = save Germany’s bankrupt / insolvent EU and International World Order / UN from destruction.

News articles confirmed that the UN was on the verge of collapse in April 2019. Major news medias reported that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland joined a Germany (Canada, the US, the UK and Europe’s WWI and WWII enemy) formed and lead coalition “aimed at saving the international world order from destructionNational Post, April 15, 2019

UN Secretary-General publicly stated/confirmed that the UN/WHO was insolvent in October 2019 in a letter written to Member States, “about the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.”, source

Chrystia Freeland continues to violate federal law

Last tweet before @presscoreca Twitter account was suspended for Germany was a retweet informing Canadians that Germany’s mole (in espionage jargon, a mole is a spy/agent for a foreign governmentChrystia Freeland is violating federal laws – is in a major conflict of interest.

Section 15 (1)(c) of the Conflict of Interest Act prohibits reporting public office holders from engaging in a range of activities outside their official duties and responsibilities. Chrystia Freeland joined and continues to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum (serves Germany’s strategic interests) and a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv (serves Ukraine’s political interests) while serving as Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of Canada.

Conflict of Interest Act (S.C. 2006, c. 9, s. 2)

Prohibited activities

15 (1) No reporting public office holder (Chrystia Freeland) shall, except as required in the exercise of his or her official powers, duties and functions,

(c) continue as, or become, a director or officer in a corporation or an organization.


threats to the security of Canada means

  • (a) espionage or sabotage that is against Canada or is detrimental to the interests of Canada or activities directed toward or in support of such espionage or sabotage,
  • (b) foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person,

2nd last @presscoreca tweet before Twitter account was suspended for Germany was:

What does that mean? It means COVID-19 was planned. Germany paid Bill Gates €600 million to facilitate (commit) act of terrorism against Canada, the US and World for a NGO UN goal – obtain worldwide support for vaccinations.

SARS-CoV-2 Patent US-2006257852-A1 – novel SARS coronavirus encoded with new viral proteins as well as new structural or functional aspects of known viral proteins

“The invention relates to nucleic acids and proteins from the SARS coronavirus. These nucleic acids and proteins can be used in the preparation and manufacture of vaccine formulations, diagnostic reagents, kits, etc.“

“Accordingly, the invention further includes a SARS virus subunit vaccine comprising a fusion protein. Preferably, the fusion protein comprises a first amino acid sequence encoded by a SARS virus polynucleotide sequence. SARS virus polynucleotide sequences which may encode said first amino acid sequence include one or more of the SARS virus polynucleotide sequences identified in this application and fragments thereof. “

The fusion protein may comprise an amino acid sequence of a SARS virus protein or a fragment thereof. Said SARS virus protein may be selected from one or more of the group consisting of the following SARS virus proteins: P28, P65, Nsp1, Nsp2 (3CL protease), Nsp3, Nsp3, Nsp4, Nsp 5, Nsp6, Nsp 7, Nsp 8, Nsp 9 (RNA polymerase), Nsp 10 (helicase), Nsp 11, Nsp 12, Nsp 13, Spike, Orf 3, Orf 4, Envelope, Matrix, Orf7, Orf8, Orf9, Orf10, Orf11 … ” Patent US-2006257852-A1

Patent US20060257852A1


New viral proteins or individual genes encoding said proteins, as well as new structural or functional aspects of known viral proteins or genes.

What “new viral proteins” were encoded to make the patented novel SARS coronavirus?

ORF10 protein – a protein that is exclusively/only found in SARS-CoV-2 genome and not in SARS-CoV or any other human coronavirus, used/encoded in the fusion protein of the patented novel SARS coronavirus and “a SARS virus subunit vaccine comprising a fusion protein”. A subunit vaccine is a vaccine that contains purified parts of the pathogen (SARS) that are antigenic.

China is the origin of COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 infection – epidemic began immediately after the People’s Republic of China began mandatory SARS vaccinations in Wuhan as required by “Vaccines Administration Law” which came into effect on 1 Dec 2019.

Article 6 The State implements immunization program system.

All citizens who reside in the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be entitled and obliged to be immunized with national immunization program vaccines according to law. The government shall provide immunization program vaccines for the citizens free of charge.

Some of the SARS vaccines were no doubt made by Novartis (patent US-2006257852-A1) lab, Sandoz Pharmaceutical in Wuhan, China.

Chrystia Freeland – breach of trust, conflict of interest, frauds on the government, espionage …

A double agent is a spy pretending to serve one government while actually serving another.

The Government of Canada has a double agent who is hiding in plain sight = Chrystia Freeland. Chrystia Freeland is actively advancing Ukraine’s own strategic interests while she is serving as a MP in Canada’s Parliament.

Chrystia Freeland is unlawfully using the offices of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister to funnel $billions to Ukraine to bankroll Ukraine and Ukraine’s own strategic interests.

Chrystia Freeland is providing Ukraine with CAF troops, 45 RCMP officers and a massive amount of federal government funding. Freeland gave $45 million to Ukraine in 2019 while serving as Foreign Affairs Minister (Global Affairs Canada) and Deputy Prime Minister. Chrystia Freeland has been funneling $billions to Ukraine through the UN’s IMF.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmygal claims that Ukraine is not in danger of bankruptcy amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. He made this statement in an interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt on the eve of his online talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Schmyhal told the Handelsblatt that he “sees absolutely no reason for the Ukraine to become insolvent” because his country is about to sign a five billion dollar loan with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Handelsblatt 12.05.2020

Germany’s EU states uses the IMF to indirectly / covertly obtain $billions from non-EU states. The IMF has no money. It relies on corrupt politicians like Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau to misappropriate and funnel $billions to the IMF so that the IMF can fund Germany, Ukraine and other insolvent EU states.

the IMF administers a pool of money from which members can borrow when they are in trouble. …

the IMF is not a bank and does not intermediate between investors and recipients. Nevertheless, it has at its disposal significant resources, presently valued at over $215 billion. These resources come from quota subscriptions, or membership fees, paid in by the IMF’s 182 member countries. Each member contributes to this pool of resources a certain amount of money proportionate to its economic size and strength (richer countries pay more, poorer less). While the Bank borrows and lends, the IMF is more like a credit union whose members have access to a common pool of resources (the sum total of their individual contributions) to assist them in times of need. Although under special and highly restrictive circumstances the IMF borrows from official entities (but not from private markets), it relies principally on its quota subscriptions to finance its operations.


December 6, 2018 – Milan, Italy – Global Affairs Canada

Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs announced that Canada will contribute up to $24 million to support electoral reforms, election observers, gender equality and inclusive governance in Ukraine.

7 months later July 2, 2019 – Toronto, Ontario – Global Affairs Canada gave another $45 million to Ukraine.

August 12, 2021 – Ottawa, Ontario announced $30 million to support inclusive governance in Ukraine. $30 million gift from Chrystia Freeland to celebrate the upcoming 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence — ironically independence means freedom from outside control or support : the state of being independent.

Each year the Victor Pinchuk Foundation & its partner George Soros host a private meeting on current trends in Ukraine in order to promote the country among top international leaders & engage in a dialogue with the international community. Among the “paid” speakers and promoters is MP Chrystia Freeland.

Canadians are footing the bill every time Chrystia Freeland attends private meetings overseas to support Ukraine’s peace and prosperity. Canadians are footing the bill every time Chrystia Freeland gives the independent state of Ukraine, a foreign country, $billions to fund Ukraine’s interests and projects. The $billions is added to Canada’s national debt.


threats to the security of Canada means

  • (a) espionage or sabotage that is against Canada or is detrimental to the interests of Canada or activities directed toward or in support of such espionage or sabotage,
  • (b) foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person,

mRNA COVID-19 vaccines designed and developed to reinfect everyone who was vaccinated, for life

The WHO reported that the severity of COVID-19 is enhanced by the human herpes virus protein ORF10.

“uniqueness of ORF10 and predicted intrinsic characteristics support possible involvement of ORF10 protein in giving COVID-19 its specific characteristics like spread and virulence” World Heath Organization

Since 1972 the WHO/UN has called for/recommended virologists develop the means to prolong virus/coronavirus infections:

“An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. e.g. by depressing (to diminish the activity, strength, or yield of) 7S (IgG) versus 19S (IgM) antibody, or by affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukemia, hepatitis, …”

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3)

Virologists did that by genetically engineering/modifying the SARS coronavirus. The human herpes virus protein ORF10 was encoded into the SARS coronavirus to make the novel SARS-CoV-2 – created in 2003 patent US-2006257852-A1, assigned to CHIRON CORP (US) which was acquired by Novartis (Switzerland). The herpes virus ORF10 protein was encoded in SARS to cause it to prolong CoV infections.

“These results indicate that ORF10, like its HSV-1 homolog VP16, is a transactivating protein despite the absence of sequences similar to the VP16 carboxy-terminal domain. The transactivating function of the VZV ORF10 tegument protein may be critical for efficient initiation of viral infection1993 Journal of Virology published study

“Nuclear export of host mRNAs is critical for proper cellular functions and survival. To mitigate this effort, viruses have evolved multiple strategies to inhibit this process. Distinct to the generally nonselective inhibition mechanisms, ORF10 from gammaherpesviruses blocks nuclear export of selective mRNAs by forming a complex with Rae1 (RNA export 1) and Nup98 (nucleoporin 98).” October 8, 2020 published research article – Molecular mechanism  underlying selective inhibition of mRNA nuclear export by herpesvirus protein ORF10

Germany and the WHO chose to use the patented herpes ORF10 protein encoded SARS-CoV-2 virus to ensue the novel CoV would reinfect (relapse) everyone who was vaccinated for years to come –  there is currently no cure or preventive treatment for a herpes infection. If a person gets a herpes virus infection, they will have it for life , whether or not they experience symptoms – during the first herpes outbreak (called primary herpes), an infected person may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever and headache.

World has access to oceans of fuel

Clean hydrogen fuel is available to everyone living near water. Hydrogen (a natural gas) can easily be generated from water – tap water, sea water, drain water, any water. Water is H2O (hydrogen and oxygen) and water can easily be split (fissioned) into zero emission hydrogen gas using a simple method called electrolysis (cold fission).

In electrolysis of water a very small electrical current is passed between two electrodes submerged in water. Electrolysis of water will begin with a minimum of 1.2 volts and will increase in rate as the voltage is increased. Hydrogen gas accumulates at the cathode (negative electrode) and oxygen gas at the anode (positive electrode). Sources of electrical current that can be used in the electrolysis of water – car battery (12 volts) or a solar panel. In the PRESS Core article “Simple electronic device instantly increases solar panel output and efficiency by more than 700%” I, PRESS Core editor Paul W Kincaid, demonstrated how to increase solar panel output and efficiency. 19 volts DC was instantly increased to 166 volts DC. More than enough energy to power a H2O fuel cell and produce more than enough hydrogen fuel to power a gas combustion engine like a portable electrical power generator or fuel gas stoves, gas fireplaces, gas barbecues and gas home heating furnaces.

In 2008 I produced the above video and I posted it on YouTube Feb. 23, 2011 (22,076 views as of Aug. 17, 2021) and on my website (no longer own the .com domain) to demonstrate just how easy it is to produce hydrogen gas from water. My H2O fuel cell was designed to use sea water. It can also use brine water from the flooded potash mine shafts in Sussex and Norton NB. Very little energy was used to cold fission (the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts) water and produce hydrogen and oxygen gases. Just 4.5 volts DC was used. Most batteries of cell phones, digital cameras and tablets are recharged using 5 volts USB chargers. Therefore, a car’s 12 volt battery would produce more hydrogen gas fuel and a solar panel with an output of 166 volts (using method demonstrated in PRESS Core article “Simple electronic device instantly increases solar panel output and efficiency by more than 700%”) would produce much more hydrogen gas fuel and much more quickly.

CSIS predicted Germany and WHO/UN‘s COVID-19 biological weapon attack

CSIS report predicted Germany and WHO/UN’s COVID-19 biological weapon attack – a small-scale, sporadic (3 waves) biological attack by states

to undermine public confidence in local, state, and national governments.

A 2006 CSIS Biological Weapons Threat report that CSIS wrote and made public after surveying senior U.S. officials and legislators, former senior policymakers, and nongovernmental experts regarding the nature of the biological weapons threat determined that the top “Likely Biological Weapons Proliferation Scenarios” would be a “small-scale, sporadic biological attacks by states (the EU is a political and economic union of 27 states that are governed / controlled by Germany) or terrorists (Bill Gates, World Economic Forum and their Event 201 players – tasked with leading the policy response to a fictional outbreak scenario in the Event 201 plandemic) to undermine public confidence in local, state, and national governments“.

The CSIS report Table 4: Most Likely Biological Weapons Proliferation Scenarios, Top Tier Scenarios listed

Small-scale, sporadic biological attacks by states or terrorists to undermine public confidence in local, state, and national governments

as the top (75% most likely) biological weapons threat.

Table 3 listed Germany, the belligerent state, reason for choosing to sponsor the small-scale sporadic (3 waves) biological (COVID-19) attack – local, state, and national governments will be …

“unable to claim firm responsibility for a biological attack because of its delayed effects and/or confusion with a natural outbreak of disease”.

COVID-19 died out between late January and early February 2020 so WHO revived it by ill-advising governments to aerosol spray streets and public places

The WHO/UN and UK documents provided evidence that COVID-19 was never a pandemic because the WHO publicly stated “that the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in China peaked and plateaued between 23 January and 2 February 2020, and had been declining steadily since then” CNBC report and soon after the UK government declared “As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 was no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.” UK government “Status of COVID-19”

UK document embedded below. The embedded PDF file is a printout of a webpage made using UK government website’s “Print this page” button.

UK gov Status of COVID-19

So how did COVID-19 spread to other parts of the world? EU virologist Ron Fouchier told us how COVID-19 spread. Fouchier stated that coronavirus is transmissible/spread primarily by healthcare “aerosol-generating procedures”. Airborne transmission is defined as the spread of an infectious agent caused by the dissemination of droplet nuclei (aerosols) that remain infectious when suspended in air over long distances and time. Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 can occur during medical procedures that generate aerosols (“aerosol generating procedures”).

Since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan China the WHO/UN had been actively discussing and evaluating whether SARS-CoV-2 may also spread through aerosols in the absence of aerosol generating procedures..

Because COVID-19 was dying out the strapped for cash/insolvent WHO/UN ill advised governments to aerosol streets and public places which as Ron Fouchier stated makes coronavirus more transmissible. The WHO advising governments to begin aerosol spraying immediately after COVID-19 peaked and plateaued between 23 January and 2 February 2020 caused the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to be active/survive longer so that it could spread and infect more people. The WHO essentially reactivated COVID-19 so that it and the strapped for cash/insolvent UN could obtain $billions by false pretense.

If you got vaccine for COVID-19 you were likely infected with herpes virus that is exclusively found in SARS-CoV-2 genome

SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to SARS. What is different is what makes it a novel SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). What’s different is a protein that is exclusively found in SARS-CoV-2 genome and not in SARS-CoV

SARS-CoV-2 genome contains the protein ORF10. ORF10 is the protein for the organism Human Herpes Virus (HHV-8)

HHV-8 virus is one of only two members of the Herpesvirus known to cause human cancer. HHV-8 viruses can establish latency in their host cells for a lifetime. HHV-8 mostly causes disease mainly in immunocompromised individuals. It is well documented that people who engage in drug use put themselves at risk for contracting or transmitting viral infections such as herpes, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), or hepatitis. This is because viruses spread through blood or other body fluids. It happens primarily in two ways: (1) when people inject drugs and share needles or other drug equipment and (2) when drugs impair judgment and people have unprotected sex with an infected partner. This can happen with both men and women. People who get vaccinated are being injected with drugs and mRNA – genetic material of viruses. I repeat, SARS-COV-2 genome contains ORF10 protein = the disease causing organism Human Herpes Virus.

Nuclear export of host mRNA that encodes antiviral factors is critical for antiviral protein production and control of viral replication. “Viral inhibition of cellular mRNA export can enhance viral access to the cellular translation machinery and prevent anti-viral protein production but is generally thought to be nonselective. We report that ORF10 of Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV), a nuclear DNA virus, inhibits mRNA export in a transcript-selective manner to control cellular gene expression.” 2016 research publication  “A herpesvirus protein selectively inhibits cellular mRNA nuclear export

WHO staged concurrent and consecutive simulation exercises during COVID-19 and data from those exercises were used to exaggerate the severity and extent of COVID-19

The WHO (UN) conducted concurrent and consecutive COVID-19 simulation exercises before and during COVID-19 to deceive the public, government officials and health authorities worldwide. The WHO stated on its website that its simulation exercises used various means including “through fake press articles, face to face through actors, audio/visual material including video clips” to present the simulation exercises “as close to reality as possible”.

