Canadian and US governments conspire with pharmaceutical industry to make us all life time drug addicts
Corruption, World news Thursday, May 23rd, 2013Every year millions of people in Canada and the United States are turned into drug addicts. Not by illicit drug pushers trafficking heroin, ecstasy, cocaine, opium, amphetamines and LSD on street corners, in alleyways and on school yards. By family physicians and their government bosses. Your family doctor no longer practices medicine, they are in the business of pushing very toxic and life threatening drugs for the pharmaceutical companies. They are no longer health professionals they are drug pushers. They are in the business of making money and the only way they can make money is by making you sick – for life. They prescribe and force millions to buy very expensive, dangerous and toxic drugs. These drugs don’t make you better or cure you. If you are healthy their job is to make you sick and life time prescription drug addicts.

Innocent victims of government drug trafficking for the pharmaceutical industry.
Government imposed inoculations, vaccines, insulin injections from birth
100,000 Americans die each year from prescription drugs. Tens of thousands of people are dying every year from drugs that were prescribed by family physicians. The pharmaceutical industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars on physicians every year. Your family physicians takes hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from the industry. Far too many of them are financially tied to the industry. Medicine is no longer about healing it is big business. Doctors are drug pushers, pushing prescription drugs for the pharmaceutical industry. Writing prescriptions is no longer about treating or healing his or her patient they are for his or her own financial benefit.

Insulin replaces heroin. More profitable than heroin. Government sponsored drug abuse.
More Americans die each year from prescription drug overdose than from illicit drug overdose. Hundreds of drug pushers are arrested, tried, convicted and jailed each year for trafficking of harmful drugs. Many are serving life sentences because the drugs they sold caused death. How many doctors, pharmacists or pharmaceutical drug company CEOs are in jail, serving time for causing the death of millions?
All prescription drugs do one thing – make you sick. If you buy into their sales pitch and start taking any of their harmful drugs you are well on your way to becoming a drug addict. Most drugs are not addictive on their own. The majority of these drugs are made addictive only by your doctor – when he or she falsely diagnoses you with a disease that isn’t a disease at all. In order to push these very dangerous and deadly drugs they now call normal bodily functions (like fluctuating blood sugar levels and blood pressure) and immune responses (fever) a disease. They fraudulently tell you there is no cure, only drug treatment so you must take the drugs they prescribe for the rest of your lives – thus beginning the very expensive prescribed drug addiction. They immediately write out a prescription for a drug that you don’t need and will do you more harm than good. But this is when you can protect yourself and your loved ones from a life-time addiction to these various types of poisons. What you do next determines whether or not you become a drug addict for life. You have a choice. You decide, not them, if you want to be treated or cured. A doctor cannot force you to buy or even take any drug. The moment you pay for these drugs and put any of these drugs into your body you unwittingly became a drug addict and your doctor is your drug pusher – for life.
Eating junk food all the time will make you sick and cause you to become fat – which will cause your breathing pattern, blood sugar levels and blood pressure to change – naturally – to compensate for the extra stress and excess body weight. You don’t need any drugs to make you feel better and “cure” you of these discomforts. You need to stop eating processed foods and start eating fresh foods. You need to start taking supplements if the foods you eat doesn’t have the nutrient your body needs to function normally. You need to go outside more. We are no different than plant life. We need a “daily” dosage of sunlight to keep us healthy. The Sun’s UV rays are necessary to all life on earth. Without it plants could not grow into the food we need as nourishment. Without it our skin can’t produce Vitamin D naturally. 20 minutes of sunlight exposure to your bare skin (with no added cancer causing sunscreen “oil”) makes 20,000 IU of Vitamin D. That amount is needed to metabolize excess stored fat (which was created by excess carbohydrate consumption) and energize you body so that it can prevent all diseases, infections and influenza. Vitamin D in large amounts is needed daily to break down the body fat that is stored between your body’s skin and muscles and convert that fat into the fuel your body needs to keep you healthy.
You body needs vitamins and nutrients (not drugs) to help keep it functioning normally. Vitamins and nutrients are free when you grow your own food. If you are not able to grow your own food vitamin and mineral supplements will help your body stay healthy. Brewer’s yeast, which was initially a byproduct of the brewing industry, is one of the richest sources of protein, B vitamins and minerals. Known scientifically as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, brewer’s yeast is available as a supplement in powder, tablet and flake forms. When yeast is grown for human consumption, it may be called ” primary yeast“.
