NSSM 200 – Vatican Fourth Reich genocide of 3 billion people
Heinous Crimes, World news Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
UNO Secretary General bows to his master Fourth Reich antipope Petrus Romanus
The United Nations Organization (UNO) is undertaking a covert and sinister plan for the Catholic Church. To kill as many as 3 billion people through Vatican unholy wars of terror against Muslim and Jewish states, designer diseases (AIDS, diabetes, A-H1N1, Parkinson’s Disesase, Alzheimer’s Disease), food poisoning (GMO), airport cancer and sterilization induced ionizing radiation scans, weather modification and earthquake induction (HAARP), and famine (HAARP induced flooding and drought, food pasturization, food irradiation, and genetically modified foods).
U.S. President Ford in the Oval Office with German born (Fürth, Bavaria, Germany) Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and German (Neuwied, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller
In 1974 the UNO conceived the idea of food genocide to control world population – less people to consume world resources – more for the rich nations (elites) to exploit the sources of the world to satisfy their greed. On December 10, 1974 the US National Security Council under Henry Kissinger prepared a classified study ‘National Security Study Memorandum 200 (Full text of NSSM 200 (governmental source – pdf file)) – which falsely claimed that the worldwide population growth poses a great threat to US national security interests.
The organization that is responsible for the mass murder of 3 billion people through food genocide is called the Codex Alimentarius Commission. It was established in 1963 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Vatican’s United Nations Organization (UNO). Their officially stated purpose is to develop international food standards to protect consumer health and to facilitate fair trading practices in foods. Today, there are 181 member governments including Canada. The real purpose of this WHO / UNO Codex Alimentarius Commission is to mass murder 3 billion people. How will they murder some 3 billion people?
UNO (Italian meaning One) documents reveal that 1 billion people will be killed by starvation as UNO trade agreements and WHO health moratoriums will forbid any country from selling and exporting any food to targeted regions for depopulation. Starvation of 3 billion people has already begun as the United States has been using its weapon of mass destruction called HAARP to control, alter and intensify the weather of the targeted nations. HAARP has been used to create heat waves resulting in the near complete destruction of crops. The US (Barack Obama’s government) used HAARP in 2010 to cause the massive flooding in China and Pakistan – an attempt to wipe out the crops of China and Pakistan resulting in the mass starvation of their populations.
According to classified UNO documents 2 billion more will be murdered by diseases and illnesses associated with malnutrition from crop destruction, pasteurization and irradiation. The Codex Alimentarius Commission will be responsible for causing disease and illness from malnutrition by implementing the 2 latter killing instruments.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission has begun this process by labeling the life sustaining nutrients (vitamins, minerals and enzymes) in our foods as poisons. Now that nutrients are classified as poisons they have been given the authority by the United Nations Organization (UNO) to eradicate all nutrients in our foods. They have already begun the eradication process by pasteurizing (exposing to high heat) and irradiating (exposing to radiation) all of our food. Milk was the first to be targeted for eradication as milk is the most important life sustenance on Earth. Raw (unpasteurized) milk is packed full of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. All essential for keeping us healthy and alive. Next was eggs. Another very important food that keeps us very healthy and alive.
With the recent false declarations of E. coli contamination in fruits and vegetables the member nations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission have been ordered to pasteurize or irradiate all fruit and vegetables. Why? Pasteurization and irradiation destroys all of the nutritional value of our food. These processes doesn’t just kill the organisms in our food it eliminates all vitamin, mineral and enzyme content of our food. Furthermore pasteurization and irradiation doesn’t clean or filter out the bad organisms in our food it just kills them and when we drink or eat pasteurized or irradiated foods and beverages we are consuming the dead, rotting and disease and illness causing bodies of the organisms. Because all of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes have been destroyed by pasteurization and irradiation your body can’t stop or fight off the disease and illnesses caused by consuming the dead and rotting organisms.
Now that our governments have been ordered by the Vatican controlled UN to begin pasteurizing and irradiating every consumable food the only question left to ask is “how much time do we have left before we starve to death from eating?”
Who is behind this genocide of 3 billion people?
In the investigation of the WHO and UNO plans for mass murdering 3 billion people there is one region of the World that seems to have been exempted. The only region that is not being targeted for mass depopulation are the countries that made up old Europe. Why everywhere else but old Europe. Because, according to information written in the classified UNO documents, Canada, the US, China, Russia, Pakistan, the Middle East and Africa are nations populated with people who are considered inferior races. The only superior race of people is the Aryan Race – the Reich.
