New Brunswick Premier David Alward’s shale gas is a confidence scheme, a fraud
Corruption, Latest news, World news Friday, September 19th, 2014
NB Premier David Alward – Can’t you just smell and taste our fracking profits?
Shale gas is a confidence game – a fraudulent scheme, devised by the New Brunswick government (Progressive Conservative Premier David Alward), Canaport LNG (75 per cent owned by Repsol and 25 per cent by Irving Oil Ltd.), shale gas fabricating companies like Corridor Resources Inc and PetroWorth (headed by former MLA Allan Graham – father of former Premier of New Brunswick Shawn Graham), and Enbridge Gas (the monopolized natural gas pipeline distributor for New Brunswick) for making a quick profit. Shale gas companies and their corrupt government accomplices have and are engaging in fraud in marketing a product that doesn’t exist in the first place. Shale gas is now being fraudulently marketed by the New Brunswick government because of a law suit and declining revenue for Repsol, Irving Oil Ltd., Corridor Resources Inc PetroWorth and Enbridge Gas. Because of natural gas companies dwindling profits New Brunswickers will be robbed of their life essential and finite supply of potable water and title to their land and poisoned to death from the toxic chemical fracking that forever contaminates their water and air supply.
On April 30, 2012 Enbridge Gas sued the New Brunswick government of David Alward for at least $650 million for what it claims are breaches of agreements and a failure to act in good faith (a.k.a. allow Enbridge Gas to make a profit). 9 months later David Alward formed the Royal District Planning Commission as agents of his government to steal land title and land rights of “private” land owners all across New Brunswick. The Royal District Planning Commission was formed by David Alward to seize “private” land as eminent domain (expropriation). Private land is being stolen by David Alward and delegated to third parties – shale gas exploration companies and the Vatican’s United Nations Organization (UNO – Latin word for one – a.k.a One World Government, a.k.a New World Order). The Royal District Planning Commission is now mapping land for eminent domain for shale gas exploration and at the same time administering an alien (foreign) political agenda – the United Nations Organizations (UNO) Agenda 21 – “Abolition of private property” – another “private” land ownership theft – .
The people of New Brunswick are opposed to shale gas as they have seen the devastating effects water fracking has on the water table of the Sussex NB area. Their potable water supply is consumed and rendered not fit for human or animal consumption. Fracking permanently poisons and contaminates the finite supply of fresh water. David Alward is now the Enbridge Gas’s paid spokesperson for fake shale gas exploration. Enbridge Gas used a threat of law suit to bribe NB Premier Davaid Alward and his government.
You can’t drill a shale gas well and strike a large pocket of shale gas. Shale gas doesn’t exist. Shale is dirt – to be precise a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles) of other minerals, none of which is gas or oil. Shale contains zero gas and zero oil. They drill and pour a mixture of water and very toxic chemicals (sulfuric acid) into the drilled wells and fabricate a fake gas called shale gas. The very toxic and life threatening thermochemical reaction underground causes the bond between the water molecules to break and liquid water is converted into the neurotoxin hydrogen sulfide gas – H2S
You can cause water to convert to its hydrogen fuel gaseous state – above ground using no chemicals whatsoever. Electrolysis of water does this using no toxic chemicals whatsoever and very little energy. Unlike shale (dirt) fracking, electrolysis of water creates no pollution – doesn’t contaminate the water, the land or the air. Unlike dirt fracking, electrolysis of water doesn’t trigger earthquakes nor poison our finite supply of drinking water. Anyone can make their own natural gas using electrolysis. This is the reason why the U.S and Canadian state, federal and provincial government are illegally promoting and selling a fuel that does not exist. Because anyone can produce their own natural gas for free governments are wilfully and deliberately committing fraud. Without oil and gas governments cannot enslave their people. That is why governments are conspiring with oil companies and are coactively committing fraud – falsely and fraudulently promoting and marketing a product that does not exist – shale gas.
How can you prove shale gas is a fraud? Cut off the water supply. Turn off the water to oil and gas shale wells and they no longer can “fabricate” this very toxic fake gas. Shale gas can only be fabricated (to concoct in order to deceive) by fracturing water (H2O). The end product is mostly H2S (Hydrogen sulfide) a colorless, very poisonous, flammable gas – a.k.a. shale gas. H2S and oxygen burn with a blue flame but forms and emits sulfur dioxide (SO2) – a major air pollutant which has significant impacts upon human health.

