Charles isn’t King and can never be recognized as being King because according to UK law he was naturally dead and deemed to be dead May 6, 2023

Published on: Nov 21, 2024 According to UK law Charles isn’t and Charles can never be King because he was naturally dead and deemed to be dead on May 6, 2023. The Act of Settlement 1701 law prohibits forever any Catholic from becoming the UK monarch. The UK legislation (law) made it clear that no […]
Novel EV power system designed to eliminate recharging and the very expensive & explosive battery packs

Novel EV power system design by Paul W Kincaid of Moncton NB Canada. Concept designed to eliminate EV’s very costly battery packs by generating energy while the vehicle is driven. No need to recharge EVs. Utilizes existing mass produced automotive & energy generating technology. EVs don’t need thousands of lithium ion batteries. Nikola Tesla proved […]
Chrystia Freeland and other Canadian MPs are guilty of treason for being foreign agents for Germany

Published on: Jul 26, 2024 The World Economic Forum serves as a proxy for the German government. It serves Germany’s strategic interests. That was made abundantly clear throughout Germany and the WHO orchestrated COVID-19 biological warfare attack. Germany sponsored the heinous biological attack against the civilian population of the World in January 2020 at the […]
3 mass produced auto parts could revolutionize the electric car industry by eliminating the need to charge or recharge

92 years ago Nikola Tesla removed the gasoline engine from a 1931 Pierce Arrow and replaced it with a 80 horsepower AC electric motor and drove the electric motor powered car at speeds of up to 90 mph. Since then it has been a mystery as to how he was able to power the Pierce […]
So much corruption in the World because millions serve the Roman Emperors and their synagogue of Satan

Published on: April 16, 2023 There is so much corruption in the World because millions serve the Pope and their synagogue of Satan. The Pope and his ministers (servants) teach their Catholic Church followers to be corrupt throughout their whole life. The Pope and his ministers teach Catholics to sin during every mass. Every Catholic […]
Significant evidence available to prove that COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO pandemic simulation exercise

COVID-19 made it abundantly clear that the UN and it’s WHO are a criminal organization. The insolvent UN used pandemic simulation exercises to obtain $billions it needed to fund it’s global vaccine agenads. There is significant evidence available showing that SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO simulation exercise. Just 2 months before the […]
How Microsoft helped Germany rig 2020 United States presidential election to overthrow President Donald Trump

Joe Biden became President by Microsoft rigging the election for Germany. The election rigging was part of Germany’s American strategy to overthrow President Donald Trump. Germany lead the coup to overthrow US President Donald Trump after Trump made plans to withdraw the US from NATO – Germany’s new Waffen SS. Microsoft sabotaged the election by […]
Material witness tweeted in 2020 that PM Justin Trudeau committed statuatory rape at WPGA

A recovered tweet from the suspended PRESS Core Twitter account @presscoreca informs us that a material witness tweeted in a reply that Justin Trudeau had committed statuatory rape when he was a teacher at WPGA. That means the 2019 federal election campaign rumors were true. That Justin Trudeau sexually assaulted a student when he was […]