Adolf Hitler started WWII, for the Vatican (as per the July 20, 1933 Reich Concordat – Reichskonkordat), to reinstate the Aryans as a master race of Indo-Europeans. The Aryans are supposed to be Nordic in appearance and directly ancestral to the Germans. During WWII the Nazi SS officers and soldiers were put in charge of slaughtering all inferior races of people by whatever means possible, including; war, famine, poison, biological diseases and mass executions.
On March 2, 1939: Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was sworn in as Pope Pius XII; four days later (as Hitler’s tanks are rolling into Poland) Pacelli wrote a letter to Hitler: “To the illustrious Herr Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer and chancellor of the German Reich! Here at the beginning of our pontificate we wish to assure you that we remain devoted to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your leadership. During the many years we spent in Germany, we did all in our power to establish harmonious relations between church and state. Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral function have increased our opportunities, how much more ardently do we pray to reach that goal? May the prosperity of the German people and their progress in every domain come, with Gods help, to fruition!”
The Reichskonkordat was a treaty between the Holy See (Santa Sede a.k.a. Satan’s Seat, Satan’s Synagogue) and the Weimar Republic at the beginning of the rise of Nazi Germany. It guaranteed the rights of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany – to form a new Holy Roman Empire (Third Reich). It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli (who later became Pope Pius XII) and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of Pope Pius XI and President Paul von Hindenburg respectively. The Reichskonkordat is one of several Third Reich forming concordats between various states in Germany and other nations (Italy and the UK under German king of England King George VI of the German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) and the Vatican that were negotiated during the reign of Pope Pius XI. The Reichskonkordat‘s primary goal was the rise of the Third Reich (Third Holy Roman Empire) and the elimination of millions of non-Catholics through the Holocaust.
The Jews were not the only victims of the Vatican’s Holocaust. German records (collected and catalogued by IBM) prove they exterminated millions of Communists, Czechs, Greeks, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, mentally and physically handicapped, Poles, resistance fighters, Russians, Serbs, Socialists, Spanish Republicans, trade unionists, Ukrainians, Yugoslavians, prisoners of war of many nations, and others whose identity may never be recognized. The Vatican Third Reich Holocaust victims “were of some thirty nationalities, from Nepalese to Andorrans, and of a variety of racial and linguistic stocks ranging from Basques to Buriats and from Ladinos to Lapps”. The people who were not immediately exterminated, were sent to work and/or concentration camps. There the prisoners were divided into six penal categories (catalogued using IBM Hollerith punch cards) and given patches on their clothing for identification purposes. Common criminals were assigned green; political prisoners wore red; black was worn by asocials (slackers, prostitutes, procurers, etc.); homosexuals wore pink; conscientious objectors wore purple, and the Jewish people wore yellow.
Today the UN (officially known as the United Nations Organization or UNO) has been put in charge of slaughtering as many as 3 billion people for the Vatican. Very few people realize that the UN was created by former high ranking politicians and war criminal officers of the Vatican’s Third Reich. Immediately after WWII the League of Nations was disbanded by the Vatican (through the German king of England King George VI of the First Reich German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) in retaliation for defeating them in WWII. In its place the Vatican formed the UN.
The UN (the negative prefix un means – Opposite of; contrary to: unrest.) was formed to bring about global unrest. Once global unrest was achieved a New World Order governed by “The Four principles” (The Fourth Reich) – * One Leader * One Budget * One Programme and * One Office would be implemented. To have an understanding of the clandestine agenda of the UN you must have an understanding of the meaning of Reich. Reich is the territory or government of a German state, as the Holy Roman Empire (the Vatican), or First Reich , from 962 to 1806; the German Empire, or Second Reich, from 1871 to 1919 (Germany’s WWI); the Weimar Republic, from 1919 to 1933; the Third Reich, from 1933 to 1945 (Nazi Germany’s WWII) and the Fourth Reich, from 1945 (Cold War, 9/11 false flag that launched the Vatican’s Global “Wars of Terror”) to present day.
