Unlawful Catholic Queen of the UK, Canada and the Commonwealth
Corruption, Special Report, World news Saturday, January 18th, 2014Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg and Gotha II has no legal authority, title, rights or privileges to the “Protestant” Church of England throne of the UK, Canada and the Commonwealth. Elizabeth II forfeited the throne (no longer has legal authority, title, rights or privileges) when she willfully violated statute UK/Canadian law regarding line of succession. Elizabeth II forfeited the throne when:
1) she married a Roman Catholic on 20 November 1947 – Nazi German Hitler Youth schooled (only Roman Catholics could enroll in the Hitler Youth schools (i.e. Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger) as per the 20 July 1933 Reichskonkordat treaty alliance between the Catholic Church and Adolf Hitler) Philph Battenberg and,
2) on 6 February 1952, became the Sovereign of the Order of the Garter – a Roman Catholic military order that serves and protects – not the “Protestant” Church of England – but the Catholic Church and the Pope.
Further evidence that Elizabeth and members of her family are Catholics is the insignia worn by Elizabeth II, Philip and William as knights of the Roman Catholic Order of the Garter. The “military” insignia features a starburst (sun rays representing the Catholic Church sun god Sol Invictus (a.k.a. Horus, Ra, Amen-Ra, Amen, antichrist Jesus (Jesus is Latin Vulgar meaning “I am” – very similar to the French Je suis’ “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” – The Bible tells us 3 times that Jesus (I am) is the antichrist – Matthew 24:5 Mark 13:6, Luke 21:8 Need more proof? Jesus is referred to as god the son, or son of god or lamb of god – the hidden (deception) meaning is Jesus is god the sun, sun god and Amen – Egyptian ram god – a male lamb is a ram) with a Knights Templar (Catholic Crusader) blood red cross center. The cross symbolizes the mark of the beast (the antichrist). The cross has been used by the Catholic Church to decorate and reward their loyal servants (slaves) and soldiers (fools) who have fought and shed blood for the unholy Catholic Church.
God our creator does not tell us to make war. God forbids war as war grossly violates his covenants – thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal (take) and thou shall not covet (want) thy neighbor’s house … or anything else that belongs to your neighbor. The mark of the beast (the cross) is received by Catholics in their right hand during communion – the Eucharist (“sun” wafer with a cross embossed on it ) , or in their foreheads – on Ash Wednesday.
Elizabeth II has no legal authority, title, rights or privileges to the throne. Canada and the UK has no legal monarchy. Elizabeth and her father George VI both committed high treason when they both willfully and unlawfully undermined the lawfully established line of succession that prohibits a monarch from inheriting the UK / Canadian / Commonwealth “Protestant” throne if he or she becomes a Roman Catholic or marries a Roman Catholic. Canada’s “Succession to the Crown Act 2013” is null and void as it is a treasonable instrument that willfully and unlawfully undermines the lawfully established line of succession law prohibiting a Roman Catholic from inheriting the “Protestant” Church of England throne.
Furthermore, the Canadian Income Tax Act, 1948, never received the King’s Consent, nor what is called Royal Assent, a requirement under section 91 of the British North America Act, nor, was it properly introduced pursuant to a clear mention of it in the Speech from the Throne at the opening of Parliament for the 1947-48 Session, as required by sections 55 of the British North America Act.
The Canadian Income Tax Act, 1948, never became law and all amendments to it are not law because an amendment to a nullity is a nullity. There are no government publications stating the date “Royal Assent” was provided for the Income Tax Act (1948). Why not? Because “Royal Assent” was never provided. Numerous court challenges to the Income Tax Act have all failed to provide proof that the Income Tax Act received “Royal Assent”. In 2009 the Government of British Columbia admitted, for the purpose of a litigation, that the Income Tax Act (1948) had never received “Royal Assent”. The Government of Canada was less forthcoming and responded by stating the requested Admission about the “Royal Assent” was irrelevant.
Why didn’t King George VI give the Income Tax Act “Royal Assent”? King George VI had no authority to give “Royal Assent” because his German Duchy, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, came to an end in November 1918 with all other German monarchies as part of the unconditional surrender of the German Second Reich (Armistice) after World War I and the following German Revolution. King George VI and his daughter Elizabeth II are descendants of the “abolished” (no longer having legal authority) German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. He and his daughter have ruled the UK and Canada, without lawful authority. George V hid his German Reich lineage and the abolishing of his German Duchy (authority) by fabricating and assuming (under false pretense) the English name, House of Windsor, one year earlier in 1917. The House of Windsor never existed before 1917. It is a fabricated “English” name, assumed under false pretense by George V of the “German” House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, to defraud the English and Canadian people in 1917. Line of succession rules for the British monarchy only allows descendants of Electress Sophia of Hanover to inherit the throne. The legal privileges of royalty and nobility for the “German” House of Hanover were abolished in 1919.
