Antipope Francis personally ordered Ukrainian coup to kill EU exit / $15 billion Russian deal
Heinous Crimes, World news Wednesday, March 5th, 2014
antipope Francis shakes hands with José Manuel Barroso
president of the Catholic Church imposed European Commission as
ousted Vatican money laundering Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone looks on
In December of 2013 Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow agreed to buy $15 billion worth of Ukrainian government debt and allow for a 33% gas discount in the price Ukrainians pay for Russian natural gas. This posed a very serious threat to the Catholic Church International Monetary Fund (IMF). The people of Ukraine would no longer be enslaved by interest bearing debt owed to the Pope via loans from the Catholic Church IMF. The Ukrainian people would have more money in their pockets with the Russian $15 billion debt purchase and 33% gas discount. As of January 1, 2014 Ukraine started buying Russian gas for $268 instead of $400 per 1,000 cubic meters.
The Russian government agreed to buy $15 billion in Ukrainian debt by investing in Ukrainian bonds using money from Russia’s Welfare Fund. “For the purpose of supporting the Ukrainian budget the Russian government has made a decision to invest part of the National Welfare Fund, to the tune of $15 billion, in Ukrainian government securities,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said. Ukraine “is our fully-fledged strategic partner beyond any doubt,” Putin said at the meeting, where the two presidents signed 14 separate agreements on space, engineering, defense and trade.
The Russian deal between Russia and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich was very good for Ukraine and its people. The financial deal was very bad for the Catholic Church IMF so the Catholic Church ordered members of its military orders in Kiev Ukraine to honor their oaths and take to the streets and shed blood for the Catholic Church. The orders to wage war against Ukraine and overthrow elected President Viktor Yanukovich came directly from antipope Francis.
A day after at least 75 people were reported killed in clashes between police and protesters in Ukraine’s capital, antipope Francis asked the College of Cardinals to send a message of support to the two Ukrainian cardinals waging war against the elected Ukrainian government.
“I want to send a greeting, not just in my name, but in the name of all, to the Ukrainian cardinals — Cardinal (Marian) Jaworski, archbishop emeritus of Lviv, and Cardinal (Lubomyr) Husar, major archbishop emeritus of Kiev — who are suffering very much these days because of the many difficulties in their homeland,” the antipope told the cardinals at the beginning of a meeting to discuss the family on February 21, 2014. Within this message antipope Francis was instructing the Ukrainian cardinals to continue to wage “relentless war” against Ukraine. The message was telling the Ukrainian cardinals to use his name to entice Ukrainian Catholic bishops, priests and parishioners to take to the streets and incite violence in his name.
Now that the Catholic Church has caused major destruction to the Ukrainian capital and has overthrown the elected Ukrainian government and installed an unelected pro-EU government the Catholic Church IMF is now forcing the Ukrainian people to take on a 11 billion euros ($15 billion) interest bearing debt owed to the Pope. The announcement was made by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. The announcement is contingent on Ukraine signing a deal with the International Monetary Fund.
Not only do the people of Ukraine have to pay off a $15 billion debt to the Pope through the Pope’s IMF the Ukrainian people will also have to pay off the debt that Russia offered to buy last December. The Catholic Church forced Ukraine into bankruptcy as a direct result of the Catholic Church deadly violence in Kiev, Ukraine. Ukrainians are now forced to pay a Catholic Church IMF debt that is rigged to never be paid as well as high energy costs. Both debilitating financial hardships have been fueled by the Catholic Church which has crippled the economy of Ukraine for decades.
Additionally, the Catholic Church imposed the trade sanctions that Ukraine would have received had it signed an association agreement with the EU. An agreement that the Yanukovich government refused to sign in 2013 at the 28–29 November EU summit in Vilnius.
Because of antipope Francis ordered coup the Ukrainian people will also be forced to buy, at an inflated price, gas only from the EU, via “reverse flows” of gas from the EU.
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The Italian government, the ICC and Interpol has a legal duty and obligation to arrest both Pope Benedict XVI and antipope Francis for the crimes of sedition, insurrection and treason against Ukraine. The Catholic Church is violating International, Ukrainian, Italian and EU law by unlawfully interfering with the right of the elected government of Ukraine to decide to exit the Vatican European Union. The Treaty of Lisbon provides for a mechanism for voluntary and unilateral withdrawal from the European Union. All European Union states have the “unilateral right” to withdraw from the European Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements. The Catholic Church incited violence and overthrew the elected Ukraine government. The actions of the Catholic Church against Ukraine are deemed by law to be acts of sedition, insurrection and treason against Ukraine. Italian law defines treason as “crimes against the international personhood of the State such as Attempt against wholeness, independence and unity of the State (art.241), Hostilities against a foreign State bringing the Italian State in danger of war (art.244), Political or military espionage (art.257).” The illegally ousted Ukrainian government had the right to exit the EU. In accordance with the Treaty on European Union (Article 50): “Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” The United Kingdom government, another Vatican EU member state, has publicly stated that it too will also exercise that right.