A field exercise is one form of full-scale exercise, focusing on more specific capacities or series of capacities, such as procedures for Rapid Response Teams (RRT), laboratory analysis or other sample collection and transport.

Exercises are not one-time events, but should be undertaken as part of a carefully designed exercise program which ensures a common strategic objective (Immunization Agenda 2030) is addressed. A comprehensive exercise program is made up of progressively complex exercises, which build upon the previous, until they are as close to reality as possible.” WHO

The WHO/UN used the data from those concurrent and consecutive COVID-19 SimEx (21 epidemic and pandemic exercises were conducted by the WHO in 2020 – see screenshot above) to exaggerate the severity and extent of Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare/bioterrorism attack. To exaggerate claim COVID-19 was widespread throughout Europe and Asia the WHO used SimEx data from exercises staged 19 Nov 2019 to 22 Nov 2019 throughout Europe including: Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic Of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Uzbekistan and 05 Dec 2019 in Asia including: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR (China), Japan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Macao SAR (China), Malaysia, Mongolia, Republic Of Korea, Singapore, Vietnam.

Pay particular attention to the names of the countries where the WHO/UN staged coronavirus SimEX (simulation/fake exercise) 05 Dec 2019. The WHO staged a coronavirus pandemic SimEx in China just prior to start of COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple countries have used and benefitted from (WHO) SimEx to enhance their COVID-19 preparedness and response. Many more countries have also been implementing SimEx as part of regular monitoring and evaluation of national IHR (2005) to enhance health security preparedness. These include table top exercises and full-scale exercises, which tested the national capacity to managing potential importation of COVID-19 or other emerging infectious disease outbreak.Globalization and Health article

“The (SimeEx) exercise team should make an effort to present this information (data) in a fashion as close as possible to reality. This builds buy-in to the scenario, and encourages realistic responses from the outset of the exercise.” WHO Simulation Exercise Manual

Justin Trudeau called a snap election days after receiving damning NSICOP national security and intelligence report

Justin Trudeau called a snap election for Sept. 20 days after NSICOP delivered to him and “relevant ministers” another damning national security and intelligence report August 11, 2021 – a special report regarding the Government of Canada’s cyber defence framework.

The NSICOP report specifically named the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) which oversees the expenditures of the federal government – of Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.

“TBS is responsible for overseeing how the federal government spends taxpayers’ dollars. It does this by reviewing government programs, spending proposals and spending authorities, and by reporting to Parliament and Canadians on government spending.”

“As part of fulfilling this responsibility in 2020–21, TBS will support the Department of Finance Canada, as appropriate, to meet the government’s commitment to undertake a comprehensive review of government spending to ensure that resources are efficiently allocated to continue to invest in people and keep the economy strong and growing.” TBS

“Section 21(6) of the NSICOP Act requires that the Prime Minister table a declassified version of the report within 30 sitting days of the resumption of Parliament. Until then, its contents remain classified.” NSICOP report

Same thing happened in 2019 just days after Liberal MP David McGuinty presented Justin Trudeau with NSICOP’s 2019 annual report on foreign states’ interference activities in Canada on September 3, 2019. Justin Trudeau called 2019 federal election 8 days later on September 11, 2019.

Excerpt from NSICOP’s 2019 annual report on foreign states’ interference activities in Canada that was presented to PM Justin Trudeau on September 3, 2019 –  8 days before Justin Trudeau called 2019 federal election on September 11, 2019:

The Committee believes there is ample evidence that Canada is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference activities. *** (*** indicates a state name – Germany / EU, was redacted by Justin Trudeau) The PRC, the Russian Federation, other states. *** (*** indicates more redaction by Justin Trudeau)”

“The Committee believes that these states target Canada for a variety of reasons, but all seek to exploit the openness of our society and penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives. They target ethnocultural communities, seek to corrupt the political process, manipulate the media, and attempt to curate debate on postsecondary campuses. Each of these activities poses a significant risk to the rights and freedoms of Canadians and to the country’s sovereignty: they are a clear threat to the security of Canada”

Career criminals often have at least one alias, which they use in an effort to avoid detection by law enforcement

Embezzlement is the highest type of fraud. Embezzlement is a breach of the fiduciary responsibilities placed upon a person. Embezzlement takes place when a person uses funds for a different purpose than they were intended to be used. Embezzlers might create bills and receipts for activities that did not occur and then use the money paid for their own purposes—or the purposes of someone else (such as a friend or family member). An embezzler might collaborate with a partner who is listed as a consultant or contractor who issues invoices and receives payment, yet never actually performs the duties they are charging for.

Before moving to Toronto Ontario to become a MP, Chrystia Freeland lived and worked in the US for Reuters. While working and living in Manhattan, NYC she used an alias, Freela. Public record search confirmed Chrystia Freeland used the alias Freela. It’s in the public’s interest to investigate why she used the alias Freela. Start the investigation by obtaining the public record on file in the US.

Chrystia Freeland abruptly left Reuters job July 29, 2013 after causing collapse of Reuters Next. After Freeland committed to Reuters Next, she set about clearing out many existing Thomson Reuters employees to make room for her own people. Freeland’s actions is defined as cronyism – the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.

“Freeland went on a hiring spree, bringing in big names (with big contracts) … Costs steadily rose with new hires and payments to vendors and consultants as the project dragged on and the launch date was continually postponed. While earlier articles estimated the cost at around $5 million, sources close to the project said that actual figure was three to four times that amount, or between $15 and $20 million. Moreover, the first former Reuters employee said that media consultancy Activate was paid $300,000 a month.” news article Chrystia Freeland ‘hastened Reuters Next’s demise’

“The technical, financial and editorial dysfunction inherent in Reuters Next quickly became apparent to the staff Freeland enlisted, who began to depart in droves.”

“The project was marred by a serious lack of direction, serious infighting between groups, and outside consultants and technology being relied on versus internal organization.”

Chrystia is also an alias. Freeland was born Christina Alexandra Freeland. Christina is her legal/birth name. Why is that important to note. Elections Canada tells you why:

Use of Alternative Name

If you want an alternative name to appear on the ballot, in addition to providing proof of identity, you must provide the returning officer with documents that prove that you are commonly known by that name. You must do so if you want to use a different given name (even if it is a common abbreviation of the name) or a different last name (e.g. your married name, if it is not your legal last name). You may not use an alternative name that can be easily confused with the name of a political party.

At a minimum, you must provide:

  • documents from at least two authorized sources as listed in the Candidate List of Authorized ID (EC 20014)
  • documents that pre-date the call of the election
  • one document from a third party (i.e. it may not originate from you, the prospective candidate)

Definition of alias

: otherwise called : otherwise known as used to indicate an additional name that a person (such as a criminal) sometimes uses
: an assumed or additional name that a person (such as a criminal) sometimes uses

Human herpes virus protein in genome of SARS-CoV-2 provides evidence the virus that causes COVID-19 was developed for WHO to be used as a bioweapon

SARS-CoV-2 genome annotation revealed the presence of 10 open reading frames (ORFs). SARS-CoV-2 possesses two accessory proteins, ORF8 and ORF10, that share no homology to other CoV strains.

The SARS-CoV-2 accessory protein ORF10 (organism Human herpesvirus 8/HHV-8), a putative 38-amino acid viral protein encoded in the 3’ accessory region of the genome, is a highly ordered, hydrophobic (insoluble in water; repelling water) , and thermally stable protein, which contains at least one transmembrane region.

“the ORF10 protein contains high numbers of promiscuous cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes, primarily on the α-helix. A recent study by Liu et al. 2020 found that in severe cases of COVID-19, the ORF10 was overexpressed when compared against ORF10 expression levels in moderate cases. If the ORF10 protein is synthesized (manufactured, man made), this may help to partially explain the nature behind severe cases of COVID-19. The large number of CTL epitopes in conjunction with the overproduction of the ORF10 protein could result in elevated immune responses towards SARS-CoV-2, leading to some potentially fatal immunopathological outcomes. … Alternatively, ORF10 may act itself or serve as a precursor for other RNAs in regulating gene expression/replication, translation efficiency, or interfering with cellular antiviral pathways.October 2020 study

ORF8, “although non-essential and the precise functions are unknown, it has been suggested that this protein assists in SARS-CoV-2 replication in the early secretory pathway and in immune evasion. … Since ORF8 is not an essential protein for the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle, ORF8 is likely to functionally associate with other SARS-CoV-2 components to assist with SARS-CoV-2 replication and assembly in host cells, but, the coordinated process of this mechanism is still unknown”

“It is also noteworthy that ORF10, exclusively found in SARS-CoV-2 (and not in SARS-CoV), has been shown to interact with the Cullin 2 (CUL2) RING E3 ligase complex, possibly hijacking its function. It is not known what the implications of this interaction is for virus replication, but a similar complex is recruited by other viral proteins, including HIV Vif, Adenovirus E4Orf6, EBV Bzlf and others (Mahon et al., 2014). In all cases, the virus exploits this to target an antiviral protein for proteasome degradation, and it is therefore likely the case also for Orf10.” Structural Characterization of SARS-CoV-2: Where We Are, and Where We Need to Be

Accessory proteins (ORF8, ORF10) were suggested to play an important role in virulence and host interaction in other coronaviruses (Liu et al., 2014).

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome contains

Protein ORF10




Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)

Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the infectious cause of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and HIV-infection. HHV-8 infection is not very common in North America. It occurs more often in some Mediterranean countries and is widespread in Africa.

“In the United States, men who have sex with men (MSM) and persons with HIV infection are at increased risk for HHV-8 infection. Among MSM without HIV infection, the seroprevalence ranges from 13% to 20% and HHV-8 seroprevalence increases to 30% to 35% among MSM with HIV infection. Injection drug use may also be a risk factor for HHV-8 seropositivity, although this association has not been consistently observed.”

HHV-8 is etiologically associated with all forms of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) including classic, endemic (belonging or native to a particular people or country), transplant-related, and AIDS-related, as well as rare neoplastic disorders (primary effusion lymphoma [PEL] and solid organ variants) and the lymphoproliferative disorder known as multicentric Castleman’s disease (MCD). Although the precise pathogenesis for these tumors remains unclear, infection with HHV-8 precedes their development.” Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents with HIV

The presence of two accessory proteins, ORF8 and ORF10, that share no homology to other coronaviruses strains but appear to assist with SARS-CoV-2 replication and and in immune evasion, suggests SARS-CoV-2 was developed for the strapped for cash WHO as a bioweapon.

ORF10 protein “HHV-8 mostly causes disease mainly in immunocompromised individuals” Johns Hopkins Medicine

RCMP Ottawa doctored videos of October 22, 2014 Ottawa shooting to cover up RCMP staged Ex DD 14 false flag

Plainclothes RCMP directing October 22, 2014 Ex DD 14 false flag shooter

NSICOP’s 2020 Annual Report presented to PM December 18, 2020 provides motive for Governor General Julie Payette’s resignation

Justin Trudeau’s motive for forcing Governor General Julie Payette to resign. To distract Canadian public. Delay tabling damning NSICOP report Justin Trudeau was required to table in Parliament in January 2021. NSICOP 2020 Annual Report presented to PM Dec 18, 2020 – “declassified version of this report must be tabled in Parliament within 30 sitting days” NSICOP

Damning National Security and Intelligence report implicated Canadian minority government PM Justin Trudeau and Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland. The NSICOP report essentially reported that Justin Trudeau & Chrystia Freeland are under the influence of foreign governments and state actors.

Justin Trudeau redacted NSICOP Annual Report 2020 – Espionage and Foreign Interference


42. In 2018, the Committee identified espionage and foreign interference as growing threats that will likely require a more significant response in the years ahead. Espionage and foreign interference threaten Canada’s sovereignty, prosperity and national interests. These threats target communities, governments, businesses, universities and technology. In 2019, the Committee reviewed the government’s response to foreign interference and found that foreign interference activities pose a significant risk to national security, principally by undermining Canada’s fundamental institutions and eroding the rights and freedoms of Canadians. In 2020, CSIS stated that hostile state actors pose the greatest danger to Canada’s national security. Media reports, speeches from officials and information on criminal cases all demonstrate that the threat continues to grow not just in Canada, but among its allies as well.

Description of the threat

44. Foreign interference continues to be a significant threat to the security of Canada. Foreign states use direct and indirect contact to influence democratic and electoral institutions and processes by manipulating ethnocultural communities, persons in positions of authority or influence, and the media. In a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in late 2018, CSIS Director David Vigneault identified foreign interference and espionage as the greatest threats to Canada’s national prosperity and national interests. State-sponsored espionage in Canada can be categorized as both cyber and traditional human espionage, independently and in combination. Several recent examples of espionage in Canada show that the threat remains pervasive. Between July 2018 and September 2020, the RCMP conducted *** (indicates Justin Trudeau redaction) priority investigation(s) related to espionage and foreign interference. In the same period.. CSIS conducted warranted investigation(s) related to espionage and foreign interference against *** (redaction)
target(s) and organization(s).

Link to NSICOP press release:

Important Note – NSICOP is mandated to investigate the activities of Parliamentarians and their departments that relates to national security or intelligence:

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Act mandates the Committee to review:

  • the legislative, regulatory, policy, administrative and financial framework for national security and intelligence;
  • any activity carried out by a department that relates to national security or intelligence

OTTAWA, September 17, 2020 — The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) today announces two reviews (investigations) of national security and intelligence activities. These reviews will be conducted over the next few months and concluded in 2021.

The Committee’s first review (investigation) will examine the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada (department where MP and Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland served January 2017- November 2019). Security breach within Global Affairs Canada office 2017-2018.

Drug and chemical free antimicrobial technology that could save $billions in health care costs by reducing the spread of infections and viruses

Paul W Kincaid countertop antimicrobial technology design utilizes ultraviolet light to kill viruses & bacteria, to effectively reduce microbe causing viral infections & diseases. Fan draws in surrounding air to continuously decontaminate air in hospitals, seniors special care homes, hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, offices, stores, workplaces & private dwellings. Designed to decontaminate hands, cell phones, tablets and other devices too.

UV lights are already used in one form or another at water sanitizing and sewage treatment facilities, at military bio-weapons research facilities and at government biotechnology research facilities.

Municipal water and sewage treatment facilities use UV to treat water and sewage because it is very effective at killing virtually all disease causing microorganisms and at a fraction of the cost of using toxic chemicals.  Military bio-weapons facilities utilizes UV to decontaminate their personnel as it also effectively kills man made viruses.  Government biotechnology research facilities keep life threatening bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms contained in rooms that utilizes UV.

Paul W Kincaid’s countertop antimicrobial technology design was featured on PRESS Core’s @presscoreca Twitter account on December 31, 2017

Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines encoded with the herpes virus protein ORF10

Evidence now surfacing in Europe supporting PRESS Core’s suspicion that mRNA vaccines produced by Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna were encoded with the human herpes virus protein ORF10.

The EU’s European Medicines Agency is investigating if Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines are causing an allergic skin reaction called erythema multiforme.

Erythema multiforme is a hypersensitivity reaction usually triggered by infections, most commonly herpes simplex virus (HSV).

During the first herpes outbreak (called primary herpes), an infected person may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever and headache. People who have been vaccinated with Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are experiencing the same flu-like symptoms as herpes because the human herpes virus protein ORF10 is encoded in SARS-CoV-2 and Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines. No surprise that the rapid test used to test for COVID-19 is essentially the same as the antibodies rapid test used to test for herpes virus.

The WHO’s COVID-19 Global literature on coronavirus disease suggested the severity of COVID-19 is enhanced by the human herpes virus protein ORF10.

“Could the severity of COVID-19 be enhanced by ORF10 accessory proteins?”

“uniqueness of ORF10 and predicted intrinsic characteristics support possible involvement of ORF10 protein in giving COVID-19 its specific characteristics like spread and virulenceWHO

Since 1972 the WHO / UN has called for / recommended virologists develop means to prolong virus / coronavirus infections

“An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. e.g. by depressing (to diminish the activity, strength, or yield of) 7S (IgG) versus 19S (IgM) antibody, or by affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukemia, hepatitis, … ” From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3)

Virologists did that by genetically engineering/modifying the SARS coronavirus. The human herpes virus protein ORF10 was encoded into the SARS coronavirus to make SARS-CoV-2.

