The World has a moral and legal responsibility to end the illegal Israeli blockade and siege of civilian populated Gaza.
Heinous Crimes, Latest news, World news Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011
A Guard tower of the Jewish concentration camp called Israel
The world court in 2004 branded Israel’s vast concrete and steel barrier through the West Bank a political not a security measure, and a de facto land grab. The judges told Israel to tear it down and compensate the victims. The International Court of Justice at The Hague said all signatories to the Geneva convention, including Britain and the US, are obliged to ensure Israel upholds the ruling.
“We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” ~ June 12, 1987 United States President Ronald Reagan to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to destroy the Berlin Wall. Isn’t it time to tear down another wall?
The Palestinian people pose no threat to Israel, its neighbors, or any other nations, including the US. Imposing a blockade against the Palestinian people violates the UN Charter and other international and US law. It constitutes an illegal act of aggression that under the Nuremberg Charter is the “supreme international crime” above all others. It makes Netanyahu, every supportive Israeli government member, and any government of other participating nations criminally liable.
Because the blockade of Gaza itself violates international law, Israel commits an illegal act of war every time it attacks a humanitarian aid flotilla.
Israel has authority to halt arms imports into the Gaza Strip. But it also owes a general duty of protection to civilians under its control, and has specific duties to allow them access to adequate food and medical supplies, and to maintain public health standards – duties it has deliberately violated in imposing the siege on Gaza. Currently 77.2 percent of Gaza Palestinians either face or are vulnerable to hunger …
Moreover, collective punishment is specifically barred under Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Israeli officials have repeatedly stated that the objective of the blockade is to weaken the Gaza economy and undermine support for Hamas. That is a political, not a military, objective, and it is impermissible under international law to target innocent civilians to achieve nonmilitary goals.
Actions taken to enforce an illegal siege cannot themselves be legal. The blockade violates international law, and Israel has no military justification for boarding any vessel sailing in international water – it constituted an “illegal act of war.”
Since the 1967 occupation the Gaza sea is being administered by Israel’s navy, as the occupying power. Israel is under the obligation to administer the Gaza siege according to international law including international humanitarian law (IHL).
International Law of the Sea
Article 14(1) of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of 1958, to which Israel is a party, states that “ships of all states, whether coastal or not, shall enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea”. Also, “passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal state. Such passage shall take place in conformity with these articles, and with other rules of international law”. The convention is international customary law.
Right of Humanitarian Assistance
The Palestinians have the right to demand humanitarian assistance (article 30 IVGC, article 50 Hague Regulations). The international community has a corresponding right to provide humanitarian assistance (erga omnes) through all existing border crossings including the Gaza sea.
The occupying power is under the obligation to provide humanitarian aid to the occupied people (article 55 IVGC), and allow others to provide it in case it does not or cannot do so. It must facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian aid even across a blockade line (article 59 IGVC, and article 70 IAP which reflects international customary law, rule 55 ICRC Study of 2005). All states are under the obligation to allow free access to such aid and guarantee its safety.
The ICRC Commentary on article 70 states that the intention of “rapid and unimpeded passage” of relief consignments, equipment and personnel is to avoid any harassment, to reduce formalities as far as possible and dispense with any that are superfluous. …Thus the obligation imposed here is relative: the passage of the relief consignments should be as rapid as allowed by the circumstances. … such a Party must do all it can to facilitate the passage of relief consignments.”
International law expert Professor Francis Boyle is very outspoken on this topic as well as on others of equal importance. He defines blockades under international and US law as:
— “belligerent measures taken by a nation (to) prevent passage of vessels or aircraft to and from another country. Customary international law recognizes blockades as an act of war because of the belligerent use of force even against third party nations in enforcing the blockade. Blockades as acts of war have been recognized as such in the Declaration of Paris of 1856 and the Declaration of London of 1909 that delineate the international rules of warfare.”
The United States approved these Declarations, so they’re binding US law as well “as part of general international law and customary international law.” Past US presidents, including Dwight Eisenhower and Jack Kennedy, called blockades acts of war. So has the US Supreme Court.
