How to prevent the imminent U.S. collapse. Get rid of the privately owned, Federal Reserve and its unconstitutional control of the US money.
World news Saturday, October 1st, 2011![British-North-America-Act](
British Central Bank Governor - Federal Reserve Chairman - European Central Bank President
There is only one solution to prevent the imminent U.S. collapse. It is also the non-violent solution as to how the American people can save their Constitutional Republic. It must be done today. Abolish the Federal Reserve and arrest the Federal Reserve bankers for crimes against the United States. Then indict them for counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, extortion, theft, fraud, wire fraud, securities fraud, bribery and even murder (JFK). Confiscate the assets of the Federal Reserve bankers – valued in the $trillions and use that money towards paying the principal amounts on the United States foreign debt. Confiscating the financial assets of just Goldman Sachs ($911.332 billion + the $trillions they embezzled and money laundered in the Federal Reserve bankers bailout scheme) would pay off, in full, what the United States owes China (approximately $1.2 trillion).
Confiscating the financial assets of the Federal Reserve Banks is legal because the Federal Reserve banks are the root cause of the United States financial crisis. They have bankrupted the United States through debt. They have been loan sharking the United States people. They print worthless Federal Reserve Notes and then sell them to the United States at interest.
To counterfeit means to illegally imitate something. The worthless Federal Reserve Note is illegally printed to imitate the U.S. Dollar. Only the United States Congress has the authority to coin the U.S. money and regulate the value thereof. The United States Constitution clearly states that authority. Nothing and no one can ever change that Constitutional authority, not even the Unconstitutional and therefore illegal Federal Reserve Act.
The Federal Reserve bankers have one agenda – to cause the collapse of the United States. Why do they seek to destroy the United States? They are trying to return the United States of America back to British rule. The American people won their independence from British rule in the American Revolution. Since then, the rich British loyalist bankers of the Federal Reserve have been working towards destroying the United States through wars. Wars are very costly. Wars have caused the collapse of empires. Perpetual war destroyed the Roman Empire. Senator Brutus assassinated Caesar because Casar’s unending thirst for war bankrupted Rome. These infamous words Et tu, Brute were the last words of Roman emperor Julius Caesar to his friend Marcus Brutus at the moment of his murder by stabbing. On March 15 (the Ides of March), 44 BC, Caesar was attacked by a group of senators, and killed by Marcus Junius Brutus, Caesar’s close friend. The cost of war will eventually destroy any and every great empire. This is the intent of the Federal Reserve bankers. To cause the destruction of the United States of American. Their actions is treason. Treason was specifically defined in the United States Constitution, the only crime so defined. Article III Section 3 delineates treason as follows:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
The British were and still are the United States peoples’ enemy. The American people fought the British and won their Independence. In order for the American people to safeguard their Independence they must continue to be vigilant. The British were and still are, even today, the enemy of the United States. The Federal Reserve bankers have been for decades adhering to the enemy of the United States by aiding the British government in destroying the United States of America through debt. The Federal Reserve bankers are tasked to return the United States people to British rule – to reinstate the British domain called the British North America.
The majority of the World population recognizes the above One dollar bill as the U.S. Dollar. The fact is, it isn’t a U.S. dollar. It is a Federal Reserve Note masquerading, illegally, as a U.S. Dollar. What does it say at the top of the paper? It doesn’t say United States Note, it says Federal Reserve Note.
Prominent Americans such as Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson have argued and fought against the central banking polices used throughout Europe.
A note issued by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Note, is bank currency. These notes are given to the government in exchange for an interest-bearing government bond. The primary means to pay for the interest on these bonds is to borrow more bank notes, thus beginning a vicious cycle that ultimately ends with the complete destruction of the currency and bankruptcy of the nation.
On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. This Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superseded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid.
When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed this Order, it returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency – money – without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 gave back to the Treasury Department the explicit authority: “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This means that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held there. As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. The $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America.
“United States Notes” were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. We compared a “Federal Reserve Note” issued from the private central bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a “United States Note” from the U.S. Treasury issued by President Kennedy’s Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says “Federal Reserve Note” on the top while the other says “United States Note”. Also, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number.
President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the illegal currency of the nation. According to the United States Secret Service, 99% of all U.S. paper “currency” circulating in 1999 are Federal Reserve Notes – all illegal counterfeits.
Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a very simple matter of economics. The United States Notes was backed by silver and the Federal Reserve Notes was not backed by anything of intrinsic value – making the Federal Reserve Notes worthless, even today.
Executive Order 11110 would have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level (virtually all of the federal debt has been created since 1963) if LBJ or any subsequent President were to enforce it. It would have immediately given the U.S. Government the ability to repay its debt without going to the private Federal Reserve Banks and being charged interest to create worthless counterfeit “money”. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to, once again, create its own money backed by silver and real value worth something.
Americans would not have to pay income tax and the middle class and low-middle class would see more of their hard earned money. All income taxes collected goes towards paying off the national debt. The entire national debt was created by the United States government taking out loans and paying interest to the illegal Federal Reserve Banking system.
The Supreme law of the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 8:
The Congress shall have Power … To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
The power to coin money and to regulate the value thereof was illegal taken away from Congress and given to the unelected private bankers of the Federal Reserve Banks. It is within the power of the United States Congress to take back that right and to punish the bankers of the Federal Reserve Banks for illegally counterfeiting the securities and lawful coin of the United States.
The United States Constitution is still the supreme law of the United States and Executive Order 11110 is still valid and as such the US Congress and the United States president is legally bound to the uphold the Constitution and immediately stop the Federal Reserve from coining the U.S. money and from regulating the value thereof.
The bankers of the Federal Reserve Banks are all crooks and they have been robbing the United States people. The largest robbery in the United States history was carried out by the bankers of the Federal Reserve Banks. They stole $trillions from the people of the United States in 2 elaborate fraudulent bailout schemes.
The bankers of the illegal Federal Reserve Banks need to be put out of the business of defrauding the United States people. They need to be arrested, charged and punished for their crimes against the United States and the people.
“This is the type of stuff we accused the communist and socialist governments of doing—interfering in free markets through currency manipulation,” declared Zubi Diamond, author of The Wizards of Wall Street. “What the Fed is doing is not good for free market capitalism and it is not good for America.”
In an interview with Accuracy in Media, Diamond went on to say, “The Fed is following the economic models of Third World countries by printing more money and devaluing their currencies. If you keep doing what Third World economies do, eventually you will become a Third World economy.”
The Fed’s new action, labeled “quantitative easing” or QE2, follows a first attempt at “QE,” known as QE1. QE means that the Federal Reserve is printing more money and buying more government debt. In total, according to Investor’s Business Daily, “the Fed will have created $2.5 trillion out of the blue.”
Diamond said the result of the Fed’s policy will be to “increase the debt, devalue our currency and create a bigger problem that won’t solve the crisis.” Eventually, America could “collapse under its own weight of massive debt,” he warned.
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By getting rid of the Federal Reserve you also eliminate the threat of an anti-sovereignty North American Union and a Vatican New World Order. The Federal Reserve is key to bringing about the New World Order. The are to bring it about by causing the collapse of the United States through interest bearing debt.
Henry Kissinger told the World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel on April 19th 1994 that, “The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it’s perceptions.”
By eliminating the Federal Reserve the United States people can prevent the enslavement of mankind. The United States was never meant to be the leader of the New World Order. The United States stands in the way of the Vatican being the Masters of an enslaved World.
The Federal Reserve is and has always been a criminal enterprise. The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged in significant criminal activity. These organizations often engage in multiple criminal activities and have extensive supporting networks. The FBI defines organized crime as any group having some manner of a formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities. Such groups maintain their position through the use of actual or threatened violence, corrupt public officials, graft, or extortion, and generally have a significant impact on the people in their locales, region, or the country as a whole.
The FBI defines racketeering activities as those predicate criminal acts that are chargeable under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statute. These are found in Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1961 (1) and include the following federal crimes: Bribery, Counterfeiting, Embezzlement of Union Funds, Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, Money Laundering, Obstruction of Justice, Murder for Hire, Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods, Theft from Interstate Shipment, and Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property. The Federal Reserve bankers engage in all the above named felonies. The United States is bankrupt only because of the criminal activities of the Federal Reserve bankers.
The United States Constitution, the Supreme law of the United States, declares the Federal Reserve to be illegal as Article 1, Section 8 states: The Congress shall have power: To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; and To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;