Labs creating & patenting novel coronaviruses just prior to COVID-19 provides compelling evidence SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered

Due to the fact that ORF10 is the only protein that is present exclusively in SARS-CoV-2 (and not in SARS-CoV or any other human coronaviruses) provides compelling evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered. It is highly plausible lab virologist(s) made SARS-CoV more infectious and long lasting by encoding/adding the human herpes virus ORF10 protein.

The Pirbright Institute’s 2019 EU patent EP3172319B1 provides proof labs are genetically engineering viruses for the purpose of creating novel/new coronaviruses for use in vaccines:

“The present invention relates to an attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene, which causes the virus to have reduced pathogenicity. The present invention also relates to the use of such a coronavirus in a vaccine to prevent and/or treat a disease.” Pirbright Institute’s patent EP3172319B1

Furthermore, Pirbright Institute’s 2018. US. Patent US10130701B2


“The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.”

The patent also states that the lab created/manufactured coronavirus isan infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). … The coronavirus according to claim 1 which is IBV M41. … The vaccine or vaccine composition of the invention may be used to treat a human, animal or avian subject.”

2020-08-19 First worldwide family litigation filed – means a lawsuit was filed August 19, 2020

Justin Trudeau’s Canada Elections Act violation remains primary motive for targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman

Photo taken by Karen Mock at Barry Sherman’s Aug 26, 2015 fundraiser to promote, financially support 2015 Liberal party election candidate Justin Trudeau provided the primary motive for the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman. Photo is admissible evidence showing Justin Trudeau violated the Canada Elections Act. Photo shows Justin Trudeau attending and accepting a prohibited gift – defined by Canada Elections Act as a corrupt practice. Penalty for Justin Trudeau violating the Canada Elections Act wasn’t a slap on the wrist.

477.9 (1) No candidate shall accept any gift or other advantage that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence them in the performance of their duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if the candidate were to be elected

Canada Elections Act

At the time Justin Trudeau was an election candidate in the October 2015 federal election and Barry Sherman was a registered lobbyist.

Prohibition — accepting contributions, borrowing

Corrupt practice defined as:

502 (2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who

(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);

Canada Elections Act

House of Commons 3.1  Consequences Affecting a Parliamentarian’s Right to Hold His or Her Seat

502 (3) Any person who is convicted of having committed an offence that is an illegal practice or a corrupt practice under this Act shall, in addition to any other punishment for that offence prescribed by this Act, in the case of an illegal practice, during the next five years or, in the case of a corrupt practice, during the next seven years, after the date of their being so convicted, not be entitled to

(a) be elected to or sit in the House of Commons

At the time of the Sherman murders Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser was being investigated and days before the targeted murders Apotex had successfully petitioned the courts requiring Lobbying Commissioner Karen Shepherd to uncensor Justin Trudeau’s name in REDACTED documents pertaining to the Lobbying Commissioner investigation of Justin Trudeau’s Aug 26, 2015 fundraiser. “A chief court clerk had ordered that the (REDACTED) documents must be uncensored and handed over to Apotex, after the company appealed under a Federal Court rule that allows requests for material held by tribunals.” iPolitics

What was Lobbying Commissioner Shepherd trying to keep censored. Barry Sherman being recorded by OCL saying Justin Trudeau met with him before Aug 26, 2015 fundraiser to discuss advancing private interests: “Sherman said he spent an hour with Trudeau last week, discussing various issuesCanadian Jewish News, Aug 21, 2015

The day Barry & Honey Sherman were murdered, December 13, 2017, Justin Trudeau replaced Lobbying Commissioner Karen Shepherd. PC 2017-1564 Date: 2017-12-14 “a resolution of the House of Commons dated December 13, 2017, the Senate and the House of Commons approved the appointment of Nancy Bélanger as Commissioner of Lobbying … on the recommendation of the Prime Minister … effective December 30, 2017″

7 days after Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered Justin Trudeau was “found guilty of a federal ethics violation. Canada’s ethics watchdog ruled Trudeau violated the Conflict of Interest Act” CBC

Barry Sherman faced no severe punitive measures for hosting Justin Trudeau fundraiser. Mr. Sherman had a right to communicate with elected government officials. However, Justin Trudeau faced severe punitive measures because of outcome of investigation of his August 26, 2015 fundraiser. A conviction for corrupt practice (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage) would have resulted in Justin Trudeau losing seat in House of Commons and PM job. Conviction for an indictable or Canada Elections Act offence automatically results in the loss of a MP’s seat in the House of Commons.

“Section 502 of the Canada Elections Act sets out other situations in which a conviction automatically results in the loss of the right to sit in the House of Commons. Under section 502(3), any person who is convicted of … a corrupt practice listed in section 502(2) becomes ineligible to sit in the House of Commons for … seven years (in the case of a corrupt practice).” Library of Parliament, Criminal Charges and Parliamentarians Publication No. 2017-28-E 15 November 2017 (published 1 month before targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman)

Since 1972 the WHO / UN has called for / recommended developing means to impair immune response in order to prolong virus / coronavirus infections

“An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. e.g. by depressing (to diminish the activity, strength, or yield of) 7S (IgG) versus 19S (IgM) antibody, or by affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukemia, hepatitis, … ” From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3)

Why would the WHO/UN want to prolong virus/coronavirus infections? To make money.

The United Nations is facing a severe shortage of cash, and unless more Governments pay their annual dues, our work and our reforms are at risk. … In a statement issue by his Spokesperson, the Secretary-General said he had written to Member States, “about the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.”  UN declaring its insolvent October 8, 2019

The cash strapped WHO/UN made its intent perfectly clear in its “Global Vaccine Market Features and Trends” report. The WHO wants to make vaccines a USD 100 billion cash cow by 2025. To make that kind of money the WHO needs a sick world population. Natural pandemics occur too sporadically so the WHO conspired with Germany in 2017 to orchestrate and stage the COVID-19 plandemic.

Germany and the WHO planning and preparing to orchestrate the COVID-19 plandemic in 2017 was confirmed by Germany’s Robert Koch Institute. Germany’s “pandemic plan — devised three years ago” Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s central scientific institution in the field of biomedicine told Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster February 26, 2020. “The RKI, which is in charge, referred DW to the general pandemic plan — devised three years ago but, according to a RKI spokesperson, also applicable to the coronavirus.” DW article Coronavirus: Germany’s contingency plans for tackling a possible pandemic


UN intentionally infected World with AIDS using WHO smallpox vaccine containing the vaccinia virus

An advisor to the WHO admitted, “Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS.”

Robert Gallo, M,D., told The Times, “The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis.  I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV.”

The WHO’s smallpox vaccine contained a live virus called the vaccinia virus. The vaccinia virus was purposely chosen by the UN because the vaccinia virus “restricts the production of IFN by blocking the signaling pathways leading to transcription of IFN genes, stopping IFNs binding to their receptors, blocking IFN-induced signal transduction leading to expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), or inhibiting the antiviral activity of ISG products”.  The small-pox vaccine was deliberately designed and developed by the UN/WHO to cause an immunodeficiency/AIDS and harm and kill millions.  AIDS is part of the UN’s global genocide agenda – NSSM 200 also called The Kissinger Report.

In a widely circulated reprint of his work entitled “W.H.O. Murdered Africa” , Dr. William Campbell Douglas accused the World Health Organization (a specialized agency of the UN) of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans.

According to Dr. William Campbell Douglas, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.”

The UN/WHO are doing it again. 2 COVID-19 vaccine candidates (development supported and funded/grants by the Spanish Health Ministry) are once again based on the vaccinia virus. “We developed two COVID-19 vaccines based on modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vectors expressing the entire SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein” Spain COVID-19 vaccine developer

Other vaccine candidates are mRNA – genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 which contains within its genome 2 proteins that assists in virus replication and in immune evasion. Specifically, SARS-CoV-2’s ORF8 protein and the ORF10 protein = HHV-8 (the Human Herpes Virus) which is known to cause/trigger HIV/AIDS infections. “Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body’s ability to fight infection and disease.” Mayo Clinic

Same rapid test for COVID-19 and Herpes because SARS-CoV-2 has herpes virus protein ORF10

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever and headache. People who have been vaccinated with Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines experience the same flu-like symptoms as herpes because the human herpes virus protein ORF10 is encoded in SARS-CoV-2.

No surprise that the rapid test used by Trudeau government to test for COVID-19 is essentially the same as the rapid test used to test for Herpes virus. Trudeau government informed you why – “Antibody (serology) tests use a sample of your blood to check for antibodies. Your body makes these after it’s exposed to the virus. … Serology (rapid) tests aren’t used to diagnose COVID-19 in early stages of infection, since they don’t detect the virus itself.”

“Serological (rapid) testing detects the presence of antibodies, not the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus” Government of Canada website

Human Herpes virus ORF10 protein found within SARS-CoV-2 and used in developing vaccines implicated by WHO as cause of COVID-19 severity

Schematic diagram of MEV vaccine construct provides irrefutable evidence COVID-19 vaccines were developed using human herpes virus’ ORF10 protein/genetic material. Recent study suggests ORF10 protein is linked to/cause of COVID-19 infection.

“In a recent study comparison of the proteins encoded by SARS-CoV-2 with the proteins of SARS-CoV revealed the presence of novel ORF8 and ORF10 proteins in SARS-CoV-2. …. ORF10 is the only protein that is not present in other human coronaviruses and is yet to be studied. Nucleotide sequences similar to ORF10 were found in SARS-CoV but with a nonsense mutation, causing early termination of protein synthesis. Further analysis of the predicted structure of the ORF10 protein showed a signal peptide and a hydrophobic β-sheet region beyond the cleavage site, suggesting a possible hydrophobic interaction and membrane localisation, maybe as transport protein. These findings suggest ORF10 protein’s possible role in viral invasion” Genes of SARS-CoV-2 and emerging variants

WHO’s COVID-19 Global literature on coronavirus disease suggested the severity of COVID-19 is enhanced by the human herpes virus protein ORF10

“Could the severity of COVID-19 be enhanced by ORF10 accessory proteins?”

“uniqueness of ORF10 and predicted intrinsic characteristics support possible involvement of ORF10 protein in giving COVID-19 its specific characteristics like spread and virulence. Further investigations involving experimental studies to understand the role of ORF10 in disease pathogenesis is imperative to establish its role and could provide an intervention strategy to reduce the severity of COVID-19.”

The fact that “ORF10 is the only protein that is not present in other human coronaviruses” and WHO suggesting it’s the protein that is enhancing COVID-19 supports claim that COVID-19 was genetically engineered (created in a lab) to be a bioweapon.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine candidate cause of SARS-CoV-2 variants. Part of BioNTech strategy to prolong Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack

Pfizer-BioNTech admitted in a SEC filing that they may have chosen the wrong messenger RNA (mRNA). By choosing the wrong coded message they caused the body’s immune system to produce a different set of antibodies – a variant. A variant is defined as “a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.”

In BioNTech SE’s SEC FORM 6-K filing BioNTech SE stated that it and Pfizer chose a “variant” and that:

We cannot guarantee that the BNT162 variant we chose to advance into late stage clinical development will perform better than any of the variants we did not choose to advance. Further, even if we demonstrate a sufficient safety profile for BNT162 we may not be able to demonstrate sufficient efficacy in subsequent trials to obtain regulatory approval.

Based on preclinical and clinical data observed to date, we and Pfizer have progressed our BNT162 program into a Phase 2b/3 trial which commenced in late July 2020. For the initial Phase 2b/3 trial, we selected our nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) vaccine candidate variant targeting the 2P-mutated full spike protein, BNT162b2.

Why would Germany’s BioNTech develop four vaccine candidate variants based on three distinct (different / a variant) mRNA formats. BioNTech told you why in one of its “marketing” PowerPoint presentations. Due to waning (means decreasing in strength, intensity, etc) immune response against the original strain – means COVID-19 crisis is over, Germany’s BioNTech manufactured and sold a mRNA vaccine that instructs our cells to produce / make a variant form of the SARS-CoV-2 “spike” protein in order to make it appear that COVID-19 is still active. Classic case of the pharmaceutical industry manufacturing the disease as well as drugs.

The late medical journalist Lynn Payer addressed the issue in the early 1990s in her book Disease-Mongers: How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers Are Making You Feel Sick. She wrote: “Disease-mongering—trying to convince essentially well people that they are sick, or slightly sick people that they are very ill—is big business…. Disease mongering is the most insidious of the various forms that medical advertising, so-called medical education, and information and medical diagnosis can take.” Arthur Caplan, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told the popular American TV programme 60 Minutes, “If you want to stir up worry in the public, and you’ve got the advertising dollars to do it, you can turn almost anything into a disease.”

Damning NSICOP 2019 annual report warned Canadians Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland government is being influenced by foreign states

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) briefing regarding  the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Annual Report 2019. The NSICOP report was heavily redacted by Justin Trudeau because Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland were both implicated.

The NSICOP report briefing was made March 12, 2020 regarding a NSICOP national security investigation of the Trudeau government in 2019 when Chrystia Freeland joined Germany formed World Economic Forum and both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland  joined a Germany formed and lead alliance aimed at saving the international world order / UN from destruction. NSICOP found and stated in the above video that there is ample evidence that both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland and the media are under the influence / control of foreign states. Justin Trudeau redacted Germany and Germany EU states like insolvent Ukraine.  Chrystia Freeland has been serving Ukraine’s national interests, bailing out and bankrolling Ukraine’s neo-Nazi government and providing Ukraine with CAF troops and 45 RCMP officers and government funding (gave $45 million to Ukraine in 2019) while she served as Foreign Affairs Minister (Global Affairs Canada) and Deputy Prime Minister. Both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are using the Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack as a distraction while Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland misappropriate / steal $billions and funnel our tax dollars to insolvent Germany, the EU, Ukraine and the UN (a.k.a. Intentional World Order, Liberal International Order and New World Order).

The Committee believes there is ample evidence *** that Canada is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference activities. *** The PRC, the Russian Federation *** other states ***. The Committee believes that these states target Canada for a variety of reasons, but all seek to exploit the openness of our society and penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives. They target ethnocultural communities, seek to corrupt the political process, manipulate the media, and attempt to curate debate on postsecondary campuses. Each of these activities poses a significant risk to the rights and freedoms of Canadians and to the country’s sovereignty: they are a clear threat to the security of Canada.” NSICOP Annual Report 2019, page 77

RCMP Director General Cameron J Ortis was arrested 13 days after Liberal MP David McGuinty presented Justin Trudeau with this NSICOP 2019 annual report on foreign states’ interference activities in Canada. Damning report was presented to Justin Trudeau on August 30, 2019 – 12 days before Justin Trudeau called 2019 federal election. At the time of his arrest, Ortis was the Director General of the RCMP’s National Intelligence Co-ordination Centre (NICC) for more than three years. A position which gave him access to sensitive and highly-classified information. Ortis no doubt provided NSICOP with damning evidence for that report – “the (NSICOP) Committee heard testimony from dozens of officials from the Canadian security and intelligence community, reviewed thousands of pages of documentation, both classified and open source, and deliberated at great length.”

2005 Government of Canada funded research paper concluded chloroquine is effective in preventing SARS-CoV infection and spread

“chloroquine is an effective pre & post-infection antiviral agent for SARS-CoV. A dose-dependant decrease in virus antigen-positive cells was observed starting at 0.1 μM chloroquine & 10 μM (Micrometre, also called micron, metric unit of measure for length equal to 0.001 mm, or about 0.000039 inch) completely abolished SARS-CoV infection. … Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases including malaria, amoebiosis and human immunodeficiency virus” Virology Journal 2005 studyChloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread“. Acknowledgements “This work was supported by a Canadian PENCE grant (T3), CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research) group grant #MGC 64518, and CIHR grant #MGP-44363 (to NGS)”

Strong motive for the “targeted murders” of Barry and Honey Sherman. The Shermans owned Apotex which manufactured Hydroxychloroquine – a cheap, effective and a less toxic metabolite of chloroquine. “In conclusion, our results show that HCQ can efficiently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. In combination with its anti-inflammatory function, we predict that the drug has a good potential to combat the disease. ” research paper Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro, published March 18, 2020 – day Justin Trudeau announced the closure of Canada’s borders to most travelers during news conference outside Rideau Cottage about the measures Canada is taking to combat COVID-19

Barry Sherman’s Apotex drug Hydroxychloroquine clearly threatened to prematurely end Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack and defund the bankrupt / insolvent UN / WHO & Bill Gates’ lucrative multi $billion global vaccine agenda.

