Thousands MIA in classified Second American Revolution
U.S., World news Monday, December 5th, 2011Do you have a son or daughter, husband or wife, mother or father who has gone missing in the last 3 months? Did they work for a United States government agency or U.S. military? Were they working in the United States? If you’ve answered yes to all three questions above chances are they are one of thousands secretly classified as missing in action (MIA) by the despotic United States government. Thousands of United States military personnel and United States government agents have been listed as MIA because the United States government doesn’t want the public to know that the Second American Revolution has already started.
The Second American Revolution is secretly being fought – deep underground. The battles are between United States Patriots of the United States military and anti-American agents of the Federal Reserve controlled United States government. U.S. soldiers are battling the CIA, Xe (BLackwater) mercenaries, FEMA and DHS agents and foreign troops (brought into the United States through the Denver International Airport DUMB).

Yucca Mountain DUMB Tunnel Entrance
Many of the United States’ Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) and tunnels have already been either severely damaged or destroyed by United States Patriot forces. Evidence of these battles are presented daily through the USGS earthquake maps. Shallow, poorly constrained earthquakes at depths of 3 to 4 miles are, in all probability, caused by massive underground explosions at these DUMBs or their connecting tunnels.
USGS earthquake maps have been recording these battles since August 23, 2011, the 1st day of the Second American Revolution. On that day the United States Air Force intercepted a number of improvised nuclear explosive devices that were being transported by CIA / Xe forces via the DUMB underground tunnels to targets in New York City and Washington DC. The CIA / Xe planned on detonating those nukes in New York City and Washington DC as part of 9/11 anniversary false flag events. The false flag attacks were averted when the nukes were prematurely detonated during the underground battles between the United States military and CIA / Xe forces. The 5.8 magnitude tremor that rattled the entire East Coast, including Washington DC, was not a natural earthquake but an earthquake that resulted from an underground nuclear detonation.
Compare USGS maps from August 23, 2011 to today against maps prior to August 23, 2011 and you will see the evidence of a large number of devastating battles being fought underground. The USGS for December 5, 2011 (image above) records a large number of small earthquakes in the United States Midwest states. These earthquakes are occurring far from earth fault lines (indicated by red lines on the map). A large percentage of the recent earthquakes (since August 23, 2011) are being recorded where earthquakes have never been recorded before – magnitude 5.8 earthquake centered near Mineral, Va. Some cities, like Oklahoma City, have experienced an unusually high number of concentrated earthquakes – all at a depth of 3 miles.
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My son reads your trash and now is about to go Al Qaeda.. If he does, I will hunt you down. You will die.
Why can’t we see the excavation of these tunnels on satellite imagery? Any excavation of that size would require a huge amount of earth to be removed and brought to the surface. Not so. These secret tunnel boring operations uses thermal nuclear tunnel boring machines. They simply super heat and melt the earth away.
The invention described herein was made in the course of, or under, a contract with the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. It relates generally to a method and apparatus for drilling, tunneling and shaft-sinking in rock with particular advantage at hitherto inaccessible depths.
“Earth drilling apparatus for drilling bore holes and tunnels in rock by melting a path for itself comprising an elongated hollow drill housing having a first hollow portion and a second hollow portion, a heat source supported in said first hollow portion having a temperature of not less than about 1, C, heat pipe chains for thermally coupling the heat source to the interior surface of the walls of the said second hollow portion, each of said heat pipes comprising a plurality of thermally coupled heat pipe sections, each of the heat pipe sections having an evaporator end and a condenser end, and being coupled with the condenser end of a preceding heat pipe being adjacent the evaporator end of the next succeeding heat pipe, the initial evaporator of each of the heat pipe chains is supported in close thermal contact with the heat source and the terminal condenser of each heat pipe chain is affixed in tight thermal conductive relation to the interior wall of the said second hollow portion, and propulsion means supported by the said first hollow portion for translating the drilling apparatus in the direction of elongation.”
There’s reportedly “132 bases under the United States, an average of 5.36 to 7.24 cubic miles in size at an average of 1.5 to 4.5 miles underground, built, by and large, most of them in areas away from geotectonic areas … These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2.
Japan owns about $912.4 billion worth of United States foreign debt. What was the Japanese funding used for? Was it used to secretly build the Deep Underground Military Bases? The evidence says yes. To date Japanese firms have manufactured more than 1,300 tunnel boring machines. TBM manufacturing and boring isn’t cheap.
On July 18, 2011 Hitachi Zosen was selected to supply the super-sized tunnel boring EPBM for the $1.96 billion Alaskan Way bored tunnel project in Seattle, Washington. Japan won the contract to design, build, deliver and commission an EPB machine of about 58ft (17.6m) in diameter to excavate the proposed double-deck highway tunnel.
Two months later reports were made that Obama signed an executive order that would allow Japanese Troops to be stationed on US soil – to protect Japan’s corporate interests. Coincidence?
How many tunnels in the United States does Japan have a financial stake in?
Does this have anything to do with the rumor that on September 19, 2011 Barack Obama signed an executive order allowing 2500 elite Japanese soldiers to be stationed on US soil? The Japanese self-defense forces have apparently been authorized by Obama to use force if necessary to defend Japanese corporate interests on US soil.