Stephen Harper ordered by Crown to dishonor veterans by closing Veterans Affairs offices
Heinous Crimes, World news Wednesday, February 19th, 2014Thousands of Canadian war veterans are furious with Stephen Harper and his Progressive Conservative government over the closure of eight Veterans Affairs offices across the country. Veterans across Canada cannot understand why Stephen Harper would do such a dishonorable act. The reasoning behind the closures has everything to do with money. The one who ordered Harper to close the Veterans Affairs offices, to save money, is the Crown. That is how the Crown makes money, through deceit and fraud.
Canadian soldiers in the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP have been deceived not only by Stephen Harper but by every Prime Minister before him. Members of the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP are mislead from the very day they take their oath of enlistment. Since 1855, everyone who has ever served in the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP (has always been a military force) were lead to believe they were serving, protecting and defending Canada. The cruel reality is, they all serve, fight and die, in vain, for the Crown – the Catholic Church Pope. The Crown doesn’t want us fighting and defending Canada. He wants us to fight for him so that he can expand his Fourth Reich empire.
Every World War (WWI – Second Reich, WWII – Third Reich, War on Terror – Fourth Reich) and major conflict (Korea, Vietnam, Somalia) has been started by the Catholic Church and against predominately non-Catholic states in order to form a Reich. Reich means Holy Roman Empire. More recently, the Pope (the Crown – a corporate entity) ordered Liberal Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien (in 2001) to levy war against Afghanistan (a predominately Muslim nation) with the United States even though Afghanistan, its people and Muslim Taliban government had nothing to do with 9/11 – a Crown ordered, planned and executed (by the CIA – the Catholic Church’s Military Order of Malta for the United States) false flag. The Pope also ordered Paul Martin to secretly send Canadian Forces to fight alongside the United States in Iraq. Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin lied to the Canadian people when he stated that his government would not commit Canadian troops to Iraq. Our war veterans and the RCMP know all too well that we were there fighting the “illegal” war of aggression (a war crime) against oil rich Iraq.
Veterans and RCMP members aren’t the only ones who serve, protect, defend and die in vain for the Catholic Church Pope. Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay also serve the Pope as do all of our elected representatives, all judges, lawyers, civil servants and Crown Corporation employees.
Even though we elect those we want to represent us in Canada’s Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Canada and Canadians have no formal representation in them. You see, in order for our elected representatives to take their seat in our Parliament and our Legislatures, they must “all” betray Canada and the trust of its electorates by taking a solemn and traitorous oath to serve, protect and defend the “corporate” interests of the usurpative leader of a foreign state – the Vatican City State Pope. The Crown represents the assumed “temporal” (corporate interests) authority of the Roman Catholic Pope. The Crown ceased to represent the King or Queen of Canada since 1855 when Catholic Church Pope Pius IX usurpatively assumed control of Great Britain, its Protestant throne and the Queen’s Bank of England.
Now that the “illegal” war of aggression and occupation of Afghanistan has come to an end without the Crown achieving its objective in Afghanistan – building and profiting from a Trans-Afghan pipeline – Canadian veterans are being abandoned by the Crown and left out in the cold. Harper ordered the closure of the Veterans Affairs offices after Pakistan officially transferred control of the port of Gwadar to China. Now that the port is controlled by China the Crown cannot profit by building a pipeline from Turkmenistan through Muslim Afghanistan. Such a pipeline is now irrelevant and less cost-effective for the Pope than it was in 2001. China has already officially taken control of Pakistan’s Gwadar port as part of its drive to secure energy and maritime routes. The Crown only wages war against states that are defensively weak. Afghanistan in 2001 had no standing army, navy or air force to oppose an illegal war of aggression by the Crown’s Canadian, UK, Polish, German, French and United States forces. China has a military of 2,000,000 active troops.
Many Canadian Veterans have gone on record stating that payback for the closures will come next year – election year. Payback can come sooner than that if they (the Veterans who served in Afghanistan) formally charge Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay and the Crown with war crimes and crimes against humanity. They we there. They are witnesses to Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay and the Crown’s heinous crimes against the Taliban and the Afghan people.