Supreme Court of Canada document pertaining to unsealing Toronto Police files on the double homicide investigation of Barry and Honey Sherman implicated the UN in the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman. The official / legal name for the UN is the United Nations Organization. The official name for the WHO is the World Health Organization. The murders were “a very, very sophisticated crime, in my view, committed by a very sophisticated organization – at least it has those hallmarks.” Supreme Court of Canada Justice Michael Moldaver, October 6, 2020 – multiple news sources: The Chronicle Herald and the Globe and Mail

Vaccines are very good for the UN/WHO, national health care systems and pharmaceutical industry but very bad for your health

The WHO, national health care systems and pharmaceutical industry are in the business of making money. They are not in the business of curing people. In order to stay in business they need to make money. In order to make money they need a sick population. The WHO, national health care systems and the pharmaceutical industry can only stay in business if there are sick people, so to keep their business going, and to keep the money coming in they genetically engineer and alter novel/new viruses and micro organisms that are resistant to your body’s natural defense system.

Since no one would willingly and knowingly inject a virus, microorganism, toxin or poison into their body they use terrorism/bioterrorism to coerce the masses into voluntarily being infected and poisoned.

No one was rushing to get the Swine flu (A-H1N1) vaccine in 2009 until after the World Health Organization (WHO), the CDC, the UN and United States President Barack Obama (VP Joe Biden) terrorized the World population by fraudulently claiming that millions of people would die if the nations of the World didn’t vaccinate their people.

Was COVID-19 a public health emergency? Absolutely not. Every year the seasonal/common flu virus infects billions. The World Health Organization reported that 1.8 billion people—close to one quarter of the world’s population—are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the bacteria that causes TB. 10 million fell ill from TB and 1.4 million died in 2019 yet no health emergency was declared, no travel restrictions, social distancing, self-isolation or mandatory mask wearing was imposed and no vaccines were developed or administered. According to the World Health Organization bulletin, an estimated 150 million new cases of bronchitis occur annually.

The strapped for cash/broke UN/WHO falsely claimed there was a public health emergency in order to obtain $billions and avert bankruptcy.

New case of COVID-19 is due to Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines making people feel ill. Testing positive indicates that they’ve developed antibodies in response to vaccination

Your body makes antibodies after it’s infected by a virus or other infectious agents, or after you receive a vaccination. That is what the Government of Canada has been stating on its website. The screenshot is from the Government of Canada website. I’ll repeat what it states:  “If you have a positive serology test result, it’s likely that you previously had a COVID-19 infection and that you developed an antibody response to the virus. It may also indicate that you developed antibodies in response to vaccination.”

“Serological testing detects the presence of antibodies, not the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This testing is also not to be used to diagnose infection.” Government of Canada

The overwhelming majority of COVID-19 test kits used to diagnose new COVID-19 cases in Canada, the US and UK are serological test kits which “do not detect the virus itself“. That being said, Canada’s federal and provincial governments claiming that there are x number of new cases of COVID-19 is completely and utterly false. If serological test kits do not detect the virus that causes COVID-19 then logically and factually Canadians are not being tested for COVID-19 and they haven’t tested positive for COVID-19.

Results from antibody testing should not be used to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform (COVID-19) infection status.” Stated by Johns Hopkins Medicine, the FDA, Health Canada, and product inserts for Assure, TBG, ACON,  MEGNA & BIOTIME COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kits

COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kit insert:

“False positive results for IgM and IgG antibodies may occur due to cross reactivity from pre-existing antibodies or other possible causes.”

“Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E”

Proof UN / WHO have been funding development of vaccines for mass sterilization

The above screenshot was taken from WHO 1992 report “Fertility Regulating Vaccines“. The WHO admits to developing and testing sterilization vaccines. WHO report Table states Anti-hCG (anti-human chorionic gonadotropin) vaccines were developed and tested in clinical trials for the WHO as early as 1975. The WHO did its own Anti-hCG vaccine clinical trial in 1988.

Anti-hCG vaccines include beta-hCG linked to tetanus toxoid /TT (beta-hCG-TT) the alpha-subunit of ovine LH associated with beta-hCG and linked to TT or cholera toxin chain b (CHB/alpha-oLH, beta-hCG-TT/CHB/, the mixture of hCG and oLH, and 37 amino acid carboxy-terminal peptide (CTP) of beta-hCG linked to diphtheria toxoid (DT). The principle of anti-hCG vaccine is to induce antibodies which can bind to hCG and render it biologically inactive.” Anti-fertility Vaccines, 1989 National Library of Medicine publication.

“clinical trials have demonstrated that immunization of women with either hCGβ, a heterospecies dimer of hCGβ associated with the α-subunit of ovine LH, or the C-terminal region of hCGβ resulted in the development of contraceptive levels of anti-hCG antibodies. The study of Talwar et al. also provided evidence that the circulating anti-hCG antibodies prevented pregnancy in 1224 cycles, and that booster injections were required to maintain antibody titers.” Oxford Academic publication

India’s controversial mass sterilization drive of 1976 was conducted for the WHO. India’s sterilization campaigns for both men and women are part of UN/WHO‘s international campaigns intended to drastically reduce nations’ population. UN / WHO Anti-hCG vaccines are “measures intended to prevent births” = crime of genocide.

Supreme Court of Canada ruled there is an ethical & legal obligation/duty to warn others

Nine justices of the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously ruled that not even solicitor-client privilege is absolute but may have to be breeched in certain circumstances in which there is a danger to public safety. The Supreme Court of Canada set out the following three factors that must be considered when deciding when the concern for public safety could warrant the breaching of lawyer-client privilege.

They are:

1. Is there a clear risk to an identifiable person or group of persons?
2. Is there a risk of serious bodily harm or death?
3. Is the danger imminent?
(Smith v. Jones, 1999, scc.)

Despite the fact that Canadian law is not yet crystal clear with respect to our duty to warn, this Supreme Court decision goes a long way to clarify this ethical/legal obligation. It is clear that these three factors as the test of the risks to public safety apply not only for lawyers, physicians and psychiatrists but for all other professionals who have fiduciary obligations.

This SCC ruling applies to Germany’s harmful and deadly COVID-19 biological warfare attack and Germany’s Phizer-BioNtech vaccines. Physicians have an ethical and legal duty to warn their patients and the public that the COVID-19 measures imposed by the UN / WHO and implemented by Justin Trudeau and Canada’s premiers to further Germany’s strategic interests will and have caused serious bodily harm. Physicians also have an ethical and legal duty to not falsify patients’ medical records, COVID-19 test results or death certificates to further Germany’s interests. Federal and provincial governments and their health departments are prohibited by law from counseling physicians and lab technicians to falsify patients’ medical records, COVID-19 tests results or death certificates – criminal offences of forgery and person counseling offence.

Immune system produces COVID-19 antibodies on its own without vaccines. Within 19 days 100% of patients produced antiviral immunoglobulin-G (IgG)

April 2020 study conducted by China found that “Nearly Everyone Who Recovers From COVID-19 Makes Coronavirus Antibodies”. China is the origin of COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 infection – epidemic began immediately after the People’s Republic of China began mandatory SARS vaccinations in Wuhan as required by “Vaccines Administration Law” which came into effect on 1 Dec 2019. Click on image above to link to China website on “Vaccine Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China’

Article 6 The State implements immunization program system.

All citizens who reside in the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be entitled and obliged to be immunized with national immunization program vaccines according to law. The government shall provide immunization program vaccines for the citizens free of charge.

April 2020 study – “We report acute antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in 285 patients with COVID-19. Within 19 days after symptom onset, 100% of patients tested positive for antiviral immunoglobulin-G (IgG). … all had developed SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies within two to three weeks of their first symptoms.”

published study determined that nearly all of the 285 patients studied produced a type of antibody called IgM, which is the first antibody that the body makes when fighting an infection. Though only about 40 percent produced IgM in the first week after onset of COVID-19, that number increased steadily to almost 95 percent two weeks later. All of these patients also produced a type of antibody called IgG. While IgG often appears a little later after acute infection, it has the potential to confer sustained immunity.”

The findings confirm that our body’s immune systems is fully capable of producing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and thwart a second infection, without being vaccinated. The study findings also gives credence to the allegations that COVID-19’s 2nd and 3rd waves and the variants are caused by Germany’s Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines. Government of Canada website supports this logical assertion.

“Your body makes antibodies after it’s infected by a virus or other infectious agents, or after you receive a vaccination … a positive test result, … may also indicate that you developed antibodies in response to vaccinationTrudeau Government

COVID-19 vaccines developed to assist the insolvent WHO / UN prolong COVID-19

Vaccinia virus “function by restricting the production of IFN by blocking the signaling pathways leading to transcription of IFN genes, stopping IFNs binding to their receptors, blocking IFN-induced signal transduction leading to expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), or inhibiting the antiviral activity of ISG products. – Geoffrey L Smith, University of Cambridge January 2018

Human cells are equipped with several mechanisms with which they can stem the spread of viral infections throughout the body.

“Recent evidence shows that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is sensitive to interferons (IFNs). … Here, we show that zinc finger antiviral protein (ZAP), which preferentially targets CpG dinucleotides in viral RNA sequences, restricts SARS-CoV-2. … Here, we show that IFN-γ is particularly potent in restricting SARS-CoV-2 and in inducing expression of the antiviral factor ZAP in human lung cells. Knockdown experiments revealed that endogenous ZAP significantly restricts SARS-CoV-2. We further show that CpG dinucleotides which are specifically targeted by ZAP are strongly suppressed in the SARS-CoV-2 genome and that the two closest horseshoe bat relatives of SARS-CoV-2 show the lowest genomic CpG content of all coronavirus sequences available from this reservoir host. Nonetheless, both the short and long isoforms of human ZAP reduced SARS-CoV-2 RNA levels,” October 2020 National Library of Medicine publication


Institute of Molecular Virology, Ulm University Medical Center, Ulm, Germany.

Department of Infectious Diseases, School of Immunology and Microbial Sciences, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom.

Zinc-finger antiviral proteins (ZAP) are produced by both human and animal cells to stop the spread of viruses by targeting viral mRNA, which can lead to innate immune mechanisms against infections

2020 COVID-19 study stated SARS-CoV-2 is sensitive to / inhibited by interferons (IFNs). So why did vaccine manufacturers develop vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) based on a modified vaccinia virus – “We developed two COVID-19 vaccines based on modified vaccinia virus”?

COVID-19 vaccines were /are developed to assist the insolvent WHO / UN prolong SARS-CoV-2 infections. Before COVID-19 the UN / WHO publicly declared 8 October 2019 that it was insolvent – desperately needed $billions to avert bankruptcy.

BioNTech vaccine marketing map shows us Germany is targeting Canada, US, South America, the UK and Commonwealth states.

BioNTech vaccine marketing map provides evidence that Germany is targeting Canada, US, South America, the UK and Commonwealth states in its COVID-19 biological warfare attack. You’ll notice BioNTech vaccine marketing and distribution is restricted throughout most of Germany’s Fourth Reich EU. Map states BioNTech’s SARS-CoV-2 variants producing vaccine only has “Conditional Marketing Authorization in the EU and Switzerland”. Why? BioNTech vaccines is a biological weapon that is being used by Germany to deliberately cause disease and death in Canada, the US, the UK and its Commonwealth states. Since WWII Germany and its co-conspirators in Canada, the US, the UK and Europe having been trying to form a Global / International World Order. Germany (our WWII and WWII enemy) is now using COVID-19 biological warfare to achieve that goal. Germany’s World Economic Forum made Germany’s COVID-10 agenda perfectly clear – “Now is the time for a ‘great reset‘ “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” Kraut economist and founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab

Pope Francis informed you that this is WWIII and why.

“For some time we can say that the world has been at war, piece by piece, … It is perhaps not as organic, but it is organized and it is war. … Let’s not be afraid to say this truth, The world is at war.” Pope Francis “There are economic systems that must make war in order to survive,” he continued. What economic systems? The EU = Germany’s Economic Union. Germany’s EU was on the verge of collapse because of Brexit. On January 31, 2020 (day UK officially exited Germany’s EU) Germany paid Bill Gates / Gavi €600 million to have Bill Gates and World Economic Forum (Chrystia Freeland is a current / active Boad of Trustee member = a conflict of interest) Event 201 players stage Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack against Canada, UK, US and the World.

CSIS predicted Germany’s COVID-19 biological warefare attack

A 2006 CSIS Biological Weapons Threat report determined that the top “Likely Biological Weapons Proliferation Scenarios” would be a “small-scale, sporadic biological attacks (COVID-19) by states (Germany) or terrorists (Bill Gates and World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players) to undermine public confidence in local, state, and national governments“ … Read More

“The cyber equivalent of COVID-19 would be a self-propagating attack using one or more “zero-day” exploits, techniques for which patches and specific antivirus software signatures are not yet available. Most likely, it would attack all devices running a single, common (Microsoft Windows) operating system or application.” World Economic Forum, June 1, 2020

Germany’s World Economic Forum outright told you Germany is planning to stage the cyber attack using Bill Gates’ Microsoft Windows 10 – June 12, 2021 Microsoft confirmed 7 Windows 10 zero-days threats . Purpose of Germany’s cyberattack is to cover up Germany EU bail-in = theft of Canada, US, UK and World’s bank deposits/savings.

BIS, Germany’s WWII money laundering bank, is directly linked to the computers of all central banks. BIS has instantaneous access to data of the global “electronic” monetary sys. Can trigger global banking system crashes remotely using WIndows 10 back door and Microsoft OS security token client software to facilitate Germany EU’s bail-in/theft.

The US Federal Reserve will be complicit in Germany’s cyber attack. On February, 11 2021 the Federal Reserve announced that all Federal Reserve banks’ PC that are used to access FedLine Advantage must meet Microsoft Windows OS’ hardware and software requirements.

In addition to these requirements, specific network access requirements also exist for FedLine Advantage users. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) communications protocol utilizing port 80 (World Wide Web HTTP) and port 443 (HTTP protocol over Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer) (Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic).

This requirement “Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic” will make it possible for BIS to remotely access/attack all Federal Reserve Banks’ computers.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.

There’s sufficient evidence to indict Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Doug Ford, Blaine Higgs and other top Canadian government officials for High Treason and Treason. All are actively and overtly assisting Canada’s WWI and WWII  enemy, Germany, levy COVID-19 biological warfare / war against Canada. The charge of high treason and treason was made blatantly obvious when Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland joined a Germany lead coalition in April 2019 to assist Germany save Germany’s insolvent EU (Germany reoccupied Europe) and the International World Order / UN from destruction.

Contrary to what Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland may claim, Germany isn’t an ally of Canada. Germany was officially established as an enemy of Canada when Canada’s Parliament declared and proclaimed “that a State of War with the German Reich exists and has existed … as and from the tenth day of September, 1939.” A state of war still persists due to Germany’s Third Reich conspiring since WWII with German industrialists including representatives of Volkswagen, Krupp and Messerschmitt to form the Fourth German Reich – an economic (EU) rather than a military empire. Germany’s intentions was revealed in US Military Intelligence report known as the Red House Report (EW-Pa 128),  The German Fourth Reich has since been established under the guise of the European Union.

Mexican drug cartel with ties to MS-13 linked to Nova Scotia shooting

“The group is called La Familia & their reputation includes bloodshed & intimidation. La Familia, or the The Family, is described as an international support arm for the Mexican drug cartels and has strong ties to El Salvador gang Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13.” ALERT Edmonton, an integrated team consisting of Edmonton Police Service and RCMP members

The Alberta chapter wore a three-piece patch, similar to outlaw motorcycle groups, and had an established rank structure and club rules. The Alberta president of La Familia, Jose Antonio Monterrey, was arrested on December 11, 2014 while attempting to board a flight at Edmonton International Airport.