The Vatican and its Third Reich war criminals also formed many of the International and national organizations we have today, including NATO (created by commanding officers and ex-multinational conscripts that made up the German Waffen SS army units), the CIA (created by former Gestapo agents to spy on, sabotage, torture and kill agents, military personal and political figureheads of the Soviet Union ), the WHO (created by former Auschwitz death camp scientists and physicians), and NASA (created using former Nazi rocket scientist – Wernher von Braun). These agents of the Vatican were smuggled into the US under Operation Paperclip, Odessa and the Vatican Red Cross ratline.
Vatican’s 21st century Holocaust – NSSM 200
Radiation treatment, food pasturization, irradiation, and genetic modification (Monsanto), Chemotherapy, AIDS, diabetes, A-H1N1, Parkinson’s Disesase, Alzheimer’s Disease, inoculations, vaccines, HAARP weather modification and earthquake induction, airport x-ray sterilization and cancer inducing scans are all linked to the Vatican’s “National Security Study Memorandum 200”; for population control. http://www.physiciansforlife.org/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=758
The NSSM 200, and the Vatican population control policies which came from it, is targeting thirteen countries (mostly non-Catholic countries) for genocide. Countries which, if allowed to increase sufficiently in population, were seen to be able to challenge the Vatican’s authority.
Billions of US taxpayer dollars have since gone into funding population control in countries around the globe. NSSM 200 justifies the radical population control methods it implemented by claiming it would: 1) prevent developing nations from becoming politically powerful; 2) protect investments in these countries; 3) maintain access to these countries’ natural resources; 4) limit the number of young people in these countries, who are more likely to challenge existing social and political norms.
Gerald Ford’s German born (1923 in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany) National Security Advisor, and the 56th United States Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger released NSSM 200 in December 10, 1974, shortly after the first major international population conference was held under UN auspices at Bucharest, Romania, several of the major U.S. government agencies involved in foreign affairs submitted a detailed report on population control in developing countries.
Contributions came from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The Departments of States, Defense, and Agriculture, and the Agency for International Development ((USAID). Their contributions were combined into one major report with the title, “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” The final study, which is more than 200 pages in length, covered many topics from the viewpoint of each of the participating agencies.
It became the official guide to foreign policy November 26, 1975, when a National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM 314) was signed that endorsed the findings of the study.
NSSM 200 was compiled by the National Security Council (created in 1947 under Vatican agent Harry S. Truman by the National Security Act – the same act created the Vatican CIA), which is the highest level of command in the U.S. government. The NSC is headed by the President of the United States (when NSSM 200 was drafted in 1974 Gerald Ford was president) and his designated Security Advisor (Henry Kissinger), and its purpose is to coordinate (with the Vatican) the overseas operations of all executive branches the U.S. government.
NSSM 200 was originally classified as a secret document, meaning that neither the public in the United States nor the people of the developing world who were the subject of the study were allowed to know of its existence. A schedule for declassification appearing on the cover authorized its release in mid-1989. However, the document was not actually made public until almost a year later, when it was given to the U.S. National Archives in response to a request from a journalist working for the Information Project For Africa.
NSSM 200 states that 13 countries of “special U.S. political and strategic interest” would be primary targets. They are: India, Brazil, Egypt, Nigeria, Indonesia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia (page 15 of the introduction).

In 2006 German Pope Benedict XVI asked German Henry Kissinger to be a political consultant (an agent of the Vatican) and he accepted.
German born Henry Kissinger used the United Nations (UNO) and other multi-national institutions as fronts to conceal the extent of the U.S. involvement. The report advises that the Vatican World Bank take the lead. “Involvement of the Bank in this area would open up new possibilities for collaboration,” the document says (page 148). The study also advises that the U.S. government played “an important role in establishing the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) to spearhead a multilateral effort in population as a complement to the bilateral actions of AID and other donor countries” (page 121). NSSM 200 concentrates mostly on efforts to get heads of government to adopt population reducing (genocide – “the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, Caste, religious, or national group“) policies against their own people.
In 1975, U.S. President Gerald Ford signed National Security Defense Memorandum #314. The United States had officially implemented the Vatican’s NSSM-200. In 1976, the United States issues Progress Report #13 of the US Special Virus program. The report reveals the United States had various international agreements with the Russia, Germany, the UK, France, Canada and Japan.
