100 year old technology can allow electric cars to travel long distances without having to stop to recharge

Electric car Drive-Charge axle generator design by Paul W Kincaid

The technology exists to allow electric cars to travel long distances without having to stop to recharge. This technology isn’t new. It has been around since the advent of the Ford Model T gas combustion car.  This century old technology has allowed gas combustion engine vehicles to generate and continuously regenerate their own electrical energy to power the vehicle’s lights, wipers, blower motors, radios, cigarette lighters, USB ports and to continuously recharge the vehicle’s 12 volt battery. It does all that while driving or idling at a stop light or in a traffic jam.  With this century old technology, electric cars have the capacity to travel long distances without having to stop to recharge.

Nikola Tesla demonstrated 80+ years ago that an electric car can travel very long distances without having to stop to recharge. Over 80+ years ago Nikola Tesla, inventor of the AC generator, removed the gasoline motor from a 1931 Pierce Arrow and replaced it with a brushless 80 horsepower AC electric motor and drove the electric motor powered car at speeds of up to 90 mph. This demonstration was supported by the PierceArrow Co. and General Electric. Since then it has been a mystery as to how he was able to power the Pierce Arrow. Solving that mystery would revolutionize the solar, wind and electric car industry.

So, what did Nikola Tesla, inventor of the AC generator, use to power the 1931 Pierce Arrow? I just told you. Nikola Tesla used a generator, a very compact and portable generator. A generator that had no moving parts. That very small generator’s primary function was to transform low voltage into more than enough voltage to power the brushless 80 horsepower electric motor. What mass produced gas combustion engine part performs the exact same function? An ignition coil, also called a spark coil.

Therefore, electric cars can travel long distances simply by adding a generator motor to the vehicle. Every gas combustion vehicle already has a generator motor installed in the engine compartment. It’s required to recharge the vehicle’s 12 Volt car battery and provide electrical power to all of the electrical components in every new and used gasoline and diesel engine vehicle in the World. It’s called an alternator.

An alternator is already used worldwide to charge and recharge the gas combustion vehicle’s car battery, while they are driven.  An alternator can be utilized in electric cars to power the electric car’s electric motor and/or recharge the electric car’s batteries.

Electric cars never need to be plugged in to recharge if you connect a generator motor or an alternator, via pulleys and a serpentine belt, to the electric car’s rear axle and simultaneously generate electrical energy to power the electric motor and recharge the batteries as you drive.

Add another nearly century old technology, the capacitor, to the electrical power system of electric cars and you lighten the weight and drastically lower the cost of manufacturing and maintaining electric cars.

Capacitors are better than batteries because they store more energy than a 12 volt car battery and capacitors can be quickly recharged, to full capacity, by an high power generator motor / alternator. Capacitors are also better than 12 volt car batteries because capacitors are much smaller than 12 volt car batteries. Capacitors don’t have nor do they “ever” need water or acid in them. 12 volt car batteries have both water and acid in them. Capacitors can also be charged and recharged indefinitely. 12 volt car batteries can’t be charged and recharged indefinitely. 12 volt car batteries are only warrantied to last x number of years, whereas capacitors outlast and outperform any 12 volt car battery.

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