Three associates of Monterrey were also arrested, including Peter Alan Griffon, Cody Sterling Tremblett, and Penny Sue Fleming

Source: ALERT

Peter Alan Griffon was turned by the RCMP and worked for the RCMP’s Drug Operations in Nova Scotia prior to and during the April 18–19, 2020 Nova Scotia mass murders and arsons. Peter Alan Griffon provided RCMP with misleading and false information (confirmed by Peter Alan Griffon’s Parole Board of Canada Decision dated 2020-7-15 “You would later advise your parole officer that you had misled police and lied outright to your parole officer when first contacted and queried about knowledge of the shooting suspect.” paragraph 8, page 4 of 7). Misleading and false information was used by the RCMP to obtain Nova Scotia mass shooting search warrants and a Sealing Order – RCMP file 2020-1493913. RCMP file 2020-1493913 provides evidence RCMP dropped the ball – could have prevented the mass murders. 3 RCMP officers, RCMP Staff Sgt Steve Halliday, Cst Dave Lilly & Cst Chris Grund responded to multiple 911 calls received 2205 hrs on April 18, 2020 but failed to pursue fleeing suspect who shot at firefighters at suspect’s home = first shots fired. RCMP file 2020-1493913 also provides evidence RCMP informant Peter Alan Griffon was involved in the mass shooting and arsons. RCMP file 2020-1493913 page 13 of 39 states that a RCMP informant (RCMP redacted name) was with NS shooting suspect Gabriel Wortman earlier (on April 18, 2020) & he (Wortman) had a rifle. Peter Alan Griffon, a member of the La Familia drug cartel with a reputation that includes bloodshed, was the RCMP informant. Reasonable suspicion Peter Alan Griffon and his La Familia drug trafficking associates are the prime suspects in the Nova Scotia mass shootings. In 2014 Peter Alan Griffon and associates were arrested in case involving police seizing $600,000 worth of drugs, including cocaine, MDMA, buffing agent, Oxycodone pills, a cocaine press and $45,000 in cash proceeds. Police also seized a sawed-off shotgun, thousands of rounds of ammunition, a .22 calibre rifle with a silencer and a .44 calibre desert eagle handgun. Peter Alan Griffon fled Alberta after the arrest and was wanted on 13 outstanding warrants for breach of recognizance. He moved to Nova Scotia.

3 months after NS shooting, on July 18, 2020, CBSA Halifax Marine Operations officers intercepted a vessel originating in the Caribbean & seized cocaine worth about $33.8 million. Two people on the boat were arrested & turned over to RCMP, along with the seized drugs. Seizure is evidence  drug gangs (La Familia, MS-13) are actively smuggling large amounts of drugs into Canada via Nova Scotia.

WHO (UN’s eugenics agency) drafted COVID-19 plandemic in 2019

NB Premier Blaine Higgs government forcing NB residences to be vaccinated

NB Premier Blaine Higgs government is forcing NB residences to be vaccinated. Threatening to prevent contractors and businesses from doing business in NB unless employers and employees are vaccinated. If any employee refuses to be vaccinated their employer will be required to fire the employee. Moncton area landscaper informed me this morning that he recently received a letter from the government requiring that he and his employees be vaccinated in order to continue to do business in NB. That is a blatant violation of Section 7 of the Constitution Act 1982. It is also treason because Blaine Higgs is assisting an enemy of Canada levy COVID-19 biological warfare/war against Canada and Canadians. Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare/war attack in order to obtain $billions for Germany’s insolvent EU and the UN. Blaine Higgs and his government are complicit in Germany’s biological warfare attack. NB government assisted Germany wage the COVID-19 attack by bringing in Chinese students into Canada and secretly housing them in NB motels. I personally witnessed and filmed Blaine Higgs crimes. Lived at Atlantic Motel from January 1, 2020 to December 14, 2020. Atlantic Motel secretly housed the Chinese students Blaine Higgs government brought in during COVID-19 travel restrictions.  Moncton NB residences & Atlantic Motel guests have just cause to launch a class action lawsuit against Premier Blaine Higgs and the Government of New Brunswick for criminal negligence. Criminal negligence 219 (1) Every one is criminally negligent who (a) in doing anything, or (b) in omitting to do anything that it is his duty to do, shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons.

Premier Blaine Higgs NB government was paid by China (source of COVID-19) to bring into Canada Chinese students (non-essential) Aug 2020 during COVID-19 and during Justine Trudeau government imposed point of entry travel restrictions and lock downs. Blaine Higgs’ government quarantined Chinese students for two weeks at Altlantic Motel (a.k.a. Pit Stop Motel) 8 Brown Rd, Berry Mills NB. The Chinese nationals were taken to the motel in 7 taxis (public transportation) Aug 23, 2020. At least 2 students complained to Pam Sheridan of the NB government’s Atlantic Education International of being sick the day of their arrival.

Blaine Higgs’ NB government broke quarantine protocol every day of the quarantine by escorting the quarantined foreign students out of their motel rooms and through the motel’s common hallways and up and down the stairs to go outside for meals at the back of motel. The Chinese students weren’t tested until 10 days after their arrival. CN workers, government contractors, and other construction contractors who stayed at Atlantic Motel were exposed. Atlantic Motel Variety store patrons were also exposed. Moncton residences were also exposed because the Chinese students were housed by the NB government in private homes in the Moncton area after their 14 days quarantine. Most of the people who picked up the Chinese students after their 14 days quarantine at the Moncton area motel were retired / senior citizens. All of the Chinese students attended classes in Moncton during COVID-19.

Charges of bioterrorism (terrorism involving the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. These agents include bacteria, viruses / coronavirus, and may be in a naturally occurring or a human-modified form) and treason 46 (2)(c) can be filed if an independent investigation finds NB Premier Blaine Higgs conspired with Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland to assist Germany levy COVID-19 biological warfare (also known as germ warfare, is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses (SARS-CoV-2), insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war) against Canada.

COVID-19 epidemic in China peaked in January 2020 and didn’t become a pandemic

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated on 24 February 2020 that the Wuhan China epidemic (COVID-19) peaked in late January and didn’t become a pandemic.

The WHO found that the epidemic in China peaked and plateaued between 23 January and 2 February, and had been declining steadily since then. For people with mild diseases, recovery time is two weeks, while people with severe or critical diseases recover in three to six weeks, he stated.

COVID-19 quickly died out within 1 month is the reason why German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave Bill Gates Gavi’s a €600 million bribe January 31, 2020 to have World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players stage and lead Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack.

Canadian premiers breaking the law by assisting an enemy Germany (crime of treason) restrict travel within Canada in an unlawful attempt to force Canadians to be vaccinated with Germany concoted Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

Section 7 of the Charter is part of Canada’s supreme law – Constitution Act, 1982. Section 7. of the Charter states “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.” Section 7 of the Charter requires that laws or state actions that interfere with life, liberty and security of the person conform to the principles of fundamental justice.

The wording of section 7 says that it applies to “everyone”. This includes all people within Canada, including non-citizens.

Section 7 rights and Canada’s supreme law are violated by the conduct of a party other than a Canadian government body – e.g. the UN / WHO. The government need only be a participant or complicit in the conduct threatening the right, where the violation must be a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the government actions

Canada’s Department of Justice states:

“The liberty interest protected under section 7 has at least two aspects. The first aspect is directed to the protection of persons in a physical sense and is engaged when there is physical restraint such as imprisonment or the threat of imprisonment (R. v. Vaillancourt, [1987] 2 S.C.R. 636 at 652), or state compulsions or prohibitions affecting one’s ability to move freely (R. v. Heywood, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 761 at 789). The physical restraint can be quite minor to engage the liberty component.”

“Section 7 also protects a sphere of personal autonomy involving “inherently private choices” that go to the “core of what it means to enjoy individual dignity and independence” (Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844 at paragraph 66; Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 at paragraph 49). Where state compulsions or prohibitions affect such choices, s. 7 may be engaged (A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, at paragraphs 100-102; Blencoe, supra at paragraphs 49-54; Siemens v. Manitoba (Attorney General), [2003] 1 S.C.R. 6 at paragraph 45) This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136) and the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution: R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18.”

Canada’s Criminal Code High treason

  • 4 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,

    • (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or

    • (c) assists an enemy (Germany) at war with Canada, …. whether or not a state of war exists

Biological warfare is a form of warfare/war that uses biological toxins or infectious agents such as viruses (SARS-CoV-2), with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine contains a synthetic, small piece of the SARS-CoV-2 genetic material (mRNA). Specifically, Germany’s COVID-19 vaccine contains the mRNA of what’s known as spike protein, which is located on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is what it uses to invade host cells.

2010 study found zinc efficiently prevents coronavirus RNA synthesizing activity and blocks coronavirus replication

Twitter aiding and abetting Germany levy COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada, US, UK, Europe and the World.

Threats to the security of Canada are defined in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act as: espionage or sabotage that is against Canada or is detrimental to the interests of Canada or activities directed toward or in support of such espionage or sabotage; and foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive, or involve a threat to any person. Exposing threats to the security of Canada is what PRESS Core and its @presscoreca Twitter account is and always has been about. @presscoreca tweets and Twitter profile header stated the purpose of PRESS Core and @presscoreca “to disclose and make known all treasons, and traitorous conspiracies, and attempts against Canada.” Informing Canadians that it was / is Germany who sponsored COVID-19 plandemic is the reason why Germany government got Twitter to suspend PRESS Core’s @presscoreca account. An email from Twitter specifically named Germany government for filing a complaint against @presscoreca – Germany’s first attempt to take down / suspend @presscoreca – Sept 18, 2020 “We have investigated the reported content and could not identify any violations of the Twitter Rules or German law.” Twitter →

Now know that Germany got Twitter to suspend @presscoreca account for informing Twitter followers that COVID-19 is biological warfare – an act of war. How did Germany get Twitter to suspend @presscoreca account? Germany went through terrorism sponsoring state Saudi Arabia – owns shares / has influence over Twitter. In December 2015, the FBI visited Twitter headquarters in San Francisco to tell them they had a Saudi espionage problem. Prince Al Waleed bin Talal, the country’s most famous business mogul, was buying up shares in U.S. tech company Twitter. By 2015, the Saudi prince owned an estimated 5.2 percent of Twitter — more than Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey himself. In November 2017, bin Talal was arrested and confined to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Riyadh as part of a sweeping “anti-corruption” purge that forced numerous wealthy Saudis and members of the royal family to sign over their assets to Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. That included bin Talal’s Twitter shares. “Since late 2017 or January of 2018, Mohammed bin Salman has exercised control over more Twitter stock than is owned by Twitter’s founder,” civil complaint filed against Twitter On March 18, 2020, day Justin Trudeau announced that Canada will be closing its borders to international travel effective March 18, 2020, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received a phone call from German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss helping Germany levy COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada, US, UK, Europe and the World. How? By exercising control over Twitter – suspend accounts Germany was and is targeting for informing Canadians and Americans that COVID-19 is a plandemic. COVID-19 biological warfare attack is sponsored by Germany. Waged while Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson governments misappropriate / steal and funnel $billions to bailout Germany’s insolvent Fourth Reich EU and the International World Order / UN. Germany confirmed publicly Feb 2020 that the EU was insolvent: “A summit of EU leaders seeking to fill a €75bn hole in the bloc’s budget left by Brexit dramatically collapsed after Angela Merkel led major contributors in rejecting a proposal that would have left them paying billions more. … The UK’s departure has left EU states struggling to fund plans over the next seven years to tackle the climate emergency, aid poorer regions and continue to subsidise farmers through the common agricultural policy. The 27 heads of state and government must agree on a budget for the next seven years, and the European parliament must give its endorsement, before the end of 2020, to avoid the EU’s spending programmes grinding to a halt.” The Guardian

Last tweet before @presscoreca account was suspended for Germany was a tweet informing Canadians that Germany’s mole Chrystia Freeland is violating federal laws – is in a major conflict of interest. Section 15 (1)(c) of the Conflict of Interest Act prohibits reporting public office holders from engaging in a range of activities outside their official duties and responsibilities. Chrystia Freeland joined and continues to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum and a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv, while being Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of Canada.


Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines infected those vaccinated with the variant of the SARS-CoV

Unlike traditional vaccines that have been used for decades against diseases such as measles and polio, COVID-19 vaccines do not contain a weakened or inactive form of the virus itself. Instead, they use messenger RNA (mRNA) to instruct / program the immune system to recognize and react to a component of the coronavirus that is key to its ability to make us sick. BioNTech stated in a SEC filing that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine candidate was chosen from one of four vaccine candidate variants based on three distinct (different / a variant) mRNA formats.

Pfizer-BioNTech admitted in another SEC filing they may have chosen the wrong messenger RNA (mRNA). By choosing the wrong coded message they caused the body’s immune system to produce a different set of antibodies – a variant. A variant is defined as “a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.”

In BioNTech SE’s SEC FORM 6-K filing BioNTech SE repeatedly stated that the vaccine candidate BioNTech and Pfizer chose to mass produce and market is a “variant”.

Read more …

2005 study proved Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine prevents SARS-CoV infection and spread

Barry & Honey Sherman murders were, “in my view, committed by a very sophisticated organization – at least it has those hallmarks.” Supreme Court Justice Michael Moldaver, October 6, 2020 Source: The Chronicle Herald

Court documents suggests Supreme Court Justice Michael Moldaver implicated the UN for the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman.. The official / legal name for the UN is the United Nations Organization. What motive did the UN Organization have to target and kill Barry and Honey Sherman? Apotex’s cheap and effective anti-COVID-19 drug Hydroxychloroquine. The Apotex drug threatened to prematurely end Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack and defund the bankrupt / insolvent UN Organization & Bill Gates’ lucrative multi $billion global vaccine agenda.

A 2005 medical study told you why Barry and Honey Sherman’s Hydroxychloroquine drug threatened the UN Organization:

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

In order to investigate if chloroquine might prevent SARS-CoV infection, permissive Vero E6 cells were pretreated with various concentrations of chloroquine (0.1–10 μM) for 20–24 h prior to virus infection. Cells were then infected with SARS-CoV, and virus antigens were visualized by indirect immunofluorescence as described in Materials and Methods. Microscopic examination (Fig. 1A) of the control cells (untreated, infected) revealed extensive SARS-CoV-specific immunostaining of the monolayer. A dose-dependant decrease in virus antigen-positive cells was observed starting at 0.1 μM chloroquine, and concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection. For quantitative purposes, we counted the number of cells stained positive from three random locations on a slide. The average number of positively stained control cells was scored as 100% and was compared with the number of positive cells observed under various chloroquine concentrations (Fig. 1B). Pretreatment with 0.1, 1, and 10 μM chloroquine reduced infectivity by 28%, 53%, and 100%, respectively. Reproducible results were obtained from three independent experiments. These data demonstrated that pretreatment of Vero E6 cells with chloroquine rendered these cells refractory to SARS-CoV infection.

Study published 22 August 2005 in Virology Journal

Study Affiliations

Laboratory of Biochemical Neuroendocrinology, Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, Montreal, 110 Pine Ave West, QCH2W1R7, Canada
Eric Bergeron, Suzanne Benjannet & Nabil G Seidah

2016 study found Asprin i.v. impairs CoV viral RNA synthesis and viral replication

The PfizerBioNTech vaccines that Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson governments bought from Germany and are now using to conduct nation wide medical experiments on their citizens don’t prevent you or anyone else from becoming infected. “Even if somebody gets vaccinated, they may have an asymptomatic infection so they still could be infectious to others … Even when somebody is vaccinated, they need to protect themselves and others from spreading the infectionOntario Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe

Why? COVID 19 activates NF-kB pathway, like MERS and SARS-COV. NF-kB is specifically induced by SARS-COV and SARS-CoV-2 S protein to produce inflammatory mediators that are associated with ARDS in SARS in vitro. None of the COVID-19 vaccines inhibits NF-kB.

However, a readily available drug called LASAG inhibits virus-induced NF-?B activity, including the impaired formation of RTCs and/or DMVs in CoV-infected cells, leading to reduced viral RNA. This drug isn’t a new drug. It was available before and during the start COVID-19.

A 2016 study showed “D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate + glycine sold as ” Asprin i.v. 500mg® ” (LASAG), which is an approved drug inter alia in the treatment of acute pain, migraine and fever, impairs propagation of different CoV including the highly-pathogenic MERS-CoV in vitro” The 2016 study demonstrated that “the LASAG-dependent impact on virus-induced NF-?B activity coincides with (i) reduced viral titres, (ii) decreased viral protein accumulation and viral RNA synthesis and (iii) impaired formation of viral replication transcription complexes.”

Germany’s vaccine manufacturer BioNTech SE discloses in SEC FORM F-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENT that its vaccine can cause severe side effects and death

“Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences”

“use of our product candidates (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine) could be associated with side effects or adverse events which can vary in severity from minor reactions to death and in frequency from infrequent to prevalent. The potential for adverse events is especially acute in the oncology setting, where patients may have advanced disease, have compromised immune and other systems and be receiving numerous other therapies.

BioNTech SEC filing

Chrystia Freeland under investigation

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) is mandated to investigate Members of Parliament (MPs) who pose a threat to national security. They investigate MPs. They don’t investigate lobbyists or businesses or Canadians. The investigations they launch are very serious. They investigate MPs for espionage and treason.