What shale gas really looks like. What investors are wasting their money on – dirt.
Apart from the environmental impact posed by the emissions from burning this toxic cocktail of hazardous chemicals there is the intentional, deliberate and illegal dumping of the very toxic and hazardous fracking slurry. In New Brunswick Canada this toxic slurry in dumped directly into the Bay of Fundy. From there it is carried, with the incoming and outgoing tides, to the coastal shores and tide feed rivers all along New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and U.S. East Coast States. Every day toxic shale gas waste is being pushed ashore by the tides where it contaminates and poisons the water supply for coastal cities and towns like Saint John, Moncton, Dieppe, Riverview, Amherst, Digby, Truro, Yarmouth, Windsor, Saint Andrews, Portland Maine and Boston Massachusetts. This spillage is as toxic as if not more toxic than the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This is intentional whereas the BP oil spill was an accident. BP was heavily fined and billed for contaminating the water and shores all along the Gulf of Mexico. BP was forced to clean up their mess. No one is being charged, fined, billed or forced to clean up the Shale Gas toxic waste dumping.
The Canadian Criminal Code is extensive in its coverage of corruption of officials of the governments of Canada and the provinces. The following are the primary offences dealing with the bribery of domestic public officials in Canada.
A bribe made to a public official in Canada to exercise influence or an act of omission in connection with government business is subject to a penalty of up to five years in prison. Section 121 is broad in scope and covers influence peddling. It prohibits bribes to or for the benefit of government officials by or on behalf of those who have dealings with the government. This section does not mention foreign public officials.
Everyone who, “being the holder of a judicial office,” corruptly accepts or gives or offers any money or other avaluable consideration in respect of anything to be done in his official capacity commits bribery. This offence is punishable by imprisonment for up to fourteen years. Section 119 covers the acceptance by or giving of bribes to holders of judicial offices or members of Parliament or of a provincial legislature.
Under Section 120, anyone who offers or accepts a bribe to a justice, police commissioner, peace officer, public officer, officer of a juvenile court, or employee in the administration of criminal law to facilitate the commission of an offence is guilty of an indictable offence. The punishment is imprisonment for up to fourteen years.
Is it just a coincidence that Enbridge Gas dropped its suit against David Alward’s New Brunswick government who is now marketing shale gas in New Brunswick for Enbridge Gas or did Enbridge Gas bribe the New Brunswick government and Davaid Alward? If a bribe was offered and Davaid Alward accepted it shouldn’t Davaid Alward be arrested for accepting a bribe?
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How is David Alward, JDI (Irving Oil) Enbridge Gas deceiving (defrauding) investors and New Brunswick voters with the confidence scheme (a fraud) called shale gas. They are falsely claiming shale gas exists by using false data provided by Shale gas exploration company SWN. Texas USA SWN tested for the deadly neurotoxin H2S (shale) gas on oil/gas laden asphalt to achieve a false positive
Absolute proof natural gas doesn’t create jobs, only pollution, is found in Sussex NB. No workers at this/any NG site
The UNO Agenda 21 is being secretively and illegally (constitutes treachery) implemented through ICLEI – International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives – founded in 1990, by the United Nations Organization’s (Nazi Fourth Reich) New York City, U.S.A. It’s Headquarters (commanded and controlled) from Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 7, 53113 Bonn, Germany – Nazi Third Reich aristocrats. Bonn is the command and control center for the Vatican (Holy See – a.k.a Satan’s Seat) Fourth Reich – Fourth Holy Roman Empire. In the later organization of the Roman Empire, the increasingly subdivided provinces were administratively associated in a larger unit, the diocese (Latin dioecesis, from the Greek term, meaning “administration“). In 1597 Bonn became the seat of the Archdiocese of Cologne.
ICLEI members have no legal nor political authority to implement nor enforce foreign policy. Agenda 21 is not law nor can it ever be law as it and its treasonous members seeks to steal land title and the natural resources on those lands from the population of targeted sovereign nation states including Canada and the United States. No country has made Agenda 21 law. More than 1200 cities, towns, counties, and their associations in 70 countries however have and are illegally working with the UNO (Fourth Reich) to implement and enforce Agenda 21. In Canada:
City of Calgary
City of Campbell River
City of Edmonton
City of Fort St. John
City of Fredericton
City of Greater Sudbury
City of Guelph
City of Hamilton
City of Iqaluit
City of Kitchener
City of Leduc
City of Montréal
City of Red Deer
City of Regina
City of Thunder Bay
City of Toronto
City of Vancouver
Durham Region
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Greater Vancouver Regional District
ICLEI Canada
Region of York
The Corporation of Delta
Town of Aurora
Town of Essex
Town of Halton Hills
Town of Oakville
Town of The Blue Mountains
For a complete list of member cities and organizations, visit ICLEI’s membership page –
The organization seeks to promotes the following programs for local-level adoption and implementation as described on their website.
