Charles isn’t King and can never be recognized as being King because according to UK law he was naturally dead and deemed to be dead May 6, 2023

Published on: Nov 21, 2024 According to UK law Charles isn’t and Charles can never be King because he was naturally dead and deemed to be dead on May 6, 2023. The Act of Settlement 1701 law prohibits forever any Catholic from becoming the UK monarch. The UK legislation (law) made it clear that no […]
Novel EV power system designed to eliminate recharging and the very expensive & explosive battery packs

Novel EV power system design by Paul W Kincaid of Moncton NB Canada. Concept designed to eliminate EV’s very costly battery packs by generating energy while the vehicle is driven. No need to recharge EVs. Utilizes existing mass produced automotive & energy generating technology. EVs don’t need thousands of lithium ion batteries. Nikola Tesla proved […]