Brewer’s yeast contains plenty of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B3. Brewer’s yeast is also a reliable source of chromium, which, as part of a molecule called the glucose tolerance factor (GTF), helps insulin to metabolize glucose. Diets high in refined foods, which often are stripped of their chromium, can lead to difficulties with glucose and the eventual development of diabetes or hypoglycemia.
“Supplements of greater than 200 micrograms of chromium daily may provide some improvement for glucose tolerance in adult diabetics,” wrote Patrick Quillin, Ph. D., R.D., in Healing Nutrients. “Six adult diabetics were given brewer’s yeast supplements, and their blood glucose and insulin levels were monitored. The chromium-rich brewer’s yeast improved insulin sensitivity in all six subjects as demonstrated by lower fasting blood glucose and lower insulin requirements.”
In another study, 43 diabetic men received either inorganic chromium, brewer’s yeast with GTF, brewer’s yeast without GTF, or a placebo in a double-blind format, according to Dr. Quillin. After four months of treatment, the group consuming brewer’s yeast with chromium showed improved insulin output.
“Something in GTF or the chromium that is found in GTF, or some other mysterious factor in brewer’s yeast, is able to improve glucose tolerance in many people,” Dr. Quillin said. “Researchers find that some people are not able to make enough of their own GTF from dietary chromium. For some people, GTF may be an essential vitamin, with deficiency symptoms surfacing as [low blood sugar], lethargy, or adult-onset diabetes.”
Dr. Quillin said brewer’s yeast, liver and intestinal flora produce lipoic acid, which is critical in the burning of carbohydrates, another reason that brewer’s yeast is so beneficial to those with glucose problems.
In a study conducted by J. Clint Elwood, Ph. D., professor of biochemistry at the State University of New York and Health Science Center in Syracuse, subjects who took approximately two tablespoons of chromium-rich brewer’s yeast each day for eight weeks lowered their cholesterol significantly. The average decrease was 10 percent, but some of the volunteers had considerably larger drops. For example, cholesterol levels for some went from more than 300 to less than 250, which at the time was considered normal.
“The higher the cholesterol level, the better the response was to the brewer’s yeast,” said Dr. Elwood. “But what interested us most was that what we consider to be normal cholesterol levels could also be lowered with brewer’s yeast. We still don’t know the best level of cholesterol for optimum health.”
Stephen E. Langer, M.D., author of Solved: The Riddle of Illness, advises hypothyroid patients to take vitamin B-rich brewer’s yeast and thyroid supplements, since, according to the theory of Murray Israel, M.D., a pioneer in thyroidology, B vitamins better equips the body to deal with outside hormones. “Oxidation is speeded up by the thyroid hormones, and the B vitamins are essential to efficient transport of oxygen inside the cells. Originally, Dr. Barnes [the late Broda Barnes, M.D.] used thyroid hormones alone — with success — but, impressed by Dr. Israel’s results, he added brewer’s yeast to his treatment.”
Since brewer’s yeast is such a rich source of protein, B vitamins and minerals, the supplement is useful in improving the health of people with a variety of disorders. For those who have difficulty acquiring a taste for brewer’s yeast, your local health food store offer a debitered version. The word “debitered” listed on the label means that after the dried yeast has been washed free of beer, is treated to eliminate its bitterness and make it more palatable.
Think about this. Would your doctor prescribe drugs if you couldn’t afford (no drug plan or personal funds) to pay for them? You’ll get your answer the next time you go and see your doctor. If you are on any drugs and you don’t want to be on them anymore and your doctor won’t take you off them (which is a violation of the law as he requires your consent) tell him or her that you don’t have any money to pay for them. Your doctor and pharmacist are just like the heroin, or Meth drug pushers. No money no fix.
If you stopped eating junk food and started eating the foods your body needs you would never need a drug pushing doctor. There is a cure for every known disease and ailment. Your Doctor is lying to you when he or she says there is no cure. You body can prevent any and all diseases, only if you give it what it needs – #1 is exposure to sunlight. Your own body is telling you “no drugs” every time you have a reaction to a drug. Your body knows drugs are toxic and every cell in your body is trying to get get rid of it or destroy it. Listen to your body and say “NO to Drugs”.
Over 25 years ago I was required to get a full medical checkup before joining the police force. At the time the examining doctor told me I had diabetes and that I had to start insulin injection treatment right away or risk losing my eyesight and or limbs and be prone to cancer and heart disease. Twenty five years later I am drug free and I have never been hospitalized, never had surgery of any kind, don’t wear eye glasses and have all of my original body parts. Why? I said NO to drugs – to insulin, to aspirin, to Tylenol, to vaccines, to flu shots, to cold medicines, to sunscreen “oil” – to the drug pushers sales pitch.
