HAARP – weather modifying, earthquake inducing, election rigging WMD
Corruption, HAARP Sunday, November 4th, 2012
Lady Liberty trying desperately to keep the freedom torch burning.
In time the people of the United States will come to realize that Barack Hussein Obama used the HAARP weather modifying and earthquake inducing weapon of mass destruction (WMD) on them in October/ November 2012. In a very short time New Yorkers will come to realize that they are victims of another cowardly 9/11 false flag. This time their attacker is Barack Hussein Obama.
Barack Obama cannot blame this on any foreign country or fictional terrorist group. Obama is trying to blame God but the evidence clearly lays blame with Obama.
HAARP is, for all intents and purposes, a nuclear bomb – without the radiation and fallout. Because HAARP is such a destructive military controlled weapon (HAARP is a key component of the U.S. Defense Department Ballistic Missile Defense System.) only the president of the United States can authorize the use of HAARP in any attack. This attack (HAARP created and steered Hurricane Sandy – CIA cryptonym for SAD (Special Activities Division) + ny (New York) is far more destructive than George W Bush’s 9/11 as millions of New Yorkers and Americans were attacked. This time, instead of 3000 casualties there are millions.
History.com produced a documentary exposing the existence of HAARP and how it beams concentrated ELF/VLF waves into the ionosphere to affect the weather and as many scientists know, trigger earthquakes. HAARP stands for: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. HAARP is located in Gakona, Alaska and researcher and author Nick Begich refers to it as “Military’s Pandora’s Box”.
In this documentary it states that the US government has 3 HAARP installations, including one in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. That is where Hurricane Sandy originated from (created) and from where the Sea Base X-Band HAARP (SBX) steered Hurricane SAD NY up the US Eastern coast and into the US. The Arecibo, Puerto Rico observatory (image below) is called the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center. It is the world’s largest single-aperture telescope. The telescope has three radar transmitters that HAARP uses to manipulate and control the weather, The three radar transmitters have effective isotropic radiated powers of 20 TW at 2380 MHz, 2.5 TW (pulse peak) at 430 MHz, and 300 MW at 47 MHz. Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), also known as Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power, is the amount of power that would have to be emitted by an isotropic antenna (Arecibo, Puerto Rico) to produce the peak power density observed in the direction of maximum antenna gain. This ionosphere heating antenna can also be aimed. To aim the telescope, the receiver is moved.
Google Ben Livingston – veteran weather modification expert and former Navy Physicist during the Lyndon B. Johnson presidency. He has gone on record and revealed that for decades “the US government has had the power to both lessen and increase the severity of adverse weather for their own purposes”. He gives evidence of US government cloud seeding program to affect the weather as far back as the Vietnam War – “Project Stormfury”.
Project Stormfury was a US government experimental program on hurricane modification carried out between 1962 and 1983. The modification techniques involved artificial stimulation of convection outside the hurricane eyewall through aircraft seeding with silver iodide. The invigorated convection would compete with the original hurricane eyewall, lead to reformation of the eyewall at larger radius, and thus, through partial conservation of angular momentum, produce a decrease in the strongest winds. The project ended when the scientists determined that the acquisition of necessary ingredient for successful seeding, supercooled water, was just too massive and expensive to proceed. Project Stormfury was revived with the development of HAARP during the Clinton / Gore administration. HAARP heating of the ionosphere (active aurora) has the ability to create, manipulate and steer hurricanes. With the building of the Sea Based X-Band HAARP platform and the unmanned Boeing X-37B Orbital HAARP the US government can now target and attack any country in the World, including their own – Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy – and cause nuclear size devastation without radiation.
How hurricanes and tornadoes are created using HAARP
By manipulating the jet stream (pushing or pulling it off course) HAARP can modify the weather. HAARP can alter the path an existing high pressure weather system (clear skies) or low pressure weather system (storm clouds) anywhere on Earth just by heating the ionosphere over the target region.
HAARP can also create a column shaped hole with a diameter of 30 miles (from land (Alaska HAARP), sea (SBX HAARP) or space (X-37B Orbital HAARP)) that rises a couple of hundred kilometers through the atmosphere. The lower atmosphere then moves up the column to fill in that space, and it changes pressure systems below. The result of hot surface air being sucked up into the column to fill the HAARP created column shaped hole is a HAARP created hurricane (if HAARP column shaped hole is made over water) or tornado (if HAARP column shaped hole is made over land).
