Universal devotion to Satan and his Crown
Corruption, Special Report, World news Friday, January 24th, 2014Everyone who serves the Crown either by working for a Crown Corporation or serves and protects it are Catholics – devoted to Satan and his Crown. The German Kings and Queens from the 3 defeated Vatican Reichs (George V, George VI, Elizabeth II Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), all of the elected Presidents of the United States, all those who work or have worked for the city-state of Washington DC (District of Columbia), the elected Prime Ministers and Premiers, appointed Governor Generals, Lieutenant Governors, and Senators, elected MLAs, MPs of Canada, the UK and Commonwealth nations, the appointed Supreme Court judges, Crown judges and lawyers (both defense and prosecution) and elected mayors of Crown incorporated towns, villages and cities in both the United States and Canada, the City of London Corporation / the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada and all other Central Banks including the IMF, World Bank and the Federal Reserve, Revenue Canada and the IRS, NATO, the European Union, the United Nations Organization (UNO), the WHO, the ICC, the RCMP, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the DHS, CSIS, E.R.T, Canada Post, Service New Brunswick, Ambulance New Brunswick … all other Crown Corporation employees, all serve the Vatican – Satan – and his Crown – the Pope.
The word ‘Vatican’ comes from two Latin words: ‘Vatis’ = ‘diviner’ and ‘Can’ = ‘serpent/snake’ Diviner means “addressed, appropriated, or devoted to God or a god; religious; sacred: divine worship.” Put the 2 words together and the word “Vatican” literally means “Sacred Serpent,” The Vatican is devoted to the Serpent – a winged serpent, also known as a flying snake or magical beast. A winged serpent is the biblical symbol of Satan. Because the Vatican is a place, ‘Vatican’ means ‘the place of the prophetic and worshipped serpent’ or the synagogue of Satan.
According to the Catholic Church’s own Bible – the Vulgate – the Catholic Church is identified as “the synagogue of Satan”. Revelation 2:9 “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Today the Crown of the Vatican – Pope Francis – is claiming to be poor but is the richest person on Earth, claiming to be Christian (Christ is English name for the Jews’ Messiah) but serves and worships Satan – the winged serpent – the Vatican – the synagogue of Satan.
American King James Version – Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.”
King James Bible Revelation 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
King James Bible Revelation 13:4 “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power to the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like to the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
The Jewish Holy Bible – “The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and anguish, from whence come the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent,” (Isaiah 30:6).
In Revelation – the 17th and 18th chapters – we are given one of the most foreboding and ominous warnings contained in the whole scripture. Herein, the Catholic (meaning Universal) Church is called the “Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, and the Mother of Harlots”.
She, the Catholic Church, is also identified as the Mother of all the abominations of the earth. Catholic teachings identifies the Church as a Mother. She is the Bride of all Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals and Popes. All who are devoted to the Catholic “Mother” Church as priests, bishops, cardinals and Popes are forbidden to marry because they are married to the “Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, and the Mother of Harlots”.
The Vatican’s own website refers to the Catholic Church as the “Mother” – THE CHURCH, MOTHER AND TEACHER http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p3s1c3a3.htm
The Vatican (winged serpent god) is politically (temporally) represented by the Holy See – source of this statement comes from the Vatican’s own website – http://www.vatican.va/ . On that page it clearly states that the Vatican is the Holy See in English, La Santa Sede in Italian and Sancta Sedes in Latin. Both Santa and Sancta means Holy. The English word for the Latin sedes is seat. The English word for Italian sede is also seat. Put two and two together and we have the Vatican being the “Holy Seat” however, because Vatican literally means ‘the place of the prophetic and worshipped serpent’ – the Vatican is Satan’s Seat.
Satan’s synagogue – St. Peter’s Basilica
The exact spot where St. Peter’s Basilica stands today, in Vatican City, is over the historical site of the Circus of Nero. The circus was the site of the first organized, Roman sponsored martyrdoms of Christians in 65 AD. The Roman Catholic Church is built on unholy ground – the soil on which it stands is soaked with the blood of Jews and Christians. Blood that was willfully and deliberately shed by the Romans.
