British Monarchy ended with Edward VIII abdication
Corruption, World news Sunday, July 7th, 2013
German King of England Edward VIII reviewing a squad of Nazi SS troops
The German monarchy of England ended when Edward VIII abdicated on December 11, 1936. England’s statue laws, regarding the monarchy and line of succession, specifically requires the death of a crowned king and only a legitimate heir (a child he fathered) is to succeed him. According to coronation procedures and statutory requirements for the Coronation Oath: “On the death of the reigning monarch, the person entitled to succeed to the throne does so as soon as his or her predecessor dies, as summed up in the phrase: “The King is dead; long live the King!” Edward VIII did not die, he abdicated (quit), ending the German (Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) imperial control over England, Canada and all Commonwealth nations.

Third Reich = German ducal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Edward VIII and Adolf Hitler
As soon as Edward VIII made it known that it was his “intent” to abdicate he ceased to have any authority as monarch of Great Britain and its Commonwealth states. He violated his coronation oath and statute laws which required him to be King “for life” and upon his death his legitimate successor had to be his own child. Edward VIII abdicated with no children. Edward VIII could not make any laws that infringed on the line of succession laws. The Treason Act 1547 made it high treason to interrupt the line of succession to the throne established by the Act of Succession. Edward VIII could not and did not have the legal right nor authority to interrupt the line of succession to the throne and allow his brother to assume the throne.
A number of statutes govern the declarations and oaths which “must be made” by a new monarch. The monarch “must” make a solemn public declaration before he becomes a new King. The legal obligations surrounding the oath are set out in Halsbury’s Laws:
28. The Crown’s duty towards the subject. The essential duties of the Crown towards the subject1 are now to be found expressed in the terms of the oaths which every monarch is required to take before or at the coronation. The duties imposed by the coronation oath are:
(1) to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the dominions etc belonging or pertaining to them according to their respective laws and customs …
39. Statutory conditions of tenure. The descent of the Crown in the present line of succession is subject to certain statutory conditions as follows:
(1) a person who is a Roman Catholic or marries a Roman Catholic, is excluded from inheriting, possessing or enjoying the Crown, and in such case the people are absolved of their allegiance, and the Crown is to descend to such person or persons, being protestants, as would have inherited it in case the person so reconciled etc were dead.
(2) every person inheriting the Crown must take the coronation oath in the form provided by statute;
King Edward VIII abdicated for the sole purpose of (intent) on marrying a Roman Catholic. It is absolutely forbidden for the ruling King (or Queen) of England to be or marry a Roman Catholic. Edward VIII’s “intent” on marrying a Roman Catholic, immediately excluded him from “inheriting, possessing or enjoying the Crown”. As soon as he made his intentions known he was immediately dethroned and absolved of his allegiance and authority. The Crown was to descend to such person or persons, being protestants, as would have inherited it in case the person so reconciled etc were dead. Edward VIII had no children who could have inherited the throne upon his death. The Crown could only be passed down to his “own” children. His brother could not be crowned King and become King George VI, according to statute law. Therefore, The British Monarchy ended when Edward VIII abdicated on December 11, 1936.
Edward VIII, George VI and Elizabeth II guilty of High Treason
Under the law of the United Kingdom offences constituting high treason include committing adultery with the sovereign’s consort (any extra-marital affairs with Nazi German schooled Prince Philip), or with the wife (Princess Diana) of the heir to the throne (Prince Charles) and attempting to undermine the lawfully established line of succession.
Edward VIII committed high treason by attempting to undermine the lawfully established line of succession. He had no children and he married Roman Catholic. When he abdicated, with no legitimate heirs (children he fathered), the English monarchy ended. The moment he made it known the he intended on marrying a Roman Catholic, the monarchy ended. Edward VIII had no authority to undermine the lawfully established line of succession. He was stripped of any and all legal authority when he made his intentions known that he would marry a Roman Catholic. The lawfully established line of succession requires that he die and one of his own children would inherit the throne. The lawfully established line of succession absolutely forbids any monarch from marrying or being a Roman Catholic. He did not die, he abdicated. Having no heirs (children of his own) his brother George VI could not become king as it unlawfully undermined the established line of succession.