From the Bulletin of the Vatican UNO World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972 – bulletin_1972_47(2)_memo1.pdf): Recommendations (3) “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. e.g. by depressing 7S versus 19S antibody, or by affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukemia, hepatitis, … ” http://whqlibdoc.who.int/bulletin/1972/Vol47/Vol47-No2/bulletin_1972_47%282%29_memo1.pdf
According to William Campbell Douglass, M.D, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.‘”
In March 1976, the U.S. Special Virus Program began production of the AIDS virus, and by June 1977, the program produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. In 1977, Dr. Robert Gallo (the person accredited with creating the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the infectious agent responsible for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)) and top Soviet Scientists meet to discuss the proliferation of the 15,000 gallons of AIDS. They decided to add AIDS as a complement to the Small pox vaccine for Africa, and the “experimental” hepatitis B vaccine for Manhattan. According to authors June Goodfield and Alan Cantwell, it is Batch #751 that was administered in New York to thousands of innocent people.
Africa has about 10% of the world’s population but nearly 83% of the global total of HIV infected people. According to Vatican’s United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) there are about 28.5 million people infected with HIV/AIDS in Africa. According to the National Council for Science and the Environment’s (NCSE) issue brief for Congress, approximately 13.7 million Africans have died of the US manufactured AIDS. The bioweapon AIDS is currently the leading cause of death on the African continent. Aids cuts African life expectancy to 26 in some nations By 2010, the populations of five countries – Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa – started to shrink because of the numbers of people dying from AIDS. In two more – Zimbabwe and Namibia – the population growth rate will have slowed almost to zero by 2010.
Average lifespans will be reduced in 51 countries, mainly in Africa and the Caribbean, and the global catastrophe will become even worse if the disease begins to infect large numbers of people in China, India and South-East Asia, as NSSM 200 predicts.
Vatican’s UNO World Health Organization (WHO) orders development of the HIV virus
From the Bulletin of the Vatican UNO World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972 – bulletin_1972_47(2)_memo1.pdf), wherein the WHO calls for the development of a virus that will induce immunodepression and be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukemia, hepatitis, – on page 3, right hand column of the pdf file
Airport screening imposed to intentionally sterilize and inflict millions with cancer and disease.
(a) Unlawful Conduct. –
(1) In general. – Except as provided in paragraph (2), it shall be unlawful
for any person to knowingly produce, construct, otherwise acquire, transfer
directly or indirectly, receive, possess, import, export, or use, or
possess and threaten to use –
(A) any weapon that is designed or intended to release radiation or
radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life; or
(B) any device or other object that is capable of and designed or intended to
endanger human life through the release of radiation or radioactivity.
“Hazardous radioactive substance” means any substance or item that releases or is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life.
Hospitals uses such a device or hazardous radioactive substance – designed or intended to endanger human life through the release of radiation or radioactivity – to supposedly treat cancer. Airport now use such a device to screen passengers. Hospital radiology has nothing to do with curing the patient of cancer. It has everything to do with ensuring the spread of cancer by degrading the body’s immune system. Airport full body x-ray scans have nothing to do with airport security. Airport X-ray scans was implemented to sterilize and kill millions.
The X-ray machines where put in airports across the United States to intentionally sterilize every passenger that boards a plane. It does not discriminate who will be sterilized. Everyone who stands inside the X-ray zone of the scanner is being sterilized. The purpose of this is to stop the birth rate.
X-rays have been proven to degrade the immune system of a healthy person. X-rays are what causes tumors they call cancer. Any amount of radiation exposure has an immediate effect on our health. The majority of people who have been diagnosed with cancer actually got the cancer from the X-rays. X-ray radiation destroys healthy cells. Those X-ray irradiated cells are the tumor. The X-ray destroys the cell. If exposure to X-ray radiation is repeated, more cells are destroyed. It is because of this repeated X-ray radiation exposure that cancer infected individuals eventually die. People diagnosed with cancer do not die as a result of the malignant tumors (your body’s immune system is very capable of getting rid of malignant tumors as it works to repair your body) they die as a result of the repeated exposure to acute levels of radiation from the X-rays.
Exposure to radiation causes a cascade of free radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Free radicals damages DNA, protein, and fats. Free radical damage has been clinically proven to be a major contributor to cancer. That being said, people don’t die of cancer, they die of radiation poisoning. The repeated exposure to radiation through so-called treatment overwhelms the body’s immune system. Cancer doesn’t cause hair loss for cancer patients, the radiation treatment is solely responsible for that. Cancer doesn’t cause weight loss, the radiation treatment causes that because it suppresses your appetite. Cancer doesn’t cause a cancer patient to become very weak and sick, the radiation treatment poisons the body and makes them very weak and sick.
