God’s eternal moral laws, U.S. laws and International laws finds Barack Hussein Obama guilty of mass murder.
World news Tuesday, October 4th, 2011![Obama broken laws](http://presscore.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Obama-broken-laws.jpg)
Obama swears to God to be eternally faithful to the law.
On Friday September 30, 2011 Barack Obama publicly and proudly confirmed the murder of American-born citizen and religious cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. His total lack of empathy and remorse for the murder of an American clergyman is a classic condition of Psychopathy. This isn’t the first time Obama has proudly claimed responsibility for the murder of another human being. Obama committed murder when he ordered U.S. Special Forces to murder, not capture, the unarmed bin Laden. This second murder of a U.S. born religious leader makes Barack Hussein Obama a psychopathic mass murderer. The United States Constitution forbids any murderer from holding office in the United States government. Murder is an impeachable offense. The Supreme Law of the United States recognizes murder as a high crimes and demands impeachment. Article 2 Section 4 states: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanor.”
The murder of U.S. citizen and cleric (a man devoted to God) Anwar al-Awlaki is a blatant violation of the United States Constitution. The 5th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
Barack Hussein Obama has clearly violated the Constitution of the United States. The unauthorized war in Libya and Yemen is a clear violation of the Constitution of the United States. For a president to knowingly violate the Constitution is a high crime, subject to impeachment.
U.S. Code TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 51
§ 1111. Murder
(b) Within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, Whoever is guilty of murder in the first degree shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for life;
Obama has also been found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. Crimes Against Humanity is legally defined as “Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated“.
Murder is deemed such a serious crime that it was intentionally named first in the list of crimes against humanity. The International Criminal Court (ICC) also lists murder first in its list of crimes that are deemed crimes against humanity.
For the purpose of this Statute, “crime against humanity” means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: (a) Murder;.
Murder is an impeachable offense. Obama has openly admitted to ordering the murder of American-born citizen and religious cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and Saudi national bin Laden. Both men were only accused of crimes by the United States government. bin Laden wasn’t even being sought by the FBI for the commercial airline hijacking on September 11, 2001.
Neither of the murdered men were ever indicted for any crimes. No indictments were ever filed in court against American-born citizen and religious cleric Anwar al-Awlaki nor bin Laden. To support an indictment, the government is required to present evidence that the defendant was the perpetrator or a party to the perpetration of the charged crime. No evidence has ever been presented by Barack Hussein Obama or his tyrannical government to a court against American-born citizen and religious cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and Saudi national bin Laden. Accusations by Barack Hussein Obama or his government is not evidence. It is conjecture. Neither men have ever been indicted nor convicted of any crime. There were no arrests, indictments or convictions because the U.S. government had no evidence against either murdered men. As far as the law is concerned they are both innocent men.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which they have had all the guarantees necessary for their defence.
In Canada, section 11(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states: “Any person charged with an offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal“.
In France, article 9 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, of constitutional value, says “Everyone is supposed innocent until having been declared guilty.” and the preliminary article of the code of criminal procedure says “any suspected or prosecuted person is presumed to be innocent until their guilt has been established“.
The Constitution of Russia, in article 49, states that “Everyone charged with a crime shall be considered not guilty until his or her guilt has been proven in conformity with the federal law and has been established by the valid sentence of a court of law”. It also states that “The defendant shall not be obliged to prove his or her innocence” and “Any reasonable doubt shall be interpreted in favor of the defendant”.
The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe says (art. 6.2): “Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law“. This convention has been adopted by treaty and is binding on all Council of Europe members. Every country member of the European Union is also member to the Council of Europe.
As far as the law is concerned Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of mass murder. Obama has publicly confessed to the murders of 2 innocent men. The confessions by Barack Hussein Obama in the court of public opinion is sufficient evidence for 2 indictments and convictions of murder in the first degree. Even God’s eternal moral laws forbids what Barack Hussein Obama has done. The Ten Commandments is God’s eternal moral law that has always existed, will always exist and shall forever be binding. “Thou Shall Not Murder”. Murder is an abomination – an exceptionally loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile act.
On September 30, 2011 Barack Hussein Obama committed the abominable crime of murder of United States citizen and cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. This murder should disturb every God fearing person on Earth. Obama murdered a cleric – a man devoted to God. The single most important belief in Islam, and arguably the central theme of Islam, is that there is one God. Allah is the Arabic (Islam) word for God whereas Deus is Latin (Roman Catholic) for “god” or “deity”.
