Progressive Conservative governments steal $billions in J.D. Irving sponsorship scandals
Corruption, World news Monday, March 3rd, 2014For the past 4 years, the Progressive Conservative governments of Stephen Harper and David Alward have stolen $billions from the Canadian people and have illegally used the stolen public funding to finance new business ventures, startup costs, operations and expansion for private corporation J.D. Irving Limited and foreign owned Crown Corporations. Billions of dollars that were earmarked as public funding and federal transfer payments (welfare cheques) to the have-not province of New Brunswick, for health care, post-secondary education, social assistance and social services, early childhood development and child care have been misused and misdirected by Stephen Harper and David Alward.
The amount of money being misused and misdirected (criminal corruption) to private corporations by both Stephen Harper and David Alward makes Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin look like choir boys. As you might recall, Paul Martin and the Liberals lost the federal election to Stephen Harper in 2006 (formed a minority government) for doing exactly what Stephen Harper and David Alward has been doing for the past 4 years – illicit and illegal activities involving misuse and misdirection of public funds intended for government social programs.
In early 2004 Sheila Fraser, the federal auditor general investigated the corruption and concluded that $millions were illegally awarded in contracts without a proper bidding process, and for work that was never done by 1 single private corporation. In the past 4 years $billions have been unlawfully taken from both federal and provincial public funding and awarded to 1 single private corporation – J.D. Irving Limited – without a any bidding process, without any public debate or consent and for work that has never been done and will never financially benefit the province of New Brunswick or its people. Stephen Harper and David Alward have illegally given away $billions of public funding without any legal or financial obligations being owed by J.D. Irving Limited to the federal or provincial governments and the people of Canada. No loans of any kind have been processed and no loan guarantees have been required of J.D. Irving Limited.
Since taking office on October 12, 2010 David Alward has unlawfully used $billions from federal transfer payments to the province of New Brunswick to form and finance startup costs and operations costs – overhead, employee salaries, furnishings and rent – for a number of new foreign owned Crown Corporations. Since 2010, David Alward has transfered government department and agencies to newly formed “privately owned” Crown Corporations and has financed the entire “private” business venture startup and operations for those foreign owned and controlled Crown corporations using funds that was transfered from the federal government to the people of New Brunswick to cover the cost of health care, post-secondary education, social assistance and social services, early childhood development and child care. Billions of dollars has been stolen from the New Brunswick people, by David Alward and laundered to J.D. Irving Limited and various foreign owned Crown Corporations. The foreign owned Crown Corporations are making 100% profit as David Alward is paying all of their bills using public funding. Profit is 100% because Stephen Harper is allowing the foreign privately owned Crown Corporations to conduct for-profit businesses in Canada, without having to pay any property tax or income tax.
The Province of New Brunswick now has a Net Debt of over $11 billion. The bulk of that $11 billion debt wasn’t created by health care costs or government funded social assistance programs. The bulk of the debt was created by the New Brunswick government by misusing and misdirecting (politically correct way of saying stealing and money laundering) public funding to J.D. Irving Limited and newly created foreign owned (Vatican City State) for-profit “private” Crown Corporations (private corporations of the Pope) and Commissions.
The following people did exactly what Stephen Harper, David Alward and J.D. Irving Limited has bee doing for at least the past 4 years – misused and misdirected public funding to a privately owned corporation(s). Chuck Guité a bureaucrat in charge of the Liberal sponsorship scandal was arrested for fraud and convicted on five counts on June 6, 2006. Jean Carle Long-time close associate of Chrétien’s going back to the 1980s, and generally viewed as Chrétien’s “surrogate son” admitted to creating a $125,000 phony paper trail to hide a sponsorship deal – money laundering. Jean Brault — head of Groupaction Marketing was arrested for fraud and found guilty to five counts of fraud and on May 5, 2006 and sentenced to 30 months in prison. Jean Lafleur — former CEO of Lafleur Communication Marketing Inc – illegally accepted money from the federal government and pleaded guilty to 28 counts of fraud. Paul Martin — former Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Finance, and Senior Minister from Quebec during most of the Sponsorship Scandal lost the 2006 federal election and resigned from the liberal party leadership.
Shouldn’t Stephen Harper, David Alward, the CEOs of J.D. Irving Limited and the various Crown Corporations that David Alward formed using public funding be held accountable for their crimes, indicted, removed from office and corporations forfeited for violations of law? Canadian law requires it – that they be held accountable. Canada is a country based on the rule of law. The rule of law ensures that everyone follows the same laws. It means that the law is supreme over officials of the government as well as over corporations and private citizens, no matter how wealthy or powerful. The rule of law ensures that governments “play by the same rules” and do not exercise their powers arbitrarily.
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