Monarchs of Great Britain are forbidden from being or marrying a Roman Catholic. A Roman Catholic cannot be crowned ruler of Great Britain. Statute law states:
39. Statutory conditions of tenure. The descent of the Crown in the present line of succession is subject to certain statutory conditions as follows:
(1) a person who is a Roman Catholic or marries a Roman Catholic, is excluded from inheriting, possessing or enjoying the Crown, and in such case the people are absolved of their allegiance, and the Crown is to descend to such person or persons, being protestants, as would have inherited it in case the person so reconciled etc were dead.
The law is clear – “the Crown is to descend to such person or persons, being protestants, as would have inherited it in case the person so reconciled etc were dead.” Edward VIII did not die. Edward VIII had no children of his own to inherit the the Crown and he married a Roman Catholic. Elizabeth is not and never was the lawful heir to the Crown. Her father was not and never was the lawful heir to the Crown either. Both are ruling unlawfully. Both assumed the Crown under false pretense – “False representations of material past or present facts, known by the wrongdoer to be false, and made with the intent to defraud a victim into passing title in property to the wrongdoer.“
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Need more proof that the Roman Catholic Church has taken over the Church of England? Look what the Usurper Royal family wears. The Roman Catholic Crusader (divide and conquer) The Order of the Garter (Knights of the Garter) is an elite medieval Chivalric organisation, whose members wear a uniform bearing the red cross of England upon a white shield, an emblem which dates back to the Roman Catholic’s Knights Templar. The Knights of the Garter are the inner sanctum, the elite of the elite of the Roman Catholic Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
Prince William was made the 1,000th member of the Roman Catholic Church’s Order of the Garter on 16 June 2008
The British Monarchy ended with Edward VIII. “a Roman Catholic or marries a Roman Catholic, is excluded from inheriting, possessing or enjoying the Crown, and in such case the people are absolved of their allegiance, and the Crown is to descend to such person or persons, being protestants, as would have inherited it in case the person so reconciled etc were dead.”
In 1948, to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the founding of the Roman Catholic Order of the Garter, King George VI (Queen Elizabeth II’s father and illegitimate heir of the crown) illegally reinstated Roman Catholicism in Protestant England. Today the Order has returned to its original function as a mark of the beast – the cross of the unholy Satan (Sun, Star, Aries, Ram, Ra, Lucifer) worshiping Roman Catholic Church. Notice the cross overlaying a grand cross star. A star is a distant Sun. The German King and Queen of England are the only ones allowed to wear this version of the Order of the Garter. The Grand Cross is the highest grade in many orders of knighthood. They are devoted to Satan. They have been knighted by the Roman Catholic Church as defenders of the Roman Catholic Church and soldiers of Satan. The Roman Catholic Church today is internationally known as the Holy See (Sancta Sedes in Latin, abbreviated as SS, Sedes means seat) a.k.a Satan’s Seat
Monarchs of Great Britain are forbidden from becoming or marrying a Roman Catholic. A Roman Catholic cannot be crowned ruler of Great Britain. Statute law states:
39. Statutory conditions of tenure. The descent of the Crown in the present line of succession is subject to certain statutory conditions as follows:
(1) a person who is a Roman Catholic or marries a Roman Catholic, is excluded from inheriting, possessing or enjoying the Crown, and in such case the people are absolved of their allegiance, and the Crown is to descend to such person or persons, being protestants, as would have inherited it in case the person so reconciled etc were dead.
Usurper Queen Elizabeth of the German ducal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is not and could not be the sovereign Queen not only because of the Edward VIII abdication, which ended the British monarchy, but because she married a Roman Catholic – Prince Philip. Prince Philip is Roman Catholic. He was schooled by the Hitler Youth. The main requirement for enrollment at a Hitler Youth school was that the child had to be born and raised as a Roman Catholic. The Hitler Youth was formed as a joint venture between Hitler and Pope Pius XI (Holy See) and the newly created Vatican City State (formed with the signing of the Lateran Treaty in 1929).