Nero slaughtered (put to death) both Jews and Christians on the very site that St. Peter’s Basilica now stands. Fastened to crosses, Jews and Christians were set on fire to illuminate the circus of Nero. Besides being put to death they were made to serve as objects of amusement; they were covered with wild beasts’ skins and torn to death by dogs. Some were crucified, others set on fire to serve to illuminate the night when daylight failed, fastened on crosses, and, when daylight failed, covered by inflammable matter, were set on fire to serve as torches during the night.
An obelisk took center stage of this circus’s spina and it was re-erected in St. Peter’s Square in the 16th century. The city of Rome harbours the most obelisks in the world. There are eight ancient Egyptian and five ancient Roman obelisks in Rome, together with a number of more modern obelisks. Washington DC has the tallest obelisk in the World – the Washington Monument.
The obelisk symbolizes the sun god Ra (Satan), and during the brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk (Jesuits’ logo, the halo, Catholic monstrance, the Catholic sun wafer). The Vatican, the Pope, the cardinals, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and US presidents all believe their god Amen-Ra (Satan) exists within the structure. The Roman Catholic Church’s god is the false pagan sun god Amen-Ra. The sun was first worshipped as Horus, then as Ra and now as Amen-Ra.
Isaiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” – Satan (means Adversary) became Lucifer (the sun, light bearer) when he and his angels were cast out of heaven by God. Revelation 12:7 “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Satan, Lucifer, dragon, serpent, and the Devil are Biblically all one and the same.
St. Peter’s Basilica is claimed by the Bishop of Rome (Pope) to be built over the tomb of Apostle Peter. However, an excavation carried out between 1940 and 1949 (during WWII, the Vatican’s Third Reich), under the Confession of the Vatican Basilica beneath the papal altar revealed that the site of Peter’s original tomb was empty and in disarray.
In the course of centuries, various monuments were placed over the modest earthen grave of the Apostle: the “Trophy of Gaius” (about the middle of the 2nd century), the monument of Constantine (after 313), the altar of Gregory the Great (590-604), the altar of Calixtus II (1119-1124), and the altar of Clement VIII (1592-1605), which is the present altar. All these monuments were built over an empty tomb.
St. Peter’s Basilica was instead built as monument to Emperor Nero. The alter of St. Peter’s Basilica sits on top of the Circus of Nero. Altar means “a place of slaughter or sacrifice”. In ancient Greece and Rome altars were used for sacrifices. The altar itself was originally an elevation above the ground made of earth or field stones. They came to be permanent structures made of materials like stone or bone. The alter in St. Peter’s Basilica was made to offer sacrifice – to Satan.
Peter’s alleged tomb was and has been empty for 1600 years. The empty tomb was discovered during Nazi Germany’s war of aggression for the Vatican. The Vatican quickly tried to cover up this embarrassing discovery by claiming they had found bone fragments in a secret hiding place lined with slabs of Greek marble. Someone from the Vatican claimed that there were bone fragments mixed in with the plaster rubble inside the hiding place, and arranged for these bones to be gathered up, put in a wooden box and placed in a nearby spot in the Vatican Grottoes, where they remained forgotten for a long time. It wasn’t until June of 1963 that the Vatican’s Sapienza University of Rome (founded in 1303 with the Papal bull In supremae praeminentia dignitatis issued on 20 April 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, as a Studium for ecclesiastical studies) examined the bones and to save the Roman Catholic Church from a fall from grace, declared that the bones (found in the secret hiding place) were of a single individual, of male sex, sturdy build and advanced age, encrusted with earth. The Vatican immediately claimed the bones were those of Apostle Peter. However the findings describes Emperor Nero who was a sturdy built man of advanced age – the evidence is presented with his likeness from an actual Roman coin of his time. During the 1st century 30-40 years was considered advanced age. Emperor Nero committed suicide at the age of 30.