All treaties to which America is a signatory, including the UN Charter, are binding US law. Its Chapter VII authorizes only the Security Council to “determine the existence of any threat to the peace, or act of aggression (and, if necessary, take military or other actions to) restore international peace and stability.” It permits a nation to use force (including blockades) only under two conditions: when authorized by the Security Council or under Article 51 allowing the “right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member….until the Security Council has taken measures to maintain international peace and security.”
Israel (the name given to Jacob after his fight with the Angel of God – therefore Israel means the one who struggles with God or anti-God ) continues to be aggressive against the Palestinian people by using military force against the Palestinian civilian population. Israel always justifies their attacks by claiming self-defense but the real story is that Israel has been planing a genocide of the Palestinian people. Israel has been committing atrocities by cutting off food and medical supplies for the Palestinian people. Not one of the news media in the US has been reporting on the UN declaration that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity for attacking the Palestinian civilian population. No media in the US is reporting on the countless Israeli military attacks against the civilian population of Gaza. Israel is trying to steal more Palestinian land to expand their illegitimate state of Israel. No one can recognize the state of Israel because Israel was formed from land stolen from the Palestinian people at the end of WWII by the Allied nations. The Allied nations did nothing to stop the genocide of the Jewish people by the Roman Catholic Nazi army. The Allied nations did not want the Jewish people in their country and neither did Austrian born (not German) Adolf Hitler. We all know what Hitler did – sent the Jewish people to concentration camps for extermination.
The Allied nations formed the new Jewish concentration camp called Israel in 1948. They stole land from the Palestinian people to create Israel. The justification for the US and other Allied Nations to form the State of Israel was ostensibly to save the Jewish people from centuries of European anti-Semitism, which culminated in the holocaust against Jews, Slavs, gypsies, communists, disabled people and homosexuals executed by German Nazis. But the state was not located in Europe, and the people who have paid the price and suffered the most were not Germans but Palestinians and other Arabs, with whom Jews had lived peacefully in the Middle East for the past 2000 years. The real reason for the Allies to agree to the formation of Israel was to segregate the Jewish people from the rest of the World. Exactly the same agenda of Hitler and his Nazi SS and Gestapo officers, with one exception, the Allies had no immediate plans to mass murder the Jews.
Israel is an illegitimate state – nothing more than a Jewish Concentration Camp – envisioned by Hitler and built by the US and its allies. The same ideology that sent the Jewish people to concentration camps for extermination infects both the US and Zionist (anti-Jewish) governments.
At the end of WWII the US smuggled hundreds of top Nazi SS officers, Gestapo agents and scientists involved in experiments on the Jewish people in the concentration camps. Operation Paperclip (Project Paperclip) saw hundreds of Nazi officials given asylum in the US (Fort Bliss) from prosecution for their crimes against humanity. Scientists who committed atrocities by using human beings as lab rats have formed the US biological weapons division of the US military. Nazi scientists who developed the first operational jet fighter, the Messerschmitt Me 262, and V-2 rocket formed the US ballistic missile weapons programs and later form NASA. Nazi Gestapo (German Intelligence Agencies) agents were brought to the US and formed the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency – the CIA. Those same Nazi officials smuggled into the US under Operation Paperclip destroyed the League of Nations (which was responsible for the fall of Nazi Germany) and formed the United Nations (its ironic that they would choose UN which means “To reverse or undo the result of a specified action”) and their first order of business was to create the new Jewish concentration camp they deceivingly called Israel.
Marking Jews in the 21st century
The Israeli flag once again marks all Jews for segregation. It is the post WWII version of the yellow star, the symbol of Nazi persecution against the Jews. If you look closely at the Antisemitism symbol it is actually made up of 2 pyramids symbolizing the continued Jewish enslavement (enslavement – the state of being a slave)
The oldest reference to using mandatory articles of clothing to identify and distinguish Jews from the rest of society was in 807 CE. In this year, Abbassid caliph Haroun al-Raschid ordered all Jews to wear a yellow belt and a tall, cone-like hat.