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Avoid foods that are sources of free radicals and destroy antioxidant polyphenols. Foods that are high in free radicals are deep fried foods, meats, and refined foods – particularly refined sugar (the fuel for cancer cells). Be sure to avoid overly cooked or charred meats and chemically treated meats such as bacon. Deep fried foods are notorious sources of free radicals, as the deep frying oil is continuously oxidized as it is heated. The fried food is also cooked at very high temperatures, so more free radicals are formed.
Even though chocolate is high in polyphenols (catechins, to be precise), sugared chocolate bars have little to no health benefits from those polyphenols. The cocoa content of most commercial chocolate bars is under 30% and the processing of commercial chocolate degrades polyphenol content, and the sugar contained within your garden variety bar negates the good any remaining polyphenols can do. Your best choice is dark chocolate – the imported variety.
Chocolate and cocoa, even though they are somewhat refined, are one of the richest sources of polyphenols – dark, bitter chocolate and unsweetened cocoa. Chocolate is made out of cocoa.
Chocolate is loaded with polyphenols and antioxidants. Eating foods with high polyphenol counts can reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease and help protect the body from chronic disease. Chocolate trumps the acai, pomegranate, cranberry and blueberry in polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity. Chocolate contains more polyphenols and flavanols than fruit juice.
Polyphenols are antioxidants. This means they assist in addressing and reversing the problems caused by oxidative stress to the walls of arteries (the problems themselves which are caused by activities like overeating), create a heart-healthy environment by curbing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (which stops the potential for atherosclerosis), and they help relieve chronic pain, as seen in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
Other sources of polyphenol antioxidants: honey; most legumes; fruits such as apples, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, pomegranate, cherries, cranberries, grapes, pears, plums, raspberries, aronia berries, and strawberries; and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, celery, onion and parsley are rich in polyphenols. White tea, green tea, olive oil, argan oil, bee pollen and many grains are also sources.
Cancer and disease fighting antioxidants are found in fruit, raw vegetables, tea, grains, seeds and wine.The alcoholic beverage wine is an important part of the Mediterranean diet, which is high in antioxidants. The antioxidants in wine are called polyphenols. Red wine, especially, is great source of polyphenols. There are over 200 polyphenols in Red wine. They change the chemical properties of blood plasma, making it more resistant to oxidation.
Italians have been drinking wines for centuries. They discovered long ago that wine was effective in neutralizing a high fat diet. A high fat diet, especially one high in saturated fats accelerates blood clots in the veins and arteries. The fat, blood platelets sticks to the arterial walls causing inflammation, which can eventually lead to death or disability from stroke or heart attack. Clotting is reduced by as much as 60% simply by consuming red wine in moderation.
In 1999, 1/3 of the global deaths were due to heart disease. This amounted to 16 million people. Cancer claimed 1/8 of the deaths – 6 million people. Further dementia, of which Alzheimer’s is a type, affects some 11 million globally, of which 4 million live in the US. These are all serious diseases that have to do with the rapid oxidation of cells. Wine, especially red wine, contains many antioxidants, which retard and prevent this overly rapid cell death.
Red wine is a associated with the “French Paradox”, which essentially initiated the discovery that red wine and other plant foods may be very important to health and prevent chronic disease. Red wine is a very rich source of the famous polyphenol resveratrol, which is present in high concentrations in the skins of wine grapes.
Beer is also a great source of polyphenols, and contains a great variety of polyphenols. This is because beer is made with barley as well as hops. Barley provides the majority of the polyphenols found in beer, but hops are an important source of a variety of polyphenols. For the highest concentrations of polyphenols, choose well-hopped bitter beers such as India Pale Ales or dark beers. Dark malt that is used to make dark beers provides melanoidin antioxidants that actually may help to keep the hop polyphenol antioxidants in the beer during the brewing process. Non-alcoholic red wine and beer are also available, and a good source of polyphenols as well.
What is the “some other mysterious factor in brewer’s yeast, (that) is able to improve glucose tolerance in many people” as asked by Dr. Quill in in the article above? Brewers yeast carries out the fermentation reaction which changes sugar to alcohol. Carbohydrates, are commonly referred to as sugars. So by ingesting brewers yeast our body is able to get rid of excess carbohydrates and convert the carbohydrates into much needed energy fuel and a natural blood thinning and bad cholesterol reducing alcohol.