Radiation is very toxic. Exposure to radiation of any amount is harmful to your body. Exposure to radiation through x-rays (hospitals and airport screening) or any of the so-called cancer treatments are the most dangerous source of radiation poisoning. X-rays and radiation cancer treatments are far deadlier than radiation fallout because the exposure is concentrated and frequent.
Short URL: https://presscore.ca/news/?p=9050
Agenda 21 is a Vatican United Nations Organization (UNO was created by the Vatican as its Fourth Reich headquarters – a.k.a. NWO) communist agenda disguised as community planning. The UNO’s Agenda 21 openly targets private property ownership. “The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole” – a.k.a communism.
AGENDA 21 is a destructive plan designed to destroy nations and create a Global Communist community – a “New World Order” The UNO, the G20, G8, G7, World Bank, IMF, NATO and the ICC – anti-sovereign globalism organizations of unelected bankers and national traitors – were all created to bring about a the Vatican Fourth Reich.
US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128 reveals how Nazi Germany made preparations to bring about the Vatican’s Fourth Reich. A meeting of the principal German industrialists with interests in France was held on August 10, 1944, in the Hotel Rotes Haus in Strasbourg, France. The Nazi Germans made preparations to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground as Maquis. From then on the Nazi German government would allocate large sums of money to industrialists so that each could establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign countries. The UNO was the first to be established, followed by the creation of NATO (Nazi Germany’s new Waffen-SS military force), the IMF (International Military Fund), the World Bank (used exclusively for money laundering illicit funds from illegal arms trade and drug trafficking and the stolen funds from the fabricated US, and European debt crisis), G7, G8, G20 and other such post-war foundations. The Nazi Germans chose to establish the Vatican UNO (Italian for One) World government in exile under the protection and disguise of the United States. The US government at the time was more than happy to accommodate them (Operation Paperclip) in exchange for German nuclear bomb technology, ballistic missile technology (NASA formed by and headed by Nazi German Rocket scientist” Wernher von Braun ), Nazi German flying saucer and jet aircraft technology (Area 51 was created to develop, in secrecy, Nazi German aviation technology) and chemical weapons technology (at Fort Detrick 1943 – present – where they developed weapons grade anthrax, the avian (bird) flu virus, the swine flu virus, SARS).
It was immediately after the March 28–29 2008 Financial Stability Forum (FSF now called FSB) meeting in Vatican City, Rome that the US and European financial crisis began. FSF (Satan worshipping Club of Rome – a.k.a. Vatican Jesuits) membership including: the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands and several other industrialized economies as well as several Nazi German international economic organizations (the FSB, the IMF and World Bank) conspired during those 2 days – March 28–29 2008 – to defraud the World of $trillions using a fabricated global financial crisis and bring about the Vatican Fourth Reich a.k.a Fourth Holy Roman Empire a.k.a New World Order.
Agenda 21 implementation officially began January 1, 2001. 9 month later they began destroying nations to create a Global Communist community with the false flag attacks of 9/11. Land piracy by the UN has already begun in the US. The UN has divided the entire US into zones marked off-limits to human habitation and trespassing in accordance with UN Communist Agenda 21. In Canada, New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Premier David Alward recently created the Royal District Planning Commission in order to fraudulently steal private land from the New Brunswick people for the Vatican and its corporate interests. In the province’s new land registry parcels of land are fraudulently converted to Land Titles as “registered land”, for the interests of individuals and enterprises in a parcel. David Alward is now implementing the Vatican (Fourth Reich) Agenda 21 by converting private land for use “in the interest of society as a whole”. Land owners are being robbed by this illegal Land Titles conversion. The province, who represents the German Fourth Reich Queen Elizabeth II, is converting (title theft) privately owned land to the “registered land” of the Fourth Reich.
No nation’s elected leader can implement Agenda 21 because doing so amounts to treason. A national leader’s loyalties is to his or her country. To serve and protect their country and defend it from all attacks. Aiding and abetting a foreign nation or entity is punishable by life imprisonment or even death in a lot of sovereign countries. No nation’s leader is permitted to be a member of or participate in these anti-sovereignty and unelected organization – the UN, the G20, G8, G7, World Bank, IMF, NATO or the ICC – doing so amounts to treason. No treaties can ever be signed or ratified with any of them as they don’t represent any nation – their agenda is to destroy nations.