It was in 1215 that the Fourth Lateran Council, presided over by Roman Catholic Pope Innocent III, made its infamous decree. Canon 68 declared:
Jews and Saracens [Muslims] of both sexes in every Christian province and at all times shall be marked off in the eyes of the public from other peoples through the character of their dress.
This Roman Catholic Council represented all of Christendom and thus this decree was to be enforced throughout all of the Christian countries.
The use of a badge was not instantaneous throughout Europe nor were the dimensions or shape of the badge uniform. As early as 1217, King Henry III of England ordered Jews to wear “on the front of their upper garment the two tables of the Ten Commandments made of white linen or parchment.” In France, local variations of the badge continued until Louis IX decreed in 1269 that “both men and women were to wear badges on the outer garment, both front and back, round pieces of yellow felt or linen, a palm long and four fingers wide.”
In Germany and Austria, Jews were distinguishable in the latter half of the 1200’s when the wearing of a “horned hat” otherwise known as a “Jewish hat” — an article of clothing that Jews had worn freely before the crusades — became mandatory. It wasn’t until the fifteenth century when a badge became the distinguishing article in Germany and Austria.
The use of badges became relatively widespread throughout Europe within a couple of centuries and continued to be used as distinctive markings until the age of Enlightenment. In 1781, Joseph II of Austria made major torrents into the use of a badge with his Edict of Tolerance and many other countries discontinued their use of badges very late in the eighteenth century.
When did the Nazis come up with the idea of re-using the Jewish badge?
The first reference to a Jewish badge during the Nazi era was made by the German Zionist leader, Robert Weltsch. During the Nazi declared boycott upon Jewish stores on April 1, 1933, yellow Stars of David were painted on windows. In reaction to this, Weltsch wrote an article entitled “Tragt ihn mit Stolz, den gelben Fleck” (”Wear the Yellow Badge with Pride”) which was published on April 4, 1933. At this time, Jewish badges had yet even to be discussed among the top Nazis.
It is believed that the first time that the implementation of a Jewish badge was discussed among the Nazi leaders was right after Kristallnacht in 1938. At a meeting on November 12, 1938, Reinhard Heydrich made the first suggestion about a badge.
But it wasn’t until after the Second World War began in September 1939 that individual authorities implemented a Jewish badge in the occupied territories of Poland. For instance, on November 16, 1939, the order for a Jewish badge was announced in Lodz.
We are returning to the Middle Ages. The yellow patch once again becomes a part of Jewish dress. Today an order was announced that all Jews, no matter what age or sex, have to wear a band of “Jewish-yellow,” 10 centimeters wide, on their right arm, just below the armpit.
Various locales within occupied Poland had their own regulations about size, color, and shape of the badge to be worn, until Hans Frank made a decree that affected all of the Government General in Poland. On November 23, 1939, Hans Frank, the chief officer of the Government General, declared that all Jews above ten years of age were to wear a white badge with a Star of David on their right arm.
It wasn’t until nearly two years later that a decree, issued on September 1, 1941, issued badges to Jews within Germany as well as occupied and incorporated Poland. This badge was the yellow Star of David with the word “Jude” (”Jew”) and worn on the left side of one’s chest.
The Israeli flag we see today was adopted as an identifying mark for all Jews – an article of cloth to purposely and intentionally identify and distinguish Jews from the rest of society. The flag of Israel was adopted on October 28, 1948, five months after the Nazi UN declared the State of Israel from stolen Palestinian land on 14 May 1948 (few know that neighboring Arab states attacked the next day and since then, Israel has fought, using US supplied military aid, a series of wars with all of the neighboring Arab states). Today Jewish people are marked with the same Antisemitism symbol (yellow star) used by Hitler to mark the Jews for extermination. Ever since the Jewish people have been unwittingly immigrating to the Nazi concentration camp called Israel.
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