The secret hiding place is very important in identifying the Roman Catholic Church as Satan’s Seat (Holy See). All Catholic prayers are ended by saying Amen. Amen was an Egyptian god in the form of a Ram. The word or root amen, means “what is hidden,” “what is not seen,” “what cannot be seen,”. Satan is a spirit – is hidden, is not seen, cannot be seen. The Roman Catholic Church claims they are the Church of Peter. Because Peter’s tomb has been empty for over 1600 years Peter remains hidden, is not seen and cannot be seen. Peter is the Antichrist – Satan’s False Christ. The title Pope is at present employed solely to denote the Bishop of Rome, who, in virtue of his position as successor of St. Peter, is the chief pastor of the whole Church, the Antichrist upon earth.
Antichrist (Vicar of Christ) Pope Benedict XVI and the antipope Francis I
Today we have a Pope and an antipope occupying the Holy See. An antipope (Latin: antipapa) is a person who, in opposition to the one who is generally seen as the legitimately elected Pope, makes a significantly accepted competing claim to be the Pope, the Bishop of Rome and leader of the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI resigned but is still called Pope. As pope emeritus, Benedict retains (keeps) the style of His Holiness, and the title of Pope, and will continue to dress in the papal colour of white. He moved into the newly renovated Mater Ecclesiae monastery in May of this year. Mater Ecclesiae monastery is in the Vatican, directly behind Saint Peters Basilica.
In the Bible, there are two evil protagonists during the end times, the anti-Christ (Apocalypse 13:1-8, etc.), and the False Prophet (Apocalypse 13:11-18, Apocalypse 16:13, Apocalypse 19:20, Apocalypse 20:10).
In Revelation 13, the False Prophet and the anti-Christ are both identified and they both exist at the same time – the year 2013. Revelation 13:
“And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight; and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed.”
The first beast is the Anti-Christ (the Pope). The two horns are the mitre of a Bishop, and as we have see, the Pope has not worn the traditional triple tiara, but rather now a papal mitre.
The Pope is the anti-Christ (the beast) because he claims to be the Vicar of Christ, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, on earth (Matthew 16:18). The dragon is Satan. Therefore Revelation 13 reveals the second beast, the False Prophet – a man who also claims to being a Pope, the ultimate “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. The antipope – Pope Francis I (a.k.a. Petrus Romanus) – is the right hand man of the first beast, Pope Benedict XVI, a.k.a. the Anti-Christ – i.e. the “Vicar of the Anti-Christ”.
The false prophet Pope Francis I will appear to be elected, will be called Pope and will dress in the papal colour of white but his papacy is not valid, as Pope Benedict still lives. The Bible also states that this false prophet will physically reside in Rome, at least for a time until the “Holy See” (Satan’s Seat) is moved to Jerusalem. The false prophet, antipope Francis I knows he isn’t a legitimate Pope. 1) He elected not to live in the official papal residence in the Apostolic Palace. He’s still residing in the Vatican’s modern guest house, the Domus Sanctae Marthae, 2) he has referred to himself as “bishop of Rome” far more often than he’s used the word “pope”.
The Bible tells us that the False Prophet (Pope Francis I) will promote the Anti-Christ (Pope Benedict XVI), the first beast, with the voice of the dragon – Satan. This antipope will also say that all must accept the mark of the beast (sign of the cross on the forehead and communion wafer with a cross embossed on it in your right hand) or get excommunicated. This implies a one world religion will be forced on the people – another unholy crusade
Image of the Beast in plain sight
Look closely at what is displayed in the center of the solid gold cross held by exiled Pope Benedict XVI and the antipope Petrus Romanus (Pope Francis I). It is an image of an animal – a four legged beast. You would no doubt identify it as an image of a lamb. You are not alone in that assumption. Millions have been deceived for centuries, just as you have been deceived. The image of a lamb on the cross is the false image of Christ – i.e. the mark of the beast – the anti-Christ – the false messiah – called Jesus (Vulgar Latin meaning “I am”). Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, “I am” Christ; and shall deceive many.
Jesus was given the title Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) by the Roman Catholic Church, in the Roman scripted New Testament. By giving Jesus the title “lamb of god”, Jesus is being identified as the ram, i.e. the beast (the anti-Christ, the false messiah). A male lamb has always been called (given the title) a ram. Satan is also represented as a ram – as the ancient Egyptian ram headed god Amen – the living and spirit of Amen (Amon) and Amen-Ra. The god of the Catholic Church is therefore Satan, ram headed god Amen. The mass (the sacrament of the Eucharist) in the Roman Catholic Church, Western Rite Orthodox churches and many Old Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches pays homage to the ram headed god Amen by chanting his name at the end of an incantation (prayer).
