Oil is what powers the .1%. It drives their greed and fuels their genocidal wars.
Corruption, Getting Off Oil, Special Report Tuesday, November 5th, 2013How can we stop war, stop destroying the environment, stop global warming, stop rising food prices, stop cancer and disease, stop corruption and stop the enslavement of mankind? The solution is simple and attainable. Stop using crude oil. Oil is the root cause of war, of destroying the environment, of global warming, of rising food prices, of cancer and disease, of corruption and the enslavement of mankind. Take away the oil and there would be no oil wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Darfur, Somalia, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, or Iran.
Oil is the sole reason why the United States government committed treason on September 11, 2001. A US controlled oil and gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan – the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (also known as TAP or TAPI) – was the motive. Here is the proof:
In 1995 US oil giant Unocal (merged with Chevron on August 10, 2005, and became a Chevron wholly owned subsidiary), seeking to build a pipeline across Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, signed an agreement with Turkmenistan for natural gas purchasing rights for transport through a proposed pipeline. Unocal also signed an agreement with Turkmenistan for an oil pipeline along the same route.
On Aug. 13, 1996 Unocal and Delta Oil Co. of Saudi Arabia (the majority of 9/11 hijackers and alleged mastered bin Laden were all from Saudi Arabia) signed a memorandum of understanding with Russian state owned Gazprom and Turkmenistan’s Turkmenrusgaz to build a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan.
In Oct. of 1997 Unocal and other oil companies formed Central Asia Gas Pipeline, Ltd. (CentGas) in preparation for building the trans-Afghanistan pipeline. Gentgas was formed during the Bill and Hillary Clinton presidency.
In 1997 the Republican controlled US Congress passed a resolution declaring the Caspian and Caucasus region to be a “zone of vital American interests”.
In Dec. of 1997 US oil company Unocal invited top Taliban representatives to their corporate headquarters in Sugarland, TX. (George W. Bush served as the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 until 2000) to discuss the pipeline project. They were thereafter invited to Washington for meetings with Bill and Hillary Clinton and other administration officials.
In Jan. of 1998 Unocal signed an agreement between Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and the Taliban to arrange funding of the gas pipeline project, with Unocal also considering a Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Arabian Sea coast oil pipeline.
In 1998 former VP Dick Cheney, then CEO of the giant oil services company, Halliburton (the company that caused the first Gulf War when Saddam Hussein discovered Halliburton was slant drilling into Iraqi oil fields from Kuwait) , stated: “I cannot think of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian.”
On Feb. 28, 1998 Unocal addressed the US House of Representatives to petition the US government to overthrow the Taliban government and replace it with a government acceptable to Unocal. VICE PRESIDENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, Unocal CORPORATION – “From the outset, we have made it clear that construction of the pipeline we have proposed across Afghanistan could not begin until a recognized government is in place that has the confidence of governments, lenders, and our company.” Mr. MARESCA stated: “It’s not going to be built until there is a single Afghan Government. That’s the simple answer. We would not want to be in the situation where we became the target of the other faction. In any case, because of the financing situation, credits are not going to be available until there is a recognized government of Afghanistan.”
Unocal argued that creation of a 42 inch oil pipeline across Afghanistan would yield a Western profit increase of 500% by 2015. Unicol made it perfectly clear that they were interested in building a pipeline – “Mr. MARESCA. Congressman, I am not here to defend the Taliban. That is not my role. We are a company that is trying to build a pipeline across this country.”
After the Taliban were overthrown, using military force, and US forces occupied and controlled all of Afghanistan the US government installed small time Opium drug warlord and Afghan traitor Hamid Karzai as the de facto leader of Afghanistan. Once the pipeline project started and the CIA opium drug trade was revived (the CIA is funded by the illegal drug trade) the US government moved onto their next target – Iraq.
The motive for the US government to attack Iraq and use the CIA to start mercenary wars in Libya and Syria was the same as Afghanistan – OIL. Oil is solely responsible for the mass murder of millions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Darfur, Somolia, Libya and Syria. Oil was the only motive for the US government’s planning and preparing for an unprovoked war with Iran. The US government have no interests in humanity. Their interests is and always has been oil. Oil means political power. Oil means profits for a select few. Without oil they have no dictatorial power. Without oil they have no motive for war.
So how do we fight back and save mankind and Earth? We start today to develop and utilize free energy. We convert our vehicles from oil and gas to all electric. Electric cars were built before gas combustion engines. Getting rid of gas and oil engines cars will wipe out the need for oil. The majority of the oil that is being stolen by the US government through aggressive wars is solely for the transportation sector – to power our vehicles. If there are no combustion engines there will be no great demand for oil. Electric motor cars don’t need gasoline or oil to provide motion.