OTTAWA, September 17, 2020 — The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) today announces two reviews (investigations) of national security and intelligence activities. These reviews will be conducted over the next few months and concluded in 2021.

The Committee’s first review (investigation) will examine the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada (MP and Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland January 2017- November 2019).


FDA, Health Canada & COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kit inserts

“False positive results for IgM and IgG antibodies may occur due to cross reactivity from pre-existing antibodies or other possible causes.”

Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E (common human coronaviruses that cause the common cold)Health Canada, FDA, COVID-19 Antibody Rapid Test Kits

“The terms “serology” or “antibody” tests are generally used to refer to tests that detect antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Because these tests identify antibodies that are part of the body’s immune response to infection with the virus and do not detect the virus itself, such testing cannot be used for diagnosis of infection. Based on the underlying scientific principles of antibody tests, we do not expect that an antibody test can be shown to definitively diagnose or exclude COVID-19 infection. ” FDA

What does that mean? It means if you were infected in the past or are currently infected with the 4 coronaviruses that usually causes upper-respiratory tract illnesses like the common cold you can and will test positive for COVID-19.

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives.” CDC

Federal & provincial governments’ COVID-19 measures are unconstitutional & unenforceable

Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states above that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do not become law.

s. 7 of the Constitution of Canada includes the right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

Section 7 protects a sphere of personal autonomy involving “inherently private choices” that go to the “core of what it means to enjoy individual dignity and independence” (Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844 at paragraph 66; Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 at paragraph 49). Where state compulsions or prohibitions affect such choices, s. 7 may be engaged (A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, at paragraphs 100-102; Blencoe, supra at paragraphs 49-54; Siemens v. Manitoba (Attorney General), [2003] 1 S.C.R. 6 at paragraph 45) This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136) and the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution (e.g. fines): R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18. It may also include the ability to choose where one intends to live (Godbout, supra), as well as a protected sphere of parental decision-making for parents to ensure their children’s well-being, e.g., a right to make decisions concerning a child’s education and health (B.(R.), supra, at paragraph 80).

COVID-19 panic (bioterrorism) created by false positive PCR tests – they don’t test for COVID-19

UN & Chrystia Freeland informed you why Germany orchestrated COVID-19 biological attack

It’s time to charge Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Blaine Higgs, Doug Ford & other Premiers with high treason & treason – assisting Germany levy COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada

Evidence of NB government’s criminal negligence 219 (1)  – shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons. Every new Moncton, New Brunswick COVID-19 case can be back traced to NB Premier Blaine Higgs government bringing in students from China during COVID-19 travel restrictions. Blaine Higgs housed them in Moncton area motels. The Chinese students arrived at the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport on a red eye flight from Toronto Pearson International Airport and were transported to the motels using Moncton taxis – public transit. The images are from a Berry Mills motel. I know for a fact Blaine Higgs government employees broke quarantine protocols. Twice a day for 2 weeks I personally witnessed the Chinese students being taken from their rooms and escorted outside the motel for meals via the motel’s common hallways and stairways. Those hallways and stairways were used daily by government and private contractors, undercover RCMP officers and other motel guests. The Chinese students’ sponsors were seniors – retired persons who no doubt spread the virus or illness the students had to their friends (in seniors care homes) and their families and friends and every store they visited in the Moncton area.

I will be collecting and posting more evidence that can be used to charge NB Premier Blaine Higgs with criminal negligence – shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons and treason – assisting Germany and the UN levy COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada. Will interview motel guests at the motel I’m at who are being ordered by Blaine Higgs government to “quarantine” (sole purpose is to prevent the spread of infectious disease) at Moncton area motels (public places).

Canada View all

Justin Trudeau’s motive for continuing Germany’s COVID-19 biological attack – avoid another corruption investigation for  illegally funneling $billions to convicted SNC-Lavalin through Ontario Premier Doug Ford

Justin Trudeau’s motive for continuing Germany’s COVID-19 biological attack – avoid another corruption investigation for illegally funneling $billions to convicted SNC-Lavalin through Ontario Premier Doug Ford

Federal departments are prohibited from doing business for a period of 10 years with an individual contractor that has engaged in improper conduct.…

Justin Trudeau’s Canada Elections Act violation primary motive for homicides of Barry and Honey Sherman

Justin Trudeau’s Canada Elections Act violation primary motive for homicides of Barry and Honey Sherman

Canada Elections Act provides the primary motive for the targeted double homicides of Toronto billionaires Barry and Honey Sherman. Events prior and post…

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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke

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Above video was taken from doorway of my room 23 at the Atlantic Motel. Lived and worked (replaced motel rooms and hallways flooring and baseboards and installed and monitored Atlantic Motel’s security cameras) there from January 1, 2020 to December 14, 2020. Every motel room has gaps along the bottom of the doors. Korean motel owners use to keep and pocket guests’ $200 damage deposit if they smelled smoke from cigarette smoking or marijuana smoking in the hallway. If smoke and cooking and bathroom odors can leak from the rooms into the hallway any virus can just as easily escape from the rooms into the “common” hallways and spread throughout the motel. Chinese students that Blaine Higgs government brought in and “quarantined” at Atlantic Motel in August and September 2020 were housed in the rooms across the hallway from my room 23. The students staying in rooms 27 and 28 complained about not feeling well yet Blaine Higgs government employees took them from their rooms twice a day for meals. When the feeling ill student in room 27 left 2 weeks later with his senior sponsor Atlantic Motel owners rented the the room to a woman and her 3 children an hour after he had left.

NSICOP 2019 national security and intelligence report found ample evidence that Justin Trudeau & Chrystia Freeland are under the influence of foreign governments and state actors

“189. The Committee believes there is ample evidence *** that Canada is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference activities. *** The PRC, the Russian Federation ***  other states ***.  The Committee believes that these states target Canada for a variety of reasons, but all seek to exploit the openness of our society and penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives. They target ethnocultural communities, seek to corrupt the political process, manipulate the media, and attempt to curate debate on postsecondary campuses. Each of these activities poses a significant risk to the rights and freedoms of Canadians and to the country’s sovereignty: they are a clear threat to the security of Canada” NSICOP 2019 Annual Report

*** indicates a foreign state name – Germany and damning information that were redacted by Justin Trudeau

In 2019 Germany recruited Chrystia Freeland to assist Germany further Germany’s strategic interests. Germany had World Economic Forum (WEF) appoint Chrystia Freeland a Board of Trustees in January 2019. The WEF furthers Germany’s strategic interests – the Great Reset. Then in April 2019 Chrystia Freeland joined a Germany formed and lead alliance to save the international World Order/UN from financial destruction. The UN declared publicly that the UN was insolvent and faced bankruptcy in October 2019.

New cases of COVID-19 result of people getting tested after Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna vaccines makes them feel ill. Testing positive indicates that they’ve developed antibodies in response to their vaccination

Your body makes antibodies after it’s infected by a virus or other infectious agents, or after you receive a vaccination. That is what the Government of Canada has been stating on its website. The screenshot is from the Government of Canada website. I’ll repeat what it states:  “If you have a positive serology test result, it’s likely that you previously had a COVID-19 infection and that you developed an antibody response to the virus. It may also indicate that you developed antibodies in response to vaccination.”

“Serological testing detects the presence of antibodies, not the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This testing is also not to be used to diagnose infection.”

Government of Canada

The overwhelming majority of COVID-19 test kits used to diagnose new COVID-19 cases in Canada, the US and UK are serological test kits which “do not detect the virus itself“. That being said, Canada’s federal and provincial governments claiming that there are x number of new cases of COVID-19 is completely and utterly false.

If serological test kits do not detect the virus that causes COVID-19 then logically and factually Canadians are not being tested for COVID-19 and they haven’t tested positive for COVID-19.

Furthermore, “Results from antibody testing should not be used to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform (COVID-19) infection status.” stated by Johns Hopkins Medicine, the FDA, Health Canada (Government of Canada), and product inserts for Assure, TBG, ACON, MEGNA & BIOTIME COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kits


A spark gap is the key to producing very high voltages from a low voltage source such an antenna. If you’ve heard of Nikola Tesla or Dr Thomas Moray you already know that an antenna is capable of harnessing and producing very high voltages. Both utilized an antenna, a condenser (capacitor) and a spark gap to harness kV of energy.

“The disruptive voltage when the spark is taken between points is approximately 30,000 volts per centimetre for spark – lengths up to 2 or 3 centimetres, after this it is somewhat less, as the dielectric strength of air is relatively greater for small thicknesses.” 1914 publicationWIRELESS TELEGRAPHY, A HANDBOOK FOR THE USE OF OPERATORS AND STUDENTS

Handbook also states on page 51 that as little as 100 volts can be transformed into up to 30 kV. Solar panels are capable of supplying 100 volts. Add a spark gap to the solar panel circuitry to obtain a disruptive voltage of up to 30 kV.

Above image is a spark gap tube designed by Paul W Kincaid energy technology designs and solutions. Designed to increase solar panel voltage output.

Untapped source of renewable energy

There are literally tens of millions of miles of asphalt (a petroleum crude oil byproduct) roads throughout the World that can be utilized for producing renewable energy.

Asphalt, the sticky black residue that is left over from the processing of crude oil has been used in paving for more than a hundred years. Asphalt can also be used as a source of renewable energy. Asphalt surfaces incessantly absorb the Sun’s radiant energy, beginning at sunrise until late afternoon (before sunset).

Asphalt by its nature absorbs lots of Sun radiation. The dark color doesn’t reflect the sunlight back into the environment but stores it as heat, and since the structure of asphalt is dense it retains that heat longer. Asphalt can be 40-60° hotter than the surrounding air temperature.

Traditional asphalt absorbs up to 90% of the sun’s radiation and contributes to warming up the surrounding air not only during the day, but also at night.

The heat trapped in asphalt roads can be converted into electrical energy. Conversion of heat to electrical energy occurs when electrons thermally emit from a hot surface, traverse a gap, and are collected by a conducting surface.

Conduction is the transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other. The better the conductor, the more rapidly heat will be transferred. Copper is an excellent conductor of heat.

Method for lowering CO2 emissions and fuel costs


A method that can be utilized to increase fuel mileage and lower CO2 emissions and fuel costs is to atomize the gasoline fuel as it flows through the fuel line.

Atomization reduces liquid gasoline into a very fine spray. Perfume bottles are massed produced to emit the liquids in the perfume bottle as a fine spray. They do this without heating the bottle. They use the atomization method called hydraulic atomization to break down the liquid perfume into very fine droplets.

How much fuel vapor can potentially be produced from 1 gallon of liquid gasoline by using atomization?

The saturated vapor volume of an average gallon of liquid gasoline when fully evaporated is 160 gallons of vapor at 60° F and sea level.

That means, if you were able to completely vaporize 1 gallon of liquid gasoline you would have 160 gallons of fuel vapor


In 2016 Justin Trudeau made it possible for Germany and its failing EU banks to steal $billions from Canadians’ bank deposits. The means for Germany and its failing EU banks to obtain $billions from Canadians was made possible by Justin Trudeau’s March 22, 2016 Budget under Chapter 8 in section titled “Introducing a Bank Recapitalization ‘Bail-in’ Regime

To protect Canadian taxpayers in the unlikely event of a large bank failure, the Government is proposing to implement a bail-in regime that would reinforce that bank shareholders and creditors are responsible for the bank’s risks—not taxpayers.

Budget 2016 – Chapter 8 – Tax Fairness and a Strong Financial Sector

When you deposit your money into your bank account you essentially become a “​creditor” to the bank since the bank now owes you that money.

Justin Trudeau is counting on Canadians not realizing that the banks’ creditors/depositors are Canadian taxpayers. That means Justin Trudeau isn’t protecting Canadian taxpayers. Canadian taxpayers will be robbed of $billions by Justin Trudeau’s financial scheme to bailout Germany and its Fourth Reich EU regime.

regime means a government, especially an authoritarian one.

It’s imperative Canadians read and understand the fine print of Justin Trudeau’s bail-in financial scheme. The financial scheme takes Canadian taxpayers’ bank deposits to bailout not just failing Canadian banks, the money will be taken to bailout any failing bank in Germany’s Fourth Reich EU and/or in the US.

Screenshot of the Government of Canada website pertaining to Justin Trudeau’s bail-in regime:


Corruption and treachery being exposed by PRESS Core editor using NCIO website

“NCIO’s mission is to disclose and make known all treasons and traitorous conspiracies against Canada. Treachery and foreign influence activities pose a serious threat to Canada’s national security.” NCIO,

Germany and the WHO began planning for COVID-19 plandemic in 2017

Germany and the WHO used the 2017 G20 summit to recruit national leaders to assist Germany and the WHO stage the COVID-19 plandemic.

mRNA vaccines can trigger/cause variants and very serious inflammatory response

Despite its promise, there are challenges associated with working with mRNA. Ordinary mRNA produces only low levels of proteins, and the molecule degrades too quickly inside the body to make it suitable as a therapeutic. On top of that, RNA can trigger an immune response that’s independent of the response to the protein it encodes. “If you just inject foreign RNA into people or animals, you can induce a very serious inflammatory response,” Norbert Pardi, mRNA vaccine specialist at the University of Pennsylvania

Study informs us why everyone who recovered from COVID-19 will always test positive for COVID-19 months or years later even if they are just sick with the flu, common cold or bronchitis

Study found that “Nearly Everyone Who Recovers From COVID-19 Makes Coronavirus Antibodies”

“all had developed SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies within two to three weeks of their first symptoms.”

published study determined that nearly all of the 285 patients studied produced a type of antibody called IgM, which is the first antibody that the body makes when fighting an infection. Though only about 40 percent produced IgM in the first week after onset of COVID-19, that number increased steadily to almost 95 percent two weeks later. All of these patients also produced a type of antibody called IgG. While IgG often appears a little later after acute infection, it has the potential to confer sustained immunity.”

The study findings confirm that everyone who recovers from COVID-19 will produce SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and thwart a second infection, without being vaccinated. The study findings also means that everyone who recovers from COVID-19 illness will always test positive for COVID-19 months or a year later even if they have an annual illness like the flu, common cold a recurring bronchitis infection.

Vaccines also produces antibodies. Government of Canada informs Canadians that vaccinations produces antibodies. Screenshot from Government of Canada website.

“Your body makes antibodies after it’s infected by a virus or other infectious agents, or after you receive a vaccination … a positive test result, … may also indicate that you developed antibodies in response to vaccinationTrudeau Government

COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kit insert

“False positive results for IgM and IgG antibodies may occur due to cross reactivity from pre-existing antibodies (common cold, bronchitis infections … ) or other possible causes.”

Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E”

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives.” CDC

Alternative treatments for COVID-19

Herpes virus protein ORF10 encoded in Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and exclusively/only in SARS-CoV-2 is what made SARS-CoV-2 a novel SARS coronavirus

SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to SARS. What is different is what made it a novel SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). What’s different is a protein that is exclusively/only found in SARS-CoV-2 genome and not in SARS-CoV or any other human coronavirus. SARS-CoV-2 genome contains the human herpes virus protein ORF10.

“In a recent study comparison of the proteins encoded by SARS-CoV-2 with the proteins of SARS-CoV revealed the presence of novel ORF8 and ORF10 proteins in SARS-CoV-2. …. ORF10 is the only protein that is not present in other human coronaviruses” Genes of SARS-CoV-2 and emerging variants

ORF10, like its Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) homolog VP16, is a transactivating protein. In the context of gene regulation: transactivation is the increased rate of gene expression triggered either by biological processes or by artificial means, through the expression of an intermediate transactivator protein. HIV and HTLV are just two of the many viruses that encode transactivators to enhance viral gene expression.

“ORF10 is a short protein or peptide of length 38 deposits. Koyama et al. depicted that COVID-19 is ORF10″ Europe PMC, a service of the Europe PMC Funders’ Group, in partnership with the European Bioinformatics Institute ; and in cooperation with the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NLM)

“To avoid ambiguous virus identifications, it has been recommended to journal editors that published papers follow International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses guidelines for proper virus identification and nomenclature, and that viruses should be cited with their full taxonomic terminology when they are first mentioned in an article.” ScienceDirect – Virus nomenclature

“Consistent protein nomenclature is indispensable for communication, literature searching and entry retrieval. A good protein name is one which is unique, unambiguous, can be attributed to orthologs from other species and follows official gene nomenclature where applicable. The process of associating a name with a protein sequence has various components: sequence function identification/prediction, choosing a name and applying formatting.” International Protein Nomenclature Guidelines

FDA WHO approved anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin inhibits the COVID-19 causative virus SARS-CoV-2

Ivermectin, an FDA approved anti-parasitic drug previously shown to have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity in vitro, is an inhibitor of the COVID-19 causative virus SARS-CoV-2.  Ivermectin was able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h. Ivermectin is widely available, due to its inclusion on the WHO model list of essential medicines.

