Stephen Harper wanted for high treason, treason, … aiding and abetting a foreign government
Corruption, Latest news, World news Friday, July 1st, 2011
Stephen Harper conspiring with U.S. president Obama to dissolve Canada
In Canada, the relevant paragraphs of the Criminal Code of Canada relating to high treason are:
(1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto;
Levy means to declare and wage war. The military definition of levy is to conscript (draft) troops for service. When Stephen Harper declared that he will commit military jets to the United States war of aggression against the sovereign state of Libya Stephen Harper levied war against Canada. Stephen Harper compulsorily enrolled Canadian Air Force personnel into waging war against Libya. The facts remain that Libya did not attack Canada nor was there any threat of an imminent attack from Libya. Because Stephen Harper levied war against Libya without the justification of self-defense Harper committed high-treason. Harper levied war against Canada.
In Canada, the relevant paragraphs of the Criminal Code of Canada relating to Treason are:
(2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada,
(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;
(c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a);
(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or
The Canadian Criminal Code provides that every one is a party to an offense and receive the same charge who:
(b) does or omits to do anything for the purpose of aiding any person to commit it; or
(c) abets any person in committing.
An aid to a criminal offense is a person who knowingly assists in the commission of a crime in any way. An abettor to an offense is one who knowingly encourages another to commit a criminal act.
A secretive agreement was signed by U.S. President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (lead a minority government at the time) in Washington on Friday February 4, 2011 to remove Canada’s sovereignty. The secretive deal between Obama and Harper conspires to establish a new border AROUND Canada and the United States. The intention of this border agreement is to begin the work of REMOVING the border between Canada and the U.S. in order to form a new corporate controlled (fascist) America called the North American Union (NAU).
The North American Union (NAU) is an economic union of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The concept is loosely based on the European Union, including a common currency called the Amero
United States big business want complete control of Canada’s vast natural resources. Canada is the last remaining country on Earth with vast amounts of untapped natural resources. The deal was made to rob Canada and Canadians of its financial future. Greedy U.S. corporations have used up all remaining natural resource supplies in the United States so they have made a secret and very lucrative deal with Stephen Harper to sell out his country.
The border deal will ‘protect us’ from terror. That’s how it’s being ‘sold’, but in fact we are getting in bed with the number one terrorist nation in the world today, the United States of America; a nation that is also bankrupt and may be nearing social upheaval.
The United States government finances the only terrorist organization in the World – the CIA. The CIA is not a police force nor a peacekeeping organization. It is not an aid agency nor a relief agency. It is an organization of murderers, , mercenaries, kidnappers, saboteurs, bombers, torturers and assassins. They have one objective – terrorism – violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). The CIA is al Qaeda. The CIA recruits and trains foreign nationals to commit acts of terror for the interests of the United States government and its corporate leaders. The CIA overthrows foreign governments. The CIA is ordered by the United States president to kidnap, torture and assassinates foreign nationals, dignitaries and even U.S. citizens. The CIA assassinated U.S. president John F Kennedy. It overthrew the governments of Iraq, Iran and Egypt. It assassinated the leaders of those countries and installed one who was friendly to U.S. corporate interests. The U.S. had the CIA assassinate Egyptian president Anwar El Sadat and installed a dictator Hosni Mubarak. The U.S. special envoy to Egypt Edward S. Walker, Jr is CIA. His father was in charge of orchestrating regime change throughout the World for the United States government.
The United States government has been involved in and assisted in the overthrow of foreign governments (more recently termed regime change) for decades, without the overt use of U.S. military force. Such operations are tasked to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Many of the governments targeted by the US have been democratically elected, rather than authoritarian governments or military dictatorships. In many cases the governments toppled were replaced by dictatorships, installed with assistance by the U.S.
