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Millions didn’t test positive for COVID-19 they tested positive for a coronavirus Germany synthesized to obtain $billions

Millions didn’t test positive for COVID-19 they tested positive for a coronavirus Germany synthesized to obtain $billions

Millions didn’t test positive for COVID-19. Millions tested positive for a coronavirus that was synthesized by the German government. The COVD-19 tests that the WHO and World governments used and relied on to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections and to declare a health emergency didn’t have any SARS-CoV-2 isolates or genetic material. The tests were manufactured using synthetic […]

Two year ban on foreigners buying homes in Canada imposed to conceal that Justin Trudeau caused home prices to rise

Two year ban on foreigners buying homes in Canada imposed to conceal that Justin Trudeau caused home prices to rise

Justin Trudeau is solely responsible for the rise in home prices. Foreigners didn’t cause the rise in home prices. Home prices rose sharply as a result of the price of lumber being inflated to benefit Justin Trudeau personally. Justin Trudeau caused the price of lumber to skyrocket during the 2021 federal election. Justin Trudeau “committed to […]