At 24 h, there was a 93% reduction in viral RNA present in the supernatant (indicative of released virions) of samples treated with ivermectin compared to the vehicle DMSO. Similarly a 99.8% reduction in cell-associated viral RNA (indicative of unreleased and unpackaged virions) was observed with ivermectin treatment. By 48 h this effect increased to an ~5000-fold reduction of viral RNA in ivermectin-treated compared to control samples, indicating that ivermectin treatment resulted in the effective loss of essentially all viral material by 48 h. Consistent with this idea, no further reduction in viral RNA was observed at 72 h. As we have observed previously (Lundberg et al., 2013; Tay et al., 2013; Wagstaff et al., 2012), no toxicity of ivermectin was observed at any of the timepoints tested, in either the sample wells or in parallel tested drug alone samples.Antiviral Research paper

Ivermectin has been confirmed to inhibit IN nuclear import and HIV-1 replication (Wagstaff et al., 2012). Other actions of ivermectin have been reported, but ivermectin has been shown to inhibit nuclear import of host and viral proteins, including simian virus SV40 large tumour antigen (T-ag) and dengue virus (DENV) non-structural protein 5. Importantly, it has been demonstrated to limit infection by RNA viruses such as DENV 1-4, West Nile Virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and influenza , with this broad spectrum activity believed to be due to the reliance by many different RNA viruses on IMPα/β1 during infection.

Ivermectin also promotes peripheral nerve regeneration during wound healing

UN, NATO and EU part of Germany’s Fourth Reich

“maintaining and nurturing the liberal international order (a.k.a. UN) on which Germany’s current peace and prosperity are founded, ” Berlin, Germany Policy Paper

“NATO is the signature pillar of the liberal international order”

“Germany is the biggest beneficiary of the European community – economically and politically.” German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, January 2017

Justin Trudeau’s BC Court document for a trial by jury court case

Justin Trudeau’s trial by jury court case SAMIE, Ali v TRUDEAU, Justin occurred when Justin Trudeau was a teacher in BC.

In Canada, you have the right to request a jury trial when you are facing a serious criminal charge. When you face charges for a crime that can have a prison sentence of five years or more, you have the right to request a jury trial in your criminal proceeding. To engage the right to request a jury trial (Section 11(f) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms), a person must at one time have been “charged with an offence”

Jury trials are not common in civil matters, and they are far more complicated than trials without a jury” Supreme Court of BC

Screenshot of BC court document confirmed Justin Trudeau was 1) “charged with an offence” and 2) was a defendant in a trial by jury court case. Justin Trudeau issued Writ of Summons 15 June 1999. Appeared before court 03 Nov 1999 and received “Notice Requiring Trial by Jury” 21 Nov 2002.

Read more …

The WHO formally partnered/conspired with Germany, during the 2018-2019 biennium to stage COVID-19 biological warfare attack. “Long-term strategic agreements between Germany and WHO allow for alignment and focus on key needs of global public health with a view to achieve results. The agreements strengthen WHO” the WHO

Embedded YouTube video above is one of many videos Germany scripted and filmed for the WHO’s 2017 G20 pandemic simulation (fake) exercise. Videos created and posted by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Health to recruit G20 leaders to assist Germany and the WHO (UN) stage the COVID-19 biological warfare attack. There’s more videos of Germany and the WHO/UN’s simulation exercise on YouTube.

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Health conspired with WHO to stage COVID-19 plandemic

CSIS defines threats to the security of Canada as:

  • espionage or sabotage (of Canada’s economy) that is against Canada or is detrimental to the interests of Canada or activities directed toward or in support of such espionage or sabotage;
  • foreign (Germany, UN, World Economic Forum, Bill Gates / Gavi) influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive, or involve a threat to any person;

Treason against Canada

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.”

Chrystia Freeland forming an alliance with Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy to protect Germany’s interests – “aimed at saving the international world order (a.k.a. UN) from destruction” is treachery – a heinous crime. More serious than her crime of taking and funneling (money laundering) $billions to Ukraine and the UN during Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada, UK, Europe and World.

Just coincidences?

Just a coincidence Justin Trudeau and close friend, convicted child sex offender (Pitt River Middle School & WPGA teacher & Justin Trudeau’s WPGA roommate) Christopher Ingvaldson were both teaching at Pitt River Middle School, Port Coquitlam BC & West Point Grey Academy during the time span of the Robert Pickton’s Port Coquitlam, British Columbia snuff film murders.

Just a coincidence that the abductions and murders ended in 2001 when Justin Trudeau abruptly left teaching job mid-term at West Point Grey Academy. Justin Trudeau wasn’t the only Trudeau to abruptly leave his job. Alexandre Trudeau trained at CFB Gagetown, NB but abruptly left before completing his training as an armoured officer in 1997. Alexandre Trudeau founded JuJu Films in 1997. Coincidentally most of Robert Pickton’s snuff film murders spanned 1997 (Alexandre Trudeau formed JuJu Films) to 2001 (Justin Trudeau abruptly left WPGA).

Research what JuJu is. Alexandre Trudeau’s first documentary in Liberia dealt with JuJu – black magic & ritual sacrifice. Just another coincidence the bodies of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman were found December 15, 2017 posed like the life size JuJu dolls in the basement of their home in Toronto Ontario.

“Steve Pickton runs a snuff film operation in Coquitlam and then he dumps the bodies at a hunting camp about ten miles up from Horseshoe Bay, near the Sea to Sky highway. There’s a special grave site there with sealed containers” Pickton murders witness

Now retired RCMP officer, George Brown was part of a community-based “Missing Persons’ Task Force” in Vancouver . His RCMP task force documented hundreds of missing people until their work began to identify the complicity of local police, politicians and businessmen in the disappearances. “Ten of the last dozen women to be taken to the killing site at (Pickton) Piggy’s Palace were accompanied by Mounties/RCMP or regular cops” Pickton murders witness

Why Trudeau gov formed alliance with Germany to wage COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada

COVID-19 “crisis will act as a wake-up call for multilateralism, revitalizing multilateral cooperation in global health governance and eventually in other areas. Germany and the countries participating in the Alliance for Multilateralism (Chrystia Freeland) will do their best to contribute to such a development.” UN April 2020

Why Bill Gates is conspiring with Germany & UN in staging COVID-19 plandemic

Paul W Kincaid’s clean energy technology designs

Another innovative clean energy technology design by Paul W Kincaid. Screen printed solar blinds. Solar panels that can be installed indoors. Designed to be installed on the inside of the window frames of homes, offices and/or commercial buildings. Harnessing the Sun’s free energy will no longer be confined to rooftops. Windows are the logical choice for harnessing CO2 free energy.

The solar blind was designed to utilize graphene to harness energy. Graphene is an allotrope of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice. Graphene is highly thermally conductive. Graphene is considered to be the most conductive material – of both electricity and heat. For the energy sector, it can provide new possibilities for power generation, storage and infrastructure. It can be found in an object as ordinary as a pencil. It is already being used to manufacture very thin, transparent & flexible electronic circuits.

Graphene can be screen printed. MSP Graphics in Moncton New Brunswick successfully screen printed graphene onto a transparent substrate for me, Paul W Kincaid. The first step in developing a fully functional prototype of the solar blinds.

Contact Paul W Kincaid if you would like to invest in or fund development of these innovative solar blinds. A screen printer is available to screen print the solar panel elements but need funds to purchase screens, inks and graphene.

Step-Up Power Packs designed by PRESS Core editor Paul W Kincaid. Designed to provide variable voltages for a number of clean energy applications. Each Step-Up Power Pack was designed to be quickly and easily connected vertically or horizontally and to be reconfigured to increase the available power supply. By adding more Step-Up Power Packs in parallel increases both overall amp-hour capacity and total current capacity. It is a well known and documented fact that when power packs (batteries) are hooked up (connected) in parallel, the voltage remains the same, but the power (or available current) is increased.

The Core Generator ™ is one of many Paul W Kincaid energy technology designs and solutions. The generator was designed to reduce your electrical bill, CO2 emissions and carbon tax. Innovative power generator was designed to use very little energy to produce kilowatts of “unmetered” energy. Designed specifically for reducing the cost of recharging electric vehicles and power equipment and electronic devices in your home, cottage, business or remote locations. Technology was designed to generate more energy than used while producing zero CO2.

FuelReducer mpg+ increased mpg plus reduced CO2 emissions

The FuelReducer mpg+ (for vehicles) & the FuelReducer Oi (for oil furnaces) were the 1st energy technology devices developed by PRESS Core editor, Paul W Kincaid to increase fuel efficiency + lower CO2 emissions. Sold throughout Canada and the US from 2006-2010. Have 80 FueReducer mpg+ for sale. Device only fits vehicles with metal fuel lines.

Impossible to contain COVID-19 using motels

Simple method to increase solar panel efficiency

Copper is the best conductor of electricity and heat. Copper is used in high, medium and low voltage power networks, and copper conductivity is considered to be the standard to which other conductors are compared. Aluminum cables are being replaced with copper ones, because copper conductivity is twice that of aluminum, making copper cables extremely energy efficient, thus helping reduce energy consumption.

However,  aluminum remains the most common material that is used in construction of solar panels. Simply replacing the aluminum in solar panels’ photovoltaic cells with copper will make solar panels more conductive and increase their energy output. Today, most solar panels provide an energy efficiency rating between 11 and 15 percent, which is the percentage of solar energy that is being converted into usable electricity. Using copper could, at the very least, double solar panel efficiency

The solar panel developed and patented by Nikola Tesla over 100 years ago (1901-11-05) was just a shiny metal plate with a transparent coating of some insulating material.

“In applying my discovery I provide a condenser, preferably of considerable electrostatic capacity, and connect one of its terminals to an insulated metal plate or other conducting body exposed to the rays or streams of radiant matter. “

Ottawa based terrorism specialist

Member of the Canadian Assoc of Chief’s of Police eCrimes Council, AFCEA Cyber Council, NATO Canada, International Assoc of Chief’s of Police, Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society, Women in International Security (WIIS) and is a research fellow with the Police Foundation (US).

Contacted PRESS Core 2 weeks before 2019 federal election and arrest of RCMP Director General Cameron Jay Ortis. Days before The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) submitted its second Annual Report to the Prime Minister on August 30, 2019.  Subject RCMP/Liberal Info

Backup of @presscoreca Twitter account

An archive of @presscoreca Twitter account is available online. Saved @presscoreca tweets up until Germany had Twitter suspend the account for informing Canadians and @presscoreca followers that COVID-19 is a plandemic – funded by Germany. Last tweet before @presscoreca account was suspended for Germany was a retweet informing Canadians that Chrystia Freeland is violating federal laws – is in a major conflict of interest. Section 15 (1)(c) of the Conflict of Interest Act prohibits reporting public office holders from engaging in a range of activities outside their official duties and responsibilities. Chrystia Freeland joined and continues to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum and a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv, while being Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of Canada.


Followers Feedback

PRESS Core editor
Paul W Kincaid
Moncton, NB

FBI Director Robert Mueller involved in covering up Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s Boston Marathon bombing false flag

Images above were captured minutes before the Boston Marathon bombings. It shows government (Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration) false flag operatives placing claymore mines in backpacks. More evidence

Video of the actual Las Vegas shooters exiting the Tropicana

Depending on mission requirements, a typical fireteam consists of four or fewer members: an automatic rifleman, a grenadier, a rifleman, and a designated team leader. The role of each fireteam leader is to ensure that the fireteam operates as a cohesive unit. Two or three fireteams are organised into a section or squad in co-ordinated operations (false flag), which is led by a squad leader.

Las Vegas shooting false flag OP squad leader. a.k.a. handler identified as a FBI agent

Notice the yellow immobilization board in the above video. Purpose? Used to carry the weapons they planted in Stephen Paddock’s room. First shot in the Las Vegas shooting was made by a sniper – kill the Las Vegas shooting patsy.

Bullet impact marks on the exterior of Stephen Paddock’s room proves another shooter shot into the room from an elevated position.

LA Police communications confirmed at least 2 shooters and 2 shooting locations

COVID-19 is being used as a cover story while $trillions is transferred to Germany EU

Germany’s BioNTech discloses in SEC filing that its vaccines may cause severe patient injury or death

“use of our product candidates (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine) could be associated with side effects or adverse events which can vary in severity from minor reactions to death & in frequency from infrequent to prevalent. The potential for adverse events is especially acute in the oncology setting, where patients may have advanced disease, have compromised immune and other systems and be receiving numerous other therapies.” BioNTech SEC filing

Sponsor nationalism, independence and self-rule, not globalism

There are so many philanthropists and wealthy business people contributing to Germany’s quest to establish its WWII Neuordnung – World Order, the establishment of a World government under German control.

“The Führer gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe. We shall yet have to engage in many fights, but these will undoubtedly lead to most wonderful victories. From there on the way to world domination is practically certain. Whoever dominates Europe will thereby assume the leadership of the world.”  — Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda for Germany’s Third Reich, 8 May 1943

Isn’t it time at least one philanthropist or wealthy business person or many of them, stepped forward to level the field? There are dozens of former RCMP and Canadian Armed Forces members willing to dedicate the rest of their lives, if need be, to serving, protecting and defending Canada and its people from what UK PM Winston Churchill described as “all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule”.

Sponsor / fund nationalism, independence and self-rule. Fund Canada’s other media of communication. 39 years ago on April 17, 1982 — freedom of the press was enshrined with the adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Section 2b of the Charter explicitly states that we all have the right to “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.”

A strong independent press and other media of communication is a more effective tool than violence or fighting. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the honorable thing to do. Don’t let all those who died fighting and defeating Germany and its Neuordnung agenda in WWII die in vain.

Charities linked to financing insurgencies and terrorism

RCMP, and the Lobbying and Ethics commissioners need to investigate Justin Trudeau to determine how many $millions did Justin illegally give to the Trudeau Foundation, We Charity and the Clinton Foundation when he gave $350 million to Canada’s registered charities. Why? 1) it’s a conflict of interest 2) evidence exists that the charities who are recipients of the $350 million lobbied Justin Trudeau gov and obtained $millions and 3) Clinton Foundation Initiative’s NGO GlobalPay uses charity funds to finance insurgencies and terrorism “As crises unfold across the world including places like Syria (ISIS formed and armed by Barack Obama and Joe Biden government to overthrow Iraq and Syria government) & Somalia, the ability to send money to the frontlineNGO GlobalPay, funded the UN’s mass civil unrest in the US and UN used BLM to rekindle hatred / racism against African-Americans to distract World while $billions was embezzled and funneled to the insolvent Germany EU and UN under cover of the ongoing COVID-19 biological warfare attack.

“terrorist front organizations, including charities, remain active. Further counterterrorism successes will be dependent on increased international cooperation, intelligence sharing, the passage of domestic antiterrorism and antimony laundering legislation, and a focus on targeting not only those intent on pulling triggers, detonating bombs, or crashing airplanes, but also on those who make such operations possible by providing the necessary logistical and financial support.” Washington Institute – Charitable Organizations and Terrorist Financing: A War on Terror Status-Check

” article examines the relationship between charities and terrorist financing in Canada, reviewing Canada’s legal framework in order to evaluate its adequacy to limit the use or misuse of charitable organizations for terrorist financing. “Charities and Terrorist FinancingAllard School of Law at the University of British Columbia

Email to PRESS Core claims TPS dropped ball

Corruption View all

Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland is in a conflict of interest. While serving as a member of Parliament Chrystia Freeland became and continues to be an active member of…

Federal departments are prohibited from doing business for a period of 10 years with an individual contractor that has engaged in improper conduct. A contractor may be debarred…

A number of news articles since October 2019 provided the World with Germany’s motive for paying Bill Gates and World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players 600 million Euros…

Justin Trudeau’s motive for forcing Governor General Julie Payette to resign. To distract Canadian public. Delay tabling damning report Justin Trudeau was required to make public in January…

Joe Biden is repeating what he, Barack Obama and the Federal Reserve did in 2009. Used a staged pandemic as cover while the New York Federal Reserve embezzled…

April 2021 COVID-19 data informed us 91.55% of COVID-19 cases recover without a vaccine

A screenshot of COVID-19 data taken April 8, 2021 informs us COVID-19 clears up on it’s own without vaccines. Looking at the COVID-19 data you can clearly see that COVID-19 is no different than acute bronchitis or the flu (influenza) which usually goes away on their own, all without being vaccinated.