The Reich Concordat 1933 – Concordat Between the Holy See and the German Reich
July 20, 1933
“His Holiness Pope Pius XI and the President of the German Reich, moved by a common desire to consolidate and enhance the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich, wish to regulate the relations between the Catholic Church and the State for the whole territory of the German Reich in a permanent manner and on a basis acceptable to both parties. They have decided to conclude a solemn agreement, which will supplement the Concordats already concluded with certain individual German states, and will ensure for the remaining States fundamentally uniform treatment of their respective problems. “
Roman Catholic Nuncio to Germany,Cesare Orsenigo, with Von Ribbentrop and Hitler, in January 1939. After the concordat, he was instructed by Pope Pius XI to strongly urge all German bishops to support Hitler’s regime.
By 1939 more than 10,000 Catholic schools in Germany had been closed and replaced with Hitler Youth schools. The Hitler Youth school doctrine was Roman Catholicism. The Hitler Youth children where trained to become the soldiers of the Catholic Church – the SS.
The Holy See in Latin is Sancta Sedes, in Italian it is Santa Sede, or SS. Himmler used the Vatican’s Jesuits as the model for the SS. The Jesuits are a Military Religious Order of the Roman Catholic Church, so too were the Nazi SS. The Nazi SS, also known as the “SS” became the “Knights of the Holy See” – a Roman Catholic spiritual and military order – in 1933. They were formed with the signing of the “sacred” Reich Concordat specifically through the application of Articles 1,12,15,21 and 33 with the enaction of Clause (c) of the “Secret Supplement” of the Concordat between Franz von Papen (on behalf of Nazi Germany) and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII).
The term Nazi was first publicly used as the rebranded name for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) in 1933 when devout Catholic leader – known as “Father” or Führer–(Fr.) Adolf Hitler assumed office as German Chancellor.
The Nazi SS first Superior General was Reichführer (Superior Father/General) Fr. Heinrich Himmler S.J. Himmler was in attendance at the signing ceremony of the Reich Concordat in Rome (1933). Under the Reich Concordat, the Reichführer – having the same rank as a Senior Roman Catholic Cardinal – is the superior to the Führer, the “lay” representative of the Nazi (Knights).
As a military order of the Roman Catholic Church, the Knights of the Holy See (Nazi SS) were bestowed by the “infallible” legal orders of the Roman Pontiff on behalf of the Mother Church to wage constant Holy Inquisition against all heretics, including assassinations, torture and counter-intelligence, to protect the name of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and directly represent the interests of the Holy See as its primary order of Holy Knights– the SS (Sedes Sacrorum or Holy See)
As the primary Roman Catholic spiritual order charged with carrying out the executions of the Holy Inquisition, the Knights of the Holy See (Nazi SS) were tasked with rounding up large numbers of people (rendition), depriving them of their rights (habeas corpus) on false claim of being heretics and killing them.
As a spiritual order of the Roman Catholic Church, the Nazis — like the Jesuits – were bestowed with the extraordinary Roman Catholic grace of being forgiven for all their mortal sins (therefore can go to Heaven) that “unfortunately” must be done in order to observe its temporal orders.
As members of a Catholic Order holding the equivalent spiritual powers of Priests, Bishops and even Cardinals (e.g. Fr Himmler S.J.), the Knights of the Holy See (Nazi SS) have historically murdered heretics by sacrificing them in formal religious ceremony. This is why over 18 million (includes 12 million non-Jews) innocent people were burnt alive in ovens in Russia and Poland during World War II – as the single largest mass human sacrifice in history.
The Vatican’s current Apostolic Nuncio to Germany is His Excellency Jean-Claude Périsset, who was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI on October 15, 2007, seen here with Fourth Reich Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler)
Reinhard Schweppe, the German ambassador to the Holy See
As the Nazi SS order (“Knights of the Holy See”) were formed by a formal Papal act and Deed in the form of the Reich Concordat 1933, the continued existence of the Nazi SS Order is conditional upon this legal document remaining enacted. Given the German Government and Holy See (Vatican) continue to honor this Concordat to this day, the SS remains legally and technical still enacted, now bestowed unto a number of new organizations – the CIA (Catholic Intelligence Agency), DHS, MOSSAD, CSIS (Catholic Security Intelligence Service), and Mi5.
