The crude reality of the toxic Irving Oil TransCanada tar pipeline
Corruption, Special Report, World news Saturday, January 25th, 2014
When a pipeline ruptures in the forest and no one is around to hear it …
What will the Irving Oil TransCanada tar pipeline do to the environment and the economy of New Brunswick if it is constructed? If you think rail car derailments and spills are bad wait until the pipeline ruptures throughout New Brunswick. At least with rail cars the containment and cleanup of a spill is confined to a small area. When the pipeline ruptures, and it will, thousands of acres of pristine forest and land will be lost. By the time a pipeline repair crew arrives at a pipeline rupture site millions of liters of very toxic tar will have already spilled out and contaminated a very large swath of land. If it happens in winter it will be next to impossible to get to the spill site and tap and contain the very toxic Irving Oil spill. Economically who is going to pay for the cleanup? Irving Oil certainly won’t. You and I will be forced to pay for it and you and I will be forced out of our homes and land for a very long time if an Irving Oil spill occurs near our private properties.
There will be ten to hundred times more Irving Oil tar pipeline ruptures and spills than rail car derailments. Rail car derailments are acts of sabotage by oil interest groups or negligence. The Lac-Mégantic derailment was an act of sabotage. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada is covering up the deliberate sabotage of the rail car derailment. The conductor was instructed to abandon the distressed locomotive on the hill and he did. A locomotive with fire destroyed brakes (fire department responded to a fire on the locomotive before the train rolled down hill and derailed) isn’t going to stay parked for very long especially when it is deliberately abandoned on a hill with loaded rail cars hitched to it. The New Brunswick derailment was also willful sabotage. Irving Oil and David Alward’s Progressive Conservative New Brunswick government are engaging in acts of terrorism to further the Irving Oil TranCanada tar pipeline agenda. Both Irving Oil and David Alward committed high treason against Canada and the Canadian First Nation people on October 17, 2013 in Rexton NB when E.R.T. – a purely military force – was deployed by Alward to engage in an armed military assault against First Nations Canadians and Rexton NB private land owners exercising their Constitutional rights. E.R.T. is mandated and trained to be a purely military force – a political assassination squad. They were formed by traitor and former Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to use deadly force against unarmed Canadians to further the agenda and policies of a foreign entity – the Crown (unlawfully assumed temporal authority of the Catholic Church Pope) and its organized criminal Crown Corporations.
The Irving Oil TransCanada tar pipeline is destined to rupture many times and all along its path. Why? What happens to tar when it cool and freezes? Roofers and asphalt construction companies can tell you. Tar becomes very thick and solidifies when cooled or subjected to the extreme cold winter weather of Canada. Now imagine what will happen to the Irving Oil tar that will be transported in very cold steel pipes from Alberta to Saint John New Brunswick. The image below should give you a hint. The tar will thicken and become solid anywhere along the pipeline that is exposed to the frigid cold of Canadian winters. When this happens the pumping station will still be pumping tar through the pipeline and extreme pressure will build up causing the pipeline to unpredictably rupture anywhere along the pipeline between the pumping station and the solid tar mass. The Irving Oil tar will predictably stop flowing throughout the winter months due to the cold effect on tar. When it does, and every time it does, the pipeline will rupture from pumping station pressure buildup behind the solid mass tar obstruction and cause catastrophic and costly environmental and property damage. The cleanup costs will no doubt bankrupt New Brunswick. New Brunswick is a “have not” province – a welfare province. It relies on $billion handouts (welfare cheques) from the other provinces to function. Don’t think New Brunswick is doomed by the Irving Oil TransCanada tar pipeline? Just look at the astronomical cost to the Gulf Coast States as a result of the sabotaged BP Deepwater Horizon platform spill. BP is facing damages demands of more than $34bn just from US Gulf Coast states.
Irving Oil TransCanada tar pipeline environmental and private property catastrophes are not limited to the winter months. What happens when flammable chemicals – like what will be added to the tar to help keep it flowing – are heated inside an tightly enclosed metal container? A remote detonated pipe bomb is created. All fluids expands when heat is applied. Pressure builds up and if the pressure isn’t monitored 24/7 and released before the pressure exceeds the pressure limit of the Irving Oil TransCanada metal pipeline pipes a very violent and explosive eruption will occur.
What happens when the Irving Oil pipe bomb explodes in a residential area? Homes are destroyed and people are killed. Last summer, all across Canada, we experienced record breaking heat temperatures. Can you predict when and where a toxic Irving Oil pipe bomb eruption will occur?
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Need more proof that a pipeline isn’t a safe alternative to rail? A fire burned for more than 12 hours at the site of a massive TransCanada natural gas pipeline explosion near Otterburne, about 50 kilometres south of Winnipeg. It happened at about 1 a.m. Saturday Jan 25, 2014. Just image the carnage if the massive explosion occurred inside Winnipeg.
I wrote this “The crude reality of the toxic Irving Oil TransCanada tar pipeline” story not knowing about the TransCanada pipeline explosion. I only heard about it hours later from the evening news.