According to the screenshot of COVID-19 data for Canada 91.55% of those who were labelled infected with COVID-19 effectively recovered, become well again, without a vaccine. Recovery means a return to a normal state of health.

Germany’s COVID-19 biological attack co-conspirator Johns Hopkins confirms common cold infections could produce false positives for COVID-19

Antibody-based tests for COVID-19 may have high rates of false-positive testing if used in low-positive-predicative value scenarios (e.g., screening as in “Have I had COVID-19?”)

  • Tests have high analytic sensitivity and specificity; however, these are on known or spiked samples. Real-world testing, especially if the low probability of infection, makes these tests much less accurate, prone to false positives.

FDA has warned not to use these tests yet to implicate authentic infection, protective immunity, or to rule out infection.

  • Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E

Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine

“Common human coronaviruses, HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives.” CDC

COVID-19 vaccine candidates can activate other viruses

The WHO / UN directed virologists to develop ways to impair natural immune responses and prolong certain virus infections. WHO directive stated in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volume 47, p.259, 1972

WHO’s goals to impair the body’s natural immune responses and prolong virus infections was achieved using vaccinia. “While doctors now accept that vaccinia (COVID-19 vaccine candidates developed based on vaccinia) can activate other viruses, they are divided about whether it was the main catalyst to the AIDS epidemic. But an advisor to WHO who disclosed the problem , told The London Times: ” I thought it was just a coincidence until we studied the latest findings about the reactions which can be caused by vaccinia . Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation to the explosion of AIDS.”

Source: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome An Evaluation of the Federal Role : Hearing Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, First Session, Special Hearing

Nikola Tesla informed us 120 years ago how to make solar panels produce more energy

Image above is a tube capacitor with a built-in spark gap. Designed by PRESS Core editor Paul W Kincaid to utilize a discovery Nikola Tesla made 120 years ago. Designed to easily attach to a solar panel and produce more energy. The capacitors are charged by the solar panel and the spark gap discharges the capacitors to produce much higher voltages.

“The discharge of a condenser (capacitor) affords us a means of obtaining frequencies far higher than are obtainable mechanically.” Nikola Tesla 1891 New York lecture

“by discharging the condensers (capacitor), either through a stationary gap or through a gap with a mechanical interrupter, I obtained any frequency I desired, and perfectly undamped waves

“My present application is based upon a discovery which I have made that when rays or radiations of the above kind are permitted to fall upon an insulated conducting body connected to one of the terminals of a condenser, while the other terminal of the same is made by independent means to receive or to carry away electricity, a current flows into the condenser so long as the insulated body is’ exposed to the rays, and under the conditions hereinafter specified an indefinite accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser takes place. This energy after a suitable time interval, during which the rays are allowed to act, may manifest itself in a powerful discharge, which may be utilized for the operation or control of mechanical or electrical devices or rendered useful in many other ways.
In applying my discovery I provide a condenser, preferably of considerable electrostatic capacity, and connect one of its terminals to an insulated metal plate or other conducting body exposed to the (Sun) rays or streams of radiant matter.” Nikola Tesla 1901 patent

Nikola Tesla informed us 120 years ago how solar panels (insulated conducting body) can produce more energy than gas powered generators. By hooking up/wiring a solar panel to a high energy capacitor and the capacitor to a spark gap which is used for discharging the capacitor and produce very high voltages.

Spark plugs in cars and trucks already do that – rapidly discharges car’s ignition coil to produce 20,000 to 44,000 volts needed to ignite the fuel in the engine’s cylinders.

So technically, if you were to attach a super capacitor or an ignition coil and a spark gap to solar panels the solar panel can produce much more energy.

Replicating method Nikola Tesla used 80 years to produce 44,000 volts from a single solar panel

80 years ago Nikola Tesla used a high voltage power source to charge capacitors. The unnamed power source was used to produce 44,000 volts.

With these 44,000 volts I charged my condensers. Then by discharging the condensers, either through a stationary gap or through a gap with a mechanical interrupter, I obtained any frequency I desired, and perfectly undamped waves.” Nikola Tesla

Since then inventors and scientists have been trying to figure out how he was able to produce 44,000 volts to charge condensers. Condensers are now called capacitors. They are components used in electric circuits, which can very quickly store energy. Solving that mystery will revolutionize the solar, wind and electric car industry. What they were concentrating on, in their research, was a complicated method. However, Nikola Tesla didn’t harness 44,000 volts he built a generator, a very compact generator that had no moving parts yet instantly produced 44,000 volts. That very small generator’s primary function was to instantly transform low voltage into 44,000 volts.

If you read Nikola Tesla’s patents you’ll soon realize how he did it. One patent in particular told us how. “Apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy” US Patent US685957A

Solar panels harvests radiant energy carried by the light from our sun by converting it into electricity. The images accompanying Nikola Tesla‘s patent is essentially a solar panel. It didn’t harness or produce the 44,000 volts. Tesla’s solar panel functioned as a receiver of energy.

“My present application is based upon a discovery which I have made that when rays or radiations of the above kind are permitted to fall upon an insulated conducting body connected to one of the terminals of a condenser while the other terminal of the same is made by independent means to receive or to carry away electricity a current flows into the condenser so long as the insulated body is exposed to the rays, and under the conditions hereinafter specified an indefinite accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser takes place.” Nikola Tesla

Another component (an independent means to receive or to carry away electricity) that was attached/wired to the panel produced the 44,000 volts Tesla used to charge condensers/capacitors.

The easiest and cheapest way to generate a higher voltage from a low voltage DC source like a solar panel is with an inductor. A car’s induction coil can and does instantly produce as much as 44,000 volts. The Holley website states that its Holley EFI induction coil can produce: 1) Peak Voltage – 44,000 Volts 2) Peak Output – 102 Mj utilizing a battery with a maximum voltage of 17.0 Volts.

In 1931 Nikola Tesla announced in The Brooklyn Eagle that “I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. More than 25-years-ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic rays and I have succeeded. Electric power is everywhere present, in unlimited quantities. This new power for the driving of the world’s machinery will be derived from the energy which operates in the universe, without the need for coal, gas, oil, or any other fuel”.

Core generator designed to drastically reduce the cost of recharging electric vehicles

The Core Generator ™ is one of many Paul W Kincaid energy technology designs and solutions. The generator was designed to reduce your electrical bill, CO2 emissions and carbon tax. Innovative power generator designed to use as little as 12 volts (car battery) to produce kilowatts of “unmetered” energy. Designed specifically for reducing the cost of recharging electric vehicles and powering home or cottage appliances plus power equipment and electronic devices in remote locations. Technology designed to generate more energy than used while producing zero CO2.
Read more …

Tuberculosis cases & deaths being reported as COVID-19 so that Germany’s insolvent EU and UN can illegally obtain $billions

“In 2018, 1.7 billion people were infected by TB bacteria — roughly 23% of the world’s population. TB is the leading infectious disease killer in the world, claiming 1.5 million lives each year. … 10 million individuals became ill with TB in 2018” CDC

“1.4 million people died from TB in 2019 Worldwide, TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent … In 2019, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis worldwide” WHO

WHO admitted there’s a tuberculosis (highly contagious disease) outbreak occurring simultaneously / during Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological attack “WHO is continuously monitoring & responding to tuberculosis (TB) prevention & care during the COVID-19 pandemic”, yet WHO and CDC aren’t reporting the number of cases or deaths from TB. Why? TB cases & deaths are being counted & reported as COVID-19. Never forget, before COVID-19 both the EU and UN desperately needed $billions or as UN Secretary General reported in October 2019 “The United Nations is running a deficit of USD 230 million, and may run out of money (go bankrupt) by the end of October”. COVID-19 is being staged so that Germany’s EU and International World Order / UN can illegally obtained $billions by false pretense.

Health View all

Charges of high treason and treason are warranted and need to be laid against Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, NB Premier Blaine Higgs and other Canadian premiers for assisting an enemy, Germany wage COVID-19 biological warfare/war against Canada

Charges of high treason and treason are warranted and need to be laid against Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, NB Premier Blaine Higgs and other Canadian premiers for assisting an enemy, Germany wage COVID-19 biological warfare/war against Canada

Charges of high treason and treason are warranted and need to be laid against Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs,…

Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, in every practical sense, were made to make SARS-CoV-2 more infectious and transmissible

Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, in every practical sense, were made to make SARS-CoV-2 more infectious and transmissible

Coronaviruses are surrounded by a fatty membrane known as an envelope. In order to gain entry to the inside of the cell, enveloped viruses use spike proteins to…

Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are biohazards – can cause major diseases

Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are biohazards – can cause major diseases

Two COVID-19 vaccines contain dangerous biohazards. Both the Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain nanoparticles. Nanoparticle exposure is associated with a host of adverse pulmonary, immunological, cardiovascular,…

Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine ingredients and lipid nanoparticles harbours very serious health risks

Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine ingredients and lipid nanoparticles harbours very serious health risks

Biological weapons are microorganisms like virus, bacteria, fungi, or other toxins that are produced and released deliberately to cause disease and death in humans. Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain…

Copper inactivates bacteria and viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and other respiratory viruses by damaging the viruses’ protective membranes or envelopes and interfering with its vital processes

Copper inactivates bacteria and viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and other respiratory viruses by damaging the viruses’ protective membranes or envelopes and interfering with its vital processes

Copper exhibits impressive antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. Copper can kill viruses and other germs by disrupting the protective layers of the organisms (membranes or envelopes) and interfering with…

Millions intentionally misdiagnosed as having COVID-19 to assist Germany and the UN obtain $billions by waging COVID-19 biological warfare

Millions intentionally misdiagnosed as having COVID-19 to assist Germany and the UN obtain $billions by waging COVID-19 biological warfare

Millions have been intentionally misdiagnosed as testing positive for COVID-19 in Canada, the US, the UK, in Europe and around the World to assist Germany and the WHO…

Published review in Spandidos Publications’ International Journal of Molecular Medicine showed Zinc possesses antiviral activity through inhibition of SARS‑CoV RNA polymerase and  decreases activity of ACE2, the receptor for SARS‑CoV‑2

Published review in Spandidos Publications’ International Journal of Molecular Medicine showed Zinc possesses antiviral activity through inhibition of SARS‑CoV RNA polymerase and decreases activity of ACE2, the receptor for SARS‑CoV‑2

A review, “Zinc and respiratory tract infections: Perspectives for COVID‑19” published in Spandidos Publications’ International Journal of Molecular Medicine has shown compelling evidence that Zinc (Zn) possesses antiviral…

Drug and chemical free antimicrobial technology that can help prevent spread of bacterial and viral infections

Drug and chemical free antimicrobial technology that can help prevent spread of bacterial and viral infections

There is an electrical antimicrobial device that can be used throughout the World to effectively and inexpensively kill 99% of all airborne and surface viruses and bacteria. The…

COVID-19 second, third and fourth waves caused by Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 second, third and fourth waves caused by Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines

BioNTech SE disclosesd in SEC FORM F-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENT that its vaccine can cause severe side effects and death. “Common adverse events included flu-like symptoms.“ use of our product candidates…

BioNtech SEC filing informs us Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is the likely cause of new coronavirus variants

BioNtech SEC filing informs us Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is the likely cause of new coronavirus variants

Unlike traditional vaccines that have been used for decades against diseases such as measles and polio, COVID-19 vaccines do not contain a weakened or inactive form of the…

Evidence Ontario Premier Doug Ford falsified medical records to assist Germany & UN continue their biological warfare attack against Canada throughout 2021

Evidence Ontario Premier Doug Ford falsified medical records to assist Germany & UN continue their biological warfare attack against Canada throughout 2021

Public Health Ontario’s “Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports” provides irrefutable proof that Ontario Premier Doug Ford is committing major medical fraud – falsifying medical records to help Justin…

2005 study proved Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine prevents SARS-CoV infection and spread

2005 study proved Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine prevents SARS-CoV infection and spread

Barry & Honey Sherman murders were, “in my view, committed by a very sophisticated organization – at least it has those hallmarks.” Supreme Court Justice Michael Moldaver, October…

Energy Technology View all

Screen printed solar blinds

Screen printed solar blinds

Another innovative clean energy technology design by Paul W Kincaid. Screen printed solar blinds. Solar panels that can be installed indoors. Designed to be installed…

How to produce 30,000 volts when you have only 12 volts DC to start with?

FuelReducer mpg+ increased fuel efficiency plus lowered CO2 emissions

Powering up with stackable super cells

Method for harnessing solar energy from all directions

Antennas can & have harnessed more energy than any solar panel manufactured today

Electric drive-charge motor system a game changer for the electric car industry.

Core generator designed to drastically reduce electrical bill, CO2 emissions and carbon tax.

Method for reducing CO2 emissions & taxes

Method for generating higher voltages from solar panels

Paul W Kincaid clean energy technology design

Cheapest and easiest methods for gasoline and diesel automakers to reduce CO2 emissions

Antennas can & have been used to harness more solar energy than any solar panel manufactured and used today

Antennas can & have been used to harness energy. How much energy can be obtained by using an antenna?

“Usually something like 50 horsepower, and I would get, I should say, approximately 30 horsepower in the antenna; that is, I would get 30 horsepower in the oscillating circuit.” Nikola Tesla

How much power is 30 horsepower? What is 30 horsepower in kilowatts? 30 horsepower = 22.370996 Kilowatts

“At high noon on a cloudless day, the surface of the Earth receives 1,000 watts of solar power per square meter (1 kW/m 2 ).” Caltech US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science , Washington, DC report under CONVERSION OF SUNLIGHT INTO ELECTRICITY p.15

In all of Thomas Moray & Nikola Tesla’s high energy harnessing patented devices, not one was a solar panel. All were antennas. Moray & Tesla used either an insulated metal plate or a 6 foot rod or a long wire antenna & a spark gap to harness kWs of energy. More energy than any solar panel manufactured today.

In patent US685958A – Method of utilizing radiant energy Nikola Tesla used an antenna that was made using a single sheet of highly polished and insulated metal plate –

A simple way of supplying positive or negative electricity to the (condenser / capacitor) terminal is to connect the same either to an insulated conductor, supported at some height in the atmosphere, or to a grounded conductor, the former, as is well known, furnishing positive and the latter negative electricity. As the rays or supposed streams of matter generally convey a positive charge to the first condenser-terminal, which is connected to the plate or conductor above mentioned, I usually connect the second terminal of the condenser to the ground, this being the most convenient way of obtaining negative electricity, dispensing with the necessity of providing an artificial source.

The insulated plate or conducting-body should present as large a surface as practicable to the rays or streams of matter, I having ascertained that the amount of energy conveyed to it per unit of time is under otherwise identical conditions proportionate to the area exposed, or nearly so. Furthermore, the (insulated metal plate) surface should be clean and preferably highly polished or amalgamated.Nikola Tesla patent US685957A

Solar panel manufacturers need only to replicate what Nikola Tesla and Thomas Moray did and their solar panels will be far more efficient (harness a lot more energy) than they are now. A simple redesign of the solar panel can tap into this free, unlimited, unmetered and carbon-free electrical energy.

The biggest flaw in all solar panels is the reflective glass. Solar panels reflect most of that free radiant energy. There is more deflecting glass and dielectric insulating material than energy conducting material in today’s solar cells. The very thin strips of conducting material can of course only harness very little energy. Replace the thin strips with thin sheets and you can increase the inductance of the solar cells. A thin sheet of conducting material has a much greater inductance than very thin strips.

In Nikola Tesla Patent US685957A we can clearly see from the information and images filed with the patent that Nikola Tesla used an insulated metal plate to harness energy – energy that is transferred by electromagnetic radiation, such as light, X-rays, gamma rays, and thermal radiation. What “metal” did Nikola Tesla use in the patent for the insulated metal plate? Copper? Copper has the highest conductivity of any non-precious metal and one that’s 65% higher than aluminum. Copper has the best electrical conductivity of any metal, except silver. Copper is a good conductor of heat (about 30 times better than stainless steel and 1.5 times better than aluminum). Most metals are pretty good conductors; however, apart from silver, copper is the best. Each copper atom has lost one electron and become a positive ion. So copper is a lattice of positive copper ions with free electrons moving between them. Electrons can move freely through the metal. For this reason, they are known as free electrons. They are also known as conduction electrons, because they help copper to be a good conductor of heat and electricity.

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