Many Vatican Nazi Third Reich (Holy Roman Empire) officers and aristocrats were convicted and put to death for war crimes and crimes against humanity using the testimonies and eye witness accounts of Allied forces soldiers. Canadian Veterans were ordered by Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay to commit atrocities against Afghanistan and its people for the profiteering Crown.
Whether you choose to believe it or not, the 9/11 nuclear detonations false flag was the United States government’s (German George Scherf III) Reichstag Building Fire that started the War on Terror – WWIII – the Vatican Fourth Reich. While the World was being distracted by the Crown ordered “War on Terror” wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, the Vatican took over and occupied all of Europe. The EU (originally founded by the Vatican as the European Economic Community) was forced upon the European states by the Vatican. Europe is once again occupied by a Catholic Church Reich.
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Intelligence agencies from around the World know, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the September 11, 2001 New York City and Pentagon attacks were United States government false flags, modeled after the 1962 false flag scenario called Operations Northwoods. CIA assets (including Former CIA Susan Lindauer – second cousin of George W Bush’s former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card), structural engineers, demolition experts and nuclear physicists all know that tactical nukes were used to disintegrate the World Trade Centers into dust.
You too can see for yourself that the U.S. government used nukes to demolish the World Trade Center Towers. The twin reflecting pool fountains were constructed on the footprints of the World Trade Center Towers destroyed on 9/11 by nuclear detonations. The fountains are pouring water onto the radioactive Ground Zero to keep the nuclear detonation created tholeiite rock below cool and wash the radioactive fallout out to the ocean.
No building can be built on the footprints of the old World Trade Center Towers because the technology doesn’t exist today that would allow the excavation of the radioactive tholeiite rock bed that was created by the nuclear detonations. No engineer can safely build a skyscraper on top of the jagged edge tholeiite rock bed where the World Trade Center North and South Towers once stood.
Ground Zero is a nuclear incident terminology that describes the point on the Earth’s surface closest to a nuclear detonation. What was the footprint of the World Trade Center called immediately after the 9/11 False Flag? Within hours after the towers disintegrated into dust and collapsed the World Trade Center received the military nuclear incident designation Ground Zero – because nuclear detonations took place there. Underground nuclear detonations of low depth produces a mushroom cloud and a base surge, two different distinct clouds that were witnessed by millions around the World as they watched live news video coverage of the New York City WTC tower nuclear demolitions.
The origins of the term ground zero began with the Manhattan Project and the bombing of Japan. The Strategic Bombing Survey of the atomic attacks, released in June 1946, used the term liberally, defining it as: “For convenience, the term ‘ground zero’ will be used to designate the point on the ground directly beneath the point of detonation, or ‘air zero.’” William Laurence, an embedded reporter with the Manhattan Project, reported that “Zero” was “the code name given to the spot chosen for the atomic bomb test” in 1945.
The U.S. government used what is called Atomic Demolition Munition (ADM) for the demolition of the World Trade Center Towers. A tactical nuclear weapon developed by the United States during the Cold War. ADMs were developed for both military and civilian purposes. As weapons, they were designed to be exploded in the forward battle area, in order to block or channel enemy forces. Non-militarily, they were designed for demolition (WTC), mining or earthmoving.
The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) was an ADM that was designed to allow one person to carry the nuke, place the nuke in the target location, set the timer, and evacuate to a safe distance. Testing of these nukes were conducted in the US under Project Plowshare. They were used to demolish the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001 (9/11).
Lower a Geiger counter into the fountain openings and you too will be provided with all the evidence you need that the U.S. government used nukes to “pull” the World Trade Center Towers. Download and install an Android Geiger counter app to your smart phone and pay a visit to the Reflecting Pool at Ground Zero. The app should adequately register any increase in ionizing radiation levels as you get closer to the Reflecting Pool at Ground Zero. Lower a video camera into the fountain openings and record the solid nuclear detonation formed tholeiite rock below.
The U.S. government is covering up the nuclear detonations with cooling and decontamination fountains and a fabricated story – that directly beneath Ground Zero and in the exact same spot where the World Trade Center Towers underground parking use to be a 20,000 year glacier now exists. Talk about a snow job.