Regime change has been brought about through direct involvement of US operatives, the funding and training of insurgency groups within these countries, anti-regime propaganda campaigns, coup d’états, and other illegal activities conducted as operations by the CIA. The US has also accomplished regime change by direct military action, such as following the US invasion of Panama in 1989, the U.S. / NATO invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq had anything to do with the CIA attacks on U.S. soil on September 11, 2001 in New York City. CIA recruited, trained and paid operatives attacked the U.S. not any fictional foreign terrorist organization or leader. The CIA were acting on orders to create a new terrorist group that they can handle (control) to bring about undemocratic change in the United States and around the World. The United States president ordered the CIA to create a phantom terrorist organization that the U.S. government could accuse of committing terrorist acts against the United States and foreign states under U.S. control or influence. The CIA created al Qaeda as a means to an end – to force U.S. government policies and fascist agenda upon the U.S. people and the World population.
Today unsubstantiated treats of terrorism is being used to remove the border between Canada and the United States. To remove the territorial markings and integrity of the sovereignty of Canada.
Terror has nothing to do with the treasonous agreement between Stephen Harper and Barack Obama. U.S. corporate interests are motivating Harper to commit treason against Canada and the Canadian people. The new agreement will make it easier to cross the border. This is the other selling point for the deal, but of course the ‘tightening’ of the Canada/US border was done to give us ’a problem’ that they are now going to solve with a new border around us – eliminating the sovereign territorial border between Canada and the United States.
The ultimate goal of the U.S. government, with the aid of Stephen Harper, is to eliminate the Canadian government and all of Canada’s identities – our flag, our Canadian Dollar and even the name Canada. Harper knows that this is the long term goal of the United States corporate controlled government. Harper is aiding and abetting the government of the United States by secretly integrating (assimilating) all Canadian government and law enforcement agencies with their U.S. counterparts. Attempting to overthrow the government of Canada, spying for a foreign power, revealing state secrets, are considered in peacetime to constitute the crime of “treason”.
It is for this reason that Harper has persistently sought a majority government – to dissolve Canada. When Harper had a minority government everything Harper did that affected Canada had to be approved by Parliament. As such the secretive border agreement between Harper and Obama is invalid and void as it was done without the consent of the Canadian people’s representatives in Parliament. As Harper had only a minority government this deal and every other deal that Harper has made are not legal. Harper’s deals with the government of a foreign state – the United States, are an attack against the Canadian government. Harper’s deals with the United States are acts of treason as he is conspiring with a foreign state to undermine and eliminate the territorial sovereignty of Canada, and engaging in acts that he knows will impair the safety and defense of Canada.
What can you and I do? Harper works for Canada and Canadians. Harper is paid by us to protect and defend Canada, its people and our financial prosperity. Harper is under contract to the Canadian people. If he or anyone else breaches his or her contract to Canada and the Canadian people he or she can be fired. Harper doesn’t have the right to be Prime Minister. Being Prime Minister is a privilege. A vote gave Harper the privilege to be Prime Minister. If Harper violates our trust by violating the terms and conditions of government, or aids and abets a foreign state to cause a threat to our nation’s safety and defense then charges of treason can be laid against Harper. Harper is not government. He is a temporary member of the government of Canada who is conspiring with the United States government to attack our system of government, our territorial boundaries, our sovereignty and our financial prosperity. Harper is working for and in the interest of the United States government. Harper is an agent of a foreign state and is acting in the interest of that foreign state.
Stephen Harper is a traitor. He is working secretively with a foreign government to dissolve the country we know as Canada. Secretive negotiations are being done without the involvement of our Parliament, or the people of Canada or the United States. It is an undemocratic betrayal of the people of Canada, the United States and Mexico. This conspiracy between Stephen Harper, Felipe Calderon and Barack Obama to force the removal of the territorial integrity and political independence of the sovereign states of Canada, the United States and Mexico are illegal acts of high treason and treason.
In Canada the penalty for high treason is life imprisonment. The penalty for treason is imprisonment up to a maximum of life, or up to 14 years for conduct under subsection (2)(b) or (e) in peacetime. In the United States, on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason against the United States, and SHALL SUFFER DEATH.
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