Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack devised by WHO in 2019 to further UN’s strategy for Immunization 2021-2030

As we approach the end of the Decade of Vaccines and with just a couple of years remaining on the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP 2011-2020), a new strategy for immunization is needed for the entire health and development community – one that reflects the collective inputs of people, communities, governments, civil society, health professionals, academia, development agencies, and the private sector. The new strategy needs to be ready for endorsement at the 73rd World Health Assembly in May 2020.
The following document is offered as a starting point for further co-developing the future of immunization together. It is being shared as a ‘draft zero’ and should be viewed as an initial formulation, assembling ideas, thoughts and content on a new vision and strategic framework. This document is being disseminated widely for inputs, comments and feedback from you—the immunization specialists, broader health experts, and wider health
stakeholders at local, country, regional and international levels. None of its content is final or set in stone.
This co-development phase will continue until September 2019, and we expect this document to evolve and be shaped by your inputs, comments and feedback until then. By September, all the essential elements will need to be finalized so that it can be submitted for endorsement by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) in October and WHO’s Executive Board in January (2020), before its presentation to the 73rd World Health Assembly in May 2020.
Developing together the vision and strategy for immunization 2021-2030 – WHO | World Health Organization

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