In the scriptures, the Antichrist is revealed as the Beast, who derives his power from Satan. The beast is Jesus (Jesuits are therefore the Society of the beast) – the ram on the cross (the mark of the beast) and he derived his powers from Satan. The Catholic Church has deceived you. The Catholic Church (the Holy See) is (identified in the Book of Revelation) the “Seat of Satan” (Holy See in Italian is Santa Sede) – “I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”
The image of the beast on the Papal staff represents the Ram (Zodiac Symbol Aries – element: Fire Exaltation: Sun). A male lamb becomes a ram. Therefore, the lamb of God is the false messiah (Jesus) who commands worship for himself and Satan. Mathew 16:23 – Jesus turned, and said unto Peter, “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” The New Testament is telling us that Saint Peter is Satan. Today the Pope claims the title of Bishop of Rome and Successor to Peter or Petrus Romanus. St. Peter’s Basilica is the main Catholic church located within Vatican City. The Pope is the only person on Earth who claims he is Christ (the messiah). The Pope takes the tile “Vicar of Christ” The Pope is therefore identified as the false Christ (the false messiah) or Antichrist. “And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast” ~ Revelation 13:4
The Catholic Church root of all evil
To understand that the Catholic Church is the root of all evil, we need only to go back to its roots. The false messiah Jesus, was a mortal being, crucified (put to death) at age 33, by Rome. Decades later, Rome, under the leadership of Roman Emperor Constantine I, created the Catholic Church with the Creed of Nicaea at the First Council of Nicaea (first Catholic Ecumenical Council) in 325 A.D. Constantine founded the Catholic (means Universal) Church, not as an Apostolic Christian Church but as a pagan church for the false sun god Sol Invictus.
The Nicene Creed (also called the Symbol of Faith, the Pistevo, or simply the Creed) was drafted and first adopted in 325 by Roman Emperor Constantine I (the 1st Pope of the newly created Roman Catholic Church) and the bishops of Rome at the first ecumenical council in the city of Nicaea (iznik in what is now Turkey). The ecumenical council was a conference of ecclesiastical dignitaries and theological experts (bishops) convened by Roman Emperor Constantine I to discuss and settle matters of Catholic Church doctrine and practice. It was drafted to combat various heresay. The word “ecumenical” meant the whole inhabited earth; belonging to or representing the Roman Empire.
The Nicene Creed has since become the doctrine for the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Church of the East, the Oriental Orthodox churches, the Anglican Communion, and many Protestant denominations, shaping Christianity into Nicene Christianity – the belief in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church – the Roman Catholic Church.
To deceive everyone and hide this god the Sun worshiping secret he had the Church of the Holy Sepulchre built in 330 A.D. over the spot where the false messiah and mortal being Jesus was buried in Jerusalem. Jesus, a mortal being, martyred at age 33 was thereafter immortalized (made a false god) in 330 A.D. with the building of Roman Emperor Constantine’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Still not convinced? The Catholic Church is not a Jewish synagogue even though Jesus and his disciples were all supposedly Jewish and Jesus was called “King of the Jews”. If Jesus was the Messiah (English: Christ, ancient Greek: Christós, meaning the anointed one) then Christians would be praying in a synagogue, not an Antichrist (anti-Messiah, anti–Semitic) Roman Church. The fact is, the Jewish people know and have known for almost 2000 years that Jesus is the false Messiah. The Jewish Talmud extensively discusses the coming of the Messiah (mashiah, moshiah, mashiach, or moshiach, “anointed one”) and describes a period of freedom and peace, which will be the time of ultimate goodness for the Jews and for all mankind. Jesus did not bring freedom or peace. He, the false messiah, through the Roman’s Catholic Church (a.k.a. Vatican, Holy See, Santa Sede), has brought 2000 years of Jewish persecution, the enslavement of mankind and perpetual war.