How do we Canadians, Americans and Europeans take back our countries and our freedom from the usurpative temporal authority of the Pope – the Crown? We do what Napoleon did in February 1808 and what Allied forces did on 4 June 1944. We go to Rome and overthrow him. It has already been foretold in the Catholic Church’s own “Prophecy of the Popes”.
The prophecies conclude with a pope identified as “Peter the Roman”, an antipope of Italian descent (Italian born Jorge Mario Bergoglio) whose pontificate will allegedly bring the destruction of the city of Rome.
The destruction of the Catholic Church has also been prophesied by “Three Secrets of Fátima” apparitions – partial text of the Third Secret which was officially released by Pope John Paul II in 2000:
“the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.”
Prophecies of Nostradamus –
“The second-to-last pope (Pope Benedict XVI) will have a short reign. Due to political blunders (child sex abuse, male prostitution at the Vatican, money laundering), and mistakes, he will pave the way for the final pope (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) to be a tool of the Antichrist. His reign will be an omen of the final downfall of the church.”
“Before the Antichrist (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) comes to full power, it will appear that other leaders (Jesuit Black Pope) are above him and in control of the power structure. In reality the Antichrist (Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a Jesuit) will be using them as stepping stones in his quest for world power. During this period, he will have a traitorous cardinal working for him, spying on the second-to-last Pope (Pope Benedict XVI). One of the cardinals will steal information from him (Pope Benedict’s butler Paolo Gabriele did in fact steal and was convicted of stealing confidential papers of Pope Benedict and regarding the blackmailing of homosexual Vatican clergy) alter the Pope’s personal correspondence, so that it has different connotations. It will make the situation appear inordinately worse than it is in reality, causing the Pope to react inappropriately (resign). This way, the populace will be more likely to see him (Pope Benedict XVI) as incompetent and his authority will be destablized, possibly by being assassinated (political assassination). The cardinal will be troubled by his betrayal because of the obvious dissension it causes the Church; but being allied with the Antichrist, he will rationalize away his backstabbing.”
“The last Pope will be elected shortly after the discovery of the tomb of an ancient Roman (2600 year old skeletonized body of an Etruscan prince was found by archaeologists in Tarquinia, a hill town about 50 miles northwest of Rome) whose philosophies greatly influence western thought, something like within a year’s time. This is the “poisonous” Pope that is actually only a tool for the Antichrist, who will bring about the ultimate destruction of the Catholic Church.”
“The last Pope probably will be French (French and Italian are both romance languages), with a swarthy complexion and blue eyes. There will be an air of mystery to him. He will have a physical deformity (Jorge Mario Bergoglio has only one lung – AP Thursday 14 March 2013 “Pope Francis’s missing lung should not be a problem, say doctors”) of some sort, like a slightly hunched shoulder or clubfoot, a congenital defect in the bone. (It won’t be caused by injury, since he will have been born with it.) His mind will be scarred by the deformity and the cruelty and callousness of people toward others who are different.”
Prophecies of Nostradamus
“This Pope will want to show his enemies, “Look at me; I’m powerful; I can do it; I’m better than you.” International Business Times March 13 2013 – Addressing the crowd at St. Peter’s Basilica, Bergoglio said, “As you know, the duty of the conclave was to appoint a bishop of Rome. It seems to me that my brother cardinals have chosen one who is from far away, but here I am.”
Look closely at the hats worn by protesting Canadian war veterans. Do you not see a Crown on top of the crests? The Crown is purposely placed above the Canadian maple leaf of the Canadian Legion Crest. The Crown is also the predominate symbol of the RCMP and Canadian Armed Forces Crests, seals, and banners. The Crown is a symbol of authority over Canada. As I stated above, the Crown ceased to represent the King or Queen of Canada. The Crown represents the “unlawful” (we, as a democratic nation have never consented – elected – to being ruled by a foreign state or by the foreign state’s leader) assumed (under false pretense – the Pope has assumed the identity of the Queen yet has us all believe that the Crown represents the Queen) corporate authority of the Pope.