Pennsylvania District Court Ruled Obama ineligible for Presidency in 2008. Ordered DNC to withdraw him.
Corruption, World news Sunday, October 2nd, 2011
British subject Barack Hussein Obama and his Queen
A Pennsylvania Federal Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled in BERG v. OBAMA et al that Obama is not an American citizen and his name must be removed from all election materials and ballots. That ruling was handed down in 2008. On August 21, 2008, Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg, a Democrat and former deputy state attorney general, filed a complaint alleging that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and was therefore a citizen of Kenya or possibly Indonesia, where he lived as a child. He alleged that the “Certification of Live Birth” on Obama’s website is a forgery. In BERG v. OBAMA District Judge R. Barclay Surrick ruled in favor of Phillip J. Berg in his landmark suit charging that Barack Obama is not eligible to be president. The ruling of a District Court stated that Obama is ineligible and may not run for president.
Because of the Federal Court ruling Obama could not legally continue as the Democratic candidate. If he continued his campaign, as he surely did, the United States has a Constitutional crisis, whether the government and media acknowledge it or not. The United States does not have a president. All executive orders, all bills that Obama has signed, all trade agreements, all military orders, the Health Reform Bill, the economic stimulus bill that has robbed the American people of $16 trillion are therefore null and void.
The Democratic Party and their Wall Street supporters have subverted the rule of law and the United States Constitution. The inaction by Federal Elections Commission makes it obvious that they are of the same subversive mind and have no interest in fulfilling their duties, but rather in furthering the coup that is currently in progress.
BERG v. OBAMA et al –
THIS CAUSE came before the United States District Court Judge, Honorable R. Barclay Surrick on Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment. Having reviewed the Motion and any response thereto and for good cause shown, it is hereby
ORDERED that Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(c) is GRANTED. This Court Declares Barack Hussein Obama a/k/a Barry Hussein Obama a/k/a Barack Dunham a/k/a Barry Dunham a/k/a Barack Soetoro a/k/a Barry Soetoro is not a “natural born” or “naturalized” United States citizen and is ineligible to run for and/or serve as President of the United States. Committee is hereby enjoined from naming Barack Hussein Obama, et al as the Democratic Presidential Candidate on the ballot and both the Democratic National Committee and Barack Hussein Obama, et al are enjoined from any further campaigning on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, et al for Office of the Presidency. It is an ORDER of this Court that Barack Hussein Obama’s, et al name be removed from any and all ballots for the Office of the President of the United States.
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The Hawaii Department of Health has refused to comply with a subpoena compelling the state to provide access to the original, filed copy of the President’s birth certificate, citing privacy laws.
In April 2011, Mr. Obama released a copy of what he says is an original copy of his long form birth certificate. The release came after the state of Hawaii had been saying for months they could not release a copy, even to the President.
Former director of Hawaii’s health department, Dr. Chiyome Fukimo, claimed she had actually seen the Obama’s birth certificate and it was half typed and half hand-written. The document released by Obama was all typed.
Since its release, several document experts have come forward stating the document was altered and could be a forgery. No experts have stated publicly that the document has not been altered in any way.
Attorney Philip J. Berg wasn’t the first to challenge Obama’s eligibility. A number of cases have gone before the courts only to be thrown out for insufficient evidence, the plaintiff was in the judge’s bias opinion not qualified or entitled to petition his or her court or the judge simply refused to proceed with any motion against Obama. Why? Not because the plaintiffs didn’t have sufficient evidence to prove Obama’s ineligibility but because the appointed judges threw out the cases out of loyalty to Obama and the DNC. You see all judges are appointed by a president. Any and all judges would have to recuse themselves from any court case involving any member of the DNC if they were appointed by a Democrat president. A judge that was appointed by Obama or any other Democrat president is immediately disqualified to perform their legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality. Look at all of the motions filed against Obama’s eligibility and you will find that the presiding judge ruled in favor of Obama because they were more than likely appointed by a Democrat president. Because the U.S. Capitol is so corrupt it doesn’t matter which party appointed a judge. Whenever a judge rules against Obama, aka the unconstitutional Health Care Reform Bill, Obama will always seek to obstruct justice and subvert the rule of law with drawn out appeals. He has and will continue to subvert the rule of law with appeal after appeal or until such time as an appointed (not elected) judge rules in his favor. In the case of BERG v. Obama he and the DNC simply ignored the rule of law.