The technology exists today that will allow mankind to be free of oil. Electric cars can be built today than can be driven for hours, even days, without needing to stop to recharge. Nikola Tesla gave mankind this technology 80 years ago. He removed the gasoline engine from a heavy steel body and frame Pierce Arrow and replaced it with an electric motor. The electric motor was powered by free and infinite electromagnetic energy. How did he harness this free source of energy? With 1.8 meter long antenna connected to a box with a handful of vacuum tubes, wires and other cheap electrical parts. The electric motor was then connected to that free electrical power generation box. Tesla drove the car for a week on electromagnetic energy without having to recharge a single 12 volt DC battery and at speeds up to 90 mph. No petrol was used. If we replicate what Tesla did, the World could stop using crude oil and mankind and Earth would be saved.
Short URL: https://presscore.ca/news/?p=5405
Genocide is “the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group”.
Genocide occurred in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and is now happening in Syria. Their governments (national groups) were deliberately and systematically destroyed, in whole or in part by the United States government. The Taliban in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya and now Assad in Syria were and are victims of US government genocide.
The US government attacked Afghanistan to overthrew the Taliban and replace them with a pro-US drug warlord in Afghanistan. The US government attacked Iraq and hunted (used a deck of cards with the names and faces of their targets) and murdered Saddam Hussein and members of his government and installed another pro-US puppet government in Iraq.
The US government attacked Libya and hunted and murdered Gaddafi and installed a US mercenary terrorist puppet government in Libya. Obama is now financing the same Libyan foreign terrorists groups to attack Syria and hunt and murder Assad and will replace him with yet another pro-US terrorist government in Syria.
It is only a matter of time before the tables start to turn against the US government. Benghazi is began turning the tables when Libyan civilians attacked the U.S. consulate in Libya and killed U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. More retaliatory attacks like this are going to be directed at the US government in the Middle East and even in the US. Recently a Texas Judge Tom Head declared – that the nation could have a civil war if President Obama is re-elected – “live by the sword, die by the sword” ~ biblical parable.
Oil and gas is the motive for Obama sending CIA mercenaries and CIA death squads into Syria. Oil and gas is the motive for the US, the UK and the anti-sovereign UN imposing illegal sanctions against the sovereign oil state of Iran. WWIII will be started by the US and the UK because of oil.
Oil and gas has been the root cause of war since 1933 when Saudi Arabia granted it first oil concessions to US Standard Oil of California (Socal – founded and owned by John D. Rockefeller, renamed Chevron in 1984). In 1936, the Texas Fuel Company (now Texaco) purchased a 50 percent stake in Saudi oil exploration. Saudi crude oil started to be exported (to Bahrain) in 1939 – that same year the first oil war (WWII) began.
World War II was really fought over the newly discovered Middle East oil. WWII was started as a distraction while the US and Britain took control of the Middle East’s new found oil wealth. As of the spring of 1941, all Middle East wells were in Allied (US and Britain) hands. Realizing what was going on in the Middle East, on 23 May 1941, Hitler issued Führer Directive No. 30. Hitler ordered German troops to support Iraq’s Arab nationalists, who were fighting the British. Yes, at the beginning of WWII, while the rest of Europe was being invaded and slaughtered by Nazi German forces, the British were attacking and invading the Middle East and taking control of their oil. The Anglo–Iraqi War was the British war against Iraq during the Second World War. The war lasted from 2 to 31 May 1941. The war resulted in the re-occupation of Iraq by British armed forces and the return to power of the ousted pro-British regent of Iraq, Prince ‘Abd al-Ilah.
Three years after the end of the WWII, in 1948, Standard Oil of New Jersey (Rockefeller) and Socony-Vacuum Oil (bought by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil in 1879 – both now called Exxon Mobil) joined Socal and Texaco as owners of Aramco. Standard Oil of New Jersey purchased 30 percent of the company, and Socony Vacuum 10 percent, leaving Standard Oil of California and the Texas Oil Company with equal 30 percent shares. Measuring 280 km by 30 km, Ghawar oil field was discovered in 1948, by far the largest conventional oil field in the world.In 1950, the 1,700 Trans-Arabia Pipe Line (Tapline) was completed, linking the Eastern Province to Lebanon and the Mediterranean. With oil exploration operations heating up throughout the region, Safaniya field, world’s second largest offshore oil field, was discovered in 1951. Its reserve amounts to around 37 billion barrels of oil and 5,360 billion cubic feet of natural gas. It wasn’t until the 1960s, however, that the country began to see tangible results from its oil wealth, which began to transform the kingdom. The world was quickly becoming a customer of Aramco. In 1961, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – propane and butane – was first processed and shipped to customers.
Due to an inflation in global prices in the 1970s, Saudi Arabia became one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. In 1973, Saudi Arabia’s government acquired a 25 percent participation interest in Aramco. And in 1980, the Saudi government acquired 100 percent participation interest in Aramco, purchasing almost all of the company’s assets.