Because all legal authority of all German monarchies were abolished by 1919 and the House of Windsor is a fictitious name assumed by one of the abolished German monarchies and used as an instrument of fraud, the Income Tax Act and all Acts that unlawfully received Royal Assent by either George V, George VI and Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg and Gotha are not law. The fictitious House of Windsor has no legal authority whatsoever, anywhere in the World, therefore they do not have the legal authority to give Royal Assent. Every Act that has since received “Royal Assent” by King George VI and/or his daughter Elizabeth II are all null and void as the German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha has had no legal authority, privileges or title since 1919.
Short URL: https://presscore.ca/news/?p=9799
Elizabeth II, Charles and William have all forfeited the Church of England throne. The above image gives us irrefutable evidence that they are Knights for the Catholic Church. The “military” Orders; the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the Order of the Garter were both created by the Catholic Church as purely religious Catholic orders. Both have the Catholic Church sun symbol (a starburst is a distant sun) and the Catholic crusader Red Cross.
What is the significance of the Iron Cross Photoshopped around the neck of Elizabeth?
She and members of her German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha duchy are recipients of the Catholic Church Iron Cross and Knights of the Garter. Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1870) – brother Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria.
The Victoria Cross – the highest military decoration awarded for valour “in the face of the enemy” to members of the armed forces of various Commonwealth countries, and previous British Empire territories – is a hidden Iron Cross – “shall consist of a Maltese cross of bronze”.
The Iron Cross is a Catholic Church cross symbol typically in black with a white or silver outline that originated after 1219 when the Teutonic Order – a.k.a. Knights Hospitaller (the Knights of Malta) – placed the Teutonic Black Cross above a silver Cross of Jerusalem creating the Iron Maltese Cross. The Teutonic Order was a German medieval military order which became a purely religious Catholic order. It was formed to aid Catholics on their pilgrimages to the Jewish Holy Land and to establish hospitals for the Catholic Church (origin of the Catholic formed Red Cross). Its members have commonly been known as the Teutonic Knights, since they also served as a crusading military order in the Middle Ages for the Catholic Church.
Elizabeth II is illegally the Sovereign Head of the UK branch of the Catholic Church’s Knights of Malta – the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Elizabeth II is also the Sovereign Head of the Catholic Church Knights of the Garter (a.k.a. Order of the Garter). Both “military” Orders and their knights are Catholic crusaders and recipients of the Catholic Church Iron Cross. George VI, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II, Philip Battenberg, Charles and William all serve the Catholic Church as bloodletting Catholic crusaders (knights). All have betrayed the Church of England faith and all are marked by the Catholic Church Iron Cross.
Under the law of the United Kingdom, it is high treason to attempt to undermine the lawfully established line of succession. The line of succession to the British throne is the ordered sequence of all those people eligible to succeed to the throne of the United Kingdom. The line is identical in all other Commonwealth realms including Canada. The Act of Settlement 1701 bestowed succession on the Electress Sophia of Hanover and her descendants while excluding Roman Catholics.
An individual is in the line of succession if the two following requirements are met:
– He or she is a legitimate descendant of legitimate line from the Electress Sophia of Hanover (German House of Hanover which it and “all” German monarchies were abolished in 1919 for starting and waging World War I a.k.a Catholic Second Reich) . Legitimised children remain ineligible. Canada’s “Succession to the Crown Act 2013″ is null and void because it illegally attempts to “legitimise children (Charles) and grand children (William) of the illegitimate Catholic parents (Elizabeth and Philip) as heirs to the throne“.
– He or she has never been a Roman Catholic and has never married a Roman Catholic. Elizabeth married Roman Catholic Philph Battenberg and became a Roman Catholic when her father George VI became the sovereign of the Roman Catholic Order of the Garter in 1948 on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the Catholic military Order.
At the time of accession to the throne, any heir must enter into communion with the Church of England. The primary duty of any king or queen of the UK is to serve and protect the “Protestant” Church of England. The coronation oath must be taken by the person seeking the throne.
June 2, 1953
Archbishop: Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel?
Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law?
Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England?
And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?
Elizabeth: All this I promise to do.