How is the EU suddenly able to offer $billions in interest bearing loans to Vatican occupied EU states? Where are these $billion IMF loan funds coming from? From the $16 trillion that was stolen by the United States Federal Reserve and money laundered through the Vatican Crown Corporation Bank of Canada to the 1855 Catholic Church Pope (the Crown) established City of London Corporation to the Vatican bank and the Vatican’s IMF and World Bank.
The Vatican’s IMF is going to enslave Ukraine with money that was stolen from the United States people. Yesterday Barack Obama promised the Vatican EU and the Vatican installed Ukrainian government that he will give away another $billion. Another $billion, in interest bearing debt, has been imposed on the American people. Any and all money that the U.S. government gives to foreign states is added to the National Debt of the United States people.
Aren’t you glad Obama is giving away your $billion to support the illegal and bloody Vatican coup in Ukraine. Your $billion interest bearing debt is supporting the political and financial interests of a foreign states – Vatican City State – and its head of state – antipope Francis. Your $billion is being used to take away the political, religious and financial freedoms of the Ukrainian people.
Russia hasn’t attacked and destroyed any building in Ukraine nor killed anyone in Ukraine. The Vatican City State has. Who is the real enemy here? Not the one who offered Ukraine cheap gas and a $15 billion investment. Antipope Francis is, for he ordered his serpents to kill Ukrainians and overthrew the elected government of Ukraine to prevent it from exiting the Vatican occupied EU.
To ensure that Russia doesn’t offer cheap oil and gas to Ukraine and other Catholic Church EU occupied states, agents of the Catholic Church set Russia’s largest oil refinery ablaze yesterday in Tatarstan, Russia. Damage caused by numerous fires at the Nizhnekamsk refinery will likely take at least two months and probably stop production according to Russia’s Emergency Ministry and an industry source.
The refinery was set ablaze just prior to the EU announcing imposition of a $15 billion IMF loan payable to the Pope and forcing Ukrainians to buy oil and gas only from the EU.
If this were an accident the fires would have been confined to one area, not throughout the entire refinery as is evident from the image of the refinery fires above. The image above reminds many of the day the United States unlawfully attacked Baghdad Iraq on March 19, 2003.
This Russian owned and controlled Nizhnekamsk refinery is the largest oil and gas supplier for Europe and the Vatican occupied EU. Many of the Vatican’s European Union states rely on the oil and gas from that Russian owned refinery. Any drop in oil supply would mean a hike in oil and gas prices. Now that the largest oil and gas supplier for Europe is put out of commission the Vatican will force its occupied European states to only buy oil and gas from Vatican EU controlled oil refineries. Most of Libya’s crude oil is now exported to EU controlled refineries after the Libyan government was unlawfully overthrown, its leader summarily executed and its oil and gas taken over by the Vatican in the Canada, U.S. and France 2011 war of aggression and coup against Libya.
If the Vatican intends to cripple Russia by cutting off oil and gas revenue from Ukraine and other Vatican occupied states, it failed. The Russian oil and gas that was going to Vatican occupied Europe will now go to China. Last year Moscow and Beijing signed 21 trade agreements, including a new 100 million metric ton oil export deal to China worth $85 billion during a state visit by then Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. China is also set to invest $20 billion in Russian infrastructure projects including highways, ports, and airports. “We can even reach 150 billion, 200 billion dollars or more,” said Medvedev about the bilateral trade target that the two countries have set for 2015. Last year, Rosneft, Russia’s state-controlled energy giant, inked a $270 billion agreement to double oil supplies to China. The deal was one of the biggest in the history of the global oil industry. Russia will simply looking eastwards for energy exports and the Vatican occupied European states will revolt this summer against the Vatican EU over high oil and gas prices.
Cardinals have a sworn duty to the Catholic Church. The red color of the three-pointed hat, or biretta, and the scarlet cassock that cardinals wear, symbolizes the blood that cardinals must be willing to shed to remain faithful and true to the Catholic Church. Shedding blood means to kill violently. Every Pope (a former cardinal) and every cardinal who has served or is serving the Catholic Church are duty bound to ‘willfully” kill – a gross contradiction and violation of God’s Covenant – “thou shall not kill”.
The red background of the coat of arms for Vatican City State has the same meaning as the red biretta and the scarlet red cassock that cardinals wear – it symbolizes a blood shedding oath.
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko pictured with ousted Vatican secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone on October 16, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican.