Evidence Premier Doug Ford is falsifying COVID-19 case numbers

Public Health Ontario’s “Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports” provides material evidence that Premier Doug Ford and his government are falsifying COVID-19 case numbers. Ontario government reports indicates that since March 2020 influenza cases are being reported as COVID-19. Available .pdf files for Diseases of Public Health Significance (DOPHS) Cases for 2019, 2020 and 2021 supports this allegation. Link to those .pdf Public Health Ontario
Public Health Ontario influenza reporting

Using the above 3 Public Health Ontario spreadsheets compare the reported cases of influenza for each year. 3919 influenza cases were reported for the month of January 2019, and 5579 cases in January 2020 yet only 2 cases in January 2021. 2360 influenza cases reported in February 2019 and 2853 cases in 2020 yet none (0) were reported in February 2021. In March 2019 there were 2021 influenza cases reported, 1263 influenza cases reported in March 2020 yet none (0) reported for March 2021.

The City of Toronto website supports the allegation that Doug Ford is falsifying COVID-19 cases. City of Toronto stopped publishing reports in March 2020 – month Justin Trudeau claimed his estranged wife who was attending a WE Charity event in the UK had COVID-19 and ordered everyone to stay home and self-isolate for 2 weeks = start of Germany sponsored / Bill Gates, World Economic Forum and Event 201 players staged COVID-19 biological warfare attack against Canada.
City of Toronto states on its website:
Production of the weekly influenza bulletin has been suspended
The last weekly influenza bulletin published was – Summary of Influenza Activity in Toronto: Week 10 (Mar 1, 2020 to Mar 7, 2020)

Influenza is a highly contagious acute viral infection of the respiratory tract that causes annual outbreaks and periodic worldwide epidemics. It is estimated that each year, 10-20% of the population is infected with influenza. In Canada, an average of 12,220 hospitalizations and 3,500 deaths due to influenza occur annually.
City of Toronto
Both the Ontario government website and the City of Toronto website provides irrefutable evidence that Premier Doug Ford is committing medical fraud to justify keeping Ontario in lockdown. Intentionally misleading / defrauding the Ontario public and Canadians.

Why? Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau are assisting Canada’s notorious enemy Germany stage the COVID-19 biological warfare attack while Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland misappropriate $billions to bankroll insolvent UN and Germany EU. Both the UN and Germany need $billions more from the Government of Canada. The funneling of $billions to the UN and Germany EU ends when the COVID-19 staged attack is ended by CSIS or RCMP laying high treason (assists an enemy) and treason charges against traitors Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland.
COVID-19 is part of Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland’s treasonous collaboration with Germany (Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy) to
save the International World Order (the UN) from destruction

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