Even though the HAARP created Hurricane Sandy has already made landfall and is now gone Obama’s 9/11 is not over and done with. The attack is still ongoing. Millions are still suffering from the Hurricane Sandy attack as they still have no electricity and millions are now forced to start over and rebuild their HAARP destroyed lives. Millions have lost their democratic right to cast their ballots as Hurricane Sandy affected at least 24 states. Even with all this mass destruction FEMA and the DHS are still planning for and preparing for the next stage of Obama’s 9/11 – a HAARP triggered earthquake.
Short URL: https://presscore.ca/news/?p=2621
HAARP is best described as a nuclear bomb – without the radiation and fallout.
HAARP is used by the US government for one purpose – a geopolitical weapon of mass destruction. More destruction is caused by one HAARP attack than a dozen nuclear bombs. New York City and the US Eastern Seaboard today is proof of this. Japan and Haiti were also victims of this US Weapon of Mass Destruction.
Since September 2012 the DHS, FEMA, and other Obama government agencies have been planning for and preparing for a major earthquake. The DHS and FEMA held their first ever Great SouthEast ShakeOut earthquake drill on Thursday, October 18, 2012. http://www.fema.gov/news-release/fema-encourages-participation-great-southeast-earthquake-drill
Look at the accompanying mid page map for this event http://www.shakeout.org/southeast/ – Same areas hit hard by Hurricane SAD NY.
On Thursday, Oct. 18, at 10:18 a.m. PDT, more than 9.3 million Californians, including employees at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (built the UAVSAR Phased Array Aperture Radar – radiates a microwave beam) , Pasadena, Calif., “dropped, covered and held on” during the 5th annual Great California ShakeOut, the world’s largest earthquake drill. The purpose of the ShakeOut is to encourage people and organizations to be prepared to survive and recover when the next big earthquake happens.
The Central United States Earthquake Consortium Calender is filled with “post” earthquake training and exercises. http://www.cusec.org/news-a-events/events-calendar.html
November 3, 2012 the Missouri Wing of the Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, participated in a state wide earthquake disaster exercise. The drill simulated a 7.6 magnitude earthquake near New Madrid, Missouri fault. http://interact.stltoday.com/pr/non-profits/PR110312083310931
All this government agency chatter tells me and other intelligence gatherers that another false flag in the form of a massive “man made” earthquake is coming. Why this prediction? No one and I mean no one can predict when or where an earthquake will occur. You can however know when and where a man made earthquake is going to be induced. A man made earthquake needs people and equipment to make it happen and those people have to have a time, date and target. Everyone has to be synchronized. The military has to have a military time and date for them to prepare and execute the attack. If anyone or any hardware is out of sync then the operation fails.
A false flag attack to keep Obama in power is a major undertaking. It takes people and hardware. It takes a lot of money – mostly for bribes. It takes a lot of electrical power – HAARP transmitters need massive amount of electrical power to transmit for days and trigger a man made earthquake. But, it takes just one person to throw a wrench in and thwart this treason and treachery.
Earthquake requirements and seismic capabilities Eaton Corporation – “Seismographs are normally tuned to frequencies in the 1 to 2 Hz range. This is adequate for measuring the magnitude of the earthquake” … “A beneficial engineering practice is to design equipment with natural frequencies that do not align with the frequencies found in the earthquake time history. – Most earthquakes tend to include low frequencies (1 to 3 Hz). Eaton understood this phenomenon and designed equipment with resonance frequencies above those levels. All Eaton equipment is designed with frequencies above 3.2 Hz, which serves to minimize the amplification.”
This report tells us that Eaton knew and HAARP knows the seismic frequencies that accompanies natural earthquakes. Eaton purposely designed their equipment with resonant frequencies safely over and above the earthquake frequencies. HAARP, however, purposely designed their equipment with resonant frequencies that matches Earth seismic frequencies – 1 to 3Hz.
Earth’s seismic frequencies – 1 to 3 Hz – are only propagated at the precise timing of a natural occurring earthquake. Seismographs are tuned to those frequencies. That is how seismographs work. They are instruments that are tuned to detect Earth’s natural seismic activity frequencies. Earth does not transmit those frequencies for days or even hours before a natural earthquake occurs. Natural earthquakes only last for a few minutes and they only resonate at those frequencies for a few minutes too.