the Rio Conventions:
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,
The UN Convention on Biological Diversity,
The UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Agenda 21
the Habitat Agenda
the Millennium Development Goals
the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
In 1976, the Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat One) declared that private land ownership and wealth are the primary reasons for social injustice. The 65 page socialist document recommended land use:
– redistribution of population in accordance with resources
– government must control the use of land in order to achieve equitable distribution of resources
– land use must be controlled through zoning and planning
– government must control excessive profits from land use
– urban and rural land reform should be done through public ownership of land
– public authorities should hold developing rights of land and should be separated from owner rights
The 1987 UN report, “Our Common Future” by the World Commission on Environment and Development focused on the policy of sustainable development: land use, education, and population control and reduction (a.k.a genocide – “the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, Caste, religious, or national group“). Sustainable Development made nature (not humanity) and its protection the central principle for all member nations.
The 1992 UN Bruntland Commission released the official UN Agenda 21 with its 40 chapters and the 178 nations who signed and agreed to implement UN Agenda 21 at the conference in Rio de Janeiro. Signatory for the United States was President George Bush.
Genocide advocating countries agreed that decisions must be made based on how they will affect the environment (not humanity). UNO Agenda 21 declares that “Property is evil and creates wealth for the rich at the expense of the poor. Business is evil, should be controlled by the community, while the owner is responsible, and pays taxes. Wealth was produced at the expense of the poor and must thus be confiscated and given to the poor. No private enterprise should exist, only public-private partnerships“. These ideas are tenets of socialism/Marxism – Obama’s policies and agendas are those of the Agenda 21 – creating a global community = communism.
UN Agenda 21 set out to abolish private property, control education, control and reduce population (genocide), and control the economy (orchestrated U.S. and EU Economic Crisis). The global plan is called “Sustainable Development.”
Agenda 21 contains policies that member nations must adopt such as demographics, settlements, sustainable communities, water control, land use control, role of business, energy control, role of industry, international mechanisms of implementing the agenda, and the institutions used to implement the policies.
In 1993, President Bill Clinton signed the Biodiversity Treaty. The treaty was used to implement UN Agenda 21 in the United States, “Creation of national strategies, plans, policies, and processes which are crucial in achieving a sustainable world.”
Con Man – A con artist, or a person who uses a fraud method known as a confidence trick – a swindle involving money, goods, etc., in which the victim’s trust is won by the swindler. Shale gas is a confidence game a fraudulent scheme, devised for making a quick profit.
Nov 25, 2011 CBC image of a Corridor Resources chemical and biologic agent fresh water tainting (fracking) McCully Field near Sussex, New Brunswick.
Mr Alward (Premier of New Brunswick) and Mr Allan Graham (father of former Premier of New Brunswick Shawn Graham), conspiring with oil and gas companies to intentionally poison the New Brunswick people’s potable water supply is a federal offence. It is called bio-terrorism, ecoterrorism and agroterrorism. Bioterrorism is defined as – “The threat or use of biological agents by individuals or groups motivated by political, religious, ecological, or other ideological objectives”. Chemicals and Biologic Agents are used in all fracking processes in New Brunswick. Some of the chemicals and biologic agents used in the hydrofracking process are so harmful to the environment, to the public, to livestock and wildlife that they are purposely kept as trade secrets by the industry.
Allowing fresh water tainting groups like Corridor Resources and PetroWorth to intentionally contaminate and poison our essential fresh water supply with very toxic and life threatening chemicals and biological agents makes you just as guilty of bio-terrorism, ecoterrorism and agroterrorism crimes against the people of New Brunswick. The fact tat you have been lobbied by these companies to promote their financial interest and goals using your political office also makes you guilty of corruption – i.e. conflict of interest, fraud, bribery, and anti-trust.
Mr Alward, you are guilty of conspiracy to defraud because there is no such thing as natural gas in shale. Shale is a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles) of other minerals – none of which contains free flowing “natural” gas.