Alcohol (in moderation) has been proven beneficial for good health. “One of the most consistent findings in recent nutrition research is that moderate alcohol consumption can improve health and lead to a longer life,” says Eric Rimm, Sc.D., associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Moderate intake of any alcohol beverages can cut your risk of heart disease by up to 40 percent, according to a review of more than 100 prospective studies from the Harvard School of Public Health. Much of alcohol’s benefit to heart health has to do with its ability to raise good (HDL) cholesterol, lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, and reduce blood problems that can lead to clogged arteries (and the heart attacks they cause).
A 2005 report published in Diabetes Care found that moderate amounts of alcohol – up to a drink a day for women, up to two drinks a day for men – reduces risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 30 percent. A drink a day keeps diabetes away?
Researchers from Loyola University found that moderate drinkers were 23 percent less likely to develop cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and other forms of dementia compared to non-drinkers.
Consumed in moderation, alcohol can have positive effects on cholesterol and blood sugar – the cause of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other life threatening diseases and ailments.
What do people with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and influenza all have in common? A Vitamin D deficiency. Why? Lack of direct sunlight exposure. Why are women and seniors more prone to disease and infections? Women work most of their lives indoors and seniors spend the rest of their lives indoors. Women work as house wives or office workers. Most of the daylight hours are spent indoors caring for children, cleaning, cooking, answering phones, typing and data entry. Women and seniors don’t get the life essential exposure to the Sun’s UV rays. Lack of sunlight is why women and seniors are prone to breast cancer, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, depression, heart disease, water retention, influenza, migraines, blood clots, pneumonia and other diseases and ailments. Why is sunlight exposure so important? Cancer preventing and cancer curing Vitamin D can only be produced in sufficient amounts with outdoors exposure to sunlight.
Vitamin D is a powerful hormone that regulates and repairs bodily cells. Vitamin D is needed for optimum functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems, increases white blood cell production and supports the prostate as well as healthy skin and bones. UVB rays from sunshine is essential to convert cholesterol in your skin to vitamin D. The skin cannot produce natural vitamin D without UVB rays. The people who receive $billions a year for cancer research knows that and because of this reason they are falsely claiming UVB rays are harmful. In order for them to keep on getting $billions from your government in the form of tax dollars funded health care bills they are telling everyone to lather on layers and layers of clothing and toxic sunscreen to block out the sun’s essential ultra violet light. They want us to cover our Vitamin D producing skin in order to interfere and prevent our body from fighting and destroying cancer cells.
A group of scientists from UCLA published a paper, “Toll-like receptor triggering of a vitamin D-mediated human antimicrobial response“, wherein they revealed that Vitamin D, a naturally occurring steroid hormone was a very potent antibiotic. Dr. Philip Liu and colleagues at UCLA wrote that instead of directly killing bacteria and viruses, the steroid hormone Vitamin D increases the body’s production of a remarkable class of proteins, called antimicrobial peptides. The 200 known antimicrobial peptides directly and rapidly destroy the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including all influenza viruses, and play a key role in keeping the lungs free of infection.
Every week around 10,000 people die of cancer. Government figures show the death rate for cancer deaths has not changed in the last 10 years. Chemo and radiation only extend the life, by a few years, of around 10% of the people treated. That means far more people die than are cured when Chemo and radiation treatment is used. That means as many as 90% of the people who have been diagnosed with having cancer will die. That statistic alone should be enough to warrant an immediate change in how cancer is treated. If there is only a 10% success rate then traditional treatment must be avoided and treatment with a much higher percentage of success must be used.
If the death rate isn’t alarming enough and cause for a change the cost of cancer treatment makes it imperative that we change tactics. The American Cancer Society (link – published estimates for the 2010 overall annual costs of cancer as:
Total cost: $263.8 billion – up from $228.1 billion in 2008
Direct medical costs (total of all health expenditures): $102.8 billion
Indirect morbidity costs (cost of lost productivity due to illness): $20.9 billion
Indirect mortality costs (cost of lost productivity due to premature death): $140.1 billion
These dollar figures gives the American Cancer Society a very good motive to 1) never report that there is a cure for cancer and 2) fraudulently claim that UVB rays from sunshine is harmful and cancer causing when in fact UVB rays exposure is essential for the body to produce vitamin D. A least 20 minutes of Sun exposure a day is essential for not only preventing cancer but also for “curing” cancer. If you have adequate amounts of vitamin D in your body, the cancer cells in your body stop growing and dividing uncontrollably, stops invading and destroying other bodily tissues, stops spreading throughout your body, and begins the process of getting rid of (curing) the cancer – naturally. Vitamin D, made naturally through skin exposure to the Sun’s UV rays, causes the cancer cells to lose their immortality, and begin to die normally. Cured of cancer using; no drugs, no radiation, and no Chemo.