The Catholic Church has been trying unsuccessfully to form a permanent New World Order with a One (UNO or United Nation Organization) Central Government, a One World Bank, and a One Satan worshipping Roman Catholic Religion since the Bishop of Rome’s First Reich was dissolved by Roman Emperor Francis II after being defeated by Napoleon in August 1806. The First Reich (First Holy Roman Empire) was formally dissolved on 6 August 1806 when the last Holy Roman Emperor Francis II (from 1804, Emperor Francis I of Austria) abdicated, following a military defeat by the French under Napoleon (Treaty of Pressburg).
Napoleon reorganized much of the First Reich into the Confederation of the Rhine, a French satellite. Francis’ House of Habsburg-Lorraine survived the demise of the Empire, continuing to reign as Emperors of Austria and Kings of Hungary until the Habsburg empire’s final dissolution in 1918 in the aftermath of World War I (the Second Reich).
The Napoleonic Confederation of the Rhine was replaced by a new union, the German Confederation, in 1815, following the end of the Napoleonic Wars. It lasted until 1866 when Prussia founded the North German Confederation, a forerunner of the German Empire which united the German-speaking territories outside of Austria and Switzerland under Prussian leadership in 1871. This later served as the predecessor-state of modern Germany.
The German Second Reich and the Nazi German Third and now Fourth Reich were all ordered by and formed for the Roman Catholic Pope (Bishop of Rome). Reich has always meant Holy Roman Empire. The Germans are the Bishop of Rome’s modern day crusaders. Their mission is the same as the first Holy Crusades – to divide and conquer for the Bishop of Rome – the Beast, the Antichrist.
Google “Holy Roman Empire” and you will be given more than enough evidence to satisfy any court that the Vatican is behind the creation of the German Fourth Reich (a.k.a. New World Order, Fourth Holy Roman Empire). The Germans are following orders from the Bishop of Rome. Rome, Vatican City to be precise, is responsible for WWI, WWII, the Holocaust, the Korean War, the Cold War, the US Gulf Wars, 9/11, the US “Wars of Terror” in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US proxy wars in Somalia, Sudan and Lebanon, the US mercenary wars in Libya and Syria, the US and Global economic Crisis, the European Debt Crises, illegal UN sanctions against Iran and North Korea and for creating UNrest around the Globe. All is done to divide and conquer and bring about a permanent and Global Holy Roman Empire – Fourth Reich.
Compare images of the Washington DC’ Capital Building to the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica. Do they not look alike? Both have a dome atop Roman pagan temple columns and an Egyptian obelisks (the Washington Monument and the Vatican Obelisk) honoring the ancient Roman Sun god Sol Invictus – a reincarnation of the Egyptian Sun god Ra. Ra is depicted with the body of a human and the head of a ram. Ra is Satan. So both Washington DC and the Vatican serve Satan – they are the Seats of authority for Satan – in the Old World (Rome) and in the New World (Washington DC).
“Rome, Maryland, was the original name of a community within Prince George’s County, Maryland, which would eventually become Washington, District of Columbia. Specifically, Rome was the original community name of Capitol Hill, upon which the United States Capitol Building sits.”
The land of Washington D.C. was originally named Rome and a branch of the Potomac River was called Tiber Creek, which was named after the Tiber river in Rome. Like Rome, Washington D.C. has 7 hills, whose names are: Capitol Hill, Meridian Hill, Floral Hills, Forest Hills, Hillbrook, Hillcrest, and Knox Hill.
Jesuit bishop John Carroll (founder of Jesuit Georgetown University) allowed funding to construct Washington D.C. (which is nicknamed “Rome on the Potomac”). In 1669, the surrounding land which is now Washington D.C. belonged to a gentleman named Francis Pope, who called the area “Rome” and its river inlet “Tiber Creek”. Francis Pope was the sheriff of Charles County Maryland.
Map of Tiber Creek in Rome, USA
You won’t find the Tiber Creek on any Google map because the land on which the Washington Monument now sits use to be the mouth of the Tiber Creek. The Washington Monument marks the spot of the “hidden” Tiber Creek.