Predictions for 2013
World news Thursday, January 24th, 2013
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” ~ Ecclesiastes 1:9 Bible
Recorded history tells us that history repeats itself arbitrarily many times. What was written in the Bible many years ago will happen again, and again, and again,… .
History repeating itself is confirmed mathematically, scientifically and biblically. Each and every year we see history repeating itself. Each and every year plants grow, bloom and then die. Each and every year babies are born and people die. Each and every day the Sun rises and sets, as does the Moon and the tides. Each and every day we humans do exactly the same thing. There is no denying that history repeats itself, again, and again, and again, … .
Every so often empires rise and empires fall. The United States is now repeating the fall of the Roman Empire. Wars, debt and the threat of a tyranny caused the Roman Empire to fall. Wars, debt and the threat of a tyranny is now causing the United States to fall. But, history repeating itself can be delayed and even averted. All you need to do is right the wrongs.
For the United States they need to get ride of the debt causing Federal Reserve. They need to get rid of the CIA, FEMA, the DHS, the Patriot Act, COG, and the Federal Reserve Note. They need to recall their forces and stop meddling in the affairs of foreign states.
You can only defend and preserve your rights and freedoms from home. You only lost your rights and freedoms because you took away the rights and freedoms of the people of foreign countries. If you attack and kill others you can expect them to want to attack and kill you. If you take away their rights and freedom you can expect them to want to take away your rights and freedoms. Mathew 26:52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”
How will history repeat itself in the US. Will it fall as Rome did? Remember that Caesar was killed by his own senators. They feared that Caesar had become too powerful and wanted to overthrow the Senate in favor of tyranny. Caesar was the dictator of the Roman Republic at the time, having recently been declared dictator perpetuo ( dictator in perpetuity) by the Senate. Obama appears to be making plans to make himself dictator of the United States, with another false flag event. Do the US senators have the determination to prevent him from becoming a dictator and impose tyrannical martial law? Do the US people?
Find solace in the fact that a dictator is only a dictator for as long as you allow him to be one. Remember too that they have tried time and again to create a World Empire but have failed every time. Egypt tried and failed. Rome tried and failed. France tried and failed. England tried and failed. Nazi Germany tried and failed. Vatican State (the Holy See depicted atop the Illuminati (Sun worshipping) 13 steps Pyramid Scheme on the US Federal Reserve Note) – is desperately trying to create another Holy Roman Empire, a.k.a New World Order or Fourth Reich – but will also fail. Why have they all failed? J.F. Kennedy ~ “And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”
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