Two shallow 5+ magnitude earthquakes strikes U.S. south of key U.S. government centers.
Latest news, World news Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011The unheard of occurred in Washington DC this afternoon August 23, 2011. A shallow 5.8 magnitude earthquake shook Washington DC this afternoon. The epicenter was 84 miles SW of Washington DC. Early in the day another shallow 5.3 magnitude earthquake shook Denver Colorado. Both earthquakes occurred just south of key U.S. government centers. Washington DC is obvious and Denver is now home to the CIA domestic operations which is responsible for operations and recruitment in the United States. The CIA recently moved there from the CIA’s Langley Virginia headquarters.
An earthquake has never been felt in Washing DC before. Denver is familiar with earthquakes. Is it just a coincidence that ABC news anchors warned of possible terrorist attacks against the United States before the 10th anniversary of 9/11?
The U.S. Geological Survey said the Virginia earthquake was 3.7 miles deep. Shaking was felt at the White House and all over the East Coast, as far south as Chapel Hill, N.C. Parts of the Pentagon, White House and Capitol were evacuated. The quake was in Mineral, Va., in Louisa County.
The magnitude 5.3 Colorado quake hit nine miles southwest of Trinidad, or 180 miles south of Denver, according to the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center in Golden. It had an estimated depth of 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) and was felt in a relatively large area of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico.
How do these earthquakes compare to a nuclear detonation, as warned by ABC (refer to Featured Videos 3 and 5 ) . A 6.0 magnitude earthquake is equivalent to the nuclear detonation by the U.S. against Hiroshima, Japan.
Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey warned that, although the Washington DC initial quake was brief, it might have been a foreshock, meaning that the worst may be yet to come. The Colorado quake was preceded several hours earlier by 2 smaller quakes – a 4.6 followed by a 3.0 magnitude quake. There were no smaller earthquakes registered in Virgina prior to the 5.8 earthquake. Information was obtained from the USGS website –
Earthquakes are no longer just natural occurring phenomenas. A U.S. military ionosphere heater called HAARP is now capable of triggering earthquakes anywhere in the World – 3-11-11. Installations similar to the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force HAARP exists not only in the U.S. but have been developed by other countries.
Currently, the HAARP ionsphere heater is the most powerful ionospheric heater, with 3.6GW of effective power using HF heating beam, modulated at ELF (2.5Hz). High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the lower ionosphere, such as that produced by the current HAARP heater, can cause earthquakes, cyclones and strong localized weather.
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