Papa Francis continues Pope Benedict XVI’s abusive legacy
Heinous Crimes, World news Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Pedofilia – The unlawful act of an adult engaging in sexual activity with a child.
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” ~ Matthew 7:15
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” ~ Exodus 20:17
“Surely, God will not act wickedly, And the Almighty will not pervert justice.” ~ Job 34:12
Revelation 13:18 … “Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” Revelation 13:18 is clearly telling us the number 666 is the “calculated” number of a man. A mortal being. The beast is a man. A man claiming to be God. There is only one man on earth who claims to be the “living God” – the Pope.
The Pope’s official title is “Vicar of Christ” which is “Vicar of the son of God” In Latin it is ‘VICARIUS FILII DEI.’ Vicarius Filii Dei was first used in the forged medieval Donation of Constantine to refer to Saint Peter (Petrus).
Revelations 13:18 tells us to calculate the number of the beast. Add the Roman (Romanus) numerals of ‘VICARIUS FILII DEI’. What does your calculation give you? 666
Pope Francis was elected because he received 2/3 of the cardinal conclave votes. 2/3 equals the negative (anti) amount .666
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If you saw an old man kissing a child on the lips you would no doubt be shocked by this unnatural behavior and more than likely would call the police. If this was your own child what would you do to protect your child? If this was any other man you would be outraged by this inappropriate and predatory behavior.
The Crown represents the Vatican City State Pope and his assumed temporal (relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular) authority.
The Crown was established in 1855 by the Catholic Church Pope Pius IX who convened the first Vatican Council to have himself declared by the bishops of all nations as the king of kings just as the Holy Roman Emperors were crowned three times as king of Germany. As a result of Pope Pius IX taking and wearing a three crown tiara the ordination of a new pope became the papal coronation. Pope Pius IX was crowned (put a crown on his head) on Easter of 1855. Since 1855 the Pope’s temporal (relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs) authority is identified by “the Crown”. Since 1855 “the Crown” has represented the Papal temporal authority as king of kings.
The Crown is represented in Canada by the unelected military Heads of State – the Governor General (military rank) and the provinces’ Lieutenant-Governor.
All Crown Corporations, Crown courts and “appointed” Crown judges serve or represent the Roman Catholic Pope’s worldly assets – his assumed (under false pretense) corporate holdings – in Canada and its provinces and territories.
The Canadian provinces’ Premiers, the country’s Prime Minister, all judges, lawyers, mayors, public servants and military (includes the RCMP which is a military force that serves the Crown since 1920) personnel all serve the corrupt and pedophile infested Catholic Church and its Pope, whether or not they are Catholics.
It does not matter if you are a devout Protestant, Anglican, Jew, Presbyterian, Muslim, Hindu or Jehovah Witness if you work for, pledge allegiance to or serve the Crown you serve the Pope.
The Pope’s temporal authority (the Crown) is also represented in the United States by:
1) the President (CEO) of the 1871 formed Crown corporation called the UNITED STATES (corporations are spelled with all capital letters and the President is the chief executive officer of the Corporation), POTUS stands for President of the United States not the Constitutional President of the United States of America. In 1871 the original “Constitution for the United States for America” was changed to “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” – a Crown corporation .
2) the Crown’s city state called Washington DC (District of Columbia, originally named Rome, Maryland),
3) the Crown’s money laundering and protection racketeering IRS (Isis, Ra Seb) and
4) the Crown’s United States Dollar counterfeiters – the Federal Reserve.
The American Revolution / American War of Independence was a revolution protesting the despotic Crown – the Catholic Pope’s temporal authority of the Protestant American colonies.