Link between sunscreen lotion and cancer
Health Monday, December 13th, 2010There’s mounting evidence of a link between ingredients in many sunscreens and skin cancer.
The Food and Drug Administration has been sitting on possibly damning data from government research studies since July 2009, Sen. Chuck Schumer revealed in June of 2010.
One study found tumors and lesions developed up to 21% faster in lab animals coated with sunscreen lotions containing certain derivative that’s in most of the 500 most popular sunscreens.
“If the product is doing more harm than good, people have a right to know – and the FDA must take action,” Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters at Hudson River Park.
The regular use of sunscreen lotion might provide some protection from sunburn, but it poses some very serious health risks – for ourselves and the wider environment.
The sunscreen industry is huge – worth billions of dollars annually. It rose to mega-profitability when a link was made between skin cancer and overexposure to the sun in the late 60’s/early 1970’s. Yet the incidence of skin cancer continues to rise even though these products are widely used. Logically, if incidences of skin cancer has continued to rise especially after sunscreen has been widely used for the past 3 decades, then sunscreen must be the reason.
An investigation by the Environmental Working Group of over 1,500 sunscreens and other sun-blocking products currently on the market found that 3 of 5 sunscreens either don’t protect skin from sun damage or contain hazardous chemicals – or both.
Take a look at this partial list of ingredients that can be found in many sunscreen lotions:
Aminobenzoic acid – carcinogen implicated in cardiovascular disease.
Avobenzone – carcinogen
Cinoxate – evidence of skin toxicity
Dioxybenzone – strong evidence of skin toxicity and carcinogen; hormone disruptor and has been found in waterways, soil and air. Has been shown to have a “gender bender” effect in animals
Diazolidinyl urea – carcinogen, endocrine, central nervous system and brain effects, skin toxicity and compromises the immune system
Ecamsule – carcinogenic
Homosalate – endocrine disruption
Methylparaben – interferes with genes
Octocrylene – found to be persistent and bioaccumulative in wildlife, liver issues and carcinogenic
Octyl methoxycinnamate – accumulates in the body, disrupts liver and is a carcinogen
Octyl salicylate – broad systemic effects in animals at moderate doses
Oxybenzone – carcinogen and contributor to vascular disease, may affect the brain and nervous system in animals
Padimate O – carcinogen
Phenylbenzimidazole – carcinogen
Phenoxyethanol – irritant, carcinogen, endocrine disruption
Sulisobenzone – strong evidence of skin toxicity, affects sense organs in animals
Titanium dioxide – carcinogen when in nanomaterial form
Zinc Oxide – bioaccumulative in wildlife, evidence of reproductive toxicity
Does it make any sense that in order to prevent skin cancer, we need to slap on carcinogenic compounds and chemicals that interfere with our immune and reproductive systems and that also pose a risk to the wider environment? Millions of gallons of sunscreen is consumed each year. After application, it doesn’t mysteriously vanish – it winds up either soaking into our bodies and accumulating there or is excreted (into the environment) or washed off; again – into the environment.
Nobody has proven that sunscreen helps protect against melanomas. Researchers have, however, proven that the ingredients used to make the sunscreen are carcinogenic. A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide or radiation, that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. In other words, sunscreen is actually causing cancer and other health and environmental issues.
One of the major problems with sunscreen is that in order to be effective (claimed to be effective but never proven) against less serious forms of skin cancer, you need to use a lot of it, and far more often than what the manufacturers recommend and regardless of what the SPF rating is. Why do they advise you that more is better? Profit. The more you lather on the more often you will need to buy another, and another, and another bottle of sunscreen lotion. Cha-Ching
I have never used sunscreen and I’ve worked outdoors 9 hours a day for the past 30 years and I don’t have any cancer or disease of any kind. What about you?
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