The DHS was actually created under George W Bush (real name is George Scherf III. German born George Scherf assumed the SAMUEL BUSH FAMILY genealogy with the name PRESCOTT SHELDON BUSH – claiming to be the youngest son of Samuel Prescott Bush and Flora Sheldon. They used the 1900 US Federal Census to officially make Prescott Bush a natural born US citizen by substituting his name where Robert Samuel Bush’s name was originally) as the department in charge of implementing and enforcing the Doctrines of the Holy See in the United States – as the Department of the Holy See (DHS).
English Grand Master (Reichführer)Fra Matthew Festing (11th March 2008) carries the rank of a Cardinal and, with his plenary power over the 15,000 Knights and Dames worldwide, executes the commands given by Pope Benedict XVI advised by his Jesuit master, Adolfo Nicolas (Superior General of the Society of Jesus – Black Pope) aided by former Jesuit General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach (resigned as Black Pope on January 14, 2008). The Knights are subordinate to their Grand Master; the Grand Master is subject to the Pope; the Pope is subordinate to the Jesuit Superior General; and the General, advised by his Ten Jesuit Assistants and his Roman blue-blooded, Ten man, High Jesuit Council, is subordinate to Satan – “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4)
Prince Philip is a high ranking officer of the Vatican’s (Roman Catholic) Nazi SS Order. The marriage between him and Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg and Gotha forfeited the crown for violation of statute royal assent law – (1) a person who is a Roman Catholic or marries a Roman Catholic, is excluded from inheriting, possessing or enjoying the Crown.
In his or her coronation oath, the Sovereign promises to maintain the Church of England. The Sovereign must be in communion with the Church of England, that is, a full, confirmed member. The Preface to the 39 Articles of the Church of England describes the monarch as ‘being by God’s Ordinance, according to Our just Title, Defender of the Faith and … Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Usurper Queen Elizabeth II’s father, George VI, was the second son of King George V, and was therefore not the heir apparent to the throne. The legal heir to the throne, upon George V’s death, was George V’s eldest son, Edward. Edward ascended the throne as Edward VIII on the death of his father in 1936. The next legal heir apparent to the throne would have had to have been a child of Edward, not his brother. An heir apparent or heiress apparent is a person who is first in line of succession and cannot be displaced from inheriting, except by death or a change in the rules of succession. Edward VIII didn’t die. He forfeited the Crown and the British monarchy ended in 1936 with his abdication because of rules of succession.
In politics, members of ruling noble houses may be heirs of a living person, called heirs apparent. In law, however, a person does not become an heir before the death of the decedent, since the exact identity of the persons entitled to inherit is determined only then. Since Edward VIII didn’t die no one else could legally “inherit” the title (identity) king.
When Edward VIII abdicated he immediately lost all royal titles and privileges associated with the Crown. He could not assume, be granted nor enjoy the title Duke of Windsor as a Duke “inherits, possesses or enjoys” a crown. Duke is a title that has traditionally been associated with the Royal family – the Crown. Furthermore, all allegiance to him (as king or monarch) was also stripped.
Coronation Oath:
39. Statutory conditions of tenure. The descent of the Crown in the present line of succession is subject to certain statutory conditions as follows:
(1) a person who is a Roman Catholic or marries a Roman Catholic, is excluded from inheriting, possessing or enjoying the Crown, and in such case the people are absolved of their allegiance.
legal precedence:
The Germany monarchy ended in Germany on 9 November 1918 with Wilhelm (William) II’s abdication. The German Second Reich was just defeated in World War I. A revolution broke out, the ‘German Revolution’ and Wilhelm II abdicated and fled into exile to the Netherlands. There hasn’t been a monarchy in Germany since then even though William II had heirs (seven children, including six sons, and one daughter). Why didn’t any of his 7 children (legitimate heirs to the throne) succeed Wilhelm? Statute law dictates that being a King (or Queen) is for life. Abdication is a forfeiture of the monarchy – violation of statute laws. Even kings and queens are bound by law.
German Monarchy –