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For anyone to be a faithful and true Christian one must follow and strictly adhere to the monotheistic (belief that there is only one God) teachings of the Jews. Jesus was born a Jew. His mother was a Jew as was his father and “all” of his Apostles. The Romans, his torturer and executioner, even branded Jesus “King of the Jews” not king of the Catholic Church as the Catholic Church was formed by the Romans, not by the Jews or any of the Apostles.
The Catholic Church was formed in Rome, not in the Holy land. It was formed by Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. – nearly 300 years after Jesus had allegedly died as well as all of his original Apostles. The Catholic Church has absolutely no Apostolic succession as no Apostles were alive to be the First Catholic Church Pope. All of the original Christians were martyred by Rome.
The irrefutable historical facts regarding the origins of Christianity is Judaism. Christ is the Jewish Messiah. The Jewish Christ is the patriarch of Christianity. Messiah in English is Christ. In Greek it is Christos. Christ is not the Roman – Catholic Church – Messiah.
Lke you, I too “was” born and branded, until the age of free will, an anti-Semitic and anti-Christ Catholic. Both my mother – Jacqueline Gertrude (Pontbriand) Kincaid and father – Joseph William Kincaid were devout Catholics. Both were murdered as a direct result of the genocidal policies (NSSM 200) of the Catholic Church Pope (the Crown). My Roman Catholic mother adorned her tiny room at the predominately Baptist Riverside Court Retirement Residence in NB Premier David Alward’s (a Baptist who betrayed his faith and became a Catholic when he became the Premier servant of the Catholic Church controlled New Brunswick government) Progressive Conservative Woodstock NB riding with crucifixes, statues and pictures of Jesus, Mary and a number of Popes and said the Rosary every day yet was abused, robbed and poisoned to death (October 23, 2013) by the Catholic Church Crown Corporation hospital. My devoted Roman Catholic father served the Catholic Church as a layman and Knights of Columbus yet he too was murdered by the Catholic Church. He was poisoned to death (September 10, 2009) by the Crown Corporation hospital of the Catholic Church. Both are now buried in a Catholic Church cemetery. I myself was an alter boy until I realized who the Catholic Church god really was. My suspicions were confirmed when I was just 13 years old. And no I was never abused by any Catholic priest. Reading the Bible made me see past the lies and deception of the “Roman” Catholic Church.
I graduated in 1981 and left home right away and went to Toronto Ontario Canada to become a police officer. I also left the Catholic Church in June of 1981. Never went back. Will never go back. Today, I am neither a Catholic nor Christian for I too believe as the Jewish people believe that Christ was not born 2000 years ago.
The Bible clearly states that a woman would “conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said – Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Mary was instructed to call her son Immanuel – a Hebrew name meaning “God is with us”. Therefore, the Hebrew name Immanuel is the only name that can be accepted by Jews and Christians as the name of the Messiah (ancient Greek: Christós, English: Christ, meaning “anointed”), not Jesus Jesus is a Roman name. It is Latin Vulgar meaning “I am” therefore Jesus Christ means I am the Messiah. For that reason I do not and will never believe in Jesus Christ. Doing so means I believe in the anti-Christ.
Poor Francis modern luxury bedroom
When Pope Francis became the new “Crown” of the Vatican (Sacred Serpent) he refused to live in the papal apartments. The old, cold and dilapidated papal apartments weren’t good enough for the new king of kings. Instead Francis (Petrus Romanus) has taken up residence in the modern and luxurious Domus Sanctae Marthae hotel-style residence inside the Vatican City.
Domus Sanctae Marthae cost US $20 million to build. Since becoming the newly Crowned Pope of the Sacred Serpent he has publicly claimed that he is a poor man who came from an impoverished nation and will not be treated like a king but from day one has lived a life fit for a king.
Domus Sanctae Marthae Chapel with Egyptian pyramid symbolism on ceiling and very expensive Italian marble floors
When Francis became the Crown the posh Domus Sanctae Marthae had some 130 rooms. After he became the Crown Domus Sanctae Marthae had fewer rooms. Domus Sanctae Marthae’s only apartment suite was enlarged to suit Francis.