“He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination.” (Proverbs 28:9).
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Can you imagine the PR nightmare for the Police and the Obama government if war veterans dressed in their dress uniforms and war medals marched with protesters. War veterans being attacked and arrested by the police. I can just see the World headlines now.
New York City cops facing off against highly trained combat veterans. I know who would win that battle. I also know who would suffer political defeat if that should ever happen.
If war veterans want to serve and protect their country this would be how they can do it and know for sure that they are supported by “the people”. Participating in numbers at all protests would also draw attention to the sacrifice they made and the neglect they received by their government on their return. War veterans lost their homes, their life savings, and limbs to the United States government. Thousands of American soldiers paid the ultimate price.
Do not ever forget that the Wall Street bankers financed George W Bush and Barack Hussein Obama and the Wall Street bankers gave the United States government the financial means to start the wars where thousands of Americans have been killed and tens of thousands maimed. No war can be fought without financial support. No war can continue without financial support. The Wall Street bankers are the ones who are responsible for Americans being killed and maimed in the Bush and Obama wars so the Wall Street bankers are the enemy of not just the American people but of all U.S. soldiers and veterans.
Alex B wrote: “I am an Iraq war veteran and I would gladly volunteer to serve and protect the people of the United States whenever and wherever they march to petition our government.
I went off to serve in a war thinking I would be making a difference. I thought I was fighting to safeguard our rights and freedoms only to come home and see that my own government was the real enemy and that they were the ones attacking my rights and freedoms and the rights and freedoms of my fellow Americans. I am sure thousands of war veterans would answer the call to accompany and protect my fellow Americans in their protests. I and every one who has ever served took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
My loyalty is to my country and to its people. Now that I know that my government lied to me and to the people of the United States I will gladly support and participate in such a noble and worthy cause of defending my fellow Americans in times of protests.”
Here’s a thought. How many protesters would be attacked, abused and arrested by the police if they marched on Wall Street or Washington with visible sidearms? How many protests would be heard if a well armed militia accompanied and protected the protesters? Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791 actually requires “A well regulated Militia” as it “being necessary to the security of a free State” It also states that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” I don’t think “the peoples” inalienable rights and freedoms would ever be infringed upon ever again if all protests were accompanied by a well armed militia.
California state law has different handgun restrictions for handgun owners and those with concealed carry handgun license. As of July, 2010, any person can carry a handgun in a public place as long as it is not loaded. Concealed carry license holders can carry loaded handguns.
In February 2009 the United States Supreme Court ruled that Americans have a right to own guns for self-defense and hunting. The court’s 5-4 ruling struck down the District of Columbia’s 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with gun rights under the Second Amendment.
“Gun rights advocates now have a fully recognized individual right to bear arms. But gun control advocates now have a Supreme Court ruling that declares that this right, like other rights in the Constitution, is not absolute. So we finally get some clarity in an area of the law that was begging for it,” writes CBS News chief legal analyst Andrew Cohen.
Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia said that an individual right to bear arms is supported by “the historical narrative” both before and after the Second Amendment was adopted.
The Constitution does not permit “the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home,” Scalia said.
If Barack Hussein Obama is not indicted for murder and held accountable for the felony crime of murder then every American must now arm themselves. If Obama is not held accountable for his crimes then all Americans can now conclude that there now exists reasonable fear of serious physical injury or death to themselves and to others. In the United States legal system, under self defense law, the statutes for the defense of self-defense allows a person to use reasonable force in their own defense, or the defense of others. A person may use physical force to prevent imminent physical injury. A person may use deadly physical force only when that person is in reasonable fear of serious physical injury or death. Reasonable fear of serious physical injury or death now exists in the United States and throughout the World.
As a direct result of Obama’s illegal murderous actions the United States people now need to exercise their inalienable right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The Bill of Rights as passed by the Congress states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” As ratified by the States: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Today all Americans must now not only keep but must openly bear arms. Obama has single handedly forced Americans to begin once again to walk their streets with a gun holster strapped to their sides. No longer will it be safe for any American to live and work in the United States. There now exists a reasonable expectation that they can be the next person ordered murdered by Barack Hussein Obama.