Even though Osama bin Laden is Saudi and the majority of alleged 9/11 hijackers were Saudi why didn’t the United States government retaliate and wage war with Saudi Arabia? When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor the US government retaliated and waged war against their attacker – Japan yet in 2001 the US didn’t retaliate and wage war with their attacker – Saudi Arabia.
The reason why Osama bin Laden was never found – wasn’t found nor killed by Obama (notice that Osama and Obama sound the same, only difference is the bs) either – and the reason why Saudi Arabia wasn’t attacked and occupied by US forces is because the US government and Saudi Arabia are partners – in oil and in 9/11. You see the United States made Saudi Arabia during the Great Depression years. The US government put the US in a great depression when they stole “the people’s” money – through a staged stock market crash – to pay for the oil explorations in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia has been and continues to supply the US with oil. Because they have been producing and exporting oil for nearly 80 years Saudi Arabia’s oil is all but depleted. That is why the US is now going after the Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian, Somalian and Iranian oil.
That means current Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has committed 950 combat troops from CFB Gagetown NB to guard Canadian corporate interests in Afghanistan. That amounts to war profiteering. Stephen Harper and Jean Chretien are war profiteers – persons or organization that profits from warfare or by selling weapons and other goods and services to parties at war. Political figures who take bribes and favors from corporations involved with war production are war profiteers. The pipeline is a corporate project which Jean Chretien has an invested interest in. Stephen Harper is using Canadian “combat” troops to protect those corporate profiteering interests.
UN Charter – “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”
“Aggression is the use of force by a State or Government against another State or Government, in any manner, whatever the weapons used and whether openly or otherwise, for any reason or for any purpose other than individual or collective self-defence or in pursuance of a decision or recommendation by a competent organ of the United Nations”.
Why did Canada participate and continues to have “combat” troops on the ground in the war of aggression against Afghanistan?
Former Primer Minister Jean Chretien is advisor to the Bennett Jones, a Calgary-based law firm specializing in energy issues. He is also consul in another law firm Heenan Blaikie. In addition, Chretien is international relations advisor to PetroKazakhstan Inc., (1460-140 4 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 3N3) an energy firm based in Calgary with major interests in Kazakhstan and Caspian.”
During a meeting Friday, September 3, 2004 in Ashgabat, President Niyazov invited Oman and Canada to participate in oil and gas projects in Turkmenistan. He identified construction of Trans-Afghan Pipeline (TAP) and modernization of Seyidi refinery as two likely projects where Omani and Canadian firms could take part. A joint Omani-Canadian delegation including Yusuf bin Alavi, foreign minister of Oman and Jean Chretien, former prime minister of Canada, called on Niyazov to discuss cooperation in the energy and hydrocarbon sectors. … The Trans-Afghan Pipeline would transport Turkmen natural gas to Pakistan through Afghanistan.” ~ News Central Asia, Sept. 4, 2004
“An agreement has been signed in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat, paving the way for construction of a gas pipeline from the Central Asian republic through Afghanistan to Pakistan. The building of the trans-Afghanistan pipeline has been under discussion for some years but plans have been held up by Afghanistan’s unstable political situation. … With improved regional security after the fall of the Taleban about a year ago, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have decided to push ahead with plans for the ambitious 1,500-kilometre-long gas pipeline.” ~ BBC News, Dec. 27, 2002 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/2608713.stm
The Jewish Hanukkah celebrates the re-dedication of the Temple after the successful Jewish revolt against the Seleucid monarchy – a Greek-Macedonian state that was created out of the eastern conquests of Alexander the Great. The Jews found only enough ritually pure “olive oil” to light the menorah for one day, but the supply lasted eight days until a new supply could be obtained. In celebration of this miracle, the Hanukkah menorah has eight branches for eight candles or oil lamps.
Revelation 6:6 … “do not harm the oil and wine”. Definition of harm – Physical or psychological injury or damage.” What is the Bible saying? Oil during Biblical times meant olive oil. 2000 years ago they did not need nor require crude oil. There was no oil exploration, drilling or trading 2000 years ago. Olive oil was the oil then, millenniums before then and for the past 1900 years. Olive oil is a historic symbol of peace and glory. It was and is still a food staple of the Mediterranean diet.
Olive oil has been used for millenniums, throughout the world in cooking, in soaps and “as a fuel” for traditional oil lamps Olive oil is a renewable, clean burning fuel. A few ounces of olive oil will burn for several hours, so if you are concerned about the cost, it is much cheaper than most candles.
The health benefits of olive oil have been records for millenniums. Olive oil promotes “good” cholesterol (HDL), is known to be gentle on the digestive system, and even may help prevent gallstones and soothe ulcers. Good quality olive oil contains valuable vitamins and nutrients, and it is loaded with antioxidants, which protects the body from cancer.