HAARP doesn’t have the electromagnetic energy Earth has to cause an instantaneous (natural) earthquake and for that reason HAARP has to transmit artificial seismic frequencies for days in order to trigger an earthquake. HAARP’s own induction magnetometer records are self incriminating. They give the World concrete evidence of them triggering an earthquake.
Had the X-37B Orbital HAARP launch not been scuttled the US would probably be under martial law now and the election suspended indefinitely. The launch was aborted on purpose. A lot of people in the US military want no part in Obama’s treachery. The launch was cancelled, not because of any technical glitch with the unmanned space weapon of mass destruction or its launching rocket but because of a another unrelated satellite launch. The launch was delayed until Nov. 13 and now Nov. 27 due to an ongoing investigation into a glitch that occurred during an earlier launch on a different rocket. You see, U.S. military law requires obedience only to lawful orders. Disobedience to unlawful orders is the obligation of every member of the U.S. armed forces, a principle established by the Nuremberg trials. Any attack against the US using a US military asset like the X-37B is unlawful – an act of treason.
Obama’s October Surprise was suppose to include a major earthquake. The United States Air Force X-37B was suppose to be in synchronized orbit over the US during Hurricane Sandy steered journey up the US east coast. While the Sea Based X-Band HAARP platform navigated Hurricane Sandy (Operation SAD NY) along the US coast the Boeing X-37B was suppose to intensify the hurricane and then trigger a major earthquake in the New Madrid fault system.
While Hurricane SAD NY was being steered ashore several small earthquakes did occur in that area. The USGS earthquake map provides the evidence. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ 3 earthquakes with magnitudes of between 2.5 and 2.9 were registered by seismologists October 29, 30 and 31. Because the X-37B launch was scuttled the HAARP land based installation in Alaska was used (activated as was made evident by their own Induction Magnetometer data) to try and salvage the SAD NY false flag operation. http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/scmag/disp-scmag.cgi?Bx=on&date=20121030 HAARP’s own Induction Magnetometer data shows sudden temporal variations in the geomagnetic field starting October 30, 2012 and lasting until November 1, 2012. HAARP was broadcasting (transmitting) ULF frequencies in the range of 1.5 to 3.0 Hz on those days. Those frequencies have been used in the past to excite the Earth. The excitation frequency of the transmitted pulse is typically between 1.5 and 3 kHz depending upon the amplitude of the local Earth’s magnetic field. Most natural earthquakes tend to include those low frequencies (1 to 3 Hz). HAARP scientists understood this phenomenon and designed HAARP with resonance frequencies of those levels. On October 29, 30 and 31, 2012 HAARP tried to induce a major earthquake. Luckily the US Air Force kept the X-37B Orbital HAARP grounded.
Boeing X-37B Orbital HAARP after it returned to earth. Notice the technicians wearing Bio-Hazard suits carrying geiger counter. A Geiger counter, is a type of particle detector that measures ionizing radiation. It detects the emission of nuclear radiation: alpha particles, beta particles or gamma rays. HAARP beams VHF (Very High Frequency) and UHF (Ultra-high frequency) radar signals into Earth’s atmosphere to manipulate the weather. The X37B was beaming ionizing radiation on its top secret military mission.
The X and B stands for X-Band. The 37 is the scintillation index at X-band (m = 0:37). X-band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The X-37B is an orbiting X-band phased array antenna consisting of thousands of antennae driven by transmit/receive (T/R) modules. T/R modules are multi-functional circuits that can transmit, receive, and amplify signals. While in orbit it can be maneuvered by the United States military to any part of the Globe whereby it is positioned to heat up the ionosphere above a target area.
The X-37B is capable of being positioned in a geostationary orbit over a target area so that it can launch a prolonged HAARP attack. The X-37B can also launch kinetic projectiles and warheads from Earth orbit to damage targets on the ground. The kinetic projectile can impact the Earth’s surface below at speeds of Mach 10. If you and I didn’t know any better we’d thing an asteroid struck Earth. Because of this capability the X-37B is also part of “Project Thor“. Thankfully it is grounded.