Shale is 100% rock. There is zero water and zero gas in shale. Gas companies fabricate fake (one that is not authentic or genuine; a sham) gas by pumping a highly toxic chemical cocktail of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and fresh potable water, into holes in the Earth in the fracking process. The very toxic chemical reaction reduces water (H2O) into its gaseous state – hydrogen (H2) and oxygen, but in doing so taints these two natural gases with sulfur. Hydrogen sulfide gas and not natural gas is artificially being produced from the fracking chemical reaction. H2S (two hydrogen (H) atoms bonded with one sulfur (S) atom) is a colorless, very poisonous, and flammable gas that will burn readily with a distinctive blue flame. Alward, Corridor Resources and Petroworth are now actively and fraudulently peddling this very poisonous chemical reaction gas as natural gas.
The blue flame they are promoting isn’t clean natural gas burning it is the very toxic and poisonous H2S gas burning which produces toxic Sulphur Dioxide (SO2). SO2 causes severe airways obstruction, hypoxemia (insufficient oxygenation of the blood), pulmonary edema (a life threatening accumulation of fluid in the lungs), and can cause death. Acid rain is also created by emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.
Allan Graham, did you use your son’s tenure as Premier of New Brunswick to acquire fracking rights and permits in New Brunswick for PetroWorth, a shale gas company you now head? Influence peddling is the illegal practice of using one’s influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favors or preferential treatment. So are bribery, and conflict of interest.
Mr Alward, you and your Energy Minister Craig Leonard were elected to represent the people of New Brunswick, not the shale gas industry. You are now actively promoting the shale gas industry’s financial interests, not the immediate and long term interests and needs of the New Brunswick people. The Canadian Criminal Code includes offences which prohibit bribery, frauds on the government and influence peddling, fraud or a breach of trust in connection with duties of office, municipal corruption, selling or purchasing office, influencing or negotiating appointments or dealing in offices, possession of property or proceeds obtained by crime, fraud, laundering proceeds of crime and secret commissions.
David Alward’s Royal District Planning Commission = “Private” Land Title Theft
322. (1) Every one commits theft who fraudulently and without colour of right takes, or fraudulently and without colour of right converts to his use or to the use of another person, anything, whether animate or inanimate, with intent
(a) to deprive, temporarily or absolutely, the owner of it, or a person who has a special property or interest in it, of the thing or of his property or interest in it;
(b) to pledge it or deposit it as security;
(c) to part with it under a condition with respect to its return that the person who parts with it may be unable to perform; or
(d) to deal with it in such a manner that it cannot be restored in the condition in which it was at the time it was taken or converted.
When you buy a home or land, you buy the title to the property. A lawyer registers you as the owner of the property in the provincial land registry system. The Royal District Planning Commission was set up by Premier Alward to steal the title to your property and convert it for use by fake shale gas exploration companies and the Vatican’s United Nation Organization (UNO World government).
Extortion – “The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right”
Under the Common Law, extortion is a misdemeanor consisting of an unlawful taking of money by a government officer. It is an oppressive misuse of the power with which the law clothes a public officer.
What is Repsol and Irving Oil’s stake in this confidence scheme. Irving Oil and Repsol wants to convert the federal tax dollar funded Canaport into a fabricated shale gas export terminal.
“The required investment to enable Canaport to serve as an export terminal would be about $2.5 billion to $4 billion, according to estimates from an October report by Atlantica Centre for Energy, a Saint John-based energy think-tank.”
“The buyer may also be interested in turning Canaport into a storage facility, as “it is becoming increasingly profitable to store gas and sell during the winter or at peak prices,” said Ricardo Barcelona, who advises “for profit” executives on energy issues as managing director at Barcino Capitas Ltd.
Source of quote
Repsol, Irving Oil, Progressive Conservative Premier David Alward, Allan Graham (PetroWorth) and Enbridge Gas only has one investor in mind – the Canadian tax payer. They want the federal government to fork over $billion in tax revenue. They want you and I to finance their confidence scheme so that they can make a profit. There is absolutely no profit to be made if they have to pay for it themselves. Shale gas fabrication costs more than what they can sell it. Shale gas fabrication is the most expensive gas on the planet.
If the province goes through with this fraudulent fake gas scheme it will bankrupt the province of New Brunswick. It will make New Brunswick a toxic wasteland. It will kill off the wildlife. It will wipe out the fish stock. It will kill tourism as the beaches will be too toxic to swim in. It will wipe out the agriculture industry as they will be stealing and poisoning the New Brunswick water supply.